Vetus Testamentum Meum |
20 jun 2022 |
Overview |
The Old Testament canon was solemnly defined at the Council of Trent (see Decretum de Canonicis Scripturis, 8 apr 1546) but had been settled by the ordinary magisterium for many centuries before that. All books listed here, and only those, are regarded as divinely inspired by the Catholic Church. The Jewish Scriptures, known by the acronym 'Tanakh', consist of three parts, Torah (Teaching), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings). These 24 Masoretic texts, as recognized by Rabbinic Judaism, are indicated below. All of these books have been accepted by the Catholic Church but for various reasons the content, structure, and/or characterizations of some books differ in lesser or greater degrees. Chapter reading notes herein are mine. Word counts are based on the Hebrew text. Times indicated for each chapter refer to reading time for New King James Version at Wordproject, Luis Roca, or as marked.
Ecclesia et Synagoga |
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Novum Testamentum
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Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Historical: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, I Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees
Wisdom: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach
Prophets (Major): Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel
Prophets (Minor): Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Michah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
General Resources |
The Sefaria website has numerous texts of or links to a variety of Jewish commentary on the Tanakh beginning with Rashi.
John Bergsma (American layman, 1971-) & Brant Pitre (American layman, 1975-), A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament, (Ignatius, 2018) 1060 pp.
Paul Quay (American Jesuit, 1924-1994), The Mystery Hidden for Ages in God, (Peter Lang, 1995) 438 pp.
Louis Bouyer (French Oratorian, 1913-2004), The Meaning of Sacred Scripture, (Notre Dame, 1958) 258 pp., M. Ryan trans. of Bouyer, La Bible et L'Evangile (1951).
B. Orchard, et al., A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, (Thomas Nelson, 1952) 1312 pp.
The Pentateuch, or The Torah, or The Five Books of Moses |
בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ .
καὶ ἔχθραν θήσω ἀνὰ μέσον σου καὶ ἀνὰ μέσον τῆς γυναικὸς καὶ ἀνὰ μέσον τοῦ σπέρματός σου καὶ ἀνὰ μέσον τοῦ σπέρματος αὐτῆς αὐτός σου τηρήσει κεφαλήν καὶ σὺ τηρήσεις αὐτοῦ πτέρναν
Give me thy grace, good Lord - to think my most enemies my best friends; For the brethren of Joseph could never have done him so much good with their love and favor as they did him with their malice and hatred. St. Thomas More |
32,046 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject I (chaps 1-10); Bibleproject II (chaps 11-50) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 5:52. Six days of creation, first creation narrative of Adam 02. 3:17. Sabbath, second creation narrative of Adam, establishing the Garden, fashioning Eve from Adam 03. 4:26. Temptation of Eve, fall of Adam, punishments for sin, ‘dust to dust’, expulsion from Garden 04. 4:06. Cain & Abel, slaying of Abel, mark of Cain, birth of Enoch, his generations, birth of Seth, name of the Lord 05. 3.17. Generations of Adam, their ages, Enoch, mention of Noah 06. 3:40. 120 years of life, giants on earth, God repents of man, Noah & sons, Ark commanded and built 07. 3:32. The Flood 08. 3:29. 150 days of flood end, Mt Ararat, leaving Ark, promise of God to refrain from destruction by flood 09. 3:52. Resettle the earth, ‘by man shall his blood be shed’, Noahic covenant & rainbow, Noah’s sons, nakedness of Noah 10. 3:17. Shem, Ham, Japheth, their generations, their regions 11. 3:37. Tower of Babel, generations of Shem 12. 2:57. Calling Abram, enters land of Canaan, sojourn to Egypt, disguising Sarai, expulsion from Egypt 13. 2:31. Abram and Lot move and separate, Lot to Jordan, Abram to Canaan, evil Sodom, promise to Abram 14. 3:35. Wars in region, Lot captured, freed by Abram, Abram rejects deal with Sodom, Melchizedek blessing 15. 3:03. Lord promises Abram a progeny, ‘reckoned it righteousness’, Abr cov, prophecies (re Egypt) 16. 2:45. Sarai’s suggestion, Hagar’s son, Sarai’s resentment, angel promises Ishmael, Hagar returns 17. 4:06. Abram becomes Abraham, restates cov, new name for Sarah, Abh doubts prophecy re Isaac, circumcisions 18. 5:00. Three angels visit Abh, Sarah laughs, Sodom & Gomorrah, Abh negotiates with God down to ten men 19. 6:08. Lot meets two angels, crowd demands men, Lot ordered to Zoar, destruction of cities, pillar of salt, daughters’ scheme 20. 2:57. Abimelech’s mistake and reprieve, his generosity 21. 4:23. Isaac born, Haggar departs, Abimelech’s treaty, Abh to Bersheeba 22. 3:57. Near sacrifice of Isaac, Abh is greatly blessed, Nabor and progeny 23. 3:02. Death and burial of Sarah, Abh acquires tomb at Machpelah 24. 9:58. Rebekah chosen wife for Isaac, brother Laban 25. 4:31. Abh marries Keturah, their progeny, Ishmael’s generations, Esau & Jacob born to Rebekah 26. 5:04. Isaac to Gerar due to famine, lies about Rebekah, accord with Abimelech, Esau takes two wives 27. 7:13. Isaac blesses Jacob not Esau 28. 3:31. Jacob to Laban seeking a wife, ladder dream, 'house of God and gate of heaven', seeks covenant with God 29. 4:49. Jacob meets Rachel, Laban deceives Jacob, Leah bears sons 30. 6:16. Rachel envies Leah, Bilhah bears sons, Zilpah bears sons, Rachel bears Joseph, Leah has Dinah, marking of flocks 31. 8:31. Jacob leaves Laban, Rachel steals images, concord at Galeed 32. 4:43. Esau coming, Jacob wrestles with the angel till dawn, named is now Israel, avoid the shrank 33. 3:03. Esau and Jacob are friends, go to Succoth 34. 4:25. Shechem takes Dinah, wants to marry her, his men accept circumcision but Simeon and Levi slay them anyway 35. 4:20. Disposing of strange gods, name change to Israel, Rachel dies bearing Benjamin, death of Isaac, burial by two sons 36. 5:45. Esau’s progeny 37. 5:31. Jacob to Canaan, brothers of Joseph jealous, Reuben saves Joseph, Judah sells Joseph to traders, Potiphar buys 38. 5:00. Judah and Shuah, Onan refuses to consummate, Judah and Tamar twins born 39. 3:33. Joseph prospers in Egypt, Potiphar knew only his bread, wife’s false accusation, Joseph runs prison 40. 3:13. Joseph interprets butler’s and baker’s dreams, baker hanged as predicted, butler saved but forgets Joseph 41. 8:26. Pharaoh's seven years dream, Joseph appointed overseer of Egypt, has sons Manasseh and Ephraim 42. 5:50. Jacob send son to Egypt, Joseph demands Benjamin 43. 5:45. Sons sent again to Egypt with Benjamin 44. 5:10. Brothers resupplied, cup is hidden, Judah offers to stay for Benjamin 45. 4:44. Joseph disclose self, invites them to Goshen 46. 5:06. Jacob goes to Egypt with 90, come as shepherds 47. 5:52. Joseph family in Goshen, land transfers going on, Israel lives there 17 years 48. 3:59. Jacob dying, Bethlehem-Ehprata, blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh 49. 5:24. Jacob’s prophecies, Judah preferred, Israel dies 50. 4:22. Joseph buries Israel in Canaan, brothers still fear Joseph, Joseph predicts exodus.
Notes: The patriarch Abraham is commemorated October 9. The priest-king Melchizedek is commemorated August 26.
25,957 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject I (chaps 1-18); Bibleproject II (chaps 19-40) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:56. Israel prospers in Egypt, Egyptians become jealous, midwives protect Hebrew babies 02. 3:50. Moses in basket, slew the Egyptian, goes to Midian, marries Zipporah, God sees plight of people 03. 5:00. Moses see burning bush near Horeb, EGO SUM, Go free my people 04. 5:20. Moses hesitates, God shows some things that will happen, Moses eventually goes with Aaron 05. 3:29. Moses and Aaron confront pharaoh, he refuses, increases Hebrew work load, no straw for bricks 06. 4:45. I the Lord will free you, Moses hesitates noting not even Israel listens to him, genealogies 07. 3:41. Contestation between Moses and Pharaoh, Nile turns to blood 08. 5:13. Plague of frogs, then lice, but pharaoh reneges 09. 5:29. Cattle dies (except those who heeded Lord and hid cattle), boils from dust 10. 4:41. Locust comes with East wind, pharaoh negotiates, West wind, reneges, 3 days of darkness, bans Moses 11. 1:49. Borrowing goods from Egyptians, prophecy of slaying first-borns 12. 7:58. Passover 13. 4:07. Sanctify first-born to Me, keep as memorial on hands and eyes, take the long way to Promised Land 14. 5:38. Pharaoh pursues, Israel complains, two pillars protect them, passing thru water like a wall, end of Pharaoh 15. 4:43. Israel sings victory, prophecies, Miriam dances, only bitter water at Marah, tree sweetens, Elim has water 16. 6:13. Israel hungry, murmurs, in region of Sin, mannah, rules for gathering and keeping it 17. 2:50. Rephidim, Israel thirsty, Moses strikes rock in Horeb, Massah and Meribah, Amelek battle, Moses holding arms up 18. 4:29. Jethro finds Moses, advises him to set up judges and rulers for people over small matters 19. 4:09. In Sinai, kingdom of priests and holy people, (continence), God comes in smoke, keep people back 20. 3:36. Ten Commandments, punishment to third-fourth generation, mercy for 1000, no images of precious metal, earth altar 21. 5:26. Rules for servants, children, crimes, negligence 22. 4:45. Rules for theft, negligence, oath testimony, sexual offenses, idolatry, foreigners 23. 5:20. Rules on false witness, restoration, fallow land, bribes, feasts, kids in mothers’ mile, idolatry, slow victories 24. 2:37. Moses goes up to the Lord, reads “Books of the Covenant”, stays 40 days/nights 25. 5:15. Have people offer gold, silver, brass, build the ark (for the tablets), and utensils, lamps 26. 5:17. Tabernacle design, gold and silver, mercy seat placement 27. 3:17. Plans for the altar 28. 7:09. Aaron and sons as priest, garments, breastplate of judgment, Israel sons’ names in stone 29. 7:38. How to hallow priests, wave offering, prep and use of altar, Lord meets His people at door 30. 5:48. Preparation and annual use of altar of incense, payment same for all, holy oils 31. 2:39. Bazaleel skilled builder, keep the Sabbath, delivery of two Tablets to Moses 32. 6:16. Golden calf, Moses dashes Tablets, talks God out of annihilation, slays 3,000 unfaithful, punishes people 33. 4:04. Tabernacle set up outside camp, clouds descends, Moses talk to the Lord 34. 6:11. Lord’s presence very strong, reiteration of commandments, Moses writes new Tablets, face shines 35. 4:17. Reiteration of Sabbath command, gathering of sacred items as offerings 36. 4:54. Payments by people too much, designs of holy curtains, tabernacle boards 37. 3:57. Tabernacle design and construction, mercy seat, utensils 38. 4:39. Altar of burnt offering, utensils, all of this by Bezaleel and Aholiab craftsmen 39. 5:46. Designing and making priestly garments, utensils, Holiness to the Lord, Moses sees and blesses them 40. 4:45. Lord instructs on use of holy goods and ministers, Moses does it, cloud/fire covers tent, glory of the Lord
Notes: The great prophet Moses is commemorated September 4. The priest Aaron is commemorated July 1.
