To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II |
20 dec 2024 |
1983 Codex Vigens |
Codex Vigens - Western Code of Canon Law Apparatus for researching the Western Code of Canon Law. This page is subject to updating and revision. |
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First-time users of these pages should be familiar with the Master Page on the Johanno-Pauline Code of 1983, here, and the Codex Vigens - Introduction, here.
Information on this page is always presented in the following order:
• Canon of the Western Code of Canon Law, always preceded by 'CIC' if the provision is original or by a capitalized document name if the provision has been revised, the number always in a four-digit format ending with a semi-colon, summarized in English, and linked to the current official Latin text (Latine). Where a canon has been modified since its promulgation, the former number, preceded by Olim (formerly), is presented in pale yellow.
• Source(s). Drawing chiefly on the fontes (footnotes) of the Western Code (but occasionally modified as I think conducive to research), sources here identify only Pio-Benedictine predecessors and relevant documents of the Second Vatican Council. The paucity or absence of entries as sources does not, therefore, necessarily mean that the Legislator asserts no sources for the canon, only that those sources would be neither codical nor conciliar in origin. Provisions with no identifiable sources where one might have expected such are designated with '≠.'
• Parallel(s). Listing, as available, parallel canons of the Eastern Code of Canon Law.
• Papal. Papal modifications of the Code (typically by motu proprio or apostolic constitution).
• Dicasterial. Dicasterial modifications a/o authoritative applications of, or notable official commentary on, the text of a canon of the Code.
• Particular. Important arch/diocesan a/o religious institute exercises in canon law.
• Scholarly works. Monographs, doctoral dissertations, licentiate and masters thesis, and occasional other learned works (e. g., chapters from festschrifts).
• Other. Cross references within the Western Code itself and links to supplemental items of possible interest (typically, materials pre-dating 1980).
If no information has been identified for one or more categories above, that category is simply omitted from the list.
Finally, all links worked when I installed them. Some institutions seem to tinker frequently with their links rendering useless many that I had posted at one time and I can no longer try to restore them. I leave dead links posted, however, on the chance they might yet be of use to someone (or, at least, in mute testimony to the downside of casual changes of links).
1983 Codex Vigens
Introductory Material
1983 Codex Vigens
Introductory Material
1983 Codex Vigens
Introductory Material
Western Code of Canon Law, cc. 1-1752. Original Latin text here. • Current Latin text here.
The fundamental unit of canonical legislation is the "canon". All canons are of equal juridic weight. Canons might be grouped into larger thematic sets a/o divided into smaller specific provisions but such groupings a/o subdivisions carry no legislative significance. The organization of the Code can be charted as follows with categories in parentheses appearing in the various areas of the Code, or not, as the case may be:
Book / (Part) / (Section) / Title / (Chapter) / (Article) / Canon / (Section or Paragraph) / (Number) / (Letter).
► Topic in general, as follows:
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Sacrae disciplinae leges (25 jan 1983), AAS 75/2 (1983) vii-xiv. ▪ English, here. Summary: Promulgation of the (Western) Code of Canon Law, Codex Iuris Canonici auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatus, AAS 75/2 (1983) 1-320, itself on-line here. Cites: CIC (0008).
Dicasterial. • [PCLT], Codex Iuris Canonici, Fontium Annotatione et Indice Analytico-Alphabetico Auctus, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1989) 704 pp. ▪ Reviews: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 24 (1990) 251-252; F. McManus in Jurist 49 (1989) 303-307. Note: This work is nearly error-free but with each passing year it becomes more out of date.
• [Secretariat of State] (Casaroli), doc. Quaedam mendae nuper repertae (21 nov 1988), AAS 80 (1988) 1819. ▪ Summary: Correcting remaining printing errors in Code. Cites: CIC 0996, 1108, 1742.
After examining the text of the law itself (linked here as 'Latine'), serious research into the meaning and application of the 1983 Code of Canon Law begins by consulting the great, integrated studies of the Code as discussed at Peters wbp Pan-textual Commentaries on the 1983 Code, here. The importance of consulting these works early in one's research cannot be over-emphasized. The next phase of canonical research depends on one's research goals but will likely embrace one or more of the following steps: examination of any 'Sources' for modern canons (info here); examination of possible 'Parallel' provisions in Eastern canon law; legislative history (info here); specialized treatments of topics as identified in Canon Law Abstracts (here), and possible CLSA Advisory Opinions (info here). Finally, one should be alert to any official materials identified here as 'Papal', 'Dicasterial', and 'Particular' (explained above), and might wish to consult 'Scholarly works' chiefly in the form of dissertations, theses, monographs, a/o excepts therefrom.
• Alfons Maria Stickler, “Der Codex iuris canonici von 1983 im Lichte der Kodifikationsgeschichte des Kirchenrechts”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) I: 97-104.
▲ Special topic: Legislative history of the 1983 Code, Supplement, here.
▲ Special topic:
Theological considerations on canon law,
▲ Special topic: Post-promulgation textual modifications of the Western Code, as follows:
In a process necessary to all legal systems, but not yet well thought-out yet for canonistics, the original text of the Johanno-Pauline Code promulgated in 1983 is being replaced in piece-meal fashion (usually by papal motu proprio). At present over 140 canons of the Western Code have been textually modified (two by John Paul II, five by Benedict XVI, and the rest by Francis) since their promulgation. The substantive content of these modifications runs from mundane to startling. Additionally, the numbering conventions followed in some of these documents can cause confusion for researchers and so is disregarded here in favor of citing to the papal document by which the original version of a given provision was replaced, along with the new canon number. The papal documents by which canons of the Western and Eastern Codes have been textually modified, in whole or in part, are cited and linked below as relevant. These are collected, and textual comparisons are offered, at Peters wbp, Post-promulgation textual modifications to codified canon law, here.
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
General Norms
1983 Codex Vigens
People of God
1983 Codex Vigens
People of God
BOOK I - General Norms, cc. 1-203
[ Preliminary canons, cc. 1-6.]
works. • Francesco [Javier] Urrutia (Spanish Jesuit, 1926-2010), De Normis Generalibus C. I. C., (Gregorian Univ., 1985-1986) 106 pp. ▪ Urrutia biograph.
(1) This "Code of Canon Law", better called the "Western Code of Canon Law" or the "1983 Code of Canon Law", directly governs only the Western or Roman Catholic Church. An "Eastern Code of Canons", promulgated in 1990, governs the Eastern Churches. (2) Canonistics distinguishes between "private" law impacting persons in a society and "public" law impacting institutions in a society. With somewhat more consequence canon law also distinguishes between "internal" (public) law impacting canonical structures within the Church and "external" (public) law impacting legal relations between the Church and civil entities, chiefly States, leaving one to suggest that 'internal private law' seems concerned with realm of morality and conscience while 'external private law' governs observable conduct and behavior. Canon 1 speaks primarily, then, to the internal public law and the external private law of the Roman Church.
Source(s). 17-0001.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0001.
• John Faris, “Interritual Matters in the Revised Code of Canon Law”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) II: 821-823.
Source(s). 17-0002.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0003.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0002.
Sub-topic (a), Canon 2, Liturgy in general,
as follows: Dicasterial.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Casoria), decr. Promulgato Codice (12 sep 1983), EV 9: 362-403. ▪ Eng. trans. in ICEL, Emendations in the Liturgical Books Following upon the New Code of Canon Law (ICEL, 1984) 26 pp. Summary: List of modifications in liturgical books required in light of revised Code. Cites: CIC 0002, 0276, 0529, 0646, 0873, 0874, 0902, 0917, 0919, 0937, 0938, 0940, 0960, 0961, 0962, 0963, 0964, 0989, 0999, 1003, 1005, 1006, 1174.
• John Huels (American layman, 1950-), Liturgy and Law, (Wilson & Lafleur, 2006) 249 pp. ▪ Review: R. Geisinger, Gregorianum 89 (2008) 211.
• Willibrod Slaa (Tanzanian priest, 1948-), Liturgical law: existence, exigency and pastoral dimension of conciliar and post conciliar liturgical legislation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 39, 1983) 331 pp.
▼ Sub-topic (b), Canon 2, Holy Mass, as follows:
• Guido Pozzo (Cong. for Divine Worship), "L'Istruzione Universae Ecclesiae nella prospettiva aperta dal m. p. Summorum Pontificum" (14 mai 2011), Communicationes 43 (2011) 201-208. ▪ Summary: Remarks on the background and situation of Universae and Summorum, relating both to conciliar documents and post-conciliar papal teachings. Cites: CIC 0214, 0215, 0216, 0217, 0218, 0219, 0220, 0221, 0222, 0223, 0249, 0266, 0331, 0838.
• Anselm Gribbin, Immemorial Custom and the Missale Romanum of 1962, (KU Leuven MA ‘Society, Law, and Religion’ thesis, 2013) xvi-26 pp.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0004.
• T. Bertone (Secretariat of State), "La diplomazia del Papa tra realismo e profezia" [26 sep 2012], Communicationes 44 (2012) 445-449. ▪ Summary: Overview of various kinds of diplomatic activity engaged in by Holy See. Cites: CIC (0003), (0362).
• József Forró (≈, 1978-), Cittadinanza e nazionalità nel diritto canonico e nel diritto concordatario, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5746, 2008) 129 pp (part).
≈La sovranità territoriale della Santa Sede e la precedenza diplomatica, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3793, 1998) 102 pp (part).
Other. Supplement for Canon 0003.
Canonistics distinguishes between "private" law impacting persons in a society and "public" law impacting institutions in a society. With marginally more consequence canon law further distinguishes between "internal" (public) law impacting canonical structures within the Church and "external" (public) law impacting legal relations between the Church and civil entities, chiefly States, leaving one to suggest that 'internal private law' seems concerned with realm of morality and conscience while 'external private law' governs observable conduct and behavior. Canon 3 speaks primarily, then, to the external public law of the Catholic Church. Moreover, most international agreements between "the Church" and various states or political entities are actually struck between the Apostolic See or the Holy See (not the Vatican City State) and respective states or entities. See also CIC 0747.
Source(s). 17-0004.
CCEO 0005.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0005. For § 2: (more than 20 Pio-Benedictine provisions).
Parallel(s). CCEO 0006.
Other. Canon 5 is referenced in Canon 28.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0006. For § 2: 17-0006.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0002. CCEO 0006.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0006.
Book I, Title 1. Ecclesiastical laws, cc. 7-22.
Source(s). 17-0008.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1488.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0007.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0009. For § 2: 17-0291 § 1. 17-0335 § 2. 17-0362.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1489.
• USCCB, Compl. norm re Canons 8 § 2 and 455 § 3 (08 dec 2012), here. ▪ Summary: In general, American particular legislation will be promulgated on the episcopal conference website and will bind one month from its appearance there. Cites: CIC 0008, 0455.
Other. Canon 8 is referenced in Canon 31. ≡ Supplement for Canon 0008.
Source(s). 17-0010.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1494.
Source(s). 17-0011.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1495.
• Marcelo Cristian Heinzmann (Argentine priest, 1961-), Le leggi irritanti e inabilitanti. Natura e applicazione secondo il CIC 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5045, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-953-5) 232 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
Source(s). 17-0012.
CCEO 1490. • Michael Saunders (English priest, 1951-), The application of Canon 11 of the Code of canon law to members of the Church of England in regard to nullity of marriage, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1991) 208 pp. ▪ Abstract a/o dissertation here.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0013 § 1. For § 2: 17-0014 § 1. For § 3: 17-0013 § 2.
CCEO 1491.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0008. For § 2: 17-0014. For § 3: 17-0014.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1491.
Other. Canon 13 is referenced in Canons 12, 136.
Source(s). 17-0015.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1496.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0016 § 1. For § 2: 17-0016 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1497.
• Emmanuel Koné (≈, ≈), L'ignorance de la loi ecclésiastique et ses répercussions juridiques sur le fidèle, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 231 pp (part).
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0017 § 2. For § 2: 17-0017 § 2. For § 3: 17-0017 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1498.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), m. p. Recognito Iuris (02 jan 1984), AAS 76 (1984) 433-434. ▪ English, here. Summary: Establishment of pontifical commission for authentic interpretation of legislative texts, closing of the Code's revision commission, and closing of the commission for the interpretation of the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Cites: CIC (0008), (0016).
• Rosalius Castillo-Lara (PCLT), "De iuris canonici authentica interpretatione in actuositate pontificiae commissionis adimplenda" (21 jan 1988), Communicationes 20 (1988) 265-287. ▪ Summary: Among various types of canonical interpretation, that belonging to the Legislator is most crucial, even if it draws heavily on the private opinions of scholars; local tribunals deal mostly with marriage issues so are of limited use in interpreting other areas of law; estimates that fewer than ten percent of canonical questions submitted to it can be treated by dicastery; reviews types of interpretations issued, expressing skepticism about dicastery ability to issue ‘extensive’ and ‘evolving’ interpretations; notes that ‘doubt of law’ must be objectively verifiable, and explains the lack of any reasons being offered in interpretations as resting on law as an act of authority. Cites: CIC 0016, 0017, 1095, 1097, 1098.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0016.
The dicastery charged with responsibility for legislative texts, now known as the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, has undergone a distressing number of name changes over the years, as follows: Pontificia Commissio Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo (1969-1983); Pontificia Commissio ad Codicem Iuris Canonici Authentice Interpretandum ( [mens. VI] 1984); Pontificia Commissio Codicis Iuris Canonici Authentice Interpretando ( [mens. XII] 1984); Pontificia Commissio Codici Iuris Canonici Authentice Interpretando (1985-1988); Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis (1989-1998); and Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus (1999 to date). There would be little purpose served by citing these titles in individual entries so they are all referenced herein as "Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts" (PCLT). The dicastery journal, Communicationes, is so well-known in canonical circles that there is no need to identify it further. The name of this journal should never be abbreviated (e. g., Comm. ) as it would be hopelessly confused with a common abbreviation for the ubiquitous word "commentary". Note, too, that the year materials were published in Communicationes is very often not the year in which they were originally produced so, to avoid confusing readers, it is better not to list the year in which a given issue of Communicationes was published and instead to identify the work simply by its volume number.
Source(s). 17-0018.
CCEO 1499.
• Développement de la signification théologico-canonique du canon 605 à l'aide des principes des canons 17 et 19 du CIC 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3908, 2013) 239 pp.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0017.
Source(s). 17-0019.
CCEO 1500.
Source(s). 17-0020.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1501.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0219.
CIC 0020; priority given to later law and particular law. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0022.
CCEO 1502. Particular. Bp. Robert Morlino (Diocese of Madison WI, USA), "Decree of Abrogation" (09 jan 2013), Madison Catholic Herald (≈) English, here. ▪ Summary: Abrogation of previous diocesan, including synodal, laws and customs liable to abrogation, and establishment of diocesan legislative archives. Cites: CIC 0008, 0396, (0486).
CIC 0021; presumption of stability in law. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0023.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1503
Source(s). (more than 20 Pio-Benedictine provisions). ≡ CD 19; GS 74
CCEO 1504. Dicasterial.
Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), "Considerazioni circa I progetti di riconoscimento legale delle unioni tra persone omosessuali" (03 jun
2003), Communicationes
35 (2003) 214-223.
▪ English, here. Summary:
Overview of problems associated with proposals to grant civil legal
recognition to same-sex unions.
Cites: CIC (0022) (1055).
Lithuanian/American priest, 1961Copyrights as Ecclesiastical Goods: an analysis of the canonization of copyrights laws, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3816, 2001) 232 pp. ▪ biograph.
≈The canonization of civil law concerning the duties of Catholic healthcare trustees in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3800, 1999) 308 pp.
≈, ≈ La forma legittima per la manifestazione del consenso e il suo riconoscimneto nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3801, 1999) vi-288 pp.
≈La canonizzazione delle leggi civili con particolare riguardo al risarcimento del danno, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3780, 1997) 177 pp.
Book I, Title 2. Custom, cc. 23-28.
► Topic in general, as follows:
Source(s). 17-0025.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1506 § 1.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0023.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0027 § 1. For § 2: 17-0027, 17-0028.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1506 § 2. For § 2: CCEO 1507 § 2. Scholarly works.
Source(s). 17-0026
Parallel(s). CCEO 1507 § 1.
Scholarly works.
• Edward Peters, "Altera
opinio de consuetudine", Fellowship
of Catholic Scholars Quarterly 34/3-4
(Fall-Winter 2012) 49, pdf here.
Summary: Argues that a parish
is not a community capable of receiving a law.
Source(s). 17-0027 § 1. 17-0028.
CCEO 1507 § 3.
Source(s). 17-0029.
CCEO 1508.
Source(s). 17-0030.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1509.
Book I, Title 3. General decrees and instructions, cc. 29-34.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 29 is referenced in Canon 30.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), decr. Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei [23 sep 1988], AAS 80 (1988) 1367. ▪ English, here. Summary: Dicastery with executive power is here specially authorized to issue a general decree, here, to levy sanctions, effective immediately, against those who record or divulge through social media an actual or simulated sacramental Confession. Cites: CIC 0030, 1388.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book I, Title 4. Singular administrative acts, cc. 35-93.
► Topic in general, no entries. • L'evoluzione del diritto amministrativo canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3855, 2005) 143 pp. ▪ biograph.
Book I, Title 4, Chapter 1. Common norms, cc. 35-47.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1510.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0049. 17-0050. For § 2: 17-0049.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1512 §§ 1, 2.
Other. Canon 36 is referenced in Canons 77, 92.
Source(s). 17-0056.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1514.
Other. Canon 37 is referenced in Canon 55.
Source(s). 17-0046.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1515.
Source(s). 17-0039.
CCEO 1516.
Source(s). 17-0053.
CCEO 1521.
Source(s). 17-0054 § 1.
CCEO 1522.
Source(s). 17-0055.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1523.
Source(s). 17-0057.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1524.
Source(s). 17-0058.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1525.
Source(s). 17-0059 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1526.
Source(s). 17-0061
CCEO 1513 § 2.
Source(s). 17-0060 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1513 § 3.
Other. Canon 47 is referenced in Canon 79.
