Established 22 July 2010
Updated 2 October 2010
"aa.vv." means that one or more anonymous authors wrote the piece in question. Obvious pseudonyms are placed in single quote marks.
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A Bibliography of Deaf Catholic Sources and Studies maintained by Dr. Edward Peters
The following bibliography is offered to those interested in Deaf Catholic Sources and Studies. Works are entered chronologically by year, beginning with the most recent, and within the same years, alphabetically by author. Suggestions for additions are welcome! Works in progress are eligible for inclusion and will be re-entered when published.
Richard Luberti, "Signs of Joy: Ministering with the Catholic Deaf community", Ligourian (October 2010) 8-11.
Matthew Hysell, "Mystagogy in the Catholic Deaf Community", Liturgy Newsletter (National Liturgy Office, CECC/CCCB), in two parts: 3/1 (Fall 2009) 2-5 on-line here, and 3/2 (Winter 2010) 2-8, on-line here.
aa.vv., Sacrament of Reconciliation: A Program in American Sign Language to Prepare Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (NCOD, 2009). Information here.
Marcel Broesterhuizen, "Faith in Search of Vision", Studia Liturgica 90 (2009) 44-67.
Michael Depcik, "Renewal Prayer for the Deaf Catholic Church", Fr. MD's Kitchen Table (February 2009), Eng. translation here.
Matthew Hysell, "The Sacramental Validity of the Eucharistic Form in Sign Language", M. Th. Thesis, (Newman Theological College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2009).
Matthew Hysell, "Responding to the Pastoral Needs of Deaf People", Celebrate 48/5 (September-October 2009) 33-34.
Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, agenda for meeting "Ephphatha!: The Deaf Person in the Life of the Church", 19-21 November 2009, on-line here.
Thomas Margevicius, “A Model for Integrating Rubrical Gestures While Praying the Eucharistic Prayer in Sign Language.” D. Min. project at Catholic University of America, undertaken 2009, in progress.
Edward Peters, "Ordination of men bereft of speech and the celebration of sacraments in sign language", Studia Canonica, 42 (2008) 331-345.
Edward Peters, "Canonical and cultural developments culminating in the ordination of Deaf men during the twentieth century", Josephinum Journal of Theology 15 (2008) 427-443.
Anne Bamberg, "Former des prêtres Sourds", Prêtres diocésains 1451 (May 2008) 221-231, on-line here.
Matthew Hysell, "Deaf candidate to holy Orders: impediment or opportunity?" a paper submitted for course work at Newman Theological College (Canada), as revised 18 April 2008, on-line here.
Cyril Axelrod, “The liberatory role of evangelization among Deaf and Deafblind people”, in M. Broesterhuizen, ed., The Gospel Preached by the Deaf (Peeters, 2007) 41-52.
Marcel Broesterhuizen, “Pastoral ministry with the Deaf: from caring for the hearing impaired to Deaf ministry”, in M. Broesterhuizen, ed., The Gospel Preached by the Deaf (Peeters, 2007) 1-11.
Thomas Coughlin, “Ephphatha: a challenge for Deaf people’s responsibility for Deaf ministry”, in M. Broesterhuizen, ed., The Gospel Preached by the Deaf (Peeters, 2007) 13-39.
Jacques Henry, “Whose creativity it is anyway? Reflections from a liberation theological perspective”, in M. Broesterhuizen, ed., The Gospel Preached by the Deaf (Peeters, 2007) 79-91.
Beth Lockhard, “Biblical foundations for Deaf ministry from a liberation theology viewpoint”, in M. Broesterhuizen, ed., The Gospel Preached by the Deaf (Peeters, 2007) 69-77.
Peter McDonough, “Ministry among Deaf people”, in M. Broesterhuizen, ed., The Gospel Preached by the Deaf (Peeters, 2007) 53-68.
Cathy Cobb, "Beyond Words: a sign language retreat on the Lord's Prayer", Church 22 (Fall 2006) 7-8.