18,852 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:55. Directions for offerings from herds, flocks, and birds 02. 2:41. Meat offerings, left-overs to the priests, no burning leaven or oil, offer salt 03. 2:41. Peace offerings, slaughter directions drink no blood, eat no fat 04. 5:55. Sins by ignorance, slaughter directions, sin offering by rulers 05. 3:45. Guilt attached to actions per se, priests make atonement 06. 5:09. Lies forbidden, burnt offerings, meat offering, fire on altar to never go out 07. 5:53. Trespass offerings, priests to share in meat, limited use of carrion, no blood 08. 5:42. Moses making sacrifices, abide by door of tabernacle for consecration 09. 3:38. Consecration done, Aaron and Moses sacrifice, Lord accepts by consuming it with fire, people fell on faces 10. 4:00. Aaron's sons Nadab & Abihu burn for wrong sacrifice, no drinks in tabernacle, ritual food okay, other abuses 11. 6:49. Rules for meat, fish, fowl, related matters of cleanliness 12. 1:32. Ritual cleaning consequent to childbirth 13. 9:49. Identifying leprosy, different skin ailments, in clothing too 14. 8:43. Laws for lepers, sacrifices and offerings, inspection of houses and residents 15. 5:20. Seeping wounds are unclean, treatments and precautions, ritual cleansing, genital fluids 16. 6:21. Aaron too casual in worship, but does much, scapegoat, Yom Kippur 17. 3:04. Offerings owed for many things, no devil worship 18. 3:58. Don’t act like those around you, sexual offenses 19. 5:14. Reiteration and some elaboration of many Commandments, love neighbor as self, no tattoos 20. 4:43. Moloch worshippers to be stoned, community must monitor itself, other offenses 21. 3:03. Rules for relations, when one may profane oneself, requirements for entrance into priesthood 22. 4:45. Maintain purity in priesthood while performing duties, freewill offerings different those in from vows 23. 6:49. Feasts and sabbath, no manner of work and servile work 24. 3:19. Sacred furnishings, show bread, Shelomith and her blaspheming son, torts 25. 8:34. Sabbath for land, jubilee year, economic effects, usury 26. 7:59. No idols, many benefits of following the Lord, much suffering for not following, but allow for repentance 27. 5:43. Rules for figuring vows
Cumque elevasset Moyses manum percutiens virga bis silicem, egressae sunt aquae largis-simae, ita ut populus biberet et iumenta. Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen et Aaron: 'Quia non credid-istis mihi, ut sanctificaretis me coram filiis Israel, non introducetis hos populos in terram, quam dabo eis'.
25,048 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 7:30. Census ordered by the Lord, numbers of eligible men and tribe leaders 02. 4:44. Numbers of men by tribes in camp 03. 7:16. Numbers of sons in families and tribes, redemption money five shekels 04. 7:54. Handling Tabernacle utensils and furnishing 05. 5:05. Lepers and others excluded, sins to be confessed, rules for jealousy offerings 06. 4:18. Nazarite vows, separation rituals, Great Blessing 07. 10:44. Care for Levites, dedication of altar, Moses supervises 08. 4:01. Seven lamps, cleansing Levites and their separation from others, ages of their service 09. 3:56. Keep Passover, second Passover option for some, Israel tarries while Tabernacle clouded 10. 4:50. Trumpets as signals, Israel resumes journey to Paran 11. 5:56. Israel complains, Lord angered, Moses appoints 70 aids, would that all were prophets, quail, plague 12. 2:24. Moses married the Ethiopian, Lord rebukes Miriam and Aaron, she struck with leprosy 13. 4:06. Men to search Canaan, bring grapes, milk and honey, with strong people, only Caleb wants to attack 14. 7:18. People afraid, complain, Lord angered, Moses calms Him, Lord says this generation will not enter Land 15. 6:01. Offerings by Jews and strangers, ignorance is not as bad an intentional sin, man and sticks, blue fringe 16. 7:56. Korah rebellion, incense judgment, earth swallows Dathan & Abirem, plague stayed at Moses’ request 17. 1:57. Rods in Tabernacle, Aaron’s blooms 18. 6:19. Aaron & Levites in charge of sanctuary, be separate from Israel 19. 4:10. Sacrifice red heifer, Eleazar, rules of cleanliness and death 20. 4:42. Miriam dies in Kadesh, Moses strikes rock twice, prohibited from Promised Land, Edom obstructs, Aaron demoted 21. 5:21. Israel destroys Canaanites, Israel complains, serpents attack, gaze on brass serpent to be saved, Sihon loses 22. 6:36. Israel camps near Jericho, Balaam’s ass saves him from angel 23. 4:20. God meets Balaam, Balak angry, but God does not lie 24. 4:17. Balaam stops seeking enchantments, predicts fall of Balak and others 25. 2:38. Idols of Baal, Phinehas slays Zimri & Cozbi, Lord honors him 26. 8:58. Enumeration of Israel for later division of lands, inheritance laws stated 27. 3:30. Zelophehad daughters ask Moses help toward inheritance, Moses allowed to see Promised Land, Joshua appointed 28. 4:35. Burnt offerings and rest on Sabbaths & feast days, and first of month 29. 5:21. Reiteration of great holy days and observances 30. 2:53. Rules on vows 31. 7:07. War against Midianites, slew Balaam and most prisoners, divided booty, some for Levites 32. 6:06. Reuben and Gad not want to enter Promised Land but will fight for Israel, Moses consents they stay in Gilead 33. 5:49. Record of Israel’s journeys from Egypt, admonition to clear Promised Land completely, assign by lots 34. 3:48. Defining borders of Israel, plus eastern lands for Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh 35. 5:41. Give Levites land, leave refuge spaces, murder consequences, need multiple witnesses for death penalty 36. 2:38. Daughters of Zelophehad may marry into Joseph’s family sons, inheritance considerations
Note: The priest Eleazar is commemorated August 1.
שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד
Et non surrexit ultra propheta in Israel sicut Moyses, quem nosset Dominus facie ad faciem |
23,008 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 6:57. Moses recites legal and journey history 02. 5:18. Record of journeys of Israel 03. 4:38. Record of journeys of Israel, Lord refuses Moses’ request to enter Promised Land 04. 8:39. Review of receiving the Law, warning about ignoring it 05. 4:59. Horeb covenant was the key, repeat Commandments 06. 3:34. Shema, other commandments, explain these to your children 07. 4:37. Reiteration of separateness, Israel was little when chosen, but should trust 08. 3:13. Remember the lessons of the desert, appreciate the Promised Land 09. 5:10. Enter the Land, but do not boast thereof, it is no credit to inconsistent Israel, recites the Golden Calf event 10. 3:22. Reciting the Ten Commandments anew, urges obedience, circumcise your hearts 11. 4:55. Obey the Lord whose works you have seen, 12. 5:42. Repeat Commandments, eat your tithes in special place, behold blessing and curse, keep separate 13. 3:10. Beware false prophets re strange gods 14. 3:46. Dietary rules, offerings can be converted to money 15. 3:44. Rules for seven-year jubilees, help the poor 16. 3:40. Keep Passover and feasts, all with you may also celebrate, establish judges 17. 3:40. Multiple witnesses for capital offenses, appeal hard cases to Levites, kings allowed but cautioned 18. 3:23. Rules re Levites, avoid strange gods and occultists, a Prophet coming 19. 3:24. Rules re killing and murder, sanctuary cities, witnesses required, secondary effects of punishment 20. 3:20. Rules re military service and actions, differ for near enemies and far 21. 3:44. Investigating homicides by oath, treatment of female captives, rules for inheritance with two wives 22. 4:39. Help your brother, no cross dressing, keep vineyards pure, cloth rules, marrying a virgin, adultery 23. 3:43. Castrati, bastards not allowed in congregation, Amorites cursed, Edomites and Egyptians okay, paddles, etc 24. 3:25. Rules for divorce, rules on security for loans, Levites handle leprosy, leave some for gleaners 25. 2:54. Corporal punishment, marriage of widows by brothers, just weights, wipe out memory of Amalek 26. 3:32. First fruits, tithes 27. 3:21. Write the Law on stones in Promised Land, Levite curses and Amen 28. 11:11. Many benefits of following Lord, much suffering for not following, from sole of foot to top of head 29. 4:41. Moab covenant, including those not with us today, God keeps secrets but what is revealed belongs to us. 30. 3:19. The Lord works conversions if people turn to Him, Law is not far off but very close, choice of life and death 31. 5:13. Moses is 120, Joshua to lead Israel, Moses says read law at Tabernacles, Lord predicts fall, Moses too 32. 7:21. Lord sees infidelities of Israel, requites by punishments, Moses stops speaking, ready for Mt Nebo 33. 4:16. Blessing of 12 tribes by Moses 34. 1:41. Moses goes to Nebo, sees Promised Land and dies, secret burial place, Israel weeps 30 days, none like Moses
Nevi'im Rishonim
ἐγὼ δὲ καὶ ἡ οἰκία μου λατρεύσομεν κυρίῳ
15,671 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:21. Joshua commanded to cross Jordan, encourages him, Israel agrees to follow 02. 4:05. Sends spies, meet harlot Rahab, knows of Israel’s story, strikes deal, hang red thread, they report news 03. 3:17. Follow ark but do not approach it, Jordan River divides for Israel upon entering Promised Land 04. 4:13. Joshua directs gathering 12 stone as memorial in Gigal 05. 3:13. Second circumcision, first Passover, manna ceases, a Captain appears to Joshua 06. 5:20. Marching around Jericho, blowing trumpets, walls fall, Rahab spared 07. 6:00. Achan steals booty, Ahi defeats Israel, Achan stoned and burned 08. 6:54. Ahi falls to ambush subterfuge, Joshua write law of Moses and reads it to all 09. 4:34. Gibeon deceives Joshua into treaty, but he honors it 10. 8:11. Joshua helps Gibeon, hailstones fall on enemies, sun and moon stand still, 5 kings hide in cave 11. 4:15. Joshua keeps winning, get all lands, land rested from war 12. 2:45. List of defeated kings, 31 in all 13. 5:22. Joshua old and stricken in years, more land needed, setting out the territories 14. 2:59. Joshua gives Caleb Hebron 15. 6:53. Lands of Judah, Jebusites still in Jerusalem 16. 1:36. Lands of Joseph and Ephraim, Canaanites pay tribute but remain in land 17. 3:59. Land for Manasseh, promise of victory of Canaanites 18. 4:48. Seven tribes still needs lands, distribution begins 19. 6:46. More lands distributed, process completed 20. 1:56. Establishment of refuge cities 21. 6:08. Cities set aside for Levites, all of Lord’s promises fulfilled, there is rest 22. 7:34. Tribes on west side Jordan return to lands, build an altar that angers Israel, but explain it aright 23. 3:33. Joshua waxes old, issues final warnings 24. 6:58. At Shechem Joshua reviews history, As for me and my house, Joshua sets stone, dies, Joseph buried there
Note: The leader Joshua is commemorated September 1.
Nevi'im Rishonim
In diebus illis non erat rex in Israel, sed unusquisque, quod sibi rectum videbatur, hoc faciebat.