Book I, Title 4, Chapter 2. Singular decrees and precepts, cc. 48-58.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1510 § 2.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1510 § 2.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1517 § 1.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1519 § 2. CCEO 1514.
Other. Canon 51 is referenced in Canon 55.
Source(s). 17-0017 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0048 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). For § 2: 17-0024.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1511. For § 2: CCEO 1520.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1520.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1520.
CIC 0057; three months for action on requested decrees, else presumed negative response. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1518.
Other. Canon 57 is referenced in Canon 1734.
Source(s). For § 2: 17-0024.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1513 § 5.
Book I, Title 4, Chapter 3. Rescripts, cc. 59-75.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1510. For § 2: CCEO 1527 § 1.
Source(s). 17-0036 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0037.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1528.
Source(s). 17-0038.
CCEO 1511.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0042 § 1. 17-0045. For § 2: 17-0040. 17-0042. For § 3: 17-0041.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1529 § 1. For § 2: CCEO 1529 § 2. For § 3 ≠.
Source(s). 17-0043.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Carlos Encina Commentz (Chilean priest, 1964-), Quando e Come Ricorrere alla Penitenzieria Apostolica, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2011) 37 pp., Eng. version, id., When and How to Have Recourse to the Apostolic Penitentiary, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013) 47 pp. This book available in a Japanese translation by n. Tanaka. ▪ Review: J. Krajczyński, Prawo Kanoniczne 55 (2012) 198-203. Summary: Structure of Penitentiary, description of delicts reserved to Holy See, irregularities for orders, radical sanation, reduction of Mass stipends, moral questions, indulgences, and basic process for consulting dicastery. Cites: CIC 0977, (0995), 1041, 1044, 1045, 1048, 1161, (1308), 1321, 1322, 1323, 1331, 1357, 1358, 1367, 1370, 1378, 1382, 1388, (1752).
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0044 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-0044 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1530.
Source(s). 17-0047.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0048.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0051.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0052.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0054 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0069.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0060 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1513 § 1.
Source(s). 17-0079.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1527 § 2.
Source(s). 17-0062.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book I, Title 4, Chapter 4. Privileges, cc. 76-84.
Source(s). For § 2: 17-0063.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1531.
Other. Canon 76 is referenced in Canon 35.
Source(s). 17-0049. 17-0050. 17-0067. 17-0068.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1512 § 3.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0070. For § 2: 17-0074. For § 3: 17-0075.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1532 § 1. For § 2: CCEO 1532 § 2. For § 3: CCEO 1532 §§ 2, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0072 § 1. For § 2: 17-0072 § 2. For § 3: 17-0072 §§ 3, 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1533.
Source(s). 17-0073.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 81 is referenced in Canon 79.
Source(s). 17-0076.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1534.
Source(s). 17-0077
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1532 § 2 n. 3. For § 2: CCEO 1532 § 2 n. 4.
Source(s). 17-0078.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1535.
Book I, Title 4, Chapter 5. Dispensations, cc. 85-93.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 0087 § 1 (05 jul 1985), AAS 77 (1985) 771. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Bishops cannot dispense two Catholics from canonical form outside of danger of death. Cites: CIC 0087.
Source(s). 17-0080.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1536.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1537.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 8b. For § 2: 17-00081.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1537. CCEO 1538.
Other. Canon 87 is referenced in Canon 1245.
Source(s). 17-0082.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0083.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0084 § 1. ≡ CD 8b. For § 2: 17-0084 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-0201 §§ 1, 3.
CCEO 1539.
Source(s). 17-0085.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1512 § 4.
Source(s). 17-0086.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1513 § 4.
Book I, Title 5. Statutes and rules of order, cc. 94-95.
Source(s). For § 1: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions) ≡ UR 8; CD 38; GE 11. For § 2: 17-0410.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book I, Title 6. Physical and juridic persons, cc. 96-123.
Book I, Title 6, Chapter 1. Canonical condition of physical persons, cc. 96-112.
CIC 0096; baptism incorporates one into the Church. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0087. ≡ LG 11, 14; UR 3, 4; AG 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0097; criteria for adult and minor status. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0088 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0909 § 1.
CIC 0098; minors under law. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1. 17-0089. For § 2. 17-0089. 17-1648. 17-1650. 17-1651.
CCEO 0910. Scholarly works. • Randrianandrasana Emile Maurice (≈, ≈), La defense des droits de l’enfant au sein du système juridique-canonique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 185, 2000) viii-136 pp (part).
CIC 0099; criteria for determining incompetence status. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0088 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0909 §§ 2, 3.
CIC 0100; personal status in law based on various connections to territory. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0091.
CCEO 0911. CIC 0101; place of origin for children. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0090.
CCEO ≠. CIC 0102; acquisition of parochial and diocesan domicile and quasi-domicile. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0092.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0912.
Other. Canon 102 is referenced in Canon 103.
CIC 0103; religious acquisition of domicile and quasi-domicile. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0913.
CIC 0104; spousal domicile and quasi-domicile. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0093.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0914.
CIC 0105; acquisition of domicile and quasi-domicile by a minor. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0093.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0915.
Other. Canon 105 is referenced in Canon 106.
CIC 0106; loss of domicile and quasi-domicile. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0095.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0917.
CIC 0107; acquisition of pastor and ordinary by domicile and quasi-domicile. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0094.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0916.
CIC 0108; calculating direct and collateral consanguinity. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0096.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0918.
CIC 0109; affinity acquired by marriage and blood relation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0097.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0919.
CIC 0110; canonization of some civil law on adoption. Latine.
De concordia 0111; enrollment into a Church 'sui iuris' by baptism. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0111; enrollment into a Church 'sui iuris' by baptism. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1. 17-0098 § 1. 17-0756 §§ 1, 2.
― Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0029. For § 2: CCEO 0030. CCEO 0588.
― Papal. Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. De concordia inter Codices (31 mai 2016), art. 117.=? ▪ Summary: Makes textual changes to western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0111. Modification, here.
De concordia 0112; changes of ecclesiastical enrollment. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0112; changes of ecclesiastical enrollment. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1. 17-0098 §§ 3, 4. ≡ OE 4. For § 2: 17-0098 § 5.
― Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0032. CCEO 0033. CCEO 0034.
― Papal. Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. De concordia inter Codices, art. =?▪ Summary: Makes textual changes to western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0112. Modification, here.
• Secretariat of State (Sodano), rescr. Ad normam can. 112 (26 nov 1992), AAS 85 (1993) 81. ▪ Summary: Permission of the Holy See to allow transfer from the Roman Church to an Eastern Church within whose boundaries the Roman lives, can be presumed if both hierarchs consent to transfer. Cites: CIC 0112.
• László Nagy (Romanian priest, 1970-), Transfer of ascription in a church 'sui iuris' with particular application to the Archdiocese of Alba-Julia, Romania, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2001) 291 pp. ▪ Abstract a/o dissertation here.
― Other. Supplement for Canon 0112.
Book I, Title 6, Chapter 2. Juridic persons, cc. 113-123.
• An examination of the 'Universitas Rerum' and the 'Universitas Personarum' of new public juridic persons succeeding to the healthcare of apostolates of religious institutes in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3844, 2003) 426 pp.
▲ Special topic: Civil incorporation of canonical entities, Supplement, here.
▲ Special topic: Sponsorship of civil institutions by canonical entities, Supplement, here.
► Topic by canons, as follows:
CIC 0113; Catholic Church and Apostolic See as juridic persons by divine law. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0100. For § 2: 17-0099.
Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CCEO 0920.
• Tuomo Vimpari (Finnish priest, 1968-), The juridical personality of the Catholic church in Scandinavia canonical problems and prospects, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5104, 2003) 137 pp (part). ▪ Vimpari biograph.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0113.
CIC 0114; types, establishment, and missions of juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0100. For § 2: 17-0100. For § 3: 17-1489.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0921 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: CCEO 0921 § 3.
Other. Canon 114 is referenced in Canon 1303.
CIC 0115; types, distinctions, and some prerequisites of juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0099. For § 2: 17-0100 § 2. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0920. For § 2: CCEO 0923. For § 3: ≠.
CIC 0116; definition and establishment of public juridic person. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0921 § 2. For § 2: ≠.
Secretariat of State (Sodano), rescr. Con incessante (15 feb 1993), AAS 85 (1993) 376-379. ▪ Summary:
Structure for a juridic person to assist pilgrimages to the See of Peter.
Cites: CIC 0115, 0116, (1230).
CIC 0117; statues of juridic persons must be approved by ecclesiastical authority. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0922.
CIC 0118; representation of juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0119; collegial acts within juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
Parallel(s). For 1°: CCEO 0924 § 3. For 2°: CCEO 0924 § 1. For 3°: ≠.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can.
0119, 1º (28 jun 1990), AAS 82 (1990) 845. ▪
Latin, here. Summary:
A relative majority of votes suffices for election in a third round.
CIC 0119.
Other. Canon 119 is referenced in Canons 140, 176.
CIC 0120; extinguishment of juridic person. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0102.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0927. For § 2: CCEO 0925.
CIC 0121; norms for merging of juridic persons, regard for intention of donors. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0122; division of public juridic persons regard for intentions of donors. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1500.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0929.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0123; distribution of goods of juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1501.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0930.
Book I, Title 7. Juridic acts, cc. 124-128.
CIC 0124; requisites for and presumption of validity of acts. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1680 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0931.
CIC 0125. various factors vitiating various acts. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0103.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0932.
CIC 0126; effect of ignorance or error on juridic acts. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0104.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0933.
CIC 0127; consultation and consent. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0105 n. 2. For § 2: 17-0105 n. 1. For § 3: 17-0105 n. 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0934.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can.
0127 § 1 (05 jul 1985), AAS 77 (1985) 771. ▪
here. Summary:
A superior cannot cast a vote, not even to break a tie.
Cites: CIC 0127.
Other. Canon 127 is referenced in Canon 627. ≡ Supplement for Canon 0127.
CIC 0128; possible liability for harm arising from juridic acts. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1681.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0935.
Book I, Title 8. Power of governance, cc. 129-144.
≈La canonizzazione delle leggi civili con particolare riguardo al risarcimento del danno, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3780, 1997) 177 pp.
CIC 0129; ordained and lay participation in power of governance. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0196. For § 2: LG 33; AA 24.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0979.
• Cong. for the Clergy, et al., instr. Ecclesiae de mysterio (15 aug 1997) appr. in forma specifica, AAS 89 (1997) 852-877. ▪ English, here. Summary: Establishes norms for a range of clergy-lay cooperation in ecclesiastical activities, including narrowing use of the word "ministry", distinguishing preaching and homilies, reasserting role of pastor in a parish, parish councils (being consultative only), reinforcing primacy of clerical roles in liturgy, excluding non-priests from ministering Anointing, clerical status of official witness at wedding, and training of laity. Cites: CIC 0006, 0135, (0149), (0150), 0186, 0208, 0209, 0210, 0211, 0212, 0213, 0214, 0215, 0216, 0217, 0218, 0219, 0220, 0221, 0222, 0223, 0224, 0225, 0226, 0227, 0228, 0229, 0230, 0231, 0266, 0392, 0497, 0498, 0512, 0514, 0517, 0519, 0521, 0536, 0537, 0538, 0553, 0756, 0757, 0758, 0759, 0761, 0763, 0764, (0766), (0767), 0776, 0767, 0785, 0837, 0861, 0907, 0910, 0943, 1003, 1108, 1111, 1112, 1248, 1378, 1379, 1384, 1752.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0129.
CIC 0130; internal and external fora. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0980 § 2.
CIC 0131; ordinary and delegated, proper and vicarious power of government. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0197 § 1. For § 2: 17-0197 § 2. For § 3: 17-0200 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0981. CCEO 0983 § 1.
Other. Canon 131 is referenced in Canon 596.
CIC 0132; habitual faculties generally regarded as delegation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0066 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0982.
CIC 0133; factors resulting in invalid acts by a delegate. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0203.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0983 §§ 2, 3.
Other. Canon 133 is referenced in Canon 596.
CIC 0134; definition of local and religious ordinary, restricted use of term "diocesan bishop". Latine.
Source(s). 17-0198.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0984. CCEO 0987.
CIC 0135; legislative, executive, and judicial power, conditions for possible delegation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0201 §§ 2, 3. 17-0335 § 1. 17-2220 § 1. 17-2221. ≡ LG 27. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0985.
CIC 0136; territorial considerations in exercising executive power. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0201 §§ 1, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0986.
CIC 0137; delegation of executive power. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0199 § 1. For § 2: 17-0199 § 2. For § 3: 17-0199 §§ 3, 4. For § 4: 17-0199 § 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0988.
CIC 0138; ordinary executive power to be interpreted broadly, other narrowly. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0200 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0989.
CIC 0139; operations of higher and lower holders of executive power. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0204.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0140; operation of executive power by several individuals or group. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0205 § 2. For § 2: 17-0205 § 3. For § 3: 17-0205 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0990.
CIC 0141; holders of executive power successively delegated observe priority in time. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0206.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0142; cessation of various delegated powers. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0207.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0992.
Other. Canon 142 is referenced in Canon 83.
CIC 0143; cessation of ordinary power upon loss of office. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0208.
Parallel(s). CCEO 991
CIC 0144; supplying of executive power in cases of error or doubt of law. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-209. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0994. CCEO 0995.
Other. Canon 144 is referenced in Canon 1108.
Book I, Title 9. Ecclesiastical offices, cc. 145-196.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0145; definition of and scope of authority within ecclesiastical office. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0145. ≡ PO 20. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0936.
Book I, Title 9, Chapter 1. Provision of Ecclesiastical Office, cc. 146-156.
CIC 0146; provision is only means of acquiring ecclesiastical office. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0147 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0938.
CIC 0147; four means of acquiring ecclesiastical office. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0148 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0939.
CIC 0148; authority over office includes authority to provide for it. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0936.
CIC 0149; requisites for the provision of office. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0149. 17-0153 § 1. For § 2: 17-0153 § 3. For § 3: 17-0729.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0940 § 1. For § 2: CCEO 0940 § 2. For § 3: CCEO 946.
Other. Canon 149 is referenced in Canon 179.
CIC 0150; offices with full care of souls. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0154.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0151; grave cause required to defer provision of offices with full care of souls. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0152; incompatible offices should not be conferred on an individual. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0156.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0942.
CIC 0153; provision of office not vacant is invalid. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0150 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-0150 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0943.
CIC 0154; conferral of vacant office illegitimately retained. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0151.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0944.
CIC 0155; conferral of office by subordinate of higher authority. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0158.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0945.
CIC 0156; provision of office to be made in writing. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0159.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠. Book I, Title 9, Chap 1, Article 1. Free conferral, c. 157.
CIC 0157; generally diocesan bishops freely confer offices in their dioceses. Latine.
Source(s). 7-0152. ≡ CD 28.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book I, Title 9, Chap 1, Article 2. Presentation, cc. 158-163.
CIC 0158; authority to make and timing of presentation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1457. For § 2: 17-1460 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 158 is referenced in Canon 162.
CIC 0159; one being presented has eight useful days to decline presentation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1436.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0160; multiple presentations can be made, but not self-presentation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1460 § 4. For § 2: 17-1461.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0161; process in case of presentation of one unsuitable or one who renounces. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1465. For § 2: 17-1468.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 161 is referenced in Canon 162.
CIC 0162; loss of right of presentation and consequent process. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1465.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0163; authority to install one approved for installation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1466 §§ 1, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book I, Title 9, Chap 1, Article 3. Election, cc. 164-179.
Other. Canons 165-178 are referenced in Canon 424, and Canons 165-179 are referenced in Canon 158.
Source(s). 17-0160.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0165; election for office should take place within three months of notice of vacancy. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0161.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0947.
CIC 0166; convocation of electors, consequences for failure to convoke. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0162 § 1. For § 2: 17-0162 § 2. For § 3: 17-0162 §§ 3, 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0948.
Other. Canon 166 is referenced in Canon 127.
CIC 0167; generally elector must be physically present to cast vote. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0163. For § 2: 17-0168.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0949.
CIC 0168; no one may cast more than one ballot per vote. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0164.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0950.
CIC 0169; non-member of group acting as elector invalidates election. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0165.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0951.
CIC 0170; impeded election is invalid. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0166.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0952.
CIC 0171; who is unqualified to vote and consequences of his voting nonetheless. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0167.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0953. CCEO 1434.
CIC 0172; conditions for validity of vote. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0169.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0954.
CIC 0173; role of teller. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0171 § 1. For § 2: 17-0171 § 2. For § 3: 17-0171 § 3. For § 4: 17-0171 § 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0955.
CIC 0174; conditions for voting by compromise. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0172.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0175; revocation of compromise agreements. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0173.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0176; one generally elected by securing requisite number of votes and must be announced. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0174.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0956.
CIC 0177; prompt notice of results & acceptance or refusal of election. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0175. For § 2: 17-0176 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0957.
Other. Canon 177 is referenced in Canon 183.
CIC 0178; norms for post-election conferral or merely right to office. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0176 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0958.
CIC 0179; norms for seeking confirmation of election to office. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0177 § 1. For § 2: 17-0177 § 2. For § 3: 17-0177 § 3. For § 4: 17-0176 § 3. For § 5: 17-0177 § 4.
For § 1:
CCEO 0959 § 1.
For § 2:
CCEO 0960 § 1.
For § 3: ≠.
For § 4:
CCEO 0959 § 2.
For § 5:
CCEO 0960 § 2.
Book I, Title 9, Chap 1, Article 4. Postulation, cc. 180-183.
CIC 0180; postulation is a method of voting for one impeded from serving. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0179.
CCEO 0961.
CIC 0181; super-majority of votes required for postulation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0180.
CCEO 0962.
CIC 0182; postulation to be presented to competent authority within eight days of voting. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0181.
CCEO 0963.
CIC 0183; consequences of rejection or acceptance of postulation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0182.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0964.
Book I, Title 9, Chapter 2. Loss of ecclesiastical office, cc. 184-186.
