To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II |
10 jun 2024 |
Research links
Corpus Iuris Canonci, here.
Ius Decretalium, here.
Canonical & Roman Legal History, here. |
Resources on Gottofredo da Trani, Summa Perutilis
Gottofredo's commentary on the Libri Quinque Decretalium, one of the first Decretalist commentaries to appear, follows, with rare exception, the plan of the Gregory's Liber Extra.
Text and biographical information
See brief biography of Gottofredo in Naz, DDC V: 952, my Eng. trans. follows:
Geoffroy de Trani or de Trano. Born in Trano in Apulie, he did his studies at Bologna where he was student of d'Azon, later becoming professor of civil aw at Naples and of canon law at Bologna. He was named in 1244 an auditor for contradictory letters by Gregory IX. Innocent IV made cardinal with the title of St. Adrien. He died in April 1245 without having taken part in the Council of Lyon. He produced various Quaestiones, an Apparatus on the Decretals of Gregory IX, and a Summa composed between 1241 and 1243 on the rubrics of the same collection. Important works, widely used after the death of the author. The Summa has been published several times.
See also: Martin BERTRAM, Der Dekretalenapparat des Goffredus Tranensis, in: Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law NS 1, 1971, p. 79, Manuscript 115 at Robbins (Boalt Hall).
The only thing that might be confusing for modern readers is Gottofredo's exclusive use of incipits (without numbers) to identify passages. Note also that Gottofredo calls a "title" a "rubrica". While most researchers will use Aalen's modern pagination, I've included, too, that of the 1519 edition for those who want to make use of extensive index of topics, geared of course, to the original edition. Some minor pagination errors crept into the index at the end of the 1519 printing; those occurring in Liber V, after title IX were evidently noticed, but not resolved.
Transcription & Translation |
Summa perutilis et valde necessario domini Goffredi de Trano super titulis decretalium novissime cum Repertorio et numeris principalium et emergentium questionum Lugdun= Impressa + Cum Privilegio.
[ Audaces fortuna iuvat. Timidosque repellit ] |
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