15,385 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 5:45. Judah and Simeon go to fight, take Jerusalem and more lands, share some, some for tribute 02. 4:07. Angel/Lord asks why treaties, Israel weeps, but forsakes Lord, evil befalls it, judges established, mixed effectiveness 03. 5:00. Israel mixes with others, Othniel has some success, Ehud kills fat Eglon, lands rests 04. 4:24. Deborah judges, Barak leads, Sisera dies by nail in temple 05. 5:07. Song of victory, Joel celebrated, land rests 06. 7:29. Israel sins, Midian prevails, unnamed prophet, Gideon sees fire in rock, wrecks Baal altar, blows trumpet, sees fleece 07. 5:22. Gideon’s 300 defeat Midianites with pots and torches and trumpets, slew Oreb and Zeeb 08. 5:54. Succoth and Penuel refuse Gideon supplies, Gideon takes revenge, but makes idol, is promiscuous, Israel fails again 09. 9:26. Gideon’s son Abimelech claims leadership, slays relatives, Jotham objects, flees, Abim attacks towns, rdies by woman 10. 2:55. Some minor judges, Israel sins, God says ask pagan gods for help, Israel looks for leader 11. 7:10. Jephthah banished son of Gideon agrees to help, but offers daughter as sacrifice, two months allowed to prepare 12. 2:30. Jephthah fights Ephraim, shibboleth v. sibboleth, minor judges succeed 13. 4:34. Israel sins again, Philistines dominant, barren Manoah’s wife to bear a Nazarite, angel ascends in fire, Samson born 14. 3:54. Samson slays lion, honey from carcass, riddle posed, wife entreats him, she passes it alone, Samson angry, kills 30 15. 3:44. His wife married off to another, burns crops, is traded for peace, jawbone of an ass slays 1000, serves as judge 16. 6:23. Samson has a harlot, takes doors of city, Delilah finally tricks Samson, blinded, grinds, breaks pillars to kill 3000 17. 2:09. Micah restores mother’s silver, makes idols, when no king all do what they think right, Micah hires Levite 18. 5:36. Levite leaves Micah, taking idols, they attack peaceful Laish, and house of Dan sets up idols 19. 5:56. Man seeks return of concubine, delays departure, goes to Jebus, crowd clamors host, abuse the woman, slays her 20. 7:59. Israel plans war against Benjamin, Judah leads, civil war, Benjamin loses, Israel swears no wives for Benjamin 21. 4:23. Israel repents of attacks against Benjamin, finds women for wives among others, raid dancing party, and all do what they want
Note: The warrior Gideon is commemorated September 26.
Historical /
Ketuvim Megillot |
2,039 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:54. Naomi and family to Moab, Ruth stays with her 02. 4:08. Boaz, gleaning, and some gifts 03. 3:04. Ruth flirts with Boaz, will serve as 'redeemer' 04. 3:45. Boaz redeems Ruth, buys land, son Obed is father of Jesse
Nevi'im Rishonim
ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν ἅγιος ὡς κύριος, καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν δίκαιος ὡς ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν· οὐκ ἔστιν ἅγιος πλὴν σοῦ.
Numquid vult Dominus holocausta aut victimas et non potius ut oboediatur voci Domini?
20,837 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 4:34. Hannah barren, vows a son to the Lord, Samuel born to her 02. 6:30. Hannah bring Samuel to Eli, but they know not Lord, He is angry, Eli ineffective, Hannah has more children 03. 3:30. Lord calls Samuel thrice, Here I am your servant listens, foretells doom for Eli, he accepts fate 04. 4:10. Israel loses Ark to Philistines, Eli dies at news, Ichabod born 05. 2:15. Ark set before Dago, falls twice, pagans struck with emerods 06. 4:24. Philistines return Ark, trespass offerings of golden emerods and mice, cows bring it to Israel, punishment for looking in 07. 3:05. Samuel sacrifices for Israel, sets up Ebenezer altar 08. 3:04. Samuel's sons are bad, Israel now wants a king, Lord warns against, but agrees 09. 5:32. Saul to be sent to Samuel, looking for lost asses, time for talks between two men 10. 5:05. Saul instructed, gets new heart, joins prophets, Samuel presents Saul to people, they acclaim him as king 11. 2:49. Jabesh threatened, Samuel angered, Saul will help, Israel wins, Saul is king 12. 4:47. Samuel asserts his good life, his discourse on the Lord 13. 4:10. Saul picks a fight with Philistines, offers wrong sacrifice, offends the Lord 14. 9:27. Jonathon attacks oddly, Israel saved, unawares violates Saul's order about food, people saved from Saul's order 15. 5:56. War on Amalekites, but Saul spares too much, Lord angry, tells Samuel He repents of making Saul king 16. 4:11. Samuel to Jesse in Bethlehem, anoints David, he joins Saul's staff as harpist to soothe him and bear armor 17. 9:37. David slays Goliath 18. 5:01. David and Jonathon are friends, Saul jealous of songs for David, Saul entices him with daughters, Michal loves him 19. 4:06. Jonathon warns David, calms Saul, but he renews mad persecutions 20. 7:26. Joh. & David swear allegiance, new moon dinner, arrows shot beyond thee as warning 21. 2:37. David has showbread as food, gets Goliath’s sword 22. 4:14. Gad tells David to flee cave for Judah, Abimelech defends David’s honor, Edomite slays priests for Saul 23. 4:52. David defends Keilah, but they won’t protect him, Saul breaks pursuit to defend against Philistines 24. 4:03. David spares Saul in cave, cuts only skirt as proof of loyalty, Saul repents, 25. 7:59. Samuel died, Nabal refuses David’s men food, wife Abigail apologizes, Nabal dies, David marries her 26. 5:10. Saul renews persecution, David spares Saul again, he relents 27. 2:20. David escapes to Achish, serves for a year, given Ziklag 28. 4:53. Saul secretly consults witch of Endor, Samuel rises, predicts loss and death 29. 2:12. Philistines want David out of their battle, David departs 30. 5:03. Ziklag captured, all taken, David purses, all rescued 31. 2:05. Saul and sons die, him by suicide, body abused but eventually rescued and buried
Notes: The priest-prophet Samuel is commemorated August 20. The king-prophet David is commemorated December 29.
Nevi'im Rishonim
Σὺ εἶ ὁ ἀνὴρ
Tu es ille vir! |
17,170 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 4:07. David learns of deaths, Amalakite says he killed Saul so David has him killed, how the mighty are fallen 02. 5:10. David crowned for Judah at Hebron, but Ishboseth for Israel, war favors David 03. 6:20. Long wars, David has sons by various wives etc, Abner’s machinations, revenge killings 04. 2:18 David slays murders of Ishboseth 05. 3:47. A united kingdom, David rules 40 years, establishes City of David, more kids, smites Philistines 06. 4:00. David brings Ark but Uzzah dies for touching it, David dances, Michal critical, dies childless 07. 4:47. Nathan changes advice re temple, but God promises House of David to endure 08. 2:39. David victorious, administers justice 09. 2:18. David sends for Jonathon's lame son, cares for him 10. 3:14. David’s emissaries abused by Hanun, Joab sent and defeats them, David wins 11. 4:30. David lusts for Bathsheba, has Uriah killed, Lord is not pleased 12. 5:17. Nathan confronts David, you are that man, David repents, baby dies, Solomon born 13. 6:07. Amnon abuses Tamar, Absalom kills him, flees David 14. 5:52. Joab sends woman with tale to reconcile Absalom and David, works in stages 15. 6:14. Absalom plots rebellion, David flees, returns Ark to Jerusalem 16. 4:14. Ziba brings supplies, Absalom humiliates David’s concubines 17. 5:06. David’s ally Hebei gives duplicitous advice that Abs accepts, Ahithophel suicide 18. 6:13. Absalom caught in tree, Joab slays him, O Absalom my Absalom 19. 7:53. Joab criticizes David’s excessive mourning, he spares Shimei, jealousy over David 20. 4:53. David return to Jerusalem, Joab kills Amasa 21. 4:14. Three-year famine due to Saul’s family, his sons slain, but David weak in battle 22. 5:48. David sings, praises God, He has done wonders for me 23. 5:13. David's last words, lists of great men who served him, water from Bethlehem well 24. 4:52. Census for war, David repents of it, buys threshing floor for sacrifice, averts famine
Nevi'im Rishonim
ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν ἄνθρωπος, ὃς οὐχ ἁμαρτήσεται
Non est enim homo qui non peccet.
20,361 words / Wordproject / (Bibleproject) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 8:54. David old, Adonijah attempts to rule, David names Solomon, is anointed 02. 8:55. David approves revenge and dies, Solomon reigns, settles scores with Adonijah, Joab, Shimei 03. 5:01. Solomon marries pharaoh daughter, sacrifices on Gibeon, asks for wisdom, divide the baby to find mother 04. 4:36. Sons and regions, peace and plenty, wisdom and proverbs 05. 3:07. Solomon starts Temple, Hiram provides cedar from Lebanon, peace and profit 06. 5:52. Dimensions and design of Temple, sever years to build 07. 8:36. Solomon builds his house, Hiram helps 08. 13:05. Ark in Temple, David's desire was good, Solomon's great prayer, No man who does not sin, two-week rejoicing 09. 4:45. Lord sets out terms of providence to Solomon, Hiram did not like cities offered him 10. 5:00. Queen of Sheba visits, Solomon's wealth and wisdom are dazzling 11. 7:17. Solomon honors strange gods, sons will lose throne, Jeroboam will get Israel, Solomon dies, Rehoboam succeeds 12. 5:50. Old advice vs young, Lord forbids civil war, Jeroboam sets up gold calves, ignores Levi 13. 6:13. Jeroboam’s shriveled hand, false prophets’ trickery, lion and ass mark body in road 14. 5:37. Jeroboam’s wife disguised to see prophet, child dies because of Jero’s sins, Shishak raids Temple 15. 5:28. Various bad kings rule Judah and Israel 16. 5:38. Various bad kings rule Judah and Israel, Jericho re-built 17. 3:38. Elijah served by widow, provides her food, raises her dead son 18. 7:59. Obadiah afraid to tell Ahab about Elijah, prophet confronts king, altar fire proof 19. 4:23. Elijah flees to desert against Jezebel, angel feeds him, Lord only in voice, finds Elisha 20. 8:28. Benhadad attacks Samaria, gets drunk, loses battle, surrenders, prophet’s trickery 21. 5:11. Naboth refuses Ahab vineyard, Jezebel plots, Elijah condemns them, Ahab repents 22. 8:46. False prophets re battles, Micaiah disputes others, bad results, Jehoshaphat reigns better
Note: The prophet Elijah is commemorated July 20.