CIC 0184; six ways office can be lost. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0183 § 1. For § 2: 17-0183 § 2. For § 3: 17-0191 § 2.
For § 1:
CCEO 0965 § 1.
For § 2:
CCEO 0965 § 2.
For § 3:
CCEO 0966.
CIC 0185; title of emeritus. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0965 § 4.
CIC 0186; requirement of written communication for certain kinds of loss of office. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
CCEO 0965 § 3.
Book I, Title 9, Chap 2, Article 1. Resignation, cc. 187-189.
CIC 0187; basic norm on resignation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0184.
CCEO 0967.
CIC 0188; factors invalidating resignation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0185
CCEO 0968.
CIC 0189; requirements for resignation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0186. 17-0187. For § 2: 17-0189 § 1. For § 3: 17-0189 § 2. For § 4: 17-0191 § 1.
For § 1:
CCEO 0969.
For § 2:
CCEO 0970 § 3.
For § 3:
CCEO 0969.
For § 4:
CCEO 0971.
Book I, Title 9, Chap 2, Article 2. Transfer, cc. 190-191.
► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 0190; authority and process for making transfer. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0193.
CCEO 0972.
CIC 0191; prior office becomes vacant upon possession of latter office. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0194.
CCEO 0973.
Book I, Title 9, Chap 2, Article 3. Removal, cc. 192-195.
Other. Canons 192-195 are referenced in Canon 318.
CIC 0192; removal takes place by decree or by law. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0192 § 1.
CCEO 0974 § 1.
CIC 0193; restrictions on removal from certain kinds of offices. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0192 § 2. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-0192 § 3. For § 4: ≠.
For § 1:
CCEO 0975 § 1.
For § 2: ≠.
For § 3:
CCEO 0975 § 2
For § 4:
CCEO 0974 § 2.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. Come una madre (04 jun 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 715-717. ▪ English trans. here. Summary: Factors warranting and procedures to be followed in removing diocesan bishop or eparchs from office. Cites: CIC 0193, 0368 / CCEO 0313, 0975.
CIC 0194; removal by operation of law. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0188 nn. 4, 5. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0976.
Other. Canon 194 is referenced in Canons 192, 1364, 1394.
CIC 0195; one removed by decree can receive suitable post-removal support. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2299 § 3.
CCEO 0977.
Book I, Title 9, Chap 2, Article 4. Privation, cc. 196.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-2298 n. 6. 17-2299 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0978.
Book I, Title 10. Prescription, cc. 197-199.
CIC 0197; general canonization of civil law on prescription. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1508.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1540.
CIC 0198; prescription generally requires good faith. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1512.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1541.
CIC 0199; seven institutes not subject to prescription. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-1509 n. 1. For 2°: 17-1509 n. 2. For 3°: 17-1509 n. 3. For 4°: 17-1509 n. 4. For 5°: 17-1509 n. 5. For 6°: ≠. For 7°: 17-1509 n. 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1542. Book I, Title 11. Computation of time, cc. 200-203.
CIC 0200; introduction to canons on computation of time. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0031.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1543.
CIC 0201; description of continuous and available time. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0035.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1544.
CIC 0202; definitions of day, week, month, and year. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0032. For § 2: 17-0034 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1545.
CIC 0203; computation of days. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0034 § 3 nn. 2, 3. For § 2: 17-0034 § 3 nn. 2, 4.
CCEO 1546. |
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BOOK II - People of God, cc. 204-746
Book II, Part 1. Christian faithful, cc. 204-329.
• International Theological Commission, "Propositions on the Dignity and Rights of the Human Person" (no date), ITC Texts and Documents I: 251-266. ▪ Summary: Fundamental dignity of man, biblical roots thereof, differing degrees of recognition of human dignity around the world. Cites: CIC 0208, 0209, 0210, 0211, 0212, 0213, 0214, 0215, 0216, 0217, 0218, 0219, 0220, 0221, 0222, 0223, 0747.
CIC 0204; definition of the Christian faithful. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 9-17, 31, 34-36; AA 2, 6, 7, 9, 10. For § 2: LG 8, 9, 14, 22, 38; GS 40.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0007.
▲ Special topic (Canon 204 § 1), notion of the Christian faithful, as follows:
▲ Special topic (Canon 204 § 2), subsistence of the Church in the Catholic Church; as follows:
CIC 0205; criteria of 'full incorporation' into the Church. Latine.
Source(s). LG 14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0008.
CIC 0206; catechumens. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 14. For § 2: SC 64; AG 14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0009.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0206.
CIC 0207; basic categories of clerics, lay, and religious. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0107. ≡ LG 10, 20, 30-33. For § 2: 17-0107. ≡ LG 43-47.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0323 § 2
Book II, Part 1, Title I - Obligations and rights of all Christian faithful, cc. 208-223.
• James Coriden (American priest, 1932-), The Rights of Catholics in the Church, (Paulist, 2007) 145 pp. ▪ Review: J. Devlin, American Catholic Studies 118 (2007) 103-104.
Source(s). LG 32; GS 49, 61.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0011.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), let. Esperta in umanità (31 mai 2004), AAS 96 (2004) 671-687. ▪ Italian on-line here. Summary: Respect for the dignity of women. Cites: CIC 0208, 1024.
Scholarly works.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0208.
CIC 0209; obligation to maintain communion. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 11-13, 23, 32; GS 1. For § 2: LG 30; AA 10.
CCEO 0012. Scholarly works.
CIC 0210; sanctification in daily life. Latine.
Source(s). LG 39-42; AA 6.
CCEO 0013. Scholarly works. • Edward Ssekabanja Matovu (≈, ≈), Obligation to a holy Christian life and the promotion of the growth of the Church: a study of canon 210, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) xiv-282 pp.
CIC 0211; duty and right to evangelize. Latine.
Source(s). LG 17; AG 1, 2, 5, 35-37.
CCEO 0014. Scholarly works. • Armando Cossa (≈ Franciscan, 1967-), La mission et l'évangélisation selon la législation canonique: application dans le diocese de Bissau, (Antonianum diss. 146, 2008) 119 pp (part).
CIC 0212; obligation of obedience, freedom of expression. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1323. ≡ LG 25, 37; PO 9. For § 2: 17-0682. ≡ IM 8; LG 37; AA 6; PO 9; GS 92. For § 3: IM 8; LG 37; AA 6; PO 9; GS 92.
CCEO 0015. Scholarly works. • Mónica Sáenz Amaguaya (≈ religious, 1976-), El deber de obediencia cristiana de los fieles a los pastores sagrados: aspectos jurídico-pastorales del canon 212 § 1 para el tiempo presente, (Antonianum diss. 157, 2013) 265 pp (part).
CIC 0213; right to spiritual goods of the Church. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0682. ≡ SC 19; LG 37; PO 9.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0016.
CIC 0214; rights to worship and spirituality. Latine.
Source(s). SC 4; OE 2, 3, 5.
CCEO 0017. Dicasterial.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), let. Orationis formas (15 oct 1989), AAS 82 (1990) 362-379. ▪ English, here. Summary: Features of Christian prayer, distinctiveness is Christ centered, rights to pursue prayer consonant with Church teaching. Cites: CIC (0214), (0223).
CIC 0215; right to freedom of association. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0685. ≡ AA 18-21; PO 8; GS 68.
CCEO 0018. Scholarly works. • Rubén Cabrera López (Mexican priest, 1967-), El derecho de asociación del presbítero diocesano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. ≠., 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-952-8) 236 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
CIC 0216; right to engage in apostolic undertakings, restrictions on use of name "Catholic". Latine.
Source(s). LG 37; AA 24; PO 9.
CCEO 0019. Scholarly works. • Stephen Meriwether, “Use of the name ‘catholic’ according to the 1983 Code of Canon law: Canons 216, 300, 803 § 3, and 808”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).
CIC 0217; basic right to Christian education. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1372. ≡ GE 2.
CCEO 0020. Scholarly works. • Peter Hilger (German priest, ≈), Das Recht auf christliche Erziehung: Eine Untersuchung der Genese von "Gravissimum Educationis" im Hinblick auf can. 217/CIC 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3647, 1990) 225 pp (part).
CIC 0218; right to academic freedom. Latine.
Source(s). GE 10; GS 62.
CCEO 0021. Dicasterial:
Particular. NCCB, "Doctrinal responsibilities approaches to promoting cooperation and resolving misunderstandings between bishops and theologians", Origins 19/7 (29 jun 1989) 97, 99-110. ▪ Summary: Relationships between episcopal magisterium and theological work, proposals of structured cooperation, and suggestions for dialogue and procedures in cases of conflict, including brief provisions for warnings and declarations of error. Cites: CIC 0218, 0753, 0812.
CIC 0219; right to self-determination. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0214. 17-0542. 17-0971. 17-1087. 17-2352. ≡ GS 26, 29, 52.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0022.
CIC 0220; rights to reputations and privacy. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2355. ≡ GS 26, 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0023.
Other. Canon 220 is referenced in Canon 642.
CIC 0221; basic procedural rights. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1646. For § 2: 17-2214. For § 3: 17-2195. 17-2222.
CCEO 0024. Scholarly works. • Evaristus Chidiebere Ogbuagu (≈ priest, ≈), The relevance and application of due process to canonical penal trials: (a systematic and pastoral study), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) xiii-248 pp (part).
CIC 0222; obligation to assist with needs of the Church and to promote social justice. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1496. For § 2: AA 8; DH1, 6, 14; GS 26, 29, 42, 65, 68, 69, 72, 75, 88.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0025.
Other. Canon 222 is referenced in Canon 1261.
CIC 0223; regulation of rights. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
CCEO 0026. Scholarly works.
Book II, Part 1, Title 2. Obligations and rights of lay Christian faithful, cc. 224-231.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. exhor. Christifideles laici (30 dec 1988), AAS 81 (1989) 393-521. ▪ English, here. Summary: Examination of laity in the Church, makes sounds use of examples where Code recognizes rights and talents of laity. Cites: CIC 0215, 0228, 0229, 0230, 0317, 0383, 0440, 0443, 0463, 0483, 0494, 0515, 0555, 0517, 0537, 0573, 0759, 0776, 0784, 0785, 0861, 0910, 0943, 1112, 1282, 1421.
CIC 0224; introduction to norms on lay right and obligations. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0400.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0224.
CIC 0225; lay initiatives. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 33; AA 2, 3, 17; AG 21, 36. For § 2: LG 31; AA 2, 3, 4; GS 43.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0401. CCEO 406.
CIC 0226; married persons and parents. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: AA 11; GS 52. For § 2: 17-1372 ≡ GE 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0407. CCEO 627 § 1.
CIC 0227; freedom in regard to earthly affairs. Latine.
Source(s). LG 37; AA 24; PO 9; GS 43.
CCEO 0402.
Particular. Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. "Circa alcune questioni riguardanti l’impegno e il comportamento dei cattolici nella vita politica" (24 nov 2002), AAS 96 (2004) 359-370. ▪ English, here. Summary: Examination of rights and responsibilities of Catholics in political life. Cites: CIC (0226), (0227), (0747).
CIC 0228; suitable laity to be admitted to ecclesiastical offices and advisory roles. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 33; CD 10; AA 24. For § 2: LG 33, 37; CD 27; AA 20, 26; AG 30; PO 17.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0408 § 2. For § 2: CCEO 0408 § 1.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0229; laity's right and obligation to seek a Christian education and pursue advanced studies. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 35; DH 14; AA 29; AG 26; GS 43. For § 2: GE 10; GS 62. For § 3: AG 41; GS 63.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0404.
Spiritus 0230. lay liturgical ministers and formal installation. Latine.
Olim: CIC 0230; lay liturgical ministers and formal installation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: AA 24.
Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: CCEO 0403 § 2. CCEO 0709 § 2.
Papal. Francis, m. p. Spiritus (2021) Summary: Authorizes installation of women on a stable basis as lector and acolyte. Cites: CIC 0230.
• [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 230 § 1 (10 jul 2000), here. ▪ Summary: Prerequisites for installation into ministry of lector or acolyte. Cites: CIC 0230.
Other. Canon 230 is referenced in Canon 910 ≡ Supplement for Canon 0230.
CIC 0231; lay ecclesiastical employees. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: AA 12, 28-3; AG 17. For § 2: AA 22, AG 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0409.
Book II, Part 1, Title 3. Sacred Ministers or Clerics, cc. 232-293.
Book II, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1. Formation of clerics, cc. 232-264.
CIC 0232; declaration of Church's exclusive right to form clerics. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1352.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0328.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0232.
CIC 0233; duty to foster vocations rests on whole Christian community in various ways. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1353. For § 2: @
CCEO 0329. Scholarly works.
CIC 0234; minor seminaries emphasis on humanities and sciences. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1354 §§ 1, 2. ≡ OT 3. For § 2: OT 13.
CCEO 0331.
CCEO 332.
CCEO 334.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0235; formation within or without major seminaries is last four years. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0972 § 1. 17-1354 §§ 1, 2. ≡ OT 4. For § 2: 17-0972 § 1. 17-1370.
CCEO 0331.
CCEO 0334 § 4.
CIC 0236; formation for permanent diaconate to last three years. Latine.
Source(s). LG 29; AG 16.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0354.
Competentias 0237; diocesan seminaries preferred, but inter-diocesan can be established with approvals. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0237; diocesan seminaries preferred, but inter-diocesan can be established with approvals. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1354 §§ 2, 3. 17-1357 § 3. ≡ OT 4, 7.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0332. CCEO 0334.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 1. ▪ Latin a/o English,, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
CIC 0238; seminaries are juridic persons represented by rectors. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0099. For § 2: 17-1368.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0335.
CIC 0239; several offices within the seminary. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1358. ≡ OT 5. For § 2: 17-1358. For § 3: 17-1359.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0338 § 1. CCEO 0339 § 1. CCEO 0340 § 1. CCEO 0471 § 2.
CIC 0240; kinds of, and roles of, confessors. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1361 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1363 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0339 §§ 2, 3.
CIC 0241; prerequisites for admission to seminary. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1363 § 1. ≡ OT 6. For § 2: 17-1363 § 2 For § 3: 17-1363 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0342.
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Grocholewski), instr. In continuità (04 nov 2005), AAS 97 (2005) 1007-1013. ▪ English, here. Summary: Strongly discourages admission to seminary a/o ordination of homosexual men or those possessing such tendencies. Cites: CIC 0208, 0241, 1024, 1029, 1051, 1052 / CCEO 0011, 0342, 0754, 0758, 0770.
• [USCCB], "Norms concerning reapplication for priestly formation", (no date), on-line here. ▪ Summary: As titled, with emphasis on notice to dismissed seminarians, possible waiting periods for re-application, mandatory disclosure of past seminary records, role of seminary in accepting candidates sent by bishops, possible disclosure of reasons for second rejection. Cites: CIC 0220, 0241, 0455.
Competentias 0242; national programs for priestly formation. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0242; national programs for priestly formation. Latine.
― Source(s). OT 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0330 §§ 1, 2. CCEO 0536 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art 2. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
― Particular, as follows:
― Other. Supplement for Canon 0242.
CIC 0243; seminary to have rule adapting national program. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1357 § 3. ≡ OT 7-11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0337 §§ 2, 3.
CIC 0244; spiritual and doctrinal formation to be coordinated. Latine.
Source(s). OT 4, 8, 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0346 § 1.
CIC 0245; spiritual formation in seminaries. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: OT 8, 9, 11; PO 3, 14. For § 2: 17-0127. ≡ OT 9, 1; PO 7, 8, 15.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0346 § 2 nn. 7, 8.
CIC 0246; liturgical, devotional, and sacramental life of seminarian. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1367 nn. 1, 2. For § 2: OT 8 For § 3: 17-1367 n. 1. ≡ LG 67; OT 8. For § 4: 17-1367 n. 2. For § 5: 1367 n. 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0346 § 2 nn. 2-6.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. let. Rosarium Virginis Mariae (16 oct 2002), AAS 95 (2003) 5-36. ▪ English, here. Summary: Adds five "Luminous Mysteries" to the Maria rosary. Cites: CIC ≠.
CIC 0247; frank education toward celibacy and other burden of clerical life. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: OT 10; PO 16. For § 2: OT 9.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0355.
CIC 0248; doctrinal formation oriented toward announcing Gospel. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: OT 13-18; AG 1-6; GS 58, 62.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0347.
CIC 0249; language study in seminaries. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1364 n. 2 ≡ OT 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), m. p. Latina Lingua permagni (10 nov 2012), AAS 104 (2012) 991-995. ▪ Summary: Refounding the Pontifical Academy for Latin. Cites: CIC ≠. ▪ Latin, here.
CIC 0250; two yeas of philosophy and four years of theology. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1365 §§ 1, 2.
CCEO 0348 § 1
CIC 0251; philosophical study in seminaries. Latine.
Source(s). OT 15; GE 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0349 § 1.
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Grocholewski), decr. Ad operam intendens (01 feb 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 145-161. ▪ Summary: Philosophy curriculum for seminaries. Cites 0251, (0815).
CIC 0252; theological studies in seminary. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: OT16; DV 2-4. For § 2: 17-1365 § 2. ≡ OT16 For § 3: 17-1365 §§ 2, 3. ≡ OT 16; DV 24.
CCEO 0350 §§ 1, 2. Dicasterial.
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Baum), instr. Inspectis dierum (10 nov 1989), AAS 82 (1990) 607-636, Italian on-line here. ▪ Summary: Program for study of Church Fathers in ecclesiastical faculties and seminaries. Cites: CIC ≠.
CIC 0253; qualifications and specializations of seminary faculty. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1366 § 3. ≡ OT 5. For § 2: 17-1366 § 3. For § 3: 19@
CCEO 0340 § 1.
CCEO 0471 § 2.
CIC 0254; courses to be taught in unified manner, coordinated by director of studies. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: SC 16; OT 5, 17. For § 2: OT 17.
CIC 0255; pastoral instruction in seminary. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1365 § 3. ≡ OT 4, 19
Parallel(s). CCEO 0352 § 1.
CIC 0256; instruction in sacred ministry itself. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: OT 20. For § 2: CD 6; OT 20; AG 39.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0352 §§ 2, 3.
