Christ among the Doctors of the Law



Thursday, October 05, 2006

Excommunication Blotter

Interest in matters related to excommunication is growing, and I believe that this trend will likely continue. I have therefore begun assembling what I hope will be a reliable directory of excommunication cases that have arisen under the 1983 Code of Canon Law. To visit my "Excommunication Blotter" click here.

Also, as noted below, orders for my Excommunication and the Catholic Church (Ascension Press, 2006), with a Foreword by Bp. Thomas Paprocki, JD, JCD, are now being accepted.

Update, October 6: Jimmy Akin comments on the Blotter.

Update, November 7: I was just interviewed on excomunication by Carl Olson over at Ignatius InsightScoop. The last part of the interview also looks at why I went into canon law twenty years ago. You can go directly to the interview by clicking