Nevi'im Rishonim
Et cum audisset rex verba libri legis, scidit vestimenta sua. |
18,784 words / Wordproject / (Bibleproject) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:57. Ahaziah seeks false god, Elijah condemns, fires twice consumes his pursuers, king dies 02. 4:59. Elisha asks double portion of Elijah’s spirit, Elijah ascends on chariot, heals waters, sics bear on kids 03. 4:44. Kings of Israel, Judah and Edom meet, Elisha purifies water, victory over Moabites 04. 7:47. Elisha multiplies oil for widow, Shunammite woman cares for Elisha, saga of her child, Elisha multiplies food for crowd 05. 5:42. Naaman, leader and leper, scoffs at Elisha’s remedy, but complies and is healed, Gehazi steals and is leprous 06. 5:55. Ax head in Jordan, Elisha blinds Syrians, Jews let them retreat, famine in Samaria, women eat son 07. 4:23. Elisha predicts end of famine, scoffer doomed, Syrians abandon camp, much food gotten, scoffer trampled 08. 5:17. Confusing chapter, Elisha heals son, many troubles, more bad kings, Joram wounded, bleeds out 09. 6:59. Jehu anointed king, Jeroham dies by arrow, Ahaziah dies, Jezebel cast out of window, dogs eat her 10. 5:52. Ahab slay 70 sons of rivals, mutual blood-letting, Jehu by trickery to slay Baal worshippers, but leaves golden calves 11. 4:00. One son of Ahaziah hidden, destroys Baal images, but not good king 12. 3:48. Jehoash better king but high places remain, repair the Temple, Joash slain 13. 4:50. Elisha dies, but his bones save dead man, wars ensue 14. 5:04. Bad kings and some not as bad, Israel very weak 15. 6:14. Azariah long reign, pretty good, but leper, more kings good and bad, wars appeasements 16. 3:46. Ahaz sacrifices son, steals gold from Temple, disfigures it 17. 7:24. Pagan practices all through Israel, destruction by Assyria but they try to appease the Lord 18. 7:18. Hoshea rules Judah well, breaks misused Moses serpent, but more stripping of Temple, taunts and royal temptations 19. 7:32. Hezekiah seeks Isaiah, king prays, Lord rebuke Assyrians, angel destroys their host 20. 4:03. Isaiah predicts death of Hezekiah, kings prays, Lord relents, sign of the shadow, Isaiah predicts Babylon captivity 21. 4:21. Manasseh very evil king in Judah, Lord will abandon Judah, son Amon also evil, his sons slay him and flee 22. 4:10. Josiah is good king, repairs Temple, Hilkiah finds the Law, Huldah predicts reprieve for Josiah 23. 8:18. Josiah reads the Law, re-enters covenant, banishes pagan worship, restores Passover, dies in battle, son bad 24. 3:27. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon takes Jerusalem, leaves Zedekiah who rebels 25. 5:35. Nebuchadnezzar takes Jerusalem again, Solomon's Temple destroyed, despoliation
Note: The prophet Elisha is commemorated June 14.
16,664 words / Wordproject / (Bibleproject) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 5:19. Generations starting with Adam 02. 6:15. Generations starting with Israel 03. 2:53. Generations starting with David 04. 5:55. Generations starting with Judah, and regions, Jabez the son of sorrow pleased the Lord 05. 3:59. Generations starting with Reuben, the defiler, and regions, and warriors 06. 8:22. Generations starting with Levi, Moses & Miriam, and regions 07. 5:52. Generations starting with Issachar, and warriors 08. 3:50. Generations starting with Benjamin 09. 6:00. Some families and regions, duty of porters at Temple 10. 2:09. Review of Saul's reign, Philistine battles, Saul’s suicide, mistreatment and rescue of his and sons' corpses 11. 5:56. Review of David's reign, early battles 12. 6:00. Review of David's reign, becoming king, large three-day celebration 13. 2:18. Review of David's reign, moving the Ark to house of Obededum 14. 2:20. Review of David's reign, progeny, battles, attack from the mulberry trees 15. 4:23. Review of David's reign, bringing the Ark to Jerusalem 16. 5:31. Review of David's reign, a psalm, honoring the Ark 17. 4:51. Review of David’s reign, Lord tells David he is not to build Temple 18. 2:40. Review of David’s reign, battles go well 19. 3:31. Review of David’s reign, David wins Hanun conflict 20. 1:41. Review of David’s reign, victory over Ammon 21. 5:37. Review of David’s reign, Satan inspires census, Lord angry, but He stays angel’s hand 22. 3:59. Review of David’s reign, preparations for Temple, Solomon as blood-free to build Temple 23. 4:23. Review of David’s reign, review of Moses as Levite, holy duties of Levites 24. 3:36. Review of Aaron's progeny and service by lots 25. 3:27. Review of David’s reign, worship duties 26. 4:34. Review of David’s reign, porter duties 27. 4:29. Review of David’s reign, officers and charges 28. 4:40. Review of David’s reign, farewells to Solomon and others 29. 5:47. Review of David’s reign, bequests to Temple, people contribute also, David prays and dies, Solomon begins rule
21,349 words / Wordproject / (Bibleproject) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:11. Review of Solomon's reign, asks for wisdom, receives it and riches and peace 02. 3:45. Review of Solomon's reign, decides to build Temple, organizes resources, census of foreigners 03. 2:49. Review of Solomon's reign, Temple design specifications 04. 3:25. Review of Solomon's reign, Temple and furnishing design specifications 05. 2:47. Review of Solomon's reign, Temple completed, Ark installed, Glory of the Lord descends 06. 9:01. Review of Solomon's reign, his great prayer for the people 07. 4:32. Review of Solomon's reign, opening of Temple, long celebration 08. 3:04. Review of Solomon's reign, administration and organization, marriage to daughter of Pharaoh 09. 5:20. Review of Solomon's reign, Queen of Sheba overwhelmed, Solomon acquires even more wealth, 40-year reign ends 10. 3:21. Review of Rehoboam's reign, takes advice from arrogant youth division of kingdom 11. 3:07. Review of Rehoboam's reign, Lord forbids civil war, first few years in Judah good 12. 2:55. Review of Rehoboam's reign, he forsakes the law of Lord, Egyptian Shishak raids Temple 13. 4:03. Review of Abijah's reign, battles with Jeroboam of Israel, recites betrayals, defeats Israel, quasi-reunification 14. 2:45. Review of Asa's reign, ten years good, defeats Ethiopian invaders 15. 2:58. Review of Asa's reign, prophet Azariah warns Asa to remain good, has long rule 16. 2:52. Review of Asa's reign, treaty with Syria angers Lord, prophet Hanai rebukes, constant war 17. 3:00. Review of Jehoshaphat's reign, good king, sends teachers, has good soldiers 18. 6:17. Review of Jehoshaphat's reign, prophets advise war, Michaiah vacillates 19. 2:10. Review of Jehoshaphat's reign, returns in peace, advises judges they serve God 20. 7:01. Review of Jehoshaphat's reign, prays for help, Lord helps, good ruler, but bad treaty at end 21. 3:36. Review of Jehoram's reign, bad king, prophet Elijah rebukes, diseases, rules only few years 22. 2:37. Review of Ahaziah’s reign, bad king, short reign 23. 4:18. Various attempts at reform service of the Lord, Athaliah is slain 24. 5:23. Review of Joash’s reign, started well, collection for Temple service, then strays, slain in sick bed 25. 5:37. Review of Amaziah’s reign, middling king, wars, flows false gods, Temple raided 26. 4:15. Review of Uzziah’s reign, good king, long reign, Zechariah appears, but Uzziah usurps priest role, became leper 27. 1:27. Review of Jothan’s reign, middling king 28. 5:19. Review of Ahaz’s reign, very bad king, including child sacrifice 29. 6:48. Review of Hezekiah’s reign, good king, repaired Temple, Levites help priests 30. 5:02. Review of Hezekiah’s reign, Passover rescheduled 31. 4:24. Review of Hezekiah’s reign, cleansing of Judah and other areas, offerings abound 32. 6:19. Review of Hezekiah’s reign, defense against Syria, resists taunts, king sometimes falters 33. 4:23. Review of Manasseh’s reign, bad king, pagan worship returns, profanes Temple, captured and repents, Amon bad 34. 6:41. Review of Josiah’s reign, good king, destroys pagan places, repairs Temple, finds Law, Huldah predicts reprieve only 35. 5:20. Review of Josiah’s reign, keeps Passover, Necho of Egypt attacks, Josiah dies of wounds, Jeremiah laments 36. 4:28. Review of Jehoahaz’s reign, loses to Egypt, Jehoiakim set up, bad puppet king, taken to Babylon, like sons, till Cyrus
Note: I & II Chronicles is the last book of the Tanakh.
5,605 words / Wordproject / (Bibleproject) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:08. Cyrus authorizes Jews return to rebuild temple, returned much booty 02. 6:12. Catalogue of who returned with Zerubbabel 03. 2:59. In Jeru resumed Feast of Tabernacles, reconstruction begins, His mercy endures forever, split opinions on quality 04. 4:35. Local help rejected, conflict starts, reconstruction halts 05. 3:15. Haggai and Zechariah prophets, construction resumes, locals complain to king about authorization 06. 4:23. Cyrus and Darius confirmations arrive, temple finished, service schedules begin, Passover celebrated 07. 4:50. Ezra prepares to return to Jeru and teach 08. 5:22. List of co-travelers, need for Levites, question about brining troops for protection 09. 3:22. Ezra seems mixed marriages, God punishes us less than we deserve 10. 5:52. Crisis over marriage, list of those who sent away foreign wives and children
8,507 words / Wordproject / (Bibleproject) / Nova Vulgata / (Septuagint) / Sefaria
01. 2:26. Nehemiah sad for Israel’s captives, admits guilt and sin 02. 4:01. Nehemiah request to go to Jeru, with letters, views wrecked Jeru 03. 5:22. List of repairs and workers 04. 4:01. Locals ridicule new wall, repairs continue amid defense 05. 3:43. Redeeming debtors, anti-usury, see my good works 06. 3:22. Local threat against Jews, but admit wall is work of God 07. 7:19. Wall finished, list of who came back to Jeru 08. 4:12. Ezra reads Torah, people stand, (homilies?), booths 09. 9:26. Israel fasts, confesses, blesses Lord, recites His many deeds, makes covenant 10. 4:32. List of who sealed covenant terms 11. 5:03. List of those who move into Jeru 12. 6:19. Lists of priests, Levites, services, Israel celebrates 13. 5:46. After reading Torah, Nehemiah rids temple of impure, Israel disrespects Sabbath, remember my good works
Note: The prophet Ezra is commemorated July 13.
/ AudioBible / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 00:00. Tobit taken to Nineveh but remains very faithful to Lord 02. 03:53. Tobit interrupts meal to bury stranger, sparrow dung blinds him 03. 06:16. Tobit prays humbly, Sara the daughter of Raguel lost seven husbands, God hears prayers, Rafael appears 04. 10:05. Tobit gives great paternal advice to Tobias, golden rule, go seek your money 05. 14:35. Rafael goes with him to seek money, stop by Tigris, 06. 18:02. Takes the fish that tried to eat him, angel advises fish treatment 07. 21:37. Raguel receives them, gives his daughter Sara to Tobias 08. 24:22. Tobias prepares exorcism fire of fish, they pray, she says Amen, his grave not needed 09. 27:09. Raphael retrieves Tobias' money 10. 27:49. Tobias marries, delays return, but then must leave to reassure parents 11. 29:44. Tobias grateful for journey, Tobit rejoices, is healed, meets daughter in law, celebrates seven days 12. 32:14. Try to pay Rafael for service, he says praise God not angel, discloses self, disappears 13. 35:27. Tobit’s great prayer of repentance, belief, praise, sees a New Jerusalem 14. 38:38. Tobit gathers progeny, tell Tobias to leave Nineveh, has long life, leaves, sees overthrow of Nineveh
Notes: The angel Raphael is commemorated September 29. AudioBible was used to outline this book but the NRSV recording by Luis Roca is of higher listening quality.