Scholarly works. • Gerald-Majella Muwonge Akiiki (Uganda priest, ≈), The ecumenical formation of the candidates to the priesthood in Uganda after Vatican II in the light of can. 256, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 91, 1991) 271 pp.
CIC 0257; instruction to stress service to local and universal Church. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 6; OT 20; PO 10. For § 2: CD 6; OT 20; AG 38; PO 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0352 § 3.
CIC 0258; pastoral practice to be offered. Latine.
Source(s). OT 21.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0353.
CIC 0259; bishop(s) to be actively involved in seminary life. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1357.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0336 § 1. CCEO 0356 § 2.
CIC 0260; rectors are in charge. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1360 § 2. 17-1369.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0338 § 2.
CIC 0261; all seminary leadership figures are to watch over discipline. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1369 § 1. For § 2: 17-1369 § 3.
CIC 0262; seminary exempt from parishes, rector generally serves as pastor. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1368.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0336 § 2.
Other. Canon 262 is referenced in Canon 558.
CIC 0263; bishop(s) to provide for needs of seminary. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1357 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0341.
CIC 0264; seminary tax. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1355 n. 2 For § 2: 17-1356.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0341.
Book II, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 2. Enrollment or incardination of clerics, cc. 265-272.
Competentias 0265; all clerics must be incardinated. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0265; all clerics must be incardinated. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0111. ≡ PO110.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0357 § 1
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 3. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
CIC 0266; diaconal ordination and incardination into an institution. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 19@For § 2: 17-0115. 17-0585. 17-0678. For § 3: 19@
Parallel(s). CCEO 0358. CCEO 428.
• Ciro Mezzogori (Italian priest, 1978-), Vocazione sacerdotale e incardinazione nei movimenti ecclesiali. Una questione aperta, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6156, 2012, ISBN 978-88-7839-232-8) 520 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
Other. Canon 266 is referenced in Canons 268, 715.
CIC 0267; for process for change of incardination. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0112 For § 2: 19@
Parallel(s). CCEO 0359. CCEO 364.
CIC 0268; change of incardination by operation of law. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0115. 17-0585.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0360 § 2. CCEO 428.
Scholarly works. • Mark O'Connell (American priest, 1964), The Mobility of Secular Clerics and Incardination: Canon 268 § 1, (Santa Croce diss., 2002, ISBN 8883330471) 280 pp. ▪ O'Connell biograph.
CIC 0269; criteria guiding arch/bishop's decision to accept a cleric's request for incardination. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0117.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0366 § 1 nn. 1, 3, 4.
CIC 0270; factors impacting arch/bishop's consent to excardination and cleric's right of recourse. Latine.
Source(s). PO 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0365 § 1.
CIC 0271; secular priests in missionary areas. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: PO 10. For § 2: 19@For § 3: 17-0144.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0360 § 1. CCEO 361. CCEO 362.
• Wojciech A. Łapczyński (Polish priest, ≈), The juridical status of 'fidei donum' priests: the Archdiocese of Lusaka in Zambia, an example of application, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2010) 266 pp.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0271.
CIC 0272; restrictions on arch/diocesan administrators in this area. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0113.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0363 n. 2.
Book II, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 3. Obligations and rights of clerics, cc 273-289.
CIC 0273; clerical respect and obedience for rpp and ordinaries. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0127. ≡ PO 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0370.
CIC 0274; clerical ministry in general. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0118. For § 2: 17-0128.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0371 § 2.
CIC 0275; unity among clergy. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: PO 8. For § 2: AA 25; PO 9.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0379. CCEO 0381 § 3.
CIC 0276; clerical holiness. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0124. ≡ LG 28, 43; PO 12, 13. For § 2 n. 1: LG 41; PO 12, 14, 18, 19. For § 2 n. 2: DV 25; PO 14, 18, 19. For § 2 n. 3: SC 86-99.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0368. CCEO 369. CCEO 377. CCEO 378.
Particular. USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 276 § 2 n. 3 (2009), here. ▪ Summary: Permanent deacons should pray Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer, pray for the whole Church, and lead their communities in prayer when possible. Cites: CIC (0276).
Other. Canon 276 is referenced in Canons 663, 1174.
CIC 0277; clerical continence and
celibacy. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0132. 17-0133 § 1. ≡ PO 16. For § 2: 17-0133 § 3. ≡ PO 16. For § 3: 17-0133 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0373. CCEO 374.
• Gary Selin (American priest, ≈), Priestly Celibacy: Theological Foundations, (CUA, 2016) xxi-210 pp. ▪ Reviews: S. Butler, Thomist 81 (2017) 605-608; J. Keating, Nova et vetera 16 (2018) 672-675
CIC 0278; clerical right of association. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: PO 8. For § 2: PO 8. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0391.
CIC 0279; clerical studies. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0129. ≡ PO 19. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: PO 19.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0372.
Other. Canon 279 is referenced in Canons 555, 672.
CIC 0280; clerical common life.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0134. ≡ PO 8.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0376.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0281; clerical remuneration.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 16; PO 17, 20 For § 2: CD 16; PO 21. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0390.
• PCLT (Herranz), Decretum de recursu super congruentia inter legem particularem et normam codicialem (29 apr 2000), Communicationes 32 (2000) 162-167 (English). ▪ Summary: A diocesan priestly compensation plan that requires priests to make use of other sources of income with consequent diminishment of diocesan payments is not contrary to the laws of the Church. Cites: CIC 0281, 0291, 0383, 1274, 1294, (1752).
Other. Canon 281 is referenced in Canon 1274.
CIC 0282; clerical simplicity of life.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0138. ≡ PO 16, 17. For § 2: 17-0143. PO 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0385 § 1.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0283; residence obligation and vacation rights of clergy. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0143. For § 2: PO 20.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0386 § 1. CCEO 392.
CIC 0284; clerical garb. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0136 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0387.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), let., La cura (08 sep 1982), Communicationes 14 (1982) 114-115. ▪ Summary: The importance of clerical and religious garb as a witness. Cites: CIC ≠.
• [PCLT] (Fagiolo), nota expl. O Diretório (22 oct 1994), Communicationes 27 (1995) 192-194. ▪ Summary: Bishops have authority to require compliance with norms on clerical garb. Cites: CIC 0031, 0032, 0033, 0284, 0288, 0392.
• USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 284 (01 nov 1999), here. ▪ Summary: US clerical dress is black suit and Roman collar, cassock at cleric's discretion. Cites: CIC 0284, 0288.
• Wolfgang Rothe (≈, ≈), Die außerliturgische Klerikerkleidung nach can. 284 CIC. Eine rechtsgeschichtliche, rechtssystematische und rechtskritische Untersuchung, (LMU diss. 68, 2014) 540 pp.
Other. Canon 284 is referenced in Canons 288, 669.
CIC 0285; clergy conduct. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0140. For § 2: 17-0139 § 1. For § 3: 17-0139 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0382. CCEO 383 n. 1. CCEO 385 § 3.
• [Sacred] Cong. for the Clergy (Oddi), decl. Quidam Episcopi (08 mar 1982), AAS 74 (1982) 642-645. ▪ Summary: Elaboration on what types of clerical associations are appropriate (esp. those oriented toward priestly fraternity) and what types are not (esp. those oriented toward political activism). Cites: CIC (0275), (0278), (0285), (0287).
Scholarly works.
CIC 0286; clergy in business or trade. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0142.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0385 § 2.
CIC 0287; clergy and fostering of peace
and harmony. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: PO 6; GS 91-93. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0384.
Scholarly works. • Louis Martin Rakotoarilala (≈ priest, 1972-), Engagement des clercs a maintenir la paix et la concorde dans la justice selon le canon 287 § 1 dans la perspective de l'exhortation apostolique Africae munus, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6523, 2016) 417 pp.
Other. Canon 287 is referenced in Canons 288, 672.
CIC 0288; permanent deacons exempted from several clerical obligations. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0289; clerics and candidates
limitations regarding military service and civil functions.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0121. 17-0141. For § 1: 17-0123.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0383 nn. 2, 3.
• Günter Assenmacher (German priest, 1952-), Klerus und Allgemeine Wehrpflicht: Studien zur Begründung der Exemtion der Geistlichen von der allgemeinen Wehrpflicht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtslage und Diskussion in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3418, 1987) 349 pp. ▪ Assenmacher biograph.
Other. Canon 289 is referenced in Canon 672. ≡ Supplement for Canon 0289.
Book II, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 4. Loss of the clerical state, cc. 290-293.
Scholarly works. • Benjamin Phiri (Zambian priest, 1959-), Loss of the clerical state in the religious and diocesan priesthood, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) vii-77 pp (part). ▪ Phiri biograph.
≈ Loss of the clerical state: a penalty or rescript?, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3798, 1999) iv-324 pp.
CIC 0290; loss of clerical state. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-0211. 17 CIC 1993-1998. For 2°: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified). For 3°: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0394.
• Secretariat of State (≠.), doc. Da diversi anni (17 dec 2009), AAS 102 (2010) 57-58. ▪ Summary: Dismissal from the clerical state of Abp. Emmanuel Milingo. Cites: CIC 0292, 0976, 1044, 1394, 1382.
Scholarly works. • Jerome Uyanguren Rosalinda (≈, ≈), The dismissal from the clerical state due to voluntary and illicit abandonment of the ministry according to the third special faculty of 18 april 2009, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3937, 2016) vii-215 xcc.
• Peter Gerard Magee (Scottish priest,
≈), Dispensation from the obligations of priestly celibacy: An interpretation of the case of those who should not have received priestly ordination according to Per Iitteras
§ 5a, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3512, 1988) xvii-397 pp.
• Gerald Chylko, “The procedures for the laicization of priests, 1917-1983”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).
Other. Canon 290 n. 1 is referenced in Canon 291. ≡ See also 1983 CIC 1708-1712.
CIC 0291; dispensations from celibacy. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0213 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0396.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Šeper), doc. "De modo procedendi in examine et resolutione petitionum quae dispensationem a caelibatu respiciunt" (14 oct 1980), AAS 72 (1980) 1132-1137. ▪ Eng. trans. CLD IX 92-99. Summary: Outlines process for dispensing secular and religious clerics from celibacy. Cites: CIC (0290), (0292), (1708), (1709).
CIC 0292; main consequences of loss of
clerical state. Latine. Source(s). 17-0213 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0395.
CIC 0293; readmission to clerical sate
requires rescript of Apostolic See.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0212 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0398
≈ ≈ Reinstatement of dispensed priests (c. 293), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3822, 2001) x-297.
Book II, Part 1, Title 4. Personal prelatures.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Ut sit (28 nov 1982), AAS 75/1 (1983) 423-425. ▪ English, here. Summary: Establishment of Opus Dei as a personal prelature. Cites: CIC (0294), (0295), (0296), (0297).
• [Sacred] Cong. for Bishops (Baggio), decl. "De Praelatura Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei" (23 aug 1982), AAS 75/1 (1983) 464-468. Summary: Additional norms on Opus Dei as a personal prelature. Cites: CIC (0294), (0295), (0296), (0297).
CIC 0294; description of personal
prelature. Latine. Source(s). PO 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0295; governance structure and rights of personal prelature. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0296; cooperation with lay persons. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0297; cooperation with local
ordinaries. Latine. Source(s). PO 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 1, Title 5. Associations of the Christian Faithful, cc. 298-329.
Book II, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 1. Common norms, cc. 298-311.
CIC 0298; description and delineation
of activities of associations of the Christian faithful.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0685. ≡ CD 17, OT 2; GE 6, 8; AA 5-8, 11, 18, 19; PO 8. For § 2: 17-0684.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0299; establishment and nature of private associations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: AA 19, 24. For § 2: 24.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0573 § 2.
CIC 0300; restriction on use of word 'Catholic' by associations. Latine.
Source(s). AA 24.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0301; establishment of certain
associations of the faithful.
Source(s). 17-0686 § 1. ≡ AA 24.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0573 § 1. CCEO 0574.
Scholarly works.
Other. Canon 301 is referenced in Canon 299.
CIC 0302; definition of clerical
associations. Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0303; third orders. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0702.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0304; all associations are to have
statutes and suitable name.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0689 § 1. 17-0697. For § 2: 17-0688.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0576 § 1.
CIC 0305; all associations subject to
various forms of vigilance.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0336 § 2. 17-0690 § 1. For § 2: 17-0394 § 1. 17-0690 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0577.
CIC 0306; all members of of associations enjoy its benefits. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0692.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0307; enrollment in associations.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0694 § 1. For § 2: 17-0693 § 2. For § 3: 17-0693 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0578.
CIC 0308; members can be dismissed only
in accord with law and statutes.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0696 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0581.
CIC 0309; administration within associations. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0697 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0310; nature of and cooperation
within private associations.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0311; religious associations should cooperate with diocesan. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 2. Public associations of the faithful, cc. 312-320.
CIC 0312; various kinds and establishment of public associations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1 n. 1: 17-0686 §§ 1, 2. For § 1 n. 2: 17-0686 §§ 1, 2. For § 1 n. 3: 17-0686 §§ 2, 4. For § 2: 17-0686 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0575 § 1 nn. 1, 3, and § 2,
CIC 0313; public associations acting in
the name of the Church.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0687. ≡ AA 20.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0314; authority over statutes of public associations. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0689.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0576 § 2
CIC 0315; initiatives of public
associations. Latine. Source(s). AA 20.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0316; ineligibility for and dismissal from public associations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0693 § 1. For § 2: 17-0696 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0580.
CIC 0317; confirmation of moderators and appointment of chaplains for public associations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0698 § 1. For § 2: 17-0698 § 1. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0318; special trustee in a public association. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0698 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0319; administration of temporal goods in public associations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0691 § 1. For § 2: 17-0691 § 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0582.
CIC 0320; suppression of public
associations. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0699 § 2. For § 2: 17-0699 § 1. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0583 §§ 1, 2.
Book II, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 3. Private associations of the Christian faithful, cc. 321-326.
CIC 0321; introduction to norms on
private associations.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0322; upon approval of statutes a private association can receive juridic personality by decree. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0100 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0323; private associations subject to vigilance or governance by ecclesiastical authority. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0336 § 2. 17-0690 § 1. For § 2: CD 17; AA 19.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0324; choice of moderators and
spiritual advisors in private association.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: AA 19. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0325; administration of temporal
goods in private association.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0326; cessation of private association and distribution of goods. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1515 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 4. Special norms for associations of the faithful, cc. 327-329.
CIC 0327; laity to hold in esteem
certain kinds of associations.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0686. ≡ LG 31; AA 2, 7, 19.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0328; lay associations to cooperate with each other. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0329; moderators of lay
associations to see to lay formation.
Latine. Source(s). IM 15; LG 35; AA 4, 28-32; DH 14; AG 26; GS 43, 72.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2. Hierarchical Constitution of the Church, cc. 330-572.
Book II, Part 2, Section 1. Supreme Authority of the Church, 330-367.
Book II, Part 2, Section 1, Chapter 1. Roman Pontiff and College of Bishops, c. 330.
CIC 0330; popes and bishops are united
in a way similar to the unity of St. Peter and the Apostles.
Latine. Source(s). LG 22, Nota praevia explicitiva.
Parallel(s). CCEO 042.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0330.
Book II, Part 2, Section 1, Chapter 1, Article 1. The Roman Pontiff, cc. 331-335.
▲ Special topic: The 'recognitio' of the Holy See, here.
CIC 0331; description of papal supremacy. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0218. ≡ LG 18, 20, 22, 23, NEP 3, 4.; OE 3; UR 2; CD 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 043
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. Nell'attuale momento [31 oct 1998], Communicationes 30 (1998) 207-216. ▪ English, here. Summary: Roman primacy. Cites: CIC 0749, 0781, 0782, 1404 / CCEO 0597, 1058.
CIC 0332; acquisition and loss of papal
power. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0219. ≡ CD 2. For § 2: 17-0185. 17-0186.
Parallel(s). CCEO 044
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), decl. Non solum (11 feb 2013), AAS 105 (2013) 239-240. ▪ English, here. Summary: Abdication of Benedict XVI. Cites: CIC ≠.
CIC 0333; papal power in regard to other bishops and particular Churches. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0218 § 2. ≡ LG 13, 18, 22, 27; CD 2, 8. For § 2: LG 13, 18, 22, 23, 27, NEP 3 ET 4; AG 22 For § 3: 17-0228 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 045.
CIC 0334; description of those who assist to the Roman Pontiff. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0230. ≡ CD 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO 046 § 1.
CIC 0335; provisions during vacancy of the Roman See. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 047.
Book II, Part 2, Section 1, Chapter 1, Article
2. The College of Bishops, cc. 336-341.
► Topic in general, as follows:
Scholarly works. • Gianfranco Ghirlanda (Italian Jesuit, 1942-), Hierarchica communio: significato della formula nella Lumen gentium, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2898, 1980) xix-653 pp. ▪ Ghirlanda biograph.
CIC 0336; definition and power of the
college of bishops. Latine. Source(s). 17-0329 § 1. ≡ LG 20, 22, 23, NEP; CD 4, 44, 49; AG 38.
Parallel(s). CCEO 049.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0337; solemn and ordinary exercise of power by college and direction of the Roman Pontiff. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0228. ≡ LG 22, 25; CD 4. For § 2: LG 22; CD 4 For § 3: LG 22, NEP.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0050
CIC 0338; authority of Roman Pontiff
over ecumenical council. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0222 § 1. 17-0227. ≡ LG 22. For § 2: 17-0226. ≡ LG 22, NEP.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0051.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0338.
CIC 0339; participation in an ecumenical council. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0223 § 1 n. 2 ET § 2. For § 2: 17-0223 § 1 n. 4. 17-0223 §§ 2, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0052.
CIC 0340; interruption of ecumenical council during vacancy in the Roman See. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0229.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0053.
CIC 0341; necessity of consent and
promulgation by Roman Pontiff for decrees of college of bishops.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0222 § 2. 2. 17-0227. ≡ LG 22. For § 2: LG 22, NEP.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0054.