Charles Dittmeier, "Deaf People and Catholic Liturgy", Pastoral Music (June-July 2006) 19-21.
Peter Feuerherd, "Educating Deaf Ministers", Church 22 (Fall 2006), "Ministries" 2-6.
Michael Ndurumo & Esther Njeri Kiaritha, "The Deaf and Hard of Hearing: an Implication for Church Leaders", African Ecclesial Review 48 (2006) 187-202.
George Anderson, “Of many things”, America (14 February 2005) 2. On Paul Fletcher, sj.
Cyril Axelrod, The Journey Begins (McLean Publishing, 2005). Autobiography.
Anne Bamberg, "Culture sourde, droit canonique et déontologie professionnelle : Réflexion à partir des interprètes pour Sourds", Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 81 (2005) 200-213. English abstract here.
Marcel Broesterhuizen, "Faith in Deaf Culture", Theological Studies 66 (2005) 304-329. English Abstract here.
Anne Bamberg, "Sourds et silences liturgiques", Gregorianum 85 (2004) 689-698. French abstract here.
Joan Blake,
Signing the Scriptures: A Starting Point
for Interpreting the Sunday Readings for the Deaf in 3 vols.,
(Liturgy Training Publications, 2004).
Anne Bamberg, "Langues et langages de célébrations en culture sourde", Questions liturgiques 84 (2003) 209-225. English abstract here.
Angelo Lameri, “La Preghiera Eucharistica
Della Chiesa Tedesca Per I Non Udenti,” Revista Liturgica 9 (2003)
Marleen Sullivan, “Hearing Loss: an invisible disability”, Liguorian 91 (May-June 2003) 21-23.
Marcel Broesterhuizen, "The Gospel Preached by the Deaf: Conversation as Complete Form of Language in Pastoral Ministry with the Deaf", Louvain Studies 27 (2002) 359-375, on-line here.
Hannah Lewis, A Critical Examination of the Church and Deaf People: Toward a Deaf Liberation Theology (University of Birmingham, England, 2002). PhD Dissertation.
Edward Peters, "American Sign Language in Catholic Liturgy II", (March 2001), on-line here.
Joseph Tevington, "How should we proclaim the Good News to those who cannot hear?", Adoremus Bulletin (March 2000) on-line here.
The 1990s
George Anderson, “The Voice of God in Silence: an Interview with Joseph J. Bruce”, America (15 May 1999) 21-22
aa.vv., “Rev. Thomas Coughlin”, Deaf Culture Autobiographies 8E (VHS, American Sign Language Productions, 1999). Autobiography.
Mandy Erickson, "A Parish Where the Deaf Come First", St. Anthony Messenger (March 1999) 12-15.
Anne Bamberg, “Passion autour des signes et confession du sourd: enquête à partir de manuels de morale en tradition catolique”, Praxis Juridique et Religion 15 (1998) 97-155.
Gwyn Richards, “Deaf people, the pre-nuptial inquiry, and annulments”, Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland Newsletter, n. 113 (March 1998) 58-63.
Anne Bamberg, “Sourds et malentendants: question de communication pour l’Église”, Praxis Juridique et Religion 14 (1997) 191-221.
Edward Peters, "American Sign Language in Catholic Liturgy I", (July 1997), on-line here.
Marilyn Daniels, "The Benedictine Roots in the Development of Sign Language", American Benedictine Review 44 (1993) 383-402.
William Ley, ed., Eye Centered: A Study on the Spirituality of Deaf People with Pastoral Implications (NCOD, 1992) 167 pp.
Dora Dominguez, "A needed service for deaf children", Columbia (June 1990) 29.
The 1980s
Anthony Schuerger, "Making parishes accessible to Deaf persons", Church (Fall 1989) 28-33.
Alverna Hollis, “What you can learn from Deaf worshippers”, Modern Liturgy 15/8 (November 1988) 16-19.
[M. Griffey], “The International Catholic Foundation for the Service of Deaf Persons”, in L’Osservatore Romano, English edition (2 March 1987) 6.