Historical |
NAB / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint
01. 00:00. Nebuchadnezzar of the Assyrians strong in war, Holofernes his general 02. 03:57. Nebu plans to destroy all who did not aid his wars, commissions Holo 03. 08:00. Many who resisted now surrender to Nebuchadnezzar 04. 09:24. Israel, back from exile, fears Holo, priest Joachim organizes defense 05. 12:13. Holo angry Israel will resist, pagan Achior describes Jews, advises Holo beware their God 06. 16:27. Holo angry with Achior, sends him to Israel, Uzziah welcomes him 07. 20:13. Holo begins siege, cuts off water to Bethulia, Israel disheartened at size of host, Uzziah urges waiting 08. 25:41. Widow Judith advises Do not test God, we must await him, Uzziah agrees 09. 31:53. Judith great prayer for deliverance 10. 34:57. Judith dresses up, leaves to see Holofernes 11. 38:57. Holo greets Judith, she flatters him, supports Achior’s story, but says God is angry with Israel 12. 43:11. Judith eats her own food, let me go pray at night, invited to banquet on fourth day 13. 46:18. Judith slays Holo, backs up head, goes back to Bethulia 14. 50:02. Suggests fake attack to cause panic, Achior told of her exploits, converts, Assyrians ashamed 15. 53:15. Collapse of siege, Israel plunders camp Joachim inspects, blesses Judith, celebrations 16. 56:00. Hymns of praise, of thanksgiving, she goes home honored, peace follows, dies at 105, Israel mourns
Note: A good NAB version (with some useful diagrams) was used to outline this book but the NSRV version by Luis Roca is also good.
Ketuvim Megillot
וְכַאֲשֶׁר אָבַדְתִּי, אָבָדְתִּי .
ἐὰν καὶ ἀπολέσθαι με ᾖ
Si pereo, pereo. |
4,932 words / Wordproject (chaps 1-10) / Bibleproject (chaps 1-10) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
11. Septuagint. Mordecai's dream of fountains. 12. Septuagint. Mordecai warns king of plot 01. 4:26. Ahasuerus’ feast in Shushan, Vashti refuses to attend, is cast out, king‘s decree re husbands 02. 4:45. Search for new queen, enter Mordechai, Hadassah/Esther hides her heritage, is chosen queen, plot overheard 03. 3:28. Haman advances, Mordechai rebuffs him, decree against Jews 13. Septuagint. Copy of decree 04. 3:19. Grief at decree, Hatach informed, Mordechai urges Esther to speak to king, she agrees ‘If I perish, I perish’ 13. Septuagint. Mordecai prays for Israel 14. Septuagint. Queen Esther prays humbly for Israel. 15. Septuagint. Queen arrayed beautifully, king relents 05. 2:53. Esther talks to king, her special banquet with king, Haman erects gallows for Mordechai 06. 2:54. King learns of Mordechai’s help, requires Haman to honor Mordechai, horseback parade 07. 2:10. Esther’s second banquet, denunciation of Haman, he is hung on Mordechai’s gallows 08. 3:52. Confiscation of Haman household, Esther’s request for the Jews, king’s maneuvers for Jews self-defense, 13 Adar 16. Septuagint. Decree of king against Haman, permits Jews self-defense and celebrate day 09. 6:00. Jews strike back, Haman's ten sons slain, second day of vengeance, hanging sons, rejoicing established 10. 0:37. Mordechai reckoned second man in kingdom. 10. Septuagint. Mordecai's dream of dragons sets dates of remembrance 11. Septuagint. Postscript of authenticity
Notes: The events recorded in Esther are celebrated by Jews at Purim. Significant differences exist between the Hebrew text of Esther and the Septuagint (which adds material to various chapters and includes several additional chapters). The whole text is recognized by the Catholic Church but is arranged differently even in different Catholic editions.
Ketuvim Sifrei Emet
12,674 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:52. Job is wealthy and upright, Satan challenges God to allow test, four disasters strike Job but he worships God 02. 2:17. God allows Satan to strike Job himself, shall we receive good and not evil from God, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar 03. 2:44. Job curses his birthday 04. 2:09. Eliphaz: Job complains too much, Job must have sinned 05. 2:51. Eliphaz: this happens to everyone, the poor are saved much suffering so Job should be happy 06. 3:29. Job: unsavory meat needs salt, death better than such suffering, pity should be shown by friends to Job 07. 2:37. Job describes suffering, friends can make it worse, Job thinks he sinned, where is his pardon 08. 2:23. Bildad: seek wisdom in ancients, Job must have forgotten God 09. 3:45. Job: no way to argue against God, see Arcturus, Orion, the Pleiades, is there a point to trying to be good 10. 2:45. Job: tired of trying, show me my sins, why wreck a good man, better if not born 11. 2:17. Zophar: Job got less punishment than he deserved, he is ignorant of self 12. 2:51. Job: I know as much as you, Lord is behind this 13. 3:03. Job: I want to talk to God not hear more from you, what are my sins 14. 2:32. Job: Life is full of troubles 15. 3:49. Eliphaz: Job condemns himself, Job is conceited, man is always bad 16. 2:51. Job: friends are not helping, Job complains (v. 21) 17. 2:03. Job: complaints 18. 2:02. Bildad: tired of listening to Job, things will get worse 19. 3:23. Job: stop vexing me and have pity, I know my redeemer lives 20. 3:11. Zophar: joy of the evil is fleeting, his fall is coming soon 21. 3:32. Job: My words directed to God not man, good things happen to bad people, but justice will come 22. 3:06. Eliphaz: God does not need our good, Job must have sinned, stop sinning and God will reward 23. 1:49. Job: No matter what I try it does not avail, my suffering is a mystery 24. 3:04. Good things keeping happening to bad people 25. 0:34. Bildad: No man is just before God, not even the stars are pure 26. 1:27. Job: How are you helping me, God is beyond describing 27. 2:27. I will stay true to good ways, bad will do as they do, but justice will come to them 28. 3:04. Where is wisdom and understanding, can’t buy it, fear of Lord is wisdom, departing evil is understanding 29. 2:33. I remember my days of plenty and the good things I did 30. 3:27. Now I am scorned, abandoned, everything is wrecked 31. 4:36. I am willing to be punished for evil deeds, but what are they, I do not know, Job stops speaking 32. 2:16. Elihu angry at debate, three friends have not answered Job’s points, Elihu will speak 33. 3:16. God is greater than man, suffering can be for one’s good, let me know if I am wrong 34. 4:14. God is just, not act wickedly 35. 1:46. Are you greater than God, God does not hear vanity 36. 3:17. God is always God in acting, we cannot judge it 37. 2:41. God is beyond comprehension 38. 4:48. Lord answers Job, where were you? what have you done? Pleiades, Orion, Arcturus 39. 3:07. We know so little, we are so little 40. 2:27. Shall you teach God, Job sees he is vile, Lord is so great, describes Behemoth 41. 3:27. What can you do Job, God describes Leviathan and his mastery over it 42. 3:00. Job sees God can do all, he repents, Lord greatly rewards Job, angry with friends, accept them as Job's friends
Note: The prophet Righteous Gentile Job is commemorated May 10.
Ketuvim Sifrei Emet
Foundations once destroyed, what can the just man do? 11:3
Initium sapientiae timor Domini 111:10
Non nobis Domine, non nobis 115:1
I rejoiced when I heard them say 'Let us go to the house of the Lord' and now our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem. 122:1-2
Excerpts Pss 121 & 127 Shira Choir, here.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his mercy endureth forever. 118:29. |
30,147 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
Note: The Masoretic numbering, preferred by the Nova Vulgata and accepted by the RSV, is used here.
Ketuvim Sifrei Emet
9,921 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:34. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom 02. 2:10. The upright shall dwell in the land, the wicked shall be cut off 03. 3:44. Do not forget the law, whom the Lord loves he corrects, rorate coeli 04. 2:54. A father teaches wisdom, turn not to the right or the left 05. 2:21. Avoid falsity, favor truth, rejoice with wife of youth 06. 3:50. Do not be slothful, seven abominations to Lord, just theft not like adultery 07. 2:40. Keep the commandments and live, falsity is a harlot 08. 4:04. Wisdom is available and better than riches, by it kings reign, is everlasting 09. 1:58. Reprove not scorners, rebuke only the wise 10. 3:46. Proverbs of Solomon, memory of just is blessed, loves covers all sin 11. 3:45. In a multitude of counselors there is safety, troublemakers inherits the wind 12. 3:19. He that hates reproof is brutish, in the way of righteousness is life 13. 3:01. A wise son hears his father’s correction, spare the rod spoil the child 14. 4:09. Go from the fool, if no oxen is crib clean but no strength 15. 3:51. A soft answer turns away wrath, a merry heart is a continual feast 16. 3:53. Better is a little with righteousness, pride goes before the fall, hoary head is crown 17. 3:36. Who has knowledge spares his words 18. 2:49. Before destruction the heart is haughty, do not answer until you hear 19. 3:39. The soul should have knowledge, a prudent wife is from the Lord 20. 3:41. Who can say I am clean and pure, wait on the Lord who will save 21. 3:40. The way of man is right in his own eyes, being alone is better than with a shrew, no wisdom against the Lord 22. 3:15. Good name more valuable than riches, train up children to not depart the good, the diligent stands before kings 23. 3:55. Speak not to fools, correct the child, buy the truth and sell it not, strange women as narrow pit 24. 4:05. Do not envy the evil, small strength faints in adversity, honey is good, Lord renders according to works 25. 3:29. Hezekiah’s list, do not seek higher places, do not overstay welcome, a dittography 26. 3:17. Answer not a fool, haters lie and liars hate. 27. 3:17. Who knows what tomorrow brings, men sharpen each other 28. 3:34. Wicked flee when no one pursues, one who covers his sin shall not prosper 29. 3:08. A fool utters all his mind, correct thy son, where there is no vision the people perish 30. 4:21. Agur’s words, brutish, give me neither poverty nor riches, threes and fours 31. 3:07. King Lemuel, a virtuous women is worth more than rubies
Ketuvim Megillot |
4,537 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:39. Quohelet, hevel, life is passing, with much knowledge comes much sorrow 02. 4:47. Trying distractions whether good or bad will not work, but wisdom is better 03. 3:21. Everything has a season, there is a time..., all to dust again 04. 2:38. Be happy with a little in peace 05. 3:23. Be prudent in hearing and talking, pay your vows, born and die naked 06. 2:04. Be good rather than rich 07. 4:16. A good name is good, be slow to anger 08. 3:13. Keep wisdom, follow commands 09. 3:41. Love your wife, enjoy life reasonably, accept setbacks, leave it to God 10. 2:47. Dead flies in ointment are like foolish words in man, little birds carry news 11. 1:48. Cast bread on the water, remember good and evil come, in the end judgment comes 12. 2:39. Remember God while young, fear God, keep his commandments
Ketuvim Megillot
2,020 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:19. The black beauty, how beautiful you are 02. 2:20. Rose of Sharon, my beloved leaps on the mountains 03. 1:45. Searching for love 04. 2:35. Description of lover, in a garden, love is better than spiced wine 05. 2:43. In the garden, searching for each other 06. 1:59. Comparisons of love, odd analogies and descriptions 07. 1:53. Description of her beauty, let us go forth 08. 2:28. Waters cannot quench love, Solomon appears, make haste my love
Wisdom of Solomon