Book II, Part 2, Section 1, Chapter 2. Synod of Bishops, cc. 342-348.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), ap. con. Episcopalis communio (15 sep 2018), AAS 110 (2018) 1359-1378. Summary: Modifications of the nature and norms of the Synod of Bishops. Cites: CIC 0020, 0342, 0343, 0346, 0337, 0339 / CCEO 0045, 0046, 0050, 0052, 1502 / Apostolica sollicitudo (1965), Ordi Synodi (2006).
Scholarly works.
▲Special topic: Individual Synods, here.
≡ Some synods a special Vademecum Synodi Episcoporum is prepared by the Secretary General.
CIC 0342; description of Synod of Bishops. Latine.
Source(s). LG 23. CD 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0343; Synod of Bishops generally a
consultative body. Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0344; authority of Roman Pontiff
over Synod of Bishops. Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0345; types of synodal sessions.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0346; membership of various sessions. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• [PCLT] (Fagiolo), resp. ad dub. de voce passive episcoporum (10 oct 1991), AAS 83 (1991) 1093. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Retired bishops can be elected to Synods. Cites: CIC 0346, 0402.
CIC 0347; expiration and suspension of
authority of Synod of Bishops.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0348; key officers of Bishops.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 1, Chapter 3. Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, cc. 349-359.
CIC 0349; description of office of cardinal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0230.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Universi Dominici gregis (22 feb 1996), AAS 88 (1996) 305-343. ▪ English, here. Summary: Norms for papal conclaves. Cites: CIC 0332, 0333, 0335, 0340, 0347, 0349, 1399, 1752 / CCEO 0044, 0047, 0053.
• Secretariat of State (Sodano), Elenchus privilegiorum et facultatum S. R. E. Cardinalium in re liturgica et canonica (18 mar 1999), Communicationes 31 (1999) 11-13. ▪ Summary: List of privileges and faculties of cardinals of the Roman Church. Cites: CIC 0357, 0763, 0932, 0934, 0967, 0992, 1227, 1382, 1388.
CIC 0350; orders within college of cardinals. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0230 § 1. For § 2: 17-0231 § 2. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: 17-0236 § 4. For § 5: 17-0236 § 1. For § 6: 17-0236 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Papal. On 26 June 2018, Francis derogated from 1983 CIC 350 § 1.2 and 352 § 2.3, on-line here.
CIC 0351; authority of Roman Pontiff
over selection and announcement of cardinals. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0232 § 1. For § 2: 17-0233 § 1. For § 3: 17-0233 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0352; dean of college of cardinals.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0237 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Papal. On 26 June 2018, Francis derogated from 1983 CIC 350 § 1.2 and 352 § 2.3, on-line here.
CIC 0353; consistories.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0354; curial cardinals asked to
submit resignation at age 75.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0355; special functions of dean
after election of Roman Pontiff.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0239 § 2. For § 2: 17-0239 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0356; curial cardinals to reside in
Rome. Latine. Source(s). 17-0238.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0357; cardinals care for certain
churches and exemption from episcopal authority.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0240 § 2. For § 2: 17-0239 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0358; cardinals representing pope has authority limited to that representation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0266.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0359; during vacancy in Apostolic
See cardinals have authority only under special law.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0241.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 1, Chapter 4. Roman Curia, cc. 360-361.
▲ Special topic: Vatican City State, Supplement here.
▲ Special topic: International Theological Commission, Supplement here.
▲ Special topic: Pontifical Secret, Supplement here.
ecclesiastical legislation governing the Roman Curia falls outside of the
1983 Code. For the first five years of life under the 1983 Code the Curia
was largely governed by Pope Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978), ap. con. Regimini Ecclesiae Univerae
(15 aug 1967), AAS 59 (1967) 885-928, Latin, here. Since 1988,
the Curia has been largely governed by Pope St. John Paul's document, Pastor bonus,
cited below. Pastor bonus, however, has been modified in so many
respects by John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis, that it needs, and is
expected, to be replaced by an entirely new set of provisions.
• Niccolò Del Re (Italian layman, 1914-2005), La Curia Romana Lineamenta Storico-Giuridici [1946], (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 4° ed., 1998) 705 pp. ▪ Reviews: E. Lodolini, Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato 33 (1973) 550-551; F. de Lasala, Gregorianum 81(2000) 196-197. Notes: 2° ed., 1952; 3° ed., 1970.
CIC 0360; description of the Roman Curia. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0262.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Edna Ukpabi (Nigerian religious, ≈), The Role of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the Life of Religious Institutes, (KU Leuven diss., 2012) 306 pp. ▪ Overview here.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0360.
CIC 0361; scope of terms "Apostolic
See" and "Holy See". Latine. Source(s). 17-0007.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0048.
Book II, Part 2, Section 1, Chapter 5. Legates of the Roman Pontiff, cc. 362-367.
► Special topics: Diplomatic relations between the Holy See and various political entities, here.
Comment: See also CIC 0003.
• Tharcicio Bertone (Secretariat of State), "La diplomazia del Papa tra realismo e profezia" [26 sep 2012], Communicationes 44 (2012) 445-449. ▪ Summary: Overview of various kinds of diplomatic activity engaged in by Holy See. Cites: CIC (0003), (0362).
• Yves Kingata (≈, ≈), Das päpstliche Gesandtschaftswesen und die Nuntiatur in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Staat-Kirche-Verhältnis in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, (LMU diss. 66, 2013) 412 pp.
• Damiano Ruben Elmisi Ilari (Italian priest, 1967-), La diplomazia ecclesiastica tra teologia e diritto internazionale: una rilettura teologica della missione diplomatica pontificia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6231, 2013) 214 pp.
La legazione pontificia come partecipazione alla dimensione sacramentale della Chiesa, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3799, 1999) 240 pp. ▪ biograph.
≈La sovranità territoriale della Santa Sede e la precedenza diplomatica, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3793, 1998) 102 pp (part).
CIC 0362; Roman Pontiff and international relations. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0265.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Thomas Washington (≈ priest, ≈), The immunity of the Roman Pontiff in international law: a potential challenge for canon law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3939, 2016) 294 xcc.
CIC 0363; general functions of papal legates, delegates, and observers. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Brian Udaigwe (Cameroon priest, 1964-), The office of the Papal Legate according to c. 363 § 1: an assistance to Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 118, 1994) xii-266 pp. ▪ Udaigwe biograph.
CIC 0364; principal ecclesiastical functions of papal legates. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0267. 17-0269. ≡ CD 8A; GS 77
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0365; principal political functions of papal legates. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0267 § 1 ≡ GS 76. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0366; relations between papal legates and local Churches. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0269 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0367; cessation of functions of
papal legate. Latine. Source(s). 17-0269.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2. Particular Churches and their groupings, cc. 368-572.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1. Particular Churches and their authority, cc. 368-430.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1, Chapter 1. Particular Churches, cc. 368-374.
• Georges Kalenga Masuka (Congolese priest, ≈), Implantation et entracinement des églises d'Afrique et leurs structures hierarchiques à la lumière du droit canonique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) xii-230 pp.
CIC 0368; definition of particular Church. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0215. ≡ LG 13, 23, 26.; CD 11' AG 19.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 368 is referenced in Canons 134, 381.
CIC 0369; the arch/diocese. Latine.
Source(s). SC 41; LG 25, 26, 28; CD 11; PO 4, 5. = MORE.
Parallel(s). CCEO 177 § 1.
• Francisco Quiroz Carrillo (≈ Franciscan, 1963-), El presbiterio en la estructura orgánica de la Iglesia particular. Estudio teológico-jurídico, (Antonianum diss. 139, 2004) lviii-84 pp (part).
CIC 0370; territorial prelature or abbacy. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified). For § 2: 17-0293 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0311 § 1. CCEO 0312.
• Simone Giampieri (Italian Franciscan, 1975-), L'Applicazione dell'istituto giuridico della Prelatura territtoriale alla Santa Casa di Loreto, (Antonianum diss. 163, 2014) xxvi-90 pp.
CIC 0371; apostolic vicariate, prefecture, and administration. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0311 § 1. CCEO 0312.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0372; distinguished by its two paragraphs, to wit:
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0216. ≡ CD 22. For § 2: OE 4; CD 23, 43.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
▲ Canon 372 § 1, territorial particular Churches. ≡ CCEO
• Kaname Peter Yasuhisa (≈, ≈), Il criterio della territorialità e la costituzione di una Chiesa particolare alla luce del fenomeno odierno della mobilità umana, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 259 pp.
▲ Canon 372 § 2, personal particular Churches. ≡ CCEO
CIC 0373; establishment of particular Church reserved to Apostolic See, conferral of juridic personality. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0100 § 1. 17-0215 § 1. ≡ LG 22; CD 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0177 § 2
CIC 0374; parishes required in
particular Churches, vicariates optional.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0216 §§ 1, 2, 3. For § 2: 17-0217
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1, Chapter 2. Bishops, cc. 375-411.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. exh. Pastores gregis (16 oct 2003), AAS 96 (2004) 825-924. ▪ English, here. Summary: Papal reflections on the role of bishops on the Church. Cites: CIC 0204, 0208, 0212, 0330, 0331, 0333, 0336, 0337, 0343, 0369, 0375, 0381, 0385, 0386, 0387, 0399, 0400, 0437, 0441, 0443, 0447, 0450, 0455, 0459, 0747, 0749, 0753, 1051 / CCEO 0007, 0011, 0015, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0049, 0050, 0076, 0077, 0110, 0140, 0141, 0142, 0143, 0149, 0150, 0165, 0177, 0178, 0196, 0197, 0206, 0208, 0235-0242, 0322, 0595, 0597, 0600, 1062.
for Bishops (≠.), doc. Apostolorum successores (24 jan
2004), (LEV, 2004) 301 pp. ▪ English,
here. Summary:
As titled, Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops.
Cites: CIC 0013, 0050,
0051, 0057, 0065, 0067, 0087, 0088, 0090,
0118, 0119,
0127, 0131, 0135, 0136, 0138, 0139, 0146, 0149, 0151, 0157, 0167, 0174, 0176, 0189, 0190, 0190, 0191, 0192, 0193, 0194,
0195, 0204, 0206, 0207, 0208, 0211, 0212, 0215, 0216, 0271, 0281, 0220, 0221, 0222, 0223, 0225, 0226, 0227, 0228, 0229, 0230, 0233, 0234, 0235, 0236, 0237, 0241, 0242, 0243, 0245, 0252, 0257, 0258, 0259, 0271, 0272, 0275, 0276, 0277, 0278, 0279, 0280, 0281, 0285, 0287, 0288, 0283, 0285, 0290, 0292, 0299, 0301, 0305, 0312, 0314, 0317, 0329, 0330, 0331, 0333, 0336, 0337, 0339, 0346, 0363, 0368, 0369, 0370, 0371, 0374, 0377, 0381, 0382, 0384, 0385, 0386, 0387, 0388, 0389, 0391, 0392, 0394, 0391, 0392, 0395, 0396, 0397, 0398, 0400, 0401, 0402, 0403, 0404, 0406, 0409, 0411, 0413, 0416, 0417, 0418, 0419, 0421, 0422, 0423, 0425, 0426, 0427, 0428, 0429, 0430, 0431, 0433, 0436, 0439, 0440, 0443, 0445, 0450, 0451, 0455, 0460, 0461, 0462, 0463, 0464, 0465, 0466, 0467, 0468, 0469, 0470, 0473, 0475, 0476, 0478, 0480, 0482, 0483, 0484, 0461, 0463, 0483, 0485, 0490, 0492, 0494, 0495, 0496, 0498, 0499, 0500, 0501, 0502, 0503, 0504, 0505, 0506, 0507, 0508, 0509, 0511, 0512, 0512, 0514, 0515, 0516, 0517, 0518, 0519, 0520, 0521, 0522, 0524, 0525, 0528, 0529, 0530, 0531, 0533, 0535, 0536, 0537, 0538, 0536, 0537, 0538, 0548, 0552, 0553, 0554, 0555, 0567, 0574, 0579, 0586, 0591, 0594, 0603, 0604, 0605, 0607, 0609, 0612, 0615, 0616, 0628, 0630, 0637, 0673, 0679, 0678, 0680, 0681, 0682, 0683, 0707, 0713, 0732, 0733, 0738,
0747, 0753, 0755, 0756, 0757, 0758, 0759, 0763, 0764, 0766, 0767, 0768, 0770, 0771, 0772, 0774, 0775, 0776, 0777, 0780, 0784, 0785, 0788, 0801, 0802, 0804, 0806, 0809, 0810, 0812, 0813, 0815, 0816, 0818, 0819, 0822, 0823, 0824, 0825, 0826, 0827, 0828, 0830, 0831, 0833, 0835, 0838, 0841, 0844, 0851, 0858, 0861, 0879, 0882, 0884, 0886, 0888, 0889, 0891, 0895, 0905, 0914, 0932, 0933, 0934, 0943, 0944, 0952, 0961, 0962, 0964, 0967, 0978, 0986, 0995, 1108, 1012, 1013, 1015, 1018, 1031, 1032, 1052, 1063, 1112, 1121, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1182, 1188, 1206, 1210, 1215, 1220, 1222, 1223, 1225, 1227, 1236, 1241, 1242, 1247, 1248, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266,
1271, 1274, 1276, 1277, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1286, 1287, 1290, 1292, 1295, 1297, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1304, 1305, 1310, 1333, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1355, 1370, 1405, 1420, 1421, 1423, 1424, 1428, 1430, 1432, 1435, 1446, 1558, 1717, 1718, 1720, 1721, 1734,
1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1, Chapter 2, Article 1. Bishops in general, cc. 375-380.
CIC 0375; basic description of bishop. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0329 § 1. ≡ LG 19, 20; CD 2 For § 2: LG 21, NEP 2; CD 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0376; diocesan and titular bishops. Latine.
Source(s). CD passim.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0178. CCEO 0179.
• Thomas Anslow, “The Juridical and Theological Position of Titular Bishops according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law” (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 1996).
CIC 0377; selection of bishops. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0329 §§ 2, 3. 17-0332 § 1. ≡ CD 20. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. 17- For § 4: CD 26. For § 5: CD 20.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0181 § 2
• Mykhaylo Tkhorovskyy (Ukrainian priest, 1978-), Procedura per la nomina dei Vescovi. Evoluzione dal Codice del 1917 al Codice del 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 67, 2004, ISBN 978-88-7839-013-3) 276 pp. ▪ PUG summary here. Review: A. McCormack, Studia Canonica 39 (2005) 384-385.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0377.
CIC 0378; qualifications for candidates
for bishop. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0331 §§ 1, 2. ≡ LG 21, 23, 25. For § 2: 17-0331 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0180.
CIC 0379; priest to receive episcopal consecration within 3 months. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0333.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0188 § 1.
CIC 0380; profession of faith, oath of
fidelity by one becoming bishop.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0332 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0187 § 1.
The profession of faith to be tendered by bishops begins with the words "Ego ___ electus ___" and is otherwise that same oath promulgated by CDF in 1998 and available here. The oath of fidelity to be tendered by bishops, a distinct document, is provided here.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1, Chapter 2, Article 2. Diocesan bishops, cc. 381-402.
Note: Except where specified otherwise (see, e. g., 1983 CIC 435-438), canonical provisions applying to bishops and dioceses also apply to archbishops and archdioceses.
Particular. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Manual for Bishops Rights and Responsibilities of Diocesan Bishops in the Revised Code of Canon Law [1983], rev. ed., (NCCB, 1992) 84 pp. Summary: As titled, basic identification of hundreds of canons calling for episcopal attention. Cites: CIC passim.
• Araceli Martínez González (≈, 1969-), Il ‘coniugium spirituale’ tra vescovo e Chiesa nel secondo millennio: lettura comprensiva storico-canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6497, 2016) 75 pp (part).
CIC 0381; basic description of bishop's governing power. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0334 § 1. ≡ LG 27; CD 8. For § 2: 17-0215 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0178.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. Imparare (12 feb 2018), AAS 110 (2018) 379-381 (Italian text) ▪ Summary: Provisions for submission of resignation based on age (75 years) by prelates in direct papal service. Cites: CIC 0189, 0367, 0381. ≡ CCEO 0313, 0970.
• Julián Herranz (PCLT), "The personal power of governance of the diocesan bishop" (15 oct 1987), Communicationes 20 (1988) 288-310. Summary: As titled, with use of legislative history, notes bishop's power is sacred, complete, and to exercised in communion, examines three-fold division of governing power, and looks at problems related to dispensation and delegation of power. Cites: CIC 0017, 0023, 0026, 0030, 0036, 0076, 0077, 0085, 0086, 0087, 0088, 0089, 0090, 0092, 0094, 0127, 0134, 0135, 0137, 0204, 0205, 0208, 0209, 0221, 0242, 0290, 0134, 0135, 0137, 0225, 0272, 0331, 0333, 0371, 0375, 0379, 0380, 0381, 0382, 0391, 0392, 0394, 0466, 0472, 0473, 0476, 0480, 0495, 0502, 0511, 0515, 0805, 0905, 1014, 1018, 1031, 1047, 1078, 1079, 1117, 1127, 1165, 1263, 1277, 1732-1739, 1734, 1742, 1750.
• Fredrik Hansen (Norwegian priest, 1979-), The Unity and Threefold Expression of the 'Potestas Regiminis' of the Diocesan Bishop – Cann. 381 § 1 and 391, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 97, 2014, ISBN 978-88-7839-276-2) 238 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
≈ ≈ De cómo gobernar rectamente la diócesis de acuerdo con el Codex Iuris Canonici de 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3807, 2000) ≈ pp.
Other. Canon 381 is referenced in Canons 134, 706. ≡ Supplement for Canon 0381.
CIC 0382; taking possession of a diocese. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0334 § 2. 2. CD 26. For § 2: 17-0333. For § 3: 17-0334 § 3. For § 4: SC 41
Parallel(s). CCEO 0188 § 2. CCEO 0189.
CIC 0383; pastoral care for various
groups. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 16, 18. For § 2: 23-3. For § 3: LG 27; CD 16. For § 4: CD 11, 16.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0192 §§ 1, 2, 3. CCEO 0193 § 2. CCEO 0678 § 2.