Pope Paul VI, "Society must accept deaf persons and help them achieve integration", an English trans. of a papal address delivered in Italian to the World Federation of Deaf Persons on 21 February 1987, in L’Osservatore Romano, English edition, 2 March 1987, p. 6. Charlotte Baker-Shenk, “Breaking the Shackles: Liberation Theology and the Deaf Community”, Sojourners 14/3 (March 1985) 30-32; also appeared in M. Broesterhuizen, ed., The Gospel Preached by the Deaf (Peeters, 2007) 103-109. Dolores Beere, History of the Catholic Deaf: St. John’s Center (Archdiocese of Detroit, 1984).
The 1970s
Patricia McNicholas, “Planning children’s liturgies for the Deaf”, The Living Light 13 (1976) 101-117.
Pope Paul VI, Iis qui Conventui inter Nationes interfuerunt de puerorum surditate agenti, Romae habito 25 m. octobris 1976, Acta Apostolicae Sedis 68 (1976) 668-669, delivered in French. English translation coming.
Pope Paul VI, "Le Drame des sourdes", delivered 15 March 1975, La Documentation Catholique 72 (n. 1676) (18 May 1975) 454. English translation coming.
The 1960s
Consilium for the Implementation of Constitution on the Liturgy, “Private Reply,” 10 December 1965, in Canon Law Digest VI: 552-553; also available in The Jurist 26 (1966) 388-389; Bishops' Commission on the Liturgical Apostolate, Newsletter 2:4 (April 1966) 30-31; and International Commission on English in the Liturgy, Documents on the Liturgy 1963-1979 (Liturgical Press, 1982) n. 274.
P. Palazzini, “Surditas”, in P. Palazzini, ed., Dictionnarium Morale et Canonicum, in 4 vols., (Officium Libri Catholici, 1962-1968) IV: 422-423.
J. Lahache, "Surdité", in R. Naz, ed., Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique in 7 vols. (Librarie Letouzey et Ané, 1935-1965) VII (1965) 1117-1118.
Paul Campbell, “Concern for the Deaf”, Homiletic and Pastoral Review 62 (December 1961) 266-275.
The 1950s and before
R. Naz, “Muet”, in R. Naz, ed., Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique in 7 vols. (Librarie Letouzey et Ané, 1935-1965) VI (1957) 958.
Paul Neuland, “The parish clergy and our Catholic deaf-mutes”, American Ecclesiastical Review 90 (1934) 382-393.
aa.vv., "The confession of deaf-mutes", American Ecclesiastical Review 57 (July 1917) 78-82.
aa.vv., "Baptism administered by a deaf-mute", American Ecclesiastical Review 55 (August 1916) 194-196.
aa.vv. "Can a dumb person administer valid baptism?" American Ecclesiastical Review 16 (February 1897) 189-190.
'Sacerdos', "Our deaf-mutes", American Ecclesiastical Review 8 (1893) 470-471.
Some other materials
Edward Peters, "Our decision on a cochlear implant", American Annals of the Deaf 145/3 (October, 2000) 263-267.
Harlan Lane, When the Mind Hears: a History of the Deaf [1984] (Vintage Books, 1989). Contains numerous references to events of special interest to Catholic researchers.
Staging entries
Austin Green, "Catechesis of the Deaf", The Living Light (=) 243-251.
Anne Bamberg, "Dieu en culture sourde", Lumière et Vie 264 (2004) 65-67. Lumière et vie 264 (2004), 65-67: Anne Bamberg: Dieu en culture sourde. Témoignage et invitation à l'Église catholique. (Article) [95 2006/1]
Ann Ball, "Sanctity amid the sounds of silence", Our Sunday Visitor = =.
National Catholic Office for the Deaf. Policy for Working with Sign Language Interpreters in Catholic Religious Settings. Silver Spring, Maryland: National Catholic Office for the Deaf. =
Ministry amongst Deaf People, mai 2003, et Collaborative Ministry in the Deaf Vineyard, août 2003. 3 Le Fr. Juan José Santos Pulidos ; voir
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