Luis Roca (41-59) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:24. Wisdom inhabits only the worthy, God does not delight in death 02. 3:24. Life is fleeting, do not mistreat the weak, evil hates the good and taunts him, devil brought death to world 03. 2:26. Be disciplined a little to win great good, one who despises wisdom is miserable, illegitimacy 04. 2:54. Children born of unlawful unions are witnesses against parents 05. 3:34. Evil doers will see the salvation of the righteous and bewail their past, a ship and bird leave no trail 06. 3:08. Advice to kings and rulers, rule as servants of God, leaders subject to a strict judgment 07. 4:18. Children from marriage, newborn baby, one way into life and one way out, wisdom is wonderful, lists 08. 3:07. Wisdom is universal, what can she do is amazing, God gives wisdom 09. 2:24. Prayer for wisdom, Solomon's prayer 10. 3:14. Wisdom protected Adam, condemned Cain, and impacted many others, righteous will prevail 11. 3:24. Wisdom guided Moses and the people, brought water from flinty rock, one is punished by which one sins 12. 4:09. You correct those who trespass, punish those who slaughter their children, yet chance for repentance 13. 3:11. The ignorant of God are foolish by nature, know God by observing nature, detest foolish idolatry 14. 4:46. Wisdom builds good things but God still directs, recalls Ark, idols lead to fornication, process of deification 15. 3:16. God is kind and true, dangers and foolishness of idol use 16. 4:25. God punishes sinners but has mercy on the repentant, God turns disaster away from His own, pray at dawn 17. 3:14. Wickedness is cowardly 18. 4:01. Recalls parts of salvation history, good people offer sacrifices, a savior saves 19. 3:26. Recalls Egypt's folly in pursuing Israel after all it had seen, strange and miraculous events occur
Wisdom |
Luis Roca (60-110) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 4:50. Praise Israel for instruction and law, difficulties of translation, fear of the Lord is key to wisdom, Commandments 02. 2:01. Be ready for tests, be patient and trusting, stay with the Lord 03. 3:09. The Lord honors fathers and mothers, kindness to fathers not forgotten, affronts to mothers are punished 04. 3:06. Do not cheat the poor, stay simple and good, speak when needed, regret your ignorance, 05. 1:37. Do not rely on earthly power, Lord is slow to anger, but he has wrath too, beware idle speech 06. 3:52. Be a friend not an enemy, have few advisors, make friends carefully, seek wisdom early, seek the smart 07. 3:39. Do not grow weary in prayer, refuse to lie, how can you repay parents, pay first fruits, remember the dead 08. 2:13. Do not pick fights with the powerful, study the sages, counts loans as loss 09. 2:14. Be men around women, keep custody of the eyes, keep company with intelligent, talk of the law 10. 3:36. Success belongs to the Lord, be patient with neighbors, see honors as does the Lord 11. 3:48. Do not judge by looks, consider bees, examine before commenting, do not interrupt, call none happy before death 12. 2:16. Do good to the devout, do not help the sinner 13. 3:18. Touch pitch get dirty, keep to your own, acquiring proverbs requires hard thinking 14. 2:47. Do not be a miser, give to friends, enjoy today 15. 1:59. Keep to the law to obtain wisdom, Lord does not lead astray, one can choose to sin or not 16. 3:14. Do not desire worthless children, all is seen by the Lord 17. 2:44. Man comes from earth and will return to it, man is marvelous, repentant are accepted, brightest sun can be eclipsed 18. 3:23. A century is a long life, don't ruin gifts with harsh words, pay vows promptly, restrain appetites 19. 2:46. Beware wine and women, keep confidences, act justly, exterior demeanor counts 20. 3:14. Some rebukes are needed, guard your speech, seek proper time for proverbs 21. 3:10. Seek forgiveness from sin, God hears the prayers of the poor, some cleverness increases bitterness 22. 3:28. Life of a fool is worse than death 23. 4:05. Prayer for wisdom and sense, keep oaths, don't use foul language, eyes of Lord see all, consequences of bastardy 24. 3:40. Wisdom may boast of itself, song of wisdom, found in law but is beyond men 25. 3:01. Agreement between brothers, peace with neighbors, spousal harmony, other lists, woman’s wrath and other dangers 26. 3:40. Happy husband has good wife, dangers of mob, watch headstrong daughters, pious wife to good man 27. 3:14. Do not sin for gain, beware commercial sin, limit one's time with the stupid, linger with the wise 28. 2:59. Forgive neighbors, remember commandments, hurtful speech harms 29. 3:22. Lend to those in need, repay when due, be wary of giving surety, be content with what is served 30. 2:36. Chasten sons and teach them, health is better than wealth, anxiety brings on old age 31. 3:45. Those who avoid sin will prosper, greedy eyes are bad, table manners, avoid gluttony, moderate wine is good 32. 2:29. Know your place in social activities, consider thoughtful suggestions 33. 3:35. Wise do not hate the law, do not labor for self alone but for all who seek instruction, distribute riches at death 34. 2:54. Dreams are only reflections, flawed offerings not good, to deny an employee of wages is to commit murder 35. 2:25. Keeping the law is an offering, Lord hears prayers of suffering 36. 2:40. Prayer for Lord to vindicate himself, be discerning about choices, marriage is stability 37. 3:30. True friends are good, be wary of advisors with mixed motives, some clever teachers useless to selves, avoid gluttony 38. 4:34. Honor physicians, the ill should pray to Lord, keep funerals short, tradesmen are dedicated but not prominent 39. 4:12. Preserve the sayings of ancients, life of scholars, works of Lord are good, He sees all, creation has a purpose 40. 3:35. All must work hard on earth under stressful conditions day and night, ptsd, better than either refrain 41. 3:01. Do not fear death, one’s name outlives a man, be chaste 42. 3:39. Keep confidences, be prudent and keep records, watch over daughters 43. 3:43. The sun was made by a great Lord, so too the moon and rainbow and weather, we can say more but never enough 44. 2:57. Artists are honored but not always remembered, Enoch, Noah, Abraham 45. 4:22. Moses of blessed memory, taught Law, Aaron’s priesthood, not all obeyed, son of Eliazar 46. 2:57. Joshua as successor, sun stood still, judges were good, Samuel was honest prophet 47. 3:25. Nathan arises, David slew Goliath, made music, Solomon was wise but sinned, His sons not good rulers 48. 3:09. Elijah appears, works wonders, greater Elisha follows, most people did not repent, Hezekiah was good 49. 2:03. Josiah reformed people, but desolation comes, Ezekiel sees glory, Nehemiah rebuilds walls, Adam 50. 3:45. Walls arise in Jeru, sacrifice resumes, Simon comes 51. 5:22. Gratitude to Lord who saves, Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for his love endures forever, search for wisdom
Major Prophets
Nevi'im Aharonim
25,608 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject I (chaps 1-39); Bibleproject II (chaps 40-66) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 4:59. Lord’s lament for Israel, repent, for sins as scarlet can be white as snow 02. 3:16. Glory in store for Jeru, swords into plowshares, woe to the proud 03. 3:44. Describes lowly state of Jeru, children oppress, women rule, baldness, desolation 04. 1:15. Polygamy honored, ?? 05. 5:08. Lovely vineyard but bad fruit, so will be wasted, woe to drunkards, to those who call good evil and evil good, 06. 2:10. Vision of Lord on throne, holy holy holy, angel puts coal on lips of Isaiah, Here I am send me, O Lord how long? 07. 3:55. Ahaz refuses to ask for a sign, a virgin shall conceive and call him Emmanuel 08. 3:33. Lord's vengeance for unfaithfulness, without Him all is naught 09. 3:33. People who walked in darkness have seen a great light, for unto us a Child is born etc, terrible justice 10. 5:19. Woe to bad governance, remnant of Israel shall return 11. 2:46. A rod shall come from stem of Jesse, wolf with the lamb, a little child shall lead them, Gentiles shall seek 12. 0:50. Praise the Lord 13. 3:20. Burden of Babylon, howl ye, day of Lord cometh, sun darkened, awful destruction 14. 4:56. Mercy on Jacob, Lucifer has fallen, divine vengeance coming 15. 1:41. Moab shall suffer greatly 16. 2:44. Moab shall suffer more 17. 2:36. Burden of Damascus, it will suffer 18. 1:29. A people will go to Zion 19. 3:50. Burden of Egypt, civil war therein, failure of river, no wise men, five cities chosen, respite for Egypt 20. 1:03. Isaiah goes naked and barefoot, Egypt too 21. 2:43. Burden of desert in sea, Go set a watchman, Burden of Dumah and Arabia, Kedar will fail 22. 3:42. Burden of Valley of Vision, Eat and drink for tomorrow we die, divine justice coming 23. 2:54. Burden of Tyre, punishment of islands 24. 3:22. Punishments far and wide 25. 2:03. O Lord thou art my God, you shall triumph, swimming 26. 3:07. Promises of the Lord, be ready and worthy 27. 2:21. Leviathan to be punished, an east wind, 28. 4:38. Drunkards of Ephraim to be destroyed, alcohol abuse, covenant with death, agreement with Hell 29. 4:12. Woe to Ariel, people have removed their heart from me 30. 5:39. Woe to those who seek help but not from God, burden of beasts from south 31. 1:49. Do not trust arms, trust the Lord 32. 2:42. Good for those who choose the Lord, but woe to others 33. 3:48. The Lord punishes, is faithful to his own 34. 3:03. How the Lord vindicates is amazing 35. 1:43. Rewards for the faithful, healings and plenty and safety, the Way of Holiness opened 36. 3:41. Judah falls to Sennacherib, taunts re Hezekiah follow, do not speak Hebrew lest they hear us 37. 6:27. Hezekiah calls for Isaiah, Lord angry with king, but a remnant shall come forth for David’s sake, angel wages war 38. 3:32. Hezekiah sick, but Lord relents and adds fifteen years, sun moved back ten degrees 39. 1:33. Hezekiah tells Babylon of his riches, Isaiah warns of disaster 40. 4:51. God speaks comfort, a voice in the wilderness, who taught the Lord?, have ye not heard? 41. 4:45. Be not dismayed, fear not, Israel shall be restored, prophet from the north 42. 3:59. Do not break the bruised reed, be a light to Gentiles, sing a new song to the Lord 43. 4:02. The Lord is with Jacob and Israel, do not be tired of him 44. 5:17. Trust in the Lord, I am the first and the last, there is no other God 45. 4:39. The Lord will prevail, drop down ye Heavens, do not challenge Him, I have sworn by myself 46. 2:09. False gods availth not, there is none is like Me, rally around Me 47. 2:48. Go into shame false gods, daughter of Babylon 48. 3:27. Merely invoking God’s name is not enough, God does as He wills 49. 4:52. In an acceptable time I have heard thee, Gentiles shall come to me, evil doers shall consume themselves 50. 2:11. Where is the bill of divorce, I did not hide my face from shame 51. 4:17. Law shall proceed from me, lift up your eyes to heaven 52. 2:29. Awake, awake, Jeru to be purified, my name is blasphemed, my servant shall deal prudently 53. 2:18. Despised and rejected of men, the suffering savior, bearing iniquities 54. 2:46. Sing O barren, renews promise to Noah, promise of protection 55. 2:12. Come to the waters, buy freely, promise of covenant, seek Lord while He can be found, my thoughts are not yours 56. 2:05. Do justice, my salvation is near, keep the Sabbath, lowly redeemed 57. 3:18. Righteous taken to avoid evil days, unfaithful will fall, no peace to the wicked 58. 3:08. Show people their sins, if you show mercy you will shine, keep Sabbath 59. 3:50. Sin separates from God, ravages of sin, Lord repays according to deeds, redeemer coming, generations blessed 60. 4:08. Gentiles to come to the light, glory comes to righteous, and peace and salvation, Lord will be light 61. 2:23. Spirit of Lord is on me, proclaim liberation, end the mourning, make an everlasting covenant, garments of salvation 62. 2:04. Lord focused on salvation, set watchmen on walls, Lord has sworn, 63. 3:25. Lord looks on all, but not all look on Him, why can we sin? 64. 2:10. History of salvation is uneven, eye has not seen what awaits faithful, the Lord is our Father, how long Lord, 65. 4:39. The Lord is angry with reason, yet He will save some, failing are forgotten, new heaven and earth 66. 5:04. Heaven is my throne, evil offerings not accepted, Lord does as He wills, some afar do not know me yet, new moons
Note: The prophet Isaiah is commemorated May 9.