CIC 0384; bishop's solicitude toward priests. Latine.
Source(s). LG 28; CD 16; PO 20, 21.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0192 §§ 4, 5.
Particular. =NCCB, The Health of American Catholic Priests: a Report and Study, (NCCB, 1985) 98 pp.
• Edward Morgan (English ≈, ≈), The Legitimate Expectation of Diocesan Clerics of their diocesan bishop in the light of the CIC 384 viewed from the Common Law Tradition, (KU Leuven diss., 2016) ≈ pp. ▪ Overview here. Monograph: id., Father and Brothers: The Legitimate Expectation of Diocesan Clerics in the Light of Canon 384 of the Code of Canon Law (Peeters, 2018) lxiv-817 pp.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0384.
CIC 0385; bishop's responsibility
foster clerical and religious vocations.
Latine. Source(s). LG 27; CD 15.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0195.
CIC 0386; bishop as preacher and teacher. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0336 § 2. 17-1327 § 1. ≡ LG 25; CD 13, 14. For § 2: 17-0336 § 2. ≡ LG 23; GE10; GS 62.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 0196.
CIC 0387; bishop as sanctifier.
Latine. Source(s). LG 26, 27, 41; CD 15, 16.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0197.
CIC 0388; bishops obligation for the "Mass for the people". Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0339 § 1. For § 2: 17-0339 § 4. For § 3: 17-0339 § 5. For § 4: 17-0339 § 6.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0198.
CIC 0389; bishops to preside at Masses
frequently. Latine. Source(s). SC 41; LG 26.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0199 § 3.
CIC 0390; bishop has right to perform
pontifical functions in diocese. Latine. Source(s). 17-0337 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0200.
CIC 0391; types of power of the bishop. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0335 § 1. ≡ LG 27. For § 2: 17-0362. = (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified). ≡ CD 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0191.
CIC 0392; bishop to enforce and be
vigilant about ecclesiastical laws.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0336 § 1. ≡ LG 23; CD 16. For § 2: 17-0336 § 2. ≡ LG 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0201.
CIC 0393; juridic competence of bishop. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0190.
Scholarly works. • Cosmas Archibong, “The Juridic Competence of a Diocesan Bishop in the 1917 and 1983 Codes: a comparative study”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 1999).
CIC 0394; bishop to encourage exercise of the apostolate. Latine.
Source(s). CD 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0203.
CIC 0395; obligation of residence. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0338.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0204.
• [PCLT] (Herranz), nota expl. "Obbligo del vescovo di resiedere in diocesi" (12 sep 1996), Communicationes 28 (1996) 182-186. ▪ Italian on-line here. Summary: Discussion of some causes that justify a bishop being outside of his diocese. Cites: CIC 0006, 0533, 0375, 0381, 0395.
CIC 0396; episcopal visitation of diocese. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0343.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0205 § 1.
CIC 0397; bishop has right of visitation regarding sacred places and religious. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0344 § 1. For § 2: 17-0342 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0205 §§ 2, 3.
CIC 0398; bishop's visitation to be
completed, but not in way burdensome to others.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0346.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0399; quinquennial report.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0340 § 1. For § 2: 17-0340 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0206 § 2.
• Cong. for Bishops (≠ ), Form for the Quinquennial Report [1982], (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 2010) 25 pp. ▪ Summary: Directions to bishops and staff on how to prepare quinquennial reports, replaces directions issued in 1982. Cites: CIC 0395, 0399, 0511, 0517, 0526, 0791, 1063, 1262, 1263, 1271, 1274, 1742 / Directory on Ecumenism (1993).
CIC 0400; the 'ad limina' visit.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0341 § 1. For § 2: 17-0342. For § 3: 17-0299.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0208. § 2
• Cong. for Bishops (Gantin), doc. La visita (29 jun 1988), Communicationes 20 (1988) 156-165. Summary: Spiritual and practical parameters and preparation for the 'ad limina' visit, but applicable to bishops who report to Cong. for Bishops only. Cites: CIC 0399, 0400.
CIC 0401; episcopal resignation.
Latine. Source(s). CD 21.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0210
Scholarly works.
CIC 0402; status of and care of retired
bishops. Latine. Source(s). CD 21.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0062. CCEO 0211.
Canon 402 is referenced in Canon 411
▲ Special topic: Charitable outreach of bishops.
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), m. p. Intima Ecclesiae [on ecclesial charitable operations] (11 nov 2012), AAS 104 (2012) 996-1004. ▪ English, here. Summary: Explains and somewhat broadens canonical authority bishops over charitable projects operating in his diocese. Cites: CIC 0095, 0134, 0215, 0222, 0300, 0312, 0317, 0323, 0324, 0394, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1274, 1300, 1303 / CCEO 0018, 0025, 0026, 0203, 0575, 0987, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1021, 1024, 1047.
• Ignatio Arrieta (PCLT), expl. art. de m. p. Intima Ecclesiae [02 dec 2012], Communicationes 44 (2012) 450-455. Summary: Background to and overview of Intima (2011). Cites: CIC 0129, 0312, 0322, 0394 / CCEO 0203, 0575.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1, Chapter 2, Article 3. Coadjutor and auxiliary bishops, cc. 403-411.
CIC 0403; description of auxiliaries, auxiliaries with special faculties, and coadjutors. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0350 § 3. ≡ CD 25, 26. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-0350 §§ 1, 2. ≡ CD 25.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0212.
CIC 0404; how auxiliaries and
coadjutors take office. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0353 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0353 § 1. For § 3: 17-0353 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0214.
CIC 0405; sources and descriptions of
authority of auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine. Source(s). 17-0351. ≡ CD 25, 26.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0213 §§ 1, 3. CCEO 0215 § 1.
CIC 0406; auxiliaries and coadjutors as vicars general or episcopal vicars. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0351 § 3. ≡ CD 26. For § 2: CD 26.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0215 § 1, 2.
CIC 0407; consultation among bishops in
a diocese. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 26. For § 2: CD 26. For § 3: CD 25.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0215 §§ 3, 4.
CIC 0408; liturgical preference to be accorded auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0351 § 4. For § 2: 17-0351 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0216.
CIC 0409; auxiliaries and coadjutors during vacant of the see.
Source(s). 17-0355.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0222. CCEO 0224 §§ 1, 2.
CIC 0410; residence requirements for
auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine. Source(s). 17-0354.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0217.
CIC 0411; resignation of auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine.
Source(s). CD 21.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0218.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1, Chapter 3, - The Impeded See and the Vacant See, cc. 412-430.
• Robert Hyde, “The vacant see in canon law: pertinent canonical issues”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1, Chapter 3, Article 1. Impeded see, cc. 412-415.
• Angela Codeluppi (≈, ≈), Sede impedita: studio in particolare riferimento alla sede romana, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3930, 2015) 289 xcc.
CIC 0412;
definition of an impeded see.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0429 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0233 § 1.
CIC 0413;
governance of an impeded or vacant see.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0429 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0427. 17-0429 § 3. ≡ CD 27. For § 3: 17-0429 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0233. Scholarly works.
CIC 0414;
order of succession during impeded see.
Latine. Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0415;
governance when bishop is under sanction.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0429 § 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 1, Chapter 3, Article 2. Vacant see, cc. 416-430.
CIC 0416; four ways a see can become vacant. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0430 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0219.
CIC 0417; cessation of authority upon vacancy of a see. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0430 § 2. ≡ CD 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0224 § 2.
CIC 0418; specific norms for transfer of bishop from one see to another. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0430 § 3. For § 2: 17-0194 § 2. 17-0430 § 3. nn. 1, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0223 nn. 1, 3. CCEO 0224 § 1 n. 1.
CIC 0419; governance during vacancy of a see. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0427. 17-0431 § 1. ≡ CD 26.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0220 n. 2. CCEO 0221 n. 2.
CIC 0420; governance during vacancy of an apostolic vicariate or prefecture. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0309 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0421; college of consultors to elect administrator promptly, in default metropolitan acts. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0427. 17-0432 § 1. For § 2: 17-0432 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0220 n. 3. CCEO 0221 nn. 3, 4.
Other. Canon 421 is referenced in Canons 430, 436.
CIC 0422; duty to notify Apostolic See of bishop's death and election of administration. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0432 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0220 n. 1. CCEO 0221 nn. 1, 5.
CIC 0423; only one diocesan administrator may be elected, cannot also be finance officer. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0433 § 1. For § 2: 17-0433 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0225.
CIC 0424;
norms governing election of diocesan administrator.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0432 § 2. 17-0433 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0425; prerequisites in diocesan administrator, norms if unsuitable selection made. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0434.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0227.
Other. Canon 425 is referenced in Canon 436.
CIC 0426; whoever governs prior to election of diocesan administrator likened to vicar general. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0435.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0427; diocesan administrator generally likened to bishop. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0435 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0438.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0220 n. 4. CCEO 0221 n. 5. CCEO 0229.
CIC 0428; diocesan administrator not to undertake innovation or alterations in diocese. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0436. For § 2: 17-0435 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0228.
CIC 0429; diocesan administrator bound residence and "Mass for the people". Latine.
Source(s). 17-0440.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0430; cessation of function of diocesan administrator. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0443.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0231.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 2. Groupings of particular Churches, cc. 431-459.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 2, Chapter 1. Ecclesiastical provinces and regions, cc. 431-434.
CIC 0431; purpose of and authority over provinces. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 40-1. For § 2: CD 40-2. For § 3: 17-0215 § 1. ≡ CD 41.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0432;
authority within and juridic personality of province.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0272. ≡ CD 40-2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0433; provinces can be erected as regions and granted juridic personality. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0215 § 1. ≡ CD 40-3. For § 2: 17-0100.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0434;
regional assemblies distinguished from episcopal conference.
Latine. Source(s). CD 41.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Cann. 434 & 452 (23 mai 1988), AAS 81 (1989) 388. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Auxiliary bishops are not eligible to serve as conference presidents or pro-presidents. Cites: CIC 0434, (0452).
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 2, Chapter 2. Metropolitans, cc. 435-438.
CIC 0435; definition of a metropolitan. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0272.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0080 nn. 1, 3. CCEO 133 § 1. CCEO 134 § 1.
CIC 0436; authority of a metropolitan.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0274. ≡ CD 40-1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0133 § 1 nn. 4, 5. CCEO 0037. CCEO 0221 n. 4.
CIC 0437; the pallium.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0275. For § 2: 17-0277. For § 3: 17-0278.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0438; in the West, "patriarch" and "primate" are usually honorific titles only. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0271.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 2, Chapter 3. Particular Councils, cc. 439-446.
CIC 0439; definition of plenary council. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0281. ≡ CD 36 For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 439 is referenced in Canon 440. uuu Supplement for Canon 0439.
CIC 0440; definition of a provincial
council. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0283. For § 2: 17-0284.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0441; authority of conference of
bishops over a plenary council.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0442; authority of a metropolitan
over a provincial council.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0284. 17-0288. For § 2: 17-0284 n. 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0133 § 1 n.2.
CIC 0443; types of participants in
particular councils.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0282 §§ 1, 2. 1110286 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0282 § 2. 17-0286 § 2. For § 3: 17-0282 § 3. 17-0286 § 4. For § 4: 17-0282 § 3. 17-0286 § 4. For § 5: 17-0286 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0444; direct and proxy
participation in particular councils.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0282 §§ 1, 2. 17-0286 §§ 3, 4. 17-0287 § 1. 17-0289. For § 2: 17-0287.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0445; purpose and power of
particular councils.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0290. ≡ CD 36.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0446; promulgation of conciliar legislation contingent upon review by Apostolic See. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0291.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 2, Chapter 4. Episcopal conferences, cc. 447-459.
1967- The teaching authority of conferences of bishops: juridical considerations in light of the motu proprio Apostolos suos, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3813, 2001) v-254 pp.
▲ Special topic: Conference legislation in various countries, Supplement here.
▲ Special topic: Episcopal conference doctrinal commissions, Supplement here.
CIC 0447; definition and description of episcopal conference. Latine.
Source(s). LG 23; CD 3, 37, 38.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), circ. let. Tra le importanti (03 mai 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 406-412. ▪ Italian on-line here. Summary: Suggestions for episcopal conferences developing guidelines for response to cases of sexual abuse of children by clerics. Cites: CIC (0447), 1342, (1395), 1717, 1722.
≈ ≈ Missionary cooperation and Episcopal Conferences: ‘an application to the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3828, 2002) ix-210 pp.
CIC 0448; basic membership of episcopal conference usually delineated by nation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 38-1. For § 2: CD 38-5.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0449; Apostolic See authority over
and juridic personality of episcopal conference.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 38-5. For § 2: 17-0100 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0450; specific membership of
episcopal conference.
Source(s). CD 38-2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 450 is referenced in Canon 448.
CIC 0451; topics for episcopal
conference statutes, necessity of review by Apostolic See.
Latine. Source(s). CD 38-3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0452; election of conference president. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0453; episcopal conference to meet
at least annually. Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0454; deliberative and consultative votes in episcopal conference. Latine.
Source(s). CD 38-2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0455; authority of episcopal conferences. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 38-4. For § 2: CD 38-4. For § 3: 17-0101 § 1 n. 2. ≡ LG 27; CD 38-4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0456; episcopal conference
president to send acts of meetings to Apostolic See.
Latine. Source(s). LG NEP; CD 38-4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0457; authority of permanent
council of episcopal conference.
Latine. Source(s). CD 38-3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0458; duties of general secretariat
of episcopal conference.
Latine. Source(s). For 1°: CD 38-3 For 2°: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0459; cooperation between episcopal
conferences. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 38-5 For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3. Internal ordering of particular Churches, cc. 460-572.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 1. Diocesan synod, cc. 460-468.
• Cong. for Bishops (Gantin) & Cong. for Evangelization of Peoples (Tomko), instr. In Constitutione apostolica (19 mar 1997), AAS 89 (1997) 706-721. ▪ English, here. Summary: Norms on diocesan synods. Cites: CIC 0034, 0035, 0095, 0119, 0135, 0164, 0165, 0166, 0167, 0168, 0169, 0170, 0171, 0172, 0173, 0174, 0175, 0176, 0177, 0178, 0179, 0212, 0230, 0275, 0276, 0277, 0279, 0281, 0283, 0285, 0381, 0384, 0386, 0391, 0392, 0446, 0455, 0460, 0461, 0462, 0463, 0464, 0465, 0466, 0467, 0468, 0495, 0500, 0503, 0505, 0510, 0511, 0512, 0531, 0535, 0536, 0537, 0548, 0553, 0555, 0770, 0771, 0755, 0756, 0764, 0772, 0777, 0782, 0790, 0804, 0806, 0823, 0833, 0835, 0838, 0841, 0844, 0895, 0935, 0943, 0944, 0952, 0961, 1002, 1064, 1121, 1182, 1248, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1276, 1304.
CIC 0460; definition of diocesan synod. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0356 § 1. ≡ CD 28, 36.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0235.
CIC 0461; circumstances suggesting
diocesan synod. Latine. Source(s). 17-0356.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0236.
CIC 0462; convocation of and presidency over a diocesan synod. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0357 § 1. For § 2: 17-0355 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0237 § 1.
CIC 0463; membership of and attendance at a diocesan synod. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0358.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0238.
CIC 0464; attendance at diocesan synod
by proxy not allowed.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0359 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0239.
CIC 0465; free discussion of proposed questions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0361.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0240 § 4.
CIC 0466; only the diocesan bishop legislates at a diocesan synod. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0362. ≡ LG 27; CD 8.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0241.
CIC 0467; diocesan bishop to send acts
of diocesan synod to metropolitan and episcopal conference.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0242.
CIC 0468; authority of diocesan bishop
over diocesan synod and possible interruption.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0221 § 1. 17-0357 § 1. For § 2: 17-0229.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0237.
▲ Special topics: Individual arch/diocesan synods.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 2. Diocesan curia, cc. 469-494.
CIC 0469; definition of diocesan curia. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0363 § 1. ≡ CD 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0243 § 1.
CIC 0470; bishop's authority over appointment to diocesan curia. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0152. 17-0364 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0244 § 1.
CIC 0471; responsibility of the curia. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-0364 § 2 n. 1 For 2°: 17-0364 § 2 n. 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0244 § 2.
CIC 0472; judicial power in diocesan curia controlled by Book VII of the Code. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0365.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0473; moderator of the curia and episcopal council. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 17 For § 2: CD 25, 26.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0474; writing requirements of validity of juridic acts by diocesan curia. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0372 § 3. 17-0373 § 1. 17-0374 § 1 n. 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 1. Vicars general and episcopal vicars, cc. 475-481.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0475; vicar general. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0366 § 1. ≡ CD 27. For § 2: 17-0366 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0245.
CIC 0476; episcopal vicars. Latine.
Source(s). CD 23, 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0246.
CIC 0477; vicars serve at pleasure of diocesan bishop. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0366 § 2. For § 2: 17-0366 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0247 §§ 2, 3.
CIC 0478; qualifications and disqualifications for vicars. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0367.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0247 §§ 2, 3.
CIC 0479; general executive authority of vicars. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0368 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-0368 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0248.
CIC 0480; vicar's obligation of reporting to and cooperating with diocesan bishop. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0369 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0249.
CIC 0481; vicar's loss of power. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0371.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0224 § 1. CCEO 0251.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 2. Chancellor, notaries, and archives, cc. 482-491. ► Topics
by canons, as follows:
Source(s). 17-0372.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0252.
CIC 0483; qualifications and disqualifications of other notaries. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0373 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0373 §§ 3, 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0253.
CIC 0484; duties of notaries. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0374 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0254.
CIC 0485; terms of service for chancellor and notaries. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0373 § 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0255.
CIC 0486; establishment of regular archives. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0375 § 1. For § 2: 17-0375 § 1. For § 3: 17-0375 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0256.
CIC 0487; access to archives and records. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0377 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0384 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0257.
CIC 0488; removal of materials from archives. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0378 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0258.
CIC 0489; establishment and management of secret archives. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0379 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0259.
CIC 0490; access to and restrictions on removal of materials from secret archives. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0379 § 3. For § 2: 17-0379 § 4. 17-0382 § 1. For § 3: 17-0382 § 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0260.
CIC 0491; diocesan bishop's authority over other kinds of archives in diocese. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0383 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-0378 § 1, 2. 17-0382 § 1. 17-0383 § 2. 17-0384 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0261
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 3. Finance Council and Finance Officer, cc. 492-494.
≈ ≈ Leigos e leigas, membros do conselho econômico diocesano: uma participação no poder de regime de maior significado no actual Código de direito canônico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3817, 2001) 80 pp (part).
► Topics
by canons, as follows:
CIC 0492; establishment of diocesan finance council. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1520 § 1. 17-1521 § 1. For § 2: 17-1521 § 1. For § 3: 17-1520 § 2. For § 4: 17-1525 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0263 § 1.
CIC 0493; responsibilities of the diocesan finance council. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0263 § 5.
CIC 0494; finance officer. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: 17-1525 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0262 §§ 1, 2, 3, 4.
Other. Canon 494 is referenced in Canon 1278.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 3. Presbyteral Council and College of Consultors, cc. 495-502.
CIC 0495; establishment of presbyteral council. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 28; CD 27, 28; PO 7, 8. For § 2: 17-0302.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0264.
Other. Canon 495 is referenced in Canons 502, 1018.
CIC 0496; statutes of the presbyteral council. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0265.
Particular. USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 496 (01 nov 1999), here. ▪ Summary: Statutes of presbyteral councils must require meetings at least four times per year and otherwise be drafted in accord with Canons 497-501. Cites: CIC 0495, 0496, 0497, 0498, 0499, 0500, 0501.
CIC 0497; members of presbyteral council. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0266.
CIC 0498; eligibility for active and passive election regarding presbyteral council. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0267.
CIC 0499; presbyteral council must be represent ministerial and regional composition of presbyterate. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0268.
CIC 0500; diocesan bishop's authority over presbyteral council. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: PO 7. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0269. PO 7. =
CIC 0501; presbyteral council membership and quinquennial renewal, cessation or dissolution of council. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0270.
CIC 0502; college of consultors. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0385 § 2. 17-0424. 17-0425 § 1. 17-0426 § 1. ≡ CD 27. For § 3: 17-0423. 17-0427. For § 4: 17-0302.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0271 §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 502 § 1 (11 jul 1984), AAS 76 (1984) 746-747. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Members of the College of Consultors who ceased to be members of the Presbyteral Council remain members of the College for the duration of their terms, and bishops may not name a replacement for a consultor who had ceased membership in the College. Cites: CIC 0502.
Other. Canon 502 is referenced in Canon 421.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 4. Chapters of Canons, cc. 503-510.
Bernd Dennemarck (German priest, 1964-), Die Statuten des Eichstätter Domkapitels von der Säkularisation bis zur Gegenwart. Mit einem kritischen Kommentar zum geltenden Statut, (LMU diss. 61, 2008) xxxix-282 pp. ▪ Dennemarck biograph.
El cabildo catedral de la Diocesis de Barbastro desde el año 1571, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3789-2, 1998) ≈ pp.
CIC 0503; definition of two kinds of cathedral chapters. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0391 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0504; authority of Apostolic See over cathedral chapters. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0392.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0505; requirement of and bishop's
authority over chapter statutes.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0410 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0506; statutes of a chapter.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0411 §§ 1, 2. 1917 CIC 412-422. For § 2: 17-0409. 17-0420. 17-0421 § 2. 17-0422.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Cong. for the Clergy (Innocenti), let. Ut Eminentiae (11 mar 1987), AAS 79 (1987) 603-604. ▪ Summary: Norms on insignia for canons. Cites: CIC 0506.
CIC 0507; presiding over chapter.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0393.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0508; canon penitentiary.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0401 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0509; conferral of canonries. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0403. For § 2: 17-0404 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0510; chapter's relations with
parishes. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0415 § 1. For § 3: 17-0415 §§ 1, 4. For § 4: 17-0415 § 2 n. 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 5. [Diocesan] Pastoral Council, cc. 511-514.
► Topics by canons, as follows:
CIC 0511; encouragement of and outline of role for diocesan pastoral council. Latine.
Source(s). CD 27; AG 30; PO 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0272.
CIC 0512; membership of diocesan pastoral council. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 27 For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0273 §§ 1, 2, 4.
CIC 0513; duration and cessation of
diocesan pastoral council.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0274.
CIC 0514; diocesan bishop's authority
over diocesan pastoral council.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 27 For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0273 § 1. CCEO 0275.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 6. Parishes, Pastors, and Parochial Vicars, cc. 515-552.
CIC 0515; definition of a parish. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0216 §§ 1, 2, 3. ≡ SC 42; LG 26; CD 30; AA 10; AG 37. For § 2: 17-0216 § 1. ≡ CD 32. For § 3: 17-0099. 17-0100 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0279. CCEO 0280 §§ 2, 3.
• Cong. for the Clergy (Piacenza), "Procedural guidelines for the modification of parishes, the closure or relegation of churches to profane but not sordid use, and the alienation of the same", (30 apr 2013), Jurist 73 (2013) 211-219. ▪ Summary: In the nature of an instruction but with the designation, briefly outlines distinct procedures for the modification of parishes, relegation of churches to profane use, and alienation of former churches. Cites: CIC 0050, 0051, 0120, 0121, 0122, 0123, 0127, 0166, 0381, 0368, 0515, 1214, 1222, 1238, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1734.
CIC 0516; quasi-parishes and other non-parochial means of pastoral care (missions). Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0216 § 3. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0517; pastoral team ministry 'in solidum'. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0460 § 2. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0287 § 2.
Other. Canon 517 is referenced in Canons 520, 526, 542, 544.
CIC 0518; territorial and personal parishes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0216 §§ 1, 2, 4. ≡ CD 23.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0280 § 1.
CIC 0519; pastor's authority, role, and accountability. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0216 s 1. 17-0415 § 1. ≡ CD 30.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0281 § 1.
• Cong. for Clergy (Castrillón Hoyos), instr. "The priest: pastor and leader of the parish community", (04 aug 2002), Enchiridion Vaticanum 21: 499-551. ▪ English, here.
CIC 0520; parishes entrusted to religious. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0452 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0281 § 2. CCEO 0282.
CIC 0521; prerequisites to being named a pastor. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0453 § 1. For § 2: 17-0453 § 2. ≡ CD 31. For § 3: 17-0459 §§ 1 AN 3 n. 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0281 § 1. CCEO 0285 § 1
CIC 0522; pastors and stability in office. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0454 § 1. CD 31.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0284 § 3 n. 4.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 522 (24 feb 1984), here. ▪ Summary: Latin rite ordinaries may appoint pastors to six-year terms, renewable at the discretion of diocesan bishop. Cites: CIC 0522.
CIC 0523; generally bishops have sole
authority to appoint pastors.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0455. 17-0456. ≡ CD 28, 31.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0284 § 1.
CIC 0524; qualities in and inquiries concerning those to be considered as pastors. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0459 §§ 1, 3 n. 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0285 § 3.
CIC 0525; diocesan administrators can appoint pastors if see is vacant for a year. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0455 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0286.
CIC 0526; pastors over one or more parishes. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0156 §§ 1, 2. 17-0460 § 1. For § 2: 17-0460 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0287.
CIC 0527; installation and start of pastor's authority. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0461. For § 2: 17-1444 § 1. For § 3: 17-1444 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0288.
CIC 0528; pastor's duties in regard to Word and sacrament. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0467 § 1. 17-0468. 17-0469. ≡ SC 35, 52.; UR 11; CD 30; PO 6, 9. For § 2: SC 42, 59; CD 30.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0289 §§ 1, 2.
≈ ≈ Canonical provisions for parish catechetical instruction,
CIC 0529; pastor's duties in regard to governance and service. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0467 § 1. 17-0468 § 1. ≡ CD 18, 30; PO 6. For § 2: CD 30; PO7-9.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0289 § 3.
CIC 0530; several functions especially entrusted to pastors. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0462. 17-0466 § 1. 17-0938 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0290 § 2. CCEO 0677 § 1. CCEO 0739 § 2.
CIC 0531; handling offerings made on on occasion of parochial functions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0463 § 3. ≡ PO 20, 21.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0291.
CIC 0532; juridic affairs of the parish. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0290 § 1.
CIC 0533; pastor's residential obligations and vacation rights. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0465 § 1. 1. ≡ CD 30-1. For § 2: 17-0465 §§ 2, 3, 5. For § 3: 17-0465 §§ 4, 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0292.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0534; the 'Mass for the people'. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0466.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0294.
Other. Canon 534 is referenced in Canon 543.
De concordia 0535;
parochial registers, seal, and archives.
Latine. Olim. CIC 0535; parochial registers, seal, and archives. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0470 § 1., For § 2: 17-0470 § 2. For § 3: 17-0470 § 4. For § 4: 17-0470 § 4. For § 4: ≠.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0296.
― Papal. Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. De concordia inter Codices, art. 3. ▪ Summary: Makes several changes to western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0535. Modification, here.
― Other. Canon 535 is referenced in Canons 895, 1054.
CIC 0536; parish pastoral council. Latine.
Source(s). CD 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0295.
Comment: The interdicasterial instruction Ecclesiae de mysterio (15 aug 1997) prohibits conferring deliberative authority on parish pastoral councils.
CIC 0537; parish finance council. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1183. 17-1184. 17-1520 §§ 1, 2. 17-1521 § 1. 17-1525. ≡ PO 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0295.
Comment: The interdicasterial instruction Ecclesiae de mysterio (15 aug 1997) prohibits conferring deliberative authority on parish finance councils.
CIC 0538; pastor's cessation from office. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0297. CCEO 1391 § 2.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 538 § 3 (23 feb 1988), here. ▪ Summary: Diocesan bishops are authorized to develop norms for retired priests in accord with NCCB, Norms for Priests and Their Third Age (NCCB, 1988) 6 pp. Cites: CIC 0538.
Comment: The interdicasterial instruction Ecclesiae de mysterio (15 aug 1997) states that merely attaining to age 75 is not sufficient basis upon which to accept a pastor's resignation.
CIC 0539; appointment of parish
administrator upon vacancy or impedation of parish. Latine. Source(s). 17-0429 § 1. 17-0472 n. 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0298.
CIC 0540; authority of the parish
administrator. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0473 § 1. For § 2: 17-0473 § 1. For § 3: 17-0473 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0299.
CIC 0541; role of parochial vicar during vacancy or impedation of parish. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0472 n. 3. For § 2: 17-0472 n. 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0300.
CIC 0542; assumption of authority by priests placed as a team over parishes. Latine.
Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified) ≡ CD 31.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0543; authority and obligations of priests placed as a team over parishes. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified) ≡ CD 18, 30; PO 6-9. For § 2: 17-0339 § 4. 17-0465 §§ 1, 2, 3. 17-0466 § 1, 2, 3, 5. ≡ CD 30-1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0544; cessation of a priest member of team does not result in vacancy of parish. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0462 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0545; description of parochial vicar. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0475 § 1. 17-0476 § 1. ≡ CD 30-3. For § 2: 17-0476 §§ 2, 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0301 §§ 1, 2.
CIC 0546; parochial vicars must be priests. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0475 § 1. 17-476 § 1. ≡ CD 30-3. For § 2: 17-0476 §§ 2, 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0301 § 1.
CIC 0547; parochial vicar appointed by diocesan bishop. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0476 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0301 § 3.
CIC 0548; parochial vicar works under authority of pastor. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0476 § 6. For § 2: 17-0476 § 6. For § 3: 17-0476 § 7. ≡ CD 30-3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0302 §§ 1, 3.
CIC 0549; authority of parochial vicar during absence of pastor. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0465 §§ 2, 3, 5. 17-0472 n. 2. 17-0475 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0550; residential obligations and
vacation rights of parochial vicar.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0476 § 5. ≡ CD 30-1c. For § 2: 17-0134. ≡ CD 30-1c. For § 3: 17-0465 §§ 2, 3, 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0302 § 4.
CIC 0551; offering made to parochial
vicar are presumed made to parish.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0463 § 3. ≡ PO 20, 21.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0552; removal of parochial vicar. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0477 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0303.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 7. Vicars forane, cc. 553-555.
CIC 0553; description and appointment vicar forane. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0445. For § 2: 17-0446.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0276 § 1. CCEO 0277 § 1.
CIC 0554; qualifications of priest to be appointed vicar forane. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0446 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-0446 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0277.
CIC 0555; responsibilities of vicar forane. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0447 § 1. ≡ CD 30-1. For § 2: 17-0448 § 1. ≡ CD 16. For § 3: 17-0447 § 3. For § 4: 17-0447 § 2. =
Parallel(s). CCEO 0278.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 8. Rectors of Churches and Chaplains, cc. 556-572.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 7, Article 1. Rectors of churches, cc. 556-563. ► Topics
by canons, as follows:
CIC 0556; definition of rector. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0479.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0304.
CIC 0557; diocesan bishop generally
appoints rectors.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0480.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0305.
CIC 0558; restriction on rectors
against performing certain pastoral functions.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0462. 17-0466 § 1. 17-0481. 17-0938 § 2. 17-1368.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0306 § 1.
CIC 0559; liturgy authority of rector.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0482.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0306 § 2.
CIC 0560; local ordinary can direct more liturgical functions be celebrated. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0483 n. 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0307.
CIC 0561; necessity of permission of
rector to celebrate Mass or administer sacraments.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0484 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0308.
CIC 0562; responsibilities of rector.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0485.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0309.
CIC 0563; removal of rector for a just
cause. Latine. Source(s). 17-0486.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0310.
Other. Canon 563 is referenced in Canon 572.
Book II, Part 2, Section 2, Title 3, Chapter 7, Article 2. Chaplains, cc. 564-572.
► Topics by canons, as follows:
CIC 0564; definition of a chaplain.
Latine. Source(s). 17-698.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0565; local ordinary generally appoints or installs chaplain. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0698 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0566; faculties for chaplain.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0567; consultation with superior for religious chaplain, role not governmental. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0479 § 2. 17-0529. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0568; examples of groups for whom
chaplain should be appointed.
Latine. Source(s). CD 18.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), m. p. Stella maris (31 jan 1997), AAS 89 (1997) 209-216. ▪ English, here. Summary: Organization of the Work of the Maritime Apostolate, includes definitions, special provisions (e. g., faculties for chaplains), establishment of supervision. Cites: CIC 0034, 0566, 0568, 0962, 1251. Note: SM II. III. 2 misuses the term "dispensation".
CIC 0569; military chaplain governed by
special law.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0451 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0570; chaplain generally serves as
rector of connected church.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0571; chaplain to cooperate with
pastor. Latine. Source(s). CD 43.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0572; removal of chaplain. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0486.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 3. Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, cc. 573-746.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1. Institutes of Consecrated Life, cc. 573-730.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 1. Norms Common to All Institutes of Consecrated Life, cc. 573-606.
• Ogun Donatus Aihmiosion (Nigerian religious, 1966-), Foundation and canonical erection of an institute of consecrated life, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4833, 2001) xv-277 pp. ▪ Aihmiosion biograph.
Other. Canons 578-597, 598-602, 606 are referenced in Canon 732; Canons 598-601 are referenced in Canon 712.
CIC 0573; definition and description of consecrated life. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0487. ≡ LG 42-44; CD 35; PC 1. For § 2: 17-0487, 17-0488 n. 1. ≡ LG 43-45; PC 5; AG 18.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0410.
CIC 0574; Church's solicitude for religious life. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0487. ≡ LG 44. For § 2: LG 43; PC 2
Parallel(s). CCEO 0410. CCEO 0411.
CIC 0575; place of evangelical counsels in the Church. Latine.
Source(s). LG 43; PC 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0576; basic ecclesiastical authority over exercise of evangelical counsels. Latine.
Source(s). LG 43, 44, 45.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0577; description of different types of institutes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0488 nn. 1-4, 7. ≡ LG 36, 46.; PC 8a, 11
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0578; preservation of patrimony left by the founders. Latine.
Source(s). LG 45; PC 2b.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0426.
Other. Canon 578 is referenced in Canons 586, 587, 631.
CIC 0579; authority of diocesan bishop over establishment of institutes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0488 n. 3. 17-0492 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0435. CCEO 0506 § 1. CCEO 0566.
CIC 0580; aggregation of institutes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0492.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0581; internal structure of institutes left to institute authority. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0508 § 2.
CIC 0582; institute merges and unions of institutes left to Apostolic See. Latine.
Source(s). PC 21, 22.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0439. CCEO 0440 §§ 1, 2.
CIC 0583; modification of things approved by Apostolic See left to that see. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0495.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0584; suppression and distribution of goods of whole institute left to Apostolic See. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0493. 17-1501. ≡ PC 21, 22.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0438 §§ 1, 2, 4. CCEO 0507. CCEO 556.
CIC 0585; suppression of part of institute left to institute authority. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0494, 17-1500, 17-1501.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0438 § 3. CCEO 0508 § 2.
CIC 0586; autonomy of life. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 35-3, 4. For § 2: LG 45; PC 35-2
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 586 is referenced in Canon 594.
CIC 0587; purposes of constitutions. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 45. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: PC 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0588; distinguishing clerical and lay institutes. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0107. 17-0488 n. 4. ≡ LG 43; PC 10, 15. For § 2: 17-0488 N.4 For § 3: 17-0488 n. 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0505 § 3. CCEO 0554 § 2.
CIC 0589; distinguishing pontifical and diocesan institutes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0488 n. 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0434. CCEO 0505 §§ 1, 2. CCEO 0554 § 2. CCEO 0563 § 2.
CIC 0590; special institute supervision by and members' obedience to the Supreme Pontiff. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 44; PC 5. For § 2: 17-0499 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0412 § 1. CCEO 0555. CCEO 0564.
CIC 0591; exemption from local ordinary. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0488 n. 2. 17-0615. 17-0618 § 1. ≡ LG 45; CD 35-3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0412 § 2.