Major Prophets
Nevi'im Aharonim
33,002 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:06. Before I formed thee in the womb I knew thee, Jeremiah demurs, but Lord's word are in his mouth 02. 6:29. Lord remembers when Jeru was sweet, her sins will punish her 03. 5:17. Though Israel is a harlot yet Lord will take her back, Judah likewise and worse 04. 5:14. How to repent as a nation, dangers coming from north, people know how to do evil not good 05. 5:02. False prophets are of no use, people sinning worse, another nation will punish you but to exile not death 06. 4:45. Evil coming from the north, punishment is deserved, for saying peace peace when there is no peace 07. 5:37. Still Israel has time to repent, but they will not 08. 4:12. Bones will be scattered and made dung, even animals know better, all deal falsely, balm for Gilead 09. 4:44. List of Israel's sins, lists of punishments to come for leaving the law, let women mourn 10. 3:49. Do not imitate heathens, respect the Lord, seek correction but in gentleness 11. 4:04. Call to obedience, Lord tells Jeremiah how sinful is Israel 12. 3:05. Reiteration of sins and punishments, with hope of compassion in the end 13. 4:08. Girdle at the Euphrates, making kings drunk and other punishment coming from north 14. 3:49. Droughts, Jeremiah argues for people, false prophets soften threats of punishments 15. 3:47. Lord says punishments must come, but a remnant will be protected 16. 3:42. Jeremiah may not marry, disasters coming, but do not mourn them, fathers sin but sons sin worse 17. 4:23. Descriptions of Lord’s anger, importance of Sabbath 18. 3:36. Analogy of the potter, plots against Jeremiah, his prayer for protection 19. 2:51. The valley of slaughter, terrible desolation, graves in Tophet 20. 3:27. Pashur puts Jeremiah in stocks 21. 2:39. Lord will join fight against sinful Jerusalem 22. 4:48. Jerusalem ordered to cast out wicked or face ruin, earth earth earth 23. 6:39. Woe unto bad and false prophets, they do not prophesy in my name 24. 1:53. Two baskets of figs and their end 25. 6:10. Seventy years of punishment for sin in among Chaldeas coming, ten they will suffer 26. 4:04. Priests and people rise against Jeremiah, some defend him, Ahika, protects him 27. 3:59. Place yokes on your neck and serve Nebuchadnezzar, avoid sorcery, woe to false prophets 28. 3:03. Time in Babylon is ending, two years left, Jeremiah says Amen, Hananiah dies a false prophet 29. 5:30. Letter of Jeremiah to captives, do as well as you may in captivity, beware false prophets 30. 4:05. Promise of rescue for Israel and Judah, you shall be my people and I shall be your God 31. 7:26. God loves with an everlasting love, voice heard in Ramah, Rachel weeping for her children, yet hope 32. 7:37. Jeremiah first vision during Siege of Jerusalem, punishment for its sins, but redemption is possible 33. 4:47. Jeremiah second vision in prison, punishment yields to redemption, a new name for Jerusalem 34. 4:14. Jeru shall fall to combined armies, free the servants 35. 3:45. Sons of Jeremiah refuses wine, have no earthly home, but people remain evil 36. 6:04. Jeremiah writes book of prophesy, Baruch is scribe, hope people will learn, king burns it, rewritten and expanded 37. 3:32. Pharaoh's army frightens Chaldeans, but they return, Jeremiah imprisoned 38. 5:16. Stay in Jerusalem and die or be captive and live, Jeremiah put in dungeon, rescued, advises surrender 39. 3:06. Fall of Jerusalem, Jeremiah in chains but treated leniently by Chaldeans 40. 3:39. Jeremiah freed and given a choice to stay or leave, other plots afoot 41. 3:31. Killing of Gedaliah, Ishmael escapes reprisals 42. 4:01. Jeremiah prays for remnant of Jerusalem, offers of mercy, warnings about returning to Egypt ignored 43. 2:22. People reject prophecies again, so they go to Tahpanhes, destruction will follow 44. 6:46. Jews in Egypt will be punished, as will Egypt, they will be an execration, wives guilty and husbands 45. 0:53. Baruch's lamentable prophecy 46. 4:55. Egypt will face many hosts of enemies, they fall together, but Jacob shall return to safety but punished 47. 1:20. Prophecy of destruction of Gaza by armies 48. 7:24. Moab to fall terribly, those who work for Lord deceitfully are cursed 49. 6:46. Israel will inherit several others' lands and goods 50. 8:14. Coming downfall of Babylon by enemies form north, though shepherds had betrayed people 51. 10:37. Discourse on power of the Lord against Babylon, goes like lambs to the slaughter 52. 5:29. Zedekiah's evil rule, Jerusalem besieged by Babylon, famine bests all, blinded king, city looted
Note: The prophet Jeremiah is commemorated May 1.
Major Prophets
Ketuvim Megillot |
2.324 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 5:42. Devastation of Jeru after Babylonian siege, just consequence of sin, any sorrow like unto my sorrow? 02. 6:08. Daughter of Zion, physical and spiritual devastation complete, mocking the city, Lord has not pitied 03. 6:25. Catalogue of woe, only bits of faith and hope 04. 4:33. Before and after views of Jeru, mothers boiled children 05. 2:22. Final laments, we are rejected, but forever?
Note: Chaps 1, 2, 4, and 5 are acrostics of 22 verses each.
Major Prophets |
/ Luis Roca (111-115) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint
01. 3:29. History from Baruch in Babylon, encouragement to exiles, help for those left behind, learn from errors 02. 5:09. Consequences for terrible sin, accept shame, pray for forgiveness, deliverance, Lord offers renewal of covenant 03. 4:14. Israel laments her sins, sees their consequences 04. 4:33. Respect the Torah, learn from errors, have hope 05. 1:17. Live in hope and goodness and righteousness 06. 9:58. Jeremiah’s great letter against idolatry
Major Prophets
Nevi'im Aharonim
29,918 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject I (chaps 1-33); Bibleproject II (chaps 38-48) / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 4:45. Ezekiel visions begin after five years in Babylon, four great creatures, likeness of glory of God 02. 1:40. Spirit enters Ezekiel, Israel has betrayed God, do not fear them, book of sorrow appears 03. 4:19. Ezekiel eats book, Hebrew is easy, other nations would have repented, Chebar river, must warn sinners 04. 2:54. Model of Jerusalem, destroy it, lay on left side 390 days, lay on right side 40, in chains, bake bread on dung 05. 3:20. Shave and burn and shred hair as sign for faithless Jerusalem, great suffering coming 06. 2:36. Prophecies against Israel, remnant to be scattered, dead to be found among false idols 07. 4:05. Day of trouble is near, widespread collapse 08. 3:11. Image of God takes lock of his hair and Ezekiel sees idolatrous evils of Israel 09. 2:03. Punishments visited upon Israel by six men 10. 3:17. Throne appears in heavens with a glorious man on it, four wheels and cherubim 11. 3:55. Twenty-five bad men at East gate see city as their caldron, a few keep Lord's decrees, remove stony hearts 12. 4:31. Ezekiel commanded to remove self in sight of the evil 13. 4:15. Prophesy against false prophets, collapse will follow, people to be freed from false prophets 14. 3:58. Lord rejects idolatrous elders, Noah, Daniel, and Job cannot win reprieve for Israel, save a remnant 15. 1:06. Vine tree is not good for wood, neither is Jerusalem 16. 10:44. Lord saved Israel from horrible birth, it betrayed him, worse than whoredom, worse than Sodom, two sisters 17. 4:12. Eagles in Lebanon, earthly allies cannot save Israel 18. 5:40. Children do not die parents' sins, sins of repentant are put away but their righteousness lives, God wants life 19. 2:08. Lamentation for princes of Israel and their mother 20. 7:55. Elders ask for guidance but do not really want it, Bamah, Lord will accept righteous sacrifices, south prophecy 21. 5:18. Condemnation of sinful Israel, punishments coming, he will overturn, overturn, overturn it 22. 4:31. Sins of Jerusalem are many and will be punished 23. 7:20. Evil sisters Ahola and Aholibah will be punished, death by stoning and swords 24. 4:06. Sins of house of Israel, muted mourning, death of wife 25. 2:51. Punishment on Israel's neighbors, Edom, Moab 26. 4:04. Punishment of sea power Tyrus by Babylon 27. 5:11. Lamentation for beautiful Tyrus on day of its destruction 28. 4:23. Tyrus was proud and congratulated itself for its success, riches corrupted it, Israel to inherit 29. 3:28. Prophesy against Egypt for its selfishness and oppression, forty years of desolation, awarded to Babylon 30. 3:42. Egypt and neighbors to fall 31. 3:35. Ruin of Egypt due to pride in itself 32. 5:27. Lamentation for wonderful Egypt 33. 5:27. Ignore true prophets at one's own risk, repent in time, escapee from Jerusalem appears, Israel will not listen 34. 5:27. Woe to selfish shepherds they even ruin the leftovers, flocks scattered, I will set up one shepherd 35. 2:26. Prophecy against Mt Seir for sins against Israel 36. 7:00. Prophecy re mountains of Israel, will win respite, remember evil ways, Lord will give an everlasting covenant 37. 4:48. The valley full of dry bones, they can be revived, as can Israel 38. 4:26. Prophecies against Gog, fury of the Lord to come over them 39. 5:00. Gog to survive only in sixth part, Israel shall bury it, eating fat and drinking blood 40. 8:16. Man of brass appears in gate and measures mystical buildings 41. 4:19. Ezekiel and man come to tabernacle, the most holy place, cherubim with man and lion faces, and palm trees 42. 3:06. Descriptions of chambers, priests change clothes for worship 43. 4:47. Glory of the Lord enters house by east gate, treating the holy place, it will cause men to regret sins 44. 5:34. East gate belongs to Lord, Israel not treats house well, duties of priests, priests change clothes for worship 45. 4:48. Support for priests, some of their duties, Passover instructions 46. 4:27. East gate open on seventh day and on new moon, regulations for offerings, inheritances 47. 4:19. Waters came from under house on right toward east, streams keep growing, bring life to many, borders set 48. 5:23. List of tribes and lands, recalls Zadok's faithfulness, gates assigned to tribes, city named 'the Lord is there'
Note: The prophet Ezekiel is commemorated July 23.
Major Prophets
9,001 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:29. Jeru fell, Daniel & Hanania, Mishael, Azariah --Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego-- taken by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon 02. 9:25. Nebu statue dream, only Daniel can interpret, he is rewarded 03. 6:09. Nebu sets up a statue, SMA refuse to worship, cast into furnace, God in the fire saves them, Nebu honors God 03. Septuagint: vv. 24-90, canticles; 91-100 king sees four men, not three in flames, forbids ridicule of Hebrew God 04. 8:09. Nebu tells Daniel tree dream, Daniel interprets, king goes insane, at length repents, restored to rule, honors God 05. 6:23. Pagans drink from sacred vessels, hand writing on wall, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, king slain, Darius rules 06. 5:38. Plot against Daniel, praying is a crime, thrown in lions' den, Daniel saved after one day, Cyrus also rules 07. 6:11. Daniel's dream of four beasts, series of kingdoms. last is worst, will be defeated 08. 5:16. Daniel's dream about ram and goat, Gabriel interprets it 09. 6:37. Darius, 70 years exile, Daniel assess Hebrew situation, prayers and answers 10. 3:47. Daniel in mourning, frightening visions 11. 8:44. Three kings and one more greater, great battles 12. 2:36. Michael shall stand up, people to be delivered to reward or shame, counting of days 13. Septuagint. Susanna attacked by judges, saved by Daniel investigation, mastic and oak trees 14. Septuagint. Statue of Bel, Daniel disproves by footprints in ashes, slays dragon by foodstuffs, in lions' den six days, safe
Notes: The prophet Daniel is commemorated July 21. Chapters 2-7 are written in Aramaic. The Septuagint contains some additional materials beyond the Masoretic text.
Minor Prophets, or Trei Asar |
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
3,615 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 1:55. Hosea marries Gomer, three children, Israel doomed, kingdoms to reunite 02. 3:41. Gomer’s adulteries, some hope offered her 03. 0:53. Hosea takes her back 04. 2:55. People’s sins and suffering, ‘people are destroyed for lack of knowledge’, Judah less so 05. 2:13. Both kingdoms to fall 06. 1:32. Resolve to repent, good deeds evaporate, ‘desire mercy not sacrifice’ 07. 2:26. Judgment against people, continue their many sins, even in punishment 08. 2:10. Israel wastes self, punishment coming, both kingdoms are acting badly 09. 3:09. Foreign lands to inherit Israel’s promise, Ephraim to suffer 10. 2:34. Israel is empty vine, pagan images, 11. 1:44. Lord remembering Israel, Ephraim, Assyrians coming 12. 1:51. Kingdoms trading with enemies, oppressing others, tabernacles as of old 13. 2:31. ‘I am the Lord thy God’, God to greet Israel angrily, but God will still help 14. 1:28. Israel and Ephraim must return, inside and out, God will accept them, bless them
Note: The prophet Hosea is commemorated October 17.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
1,447 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
02. 6:07. Desolation 'rend your hearts not your garments' 03. 3:48. God is justly angry, restoration coming
Note: The prophet Joel is commemorated October 19.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
3,027 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:47. Uzziah in Judah, Jeroboam in Israel, punishment on Israel’s neighbors for sins. 02. 2:43. Punishment on Judah and Israel for sins and contempt 03. 2:29. God asks why people don’t serve Him, God speaks thru prophets, punishment for all 04. 2:54. Bitter capturing with hooks, paganism infects, Israel ignores God 05. 4:36. Lamentation for Israel choosing paganism, Orion, evil and useless conduct, day of Lord, prudent are silent 06. 2:44. Do not luxuriate while others suffer, prophets silenced, why rejoice in a thing of naught 07. 3:10. God has been merciful upon entreaty, plumb-line, Amaziah attacks Amos 08. 2:49. A basket of summer fruit, punishment coming for deceptions, famine of the Word 09. 3:35. Smith the lintel, none escape Lord's justice, Why did Israel forget?, a sifted few will be saved
Note: The prophet Amos is commemorated June 15.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar |
440 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
(01) 4.11 Judgment against Edom
Note: The prophet Obadiah is commemorated November 19.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
1,082 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
02. 1:28 returned to land, prays 03. 1:35. goes to Nineveh, they repent, God relents 04. 2:05. Jonah angry, tress sprouts and is eaten, God rebukes Jonah
Note: The prophet Jonah is commemorated September 21.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
2,118 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:07. Warning of punishment for national infidelity 02. 2:39. Declaiming personal sins 03. 2:17. Justification of punishment against Judah and Israel, Micah’s authority 04. 3:05. Jeru restored, ‘mountain of the Lord’, many nations will come, remnant saved, a useful exile to Babylon 05. 2:50. Savior to come from Bethlehem, coming invasion by Assyria, expulsion of paganism 06. 2:53. God asks how has He wearied his people, threatens labor without reward 07. 3:49. Punishment coming, ‘man’s enemies are those of his own house’, restoration possible, recalls Patriarchs
Note: The prophet Micah is commemorated December 21.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
855 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:32. Fearsomeness of an angry Lord 02. 2:18. Justly despoiled land and people 03. 3:35. Fate for Nineveh
Note: The prophet Nahum is commemorated December 1.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
1,011 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:57. Lament for the coming of Babylon 02. 3:47. Just punishments for a variety of vices 03. 3:22. Prayer in praise and trustful petition to the Lord
Note: The prophet Habakkuk is commemorated December 2.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
1,141 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:26. Call to repentance, especially from pagan worship 02. 3:02. Call to repentance, other regions to be cleaned as well, Moab, Amon 03. 4:07. Jeru not to be spared, save for a remnant of the humble, they will survive, and thrive
Note: The prophet Zephaniah is commemorated December 3.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar |
926 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 2:46. People offering improper sacrifices, serve themselves before the Lord, then repent of it 02. 4:21. People not building temple well, ritual impurities, Zerubbabel to be elevated
Note: The prophet Haggai is commemorated December 16.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
4,855 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 4:05. Red horses, exile ending under Darius, four horns of enemies 02. 2:03. Plumbline for Jeru, Lord will protect it, many nations will come 03. 1:59. Joshua vs Satan, cast off his dirty clothes, offers to Joshua as high priest 04. 2:36. Candlesticks, olive trees, Spirit over swords as protection, anointed ones 05. 2:16. Flying roll of punishment, basket with the woman, stork women 06. 2:36. Four chariots various directions, Joshua to have a crown, he who is BRANCH 07. 2:31. Later visions, forgetful Jeru, God scatters 08. 4:25. Lord’s return to Zion, Jeru to be restored ‘be my people and I their God’, love truth and peace 09. 3:11. Lord punishes neighbors, king comes to Jeru riding on ass, Lord wars with Greece 10. 2:15. Restoring the people, gathering them, enemies like Assyria and Egypt will be cast down 11. 3:08. Ungrateful people to be forsaken, thirty pieces of silver for Lord, 12. 2:46. Punishment for Judah, and some restoration, recalling David, protect Jeru, but mourning 13. 2:00. Fountain of David, idols cast out, false prophets exposed, ‘smite shepherd and sheep scattered’ 14. 4:21. Jeru to battle and lose, then Lord fights, valley formed at Jeru, waters flowing, riches won, Tabernacles
Note: The prophet Zechariah is commemorated September 6.
Minor Prophets
Nevi'im, Trei Asar
1,320 words / Wordproject / Bibleproject / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint / Sefaria
01. 3:10. Reproaches, improper sacrifices 02. 3:27. Reproaches, praise of Levi, words against Judah, against divorce from ‘wife of one’s youth’ 03. 3:37. Prophecy of one who will restore righteousness, call to return, reproaches 04. 1:14. Prophecy of destruction, and invitation to return, allusion to Elijah
Notes: The prophet Malachi is commemorated December 18. St. Jerome =
Historical |
/ Luis Roca / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint
01. 7:39. Desolation wrought on Israel by Antiochus 02. 8:03. Mattatias & sons lament, Sabbath slaughter of Jews, Judas takes charge 03. 7:43. Judas cleanses Israel, routs Syrians 04. 7:22. Israel victorious, more battles, Temple restored, defiled stones stones stored till prophet comes 05. 9:09. Gentiles attempt revenge, victories against Timotheus, Gilead liberated, hubris of Joseph 06. 8:47. Antiochus ill with regret, some Jews defect, host assembled against Judas, king betrays treaty 07. 6:38. Demetrius kills Antiochus, evil Jewish renegades rise, Nicanor lies and dies, 13 Adar 08. 4:46. Fame of Rome known, Jews appeal to them, treaty set 09. 9:26. Judas suffers defections and dies, bad Jews rise, prophesy ceased, Jonathon's, wedding battle, puts down plot 10. 12:26. Enemies vie for Jonathon as ally, Jews side with Alexander, wins 11. 10:25. Egypt invades coastal areas but then loses, Jonathon betrayed, but wins 12. 7:07. Legates to Rome and Sparta, Jonathon wins local battles, then is betrayed and mourned 13. 7:11. Simon rallies people, Trifil deceptive, Simon prevails, expels the perfidious, son John comes of age 14. 7:15. Simon rules well, Israel prospers, Rome and Sparta friendly, becomes ethnarc 15. 6:13. Antiochus seeks Simon’s help, Rome supports Simon, but Antiochus betrays him 16. 3:41. Simon commissions sons, after victories they are betrayed, John avenges them
Historical |
/ Luis Roca / Nova Vulgata / Septuagint
01. 5:20. Letter to Jews in Egypt, keep Festival of Booths, texts of prayers, Nehemiah directs 02. 4:56. Jeremiah's instructions, hides treasures of Lord, mark the Purification, Judas story to be summarized, memorize 03. 6:42. Onaisis holy priest, Simon sows dissension over Temple money, people protest, mysteriously protected 04. 8:53. Simon slanders Onaisis, Antiochus and Jason come to power, rise of Greek life, turmoil, Onaisis murdered 05. 5:07. Visions of Battles in Egypt, Jason hated, Antiochus attacks Jeru, Judas escapes 06. 5:29. Desecrations in Temple, persecutions, early punishment a blessing, Eleazar example 07. 7:08. Seven brothers and mother martyred, spoke in language of their ancestors 08. 6:35. Judas organizes and fights well, "The Help of God", Nicanor defeated 09. 5:31. Antiochus defeated again, defiant against God, relents and repents, letter to Jews, 10. 6:25. Judas reclaims Temple, Antiochus II's deputies arguing, Judas victorious, punishes traitors, 11. 5:17. Lyseus attacks Jeru, Judas invokes supernatural allies, treaty struck to allow Jewish culture, letters 12. 8:03. Joppa does evil trick, Judas' revenge, recalls Jericho's fate, more victories, cleanses bodies, prays for dead 13. 4:19. Large host assembles against Jeru, Menelaus executed, "God's Victory" 14. 7:41. More attacks later, focus lies against Judas, negotiations go sour, Nicanor threatens Temple, bizarre death 15. 6:41. Sabbath derided by gentiles, Jeremiah gives sword to Judas, Nicanor killed, head hung, 13 Adar
Note: The Mother and her Seven Sons are commemorated August 1.
May 01 |
Jeremiah |
Book |
May 09 |
Isaiah |
Book |
May 10 |
Job |
Book |
Jun 14 |
Elisha |
June 15 |
Amos |
Book |
Jul 1 |
Aaron |
Jul 13 |
Ezra |
Book |
Jul 20 |
Elijah |
Jul 21 |
Daniel |
Book |
Jul 23 |
Ezekiel |
Book |
Aug 01 |
Eleazar |
Aug 01 |
Mother and Seven Sons |
II Maccabees VII |
0:08 |
Aug 20 |
Samuel |
Aug 26 |
Melchizedek |
Genesis XIV; Ps 110 |
0:04 |
Sep 01 |
Joshua |
Book |
Sep 04 |
Moses |
Sep 06 |
Zechariah |
Book |
Sep 21 |
Jonah |
Book |
0:09 |
Sep 26 |
Gideon |
Judges VII-XI |
0:31 |
Sep 29 |
Raphael, Gabriel, Michael |
Oct 02 |
Guardian Angels |
Oct 09 |
Abraham |
Oct 17 |
Hosea |
Book |
Oct 19 |
Joel |
Book |
0:14 |
Nov 19 |
Obadiah |
Book |
0:05 |
Dec 01 |
Nahum |
Book |
0:09 |
Dec 02 |
Habakkuk |
Book |
0:11 |
Dec 03 |
Zephaniah |
Book |
0:11 |
Dec 16 |
Haggai |
Book |
0:07 |
Dec 18 |
Malachi |
Book |
0:13 |
Dec 21 |
Michah |
Book |
0:21 |
Dec 29 |
David |
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