CIC 0592; reports to the Holy See. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0510. For § 2: 17-0509 § 1. ≡ LG 25.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0419. CCEO 0554 § 2.
• Cong. for Religious and Secular Institutes (Hamer), let. "Criteria de notitiis ad statum et vitam institutorum religiosorum et societatum vitae apostolicae spectantibus, quae cum Sede Apostolica, quibusdam temporis intervallis, communicanda sunt" (02 jan 1988), AAS 80 (1988) 104-105. ▪ Summary: On the application of Canon 592 among religious institutes and societies of apostolic life. Cites: CIC 0592, 0704.
Other. Canon 592 is referenced in Canon 704.
CIC 0593; authority of Apostolic See over institute of pontifical right. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0618 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0413. CCEO 0554 § 2.
CIC 0594; basic authority of diocesan bishop over institute of diocesan right. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0492 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0413. CCEO 0554 § 2.
CIC 0595; other authority of diocesan bishop over institute of diocesan right. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0492 § 1. 17-0495 § 2. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0414 §§ 1, 3. CCEO 0554 § 2. CCEO 0566.
• (Sacred) Cong. for Religious and Secular Institutes (Pironio), decr. Iuris Canonici Codice (02 feb 1984), AAS 76 (1984) 498-499. ▪ Eng. trans. CLD XI: 84-85. Summary: Transitional norms to facilitate bringing constitutions into line with 1983 Code. Cites: CIC 0006, 0587, 0595.
CIC 0596; basic authority of superiors and chapters in institutes. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0501 § 1. For § 2: 17-0501 § 1. 17-0503. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0441 §§ 1, 2. CCEO 0511. CCEO 0557. CCEO 0995.
CIC 0597; right of admittance into religious life. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0538. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0448. CCEO 0449. CCEO 0450 n. 1. CCEO 0518. CCEO 0559 § 1. CCEO 0568 § 1.
CIC 0598; constitutions to set out how members live evangelical counsels. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: PC 12-14. For § 2: 17-0593.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0426.
CIC 0599; evangelical counsel of chastity. Latine.
Source(s). LG 42, PC 12; PO.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0600; evangelical counsel of poverty. Latine.
Source(s). LG 42, PC 13; PO 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0601; evangelical counsel of obedience. Latine.
Source(s). LG 42, PC 14; PO 15.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0602; community of life in institutes. Latine.
Source(s). PC 15.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). For § 1: PC 1; AG 18, 40. For § 2: 17-0487. ≡ LG 44.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0481. CCEO 0570.
Competentias 0604; consecrated virginity. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0604; consecrated virginity. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: AA 19.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0570.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 4. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
― Other. Supplement for Canon 604.
CIC 0605; discernment and approval of new forms of consecrated life. Latine.
Source(s). LG 45; PC 1, 19
Parallel(s). CCEO 0571.
CIC 0606; institute provisions generally made without regard to sex of members. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0490.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1505.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2. Religious Institutes, cc. 607-709.
► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 0607; description of religious life, definition of religious institute. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 44, 45; PC 1, 5, 12, 25; AG 18. For § 2: 17-0487. 17-0488 n. 1. 17-0577 § 1. 17-0594 § 1. ≡ PC 15. For § 3: LG 44; PC 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 1. Religious houses and their erection and suppression, cc. 608-616.
► Topics by canons, as follows:
CIC 0608; necessity of religious house
and oratory. Latine. Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0609; approvals necessary for the establishment of a religious house. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0497 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0436 § 2. CCEO 0509 § 1. CCEO 0556. CCEO 0566.
CIC 0610; conditions necessary for the establishment of a religious house. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0496. ≡ LG 45. For § 2: 17-0496.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0611; implications of bishop's
consent for religious house.
Latine. Source(s). For 1°: CD 35-2. For 2°: 17-0497 § 2. For 3°: 0497 § 2. 17-1162 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0437 § 1. CCEO 0509 § 2. CCEO 0556. CCEO 0566.
CIC 0612; consent required for changes in works of a religious house. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0497 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0437 § 1. CCEO 0509 § 2. CCEO 0556. CCEO 0566. =?
CIC 0613; houses of canons or monks are
autonomous, moderators are major superiors.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0488 n. 8.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0418 § 1. CCEO 0433 § 1.
Other. Canon 613 is referenced in Canon 616.
CIC 0614; independence of female and
male branches of religious families.
Latine. Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0615; special vigilance of diocesan bishop over autonomous monastery. Latine.
Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0616; authority to suppress houses and autonomous monasteries. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0498. 17-1505. For § 2: 17-0493. 17-0498. 17-1501. ≡ PC 21. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: PC 21.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0438. CCEO 0510. CCEO 0556. CCEO 0566. =?
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 2. Governance of Institutes, cc. 617-630.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 2, Article 1. Superiors and councils, cc. 617-630.
Scholarly works.
Other. Canons 617-630 are referenced in Canon 734.
CIC 0617; superiors act in accord with
law. Latine Source(s). 17-0501 § 1. 17-0502.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0618; manner of superior acting in
accord with law.
Latine. Source(s). LG 43, 45; PC 14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0421.
CIC 0619; general duties of superiors.
Latine. Source(s). SC 19; LG 44; CD 15, 16; PC 4, 6, 14, 15; DV 25; PO 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0421.
• [PCLT] (Herranz), not. expl. La modifica proposta (30 nov 1996), Communicationes 29 (1997) 236-238. ▪ Summary: Major superiors of religious institutes are not to be members of an episcopal conference. Cites: CIC 0447, 0450.
CIC 0620; definition of major superior.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0488 n. 8. 17-0501 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0418 § 1. CCEO 0441 § 3.
CIC 0621; definition of religious province. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0488 n. 6. 17-0494 § 1.
CCEO 0508 § 1.
CCEO 0566. Scholarly works. • Arthur Espelage (American Franciscan, † 2022), Authority of Ministers Provincial in the Order of Friars Minor Before 1518, (CUA diss. 530, 1989) 303 pp. ▪ Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 720-721.
CIC 0622; definition of supreme moderator. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0502.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0623; constitution to determine time following final profession needed to be superior. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0504.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0442. CCEO 0513. CCEO 0557.
CIC 0624; length of service by superiors. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0505. For § 2: 17-0505. For § 3: 17-0192 § 1. 17-0193.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0444 §§ 1, 2. CCEO 0514. CCEO 0557. Other. Canon 624 is referenced in Canon 193.
CIC 0625; election of supreme moderator and regulation of election. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0507. For § 2: 17-0506 §§ 2, 4. For § 3: PC 14.
CCEO 0443.
CCEO 0515 §§ 1, 2.
CCEO 0557.
CIC 0626; election and appointments of officers to be unbiased. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0153 § 2. 17-0506 § 1. 17-0507 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0445. CCEO 0515 § 3. CCEO 0557.
CIC 0627; councils of superiors. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0516 § 1. 1. ≡ PC 14 For § 2: 17-0105.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0422 § 1. CCEO 0557.
CIC 0628; visitation by superiors and bishops. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0511. For § 2: 17-0512 NN 1, 2. For § 3: 17-0513 § 1.
CCEO 0414 § 1 n. 3.
CCEO 0420 §§ 2, 3.
CCEO 0554 § 2.
CCEO 0566.
CIC 0629; obligation of residence by superiors. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0508.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0446.
CIC 0630; freedom of members in regard to confession. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0521 § 3. 17-0522. For § 2: 17-0518 § 1. For § 3: 17-0520 § 1. For § 4: 17-0518 §§ 2, 3. For § 5: 17-0530 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0473 § 2 n. 2. CCEO 0475. CCEO 0539.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 2, Article 2. Chapters, cc. 631-633.
► Topics by canons, as follows:
CIC 0631; definition and description of supreme chapter. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: PC 14 For § 2: PC 4 For § 3: PC 4, 14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0512. CCEO 0557.
CIC 0632; proper law to determine character of other chapters. Latine.
Source(s). NCCC
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0633; other organs of consultation in religious life. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: PC 14. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 2, Article 3. Temporal Goods and Their Administration, cc. 634-640.
► Topics
by canons, as follows:
CIC 0634; religious institutes, provinces, and houses are juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0531. 17-1495 § 2. ≡ PC 13. For § 2: PC 13; PO 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0423. CCEO 0558 § 1. CCEO 0567 § 1.
CIC 0635; basic rules on property administration. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1497 § 1. For § 2: 17-0532 § 1. ≡ PC13.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0424. CCEO 0425. CCEO 0558 § 2. CCEO 0567 § 2.
CIC 0636; finance officer in institutes and provinces. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0516 §§ 2, 3. For § 2: 17-0516 § 2. 17-1523 n. 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0447. CCEO 0516. CCEO 0558 § 3.
CIC 0637; local ordinary supervises finances of autonomous monasteries and institutes of diocesan right. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0535 § 1. n. 1. 17-0535 § 3. n. 1. 17-1519 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0638; ordinary and extraordinary administration of goods. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1527 § 1. For § 2: 17-0532 § 2. For § 3: 17-0534 § 1. 17-1535. For § 4: 17-0533 § 1. n. 1. 17-0534 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0639; responsibility for authorized or unauthorized transactions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0536.
CCEO 0468 §§ 2, 3.
CCEO 0529 § 5.
CCEO 0533.
CIC 0640; institutes must give collective witness to charity and poverty. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0537. ≡ PC13; PO 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 3. Admission of Candidates and Formation of Members, cc. 641-661.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 3, Article 1. Admission to the Novitiate, cc. 641-645.
CIC 0641; authority to admit candidates. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0543.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0453 § 1. CCEO 0519.
CIC 0642; assessing suitability for admission. Latine.
Source(s). PC 12; OT 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0448. CCEO 0453 § 2.
CIC 0643; prerequisite for valid admission to novitiate. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0542.
CCEO 0450 nn. 4-7.
CCEO 0517 § 1.
CCEO 0559 § 1.
CIC 0644; restrictions on admitting secular clerics and persons bound by debts. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0542 n. 2.
CCEO 0452.
CIC 0645; documentation and attestations required for admission to novitiate. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0544 § 1. For § 2: 17-0544 §§ 3, 4. For § 3: 17-0542. 17-0544 § 6. For § 4: 17-0544 § 6. 17-0545 § 4.
CCEO 0453 § 3.
CCEO 0519.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 3, Article 2. Novitiate and Formation of Novices, cc. 646-653.
≈ ≈ The continuity and dynamism of religious formation in the consecrated life in relation to Christian initiation, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3820, 2001) xviii-310 pp.
► Topics
by canons, as follows:
CIC 0646; description of novitiate. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0565 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0459 § 1. CCEO 0525 § 1.
CIC 0647; establishment and necessity of using novitiate house. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0555 § 1. n. 3. For § 3: 17-0566 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0456 §§ 2, 3. CCEO 0522.
CIC 0648; time limits for novitiate. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0555 § 1. n. 2. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0457 §§ 1, 3. CCEO 0459 § 2. CCEO 0523.
CIC 0649; impact of absence from novitiate. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0556 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0555 § 1. n. 2. 17-0572 § 1. n. 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0457 § 2. CCEO 0523 § 1.
CIC 0650; novitiate to be guided by director. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0559 § 1. 17-0561 § 1. 17-0565 § 1. For § 2: 17-0561 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0458. CCEO 0459 § 1. CCEO 0524 § 3. CCEO 0525 § 1.
CIC 0651; qualifications for director of novices. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0559 § 1. 17-0560. For § 2: 17-0559 § 2. For § 3: 17-0554 § 3. 17-0559 § 3. ≡ PC 18d; OT 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0458 § 1. CCEO 0524 §§ 1, 2.
CIC 0652; conduct of the novitiate. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0562. 17-0565 § 1. For § 2: 17-0561 § 1. 17-0562. 17-0565 § 1. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: 17-0544 § 3. ≡ PC 24; OT 2. For § 5: 17-0565 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0459. CCEO 0525 § 1.
CIC 0653; free departure, dismissal from, or completion of novitiate. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0571.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0461. CCEO 0525 § 1.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 3, Article 3. Religious profession, cc. 654-658.
CIC 0654; three main effects of profession. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0487. 17-0488 n. 1. ≡ LG 44, 45.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0462 § 1. CCEO 0469. CCEO 0531.
CIC 0655; temporary profession. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0574 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0526.
• (Sacred) Cong. for Religious and Secular Institutes (Pironio), decr. Praescriptis canonum (02 feb 1984), AAS 76 (1984) 500. ▪ Eng. trans. CLD XI: 91-92. Summary: Novices who are to be admitted to vows must make public temporary vows, to the exclusion of other bonds; those already so bound may count time under same toward completion of temporary vows. Cites: CIC 0607, 0653, 0654, 0655, 0658.
CIC 0656; prerequisites for valid temporary vows. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-0572 § 1. n. 1. For 2°: 17-0572 § 1. n. 3. For 3°: 17-0543, 17-0572 § 1. n. 2. 17-0575 § 2. For 4°: 17-0572 § 1. NN 4, 5. For 5°: 17-0572 § 1. n. 6
Parallel(s). CCEO 0464 nn.1-3. CCEO 0527 nn. 1-3.
CIC 0657; departure, dismissal from, or completion of novitiate. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0575 § 1. 17-0577 § 1. For § 2: 17-0574 § 2. For § 3: 17-0555 § 1. n. 2. 17-0572 § 1. n. 3. 17-0577 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0658; prerequisites for valid perpetual vows. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-0573. For 2°: 17-0574 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0464 n. 4. CCEO 0532.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 3, Article 3. Formation of religious, cc. 659-661.
• Cong. for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Secular Institutes (Hamer), doc. Potissimum institutione (02 feb 1990), AAS 82 (1990) 470-532. ▪ English, here. Summary: Directives on formation in religious institutes. Cites: CIC 0134, 0212, 0277, 0386, 0387, 0520, 0573, 0574, 0578, 0586, 0590, 0591, 0593, 0597, 0598, 0599, 0600, 0601, 0602, 0606, 0607, 0614, 0618, 0619, 0620, 0630, 0641, 0642, 0643, 0644, 0645, 0646, 0647, 0648, 0649, 0650, 0651, 0652, 0653, 0654, 0655, 0656, 0657, 0658, 0659, 0660, 0661, 0663, 0666, 0673, 0678, 0753, 0985, 1047,
► Topics by canons, as follows:
CIC 0659; formation after first profession to be regulated by law. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: PC 18; OT 22; PO 19. For § 2: PC 18. For § 3: 17 CIC 0587-0591. ≡ 0T=?
Parallel(s). CCEO 0471. CCEO 0536.
CIC 0660; character and priority of
formation. Latine. Source(s). PC 18.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0661; life-time formation to be fostered. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0129. ≡ CD 16; PC 18; PO 19.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 4. Obligations and rights of institutes and members, cc. 662-672.
CIC 0662; following Christ is supreme
rule for religious. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0593. ≡ LG 46; PC 1-20; PO 18.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0663; spiritual duties of
religious. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 33; PC 2, 5, 6; PO 18. For § 2: 17-0125 n. 2. 17-0595 § 1. n. 2. 17-0595 § 2. 17-0610 § 2. ≡ PC 6; PO 18. For § 3: 17-0125 n. 2. 17-0595 § 1. n. 2. 17-0610 §§ 1, 3. ≡ PC 6; OT 8; DV 25; PO 18. For § 4: 17-0125 n. 2; ≡ LG 65; OT 8. For § 5. 17-0126. 17-0595 § 1. n. 1. ≡ PO 18.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0473 § 2. CCEO 0538 § 2.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. let. Rosarium Virginis Mariae (16 oct 2002), AAS 95 (2003) 5-36. ▪ English, here. Summary: Adds five "Luminous Mysteries" to the Maria rosary. Cites: CIC ≠.
CIC 0664; religious duty of interior conversion and use of Confession. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0125 n. 1. 17-0595 § 1. n. 3; PO 18.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0473 § 2 n. 2. CCEO 0474 § 1. CCEO 0538 § 3.
CIC 0665; obligation of common life.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0594 § 1. 17-0606. ≡ PC 15. For § 2: 17-0616 § 1. 17-0644. 17-0645. 17-2386. 17-2389.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0478. CCEO 0495. CCEO 0550.
CIC 0666; special discretion to be applied in regard to use of social communication. Latine.
Source(s). PC 12.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0667; types of cloister to be observed. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0604 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0597. 17-0598. 17-0599. ≡ PC 16. For § 3: PC 7, 16. For § 4: 17-0600 nn. 1, 4. 17-0601.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0477 § 1. CCEO 0541.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), ap. con. Vultum Dei (29 jun 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 835-861. ▪ English, here. Summary: Provisions on the reorganization of women's contemplative monastic life. Cites: CIC 0020, (0667), (0674).
CIC 0668; personal property of
religious and acquisition of goods by individuals.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0569 §§ 1, 3. 17-0580 § 1. For § 2: 17-0580 § 3. 17-0583 n. 2. For § 3: 17-0580 §§ 1, 2. 17-0582. 17-0594 § 2. For § 4: 17-0581.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0460. CCEO 0467. CCEO 0468 § 1. CCEO 0529 § 3. CCEO 0533. CCEO 0540.
CIC 0669; religious habit and garb. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0596. For § 2: 17-0136 § 1. 17-0188 n. 7. 17-2379.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0476. CCEO 0540.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), let. La cura (08 sep 1982), Communicationes 14 (1982) 114-115. ▪ Summary: The importance of clerical and religious garb as a witness. Cites: CIC ≠.
CIC 0670; institute's obligation to
provide for needs of members.
Latine. Source(s). LG 43; PC 18.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0671; restriction of acceptance of duties outside institute. Latine.
Source(s). CD 35-2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0431 § 1.
CIC 0672; incorporation of clerical obligations set out elsewhere in Code. Latine
Source(s). 17-0592.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0427.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 5. Apostolate of institutes, cc. 673-683.
Other. Canons 679-683 are referenced in Canon 738.
CIC 0673; the apostolate of religious
is their consecrated life. Latine Source(s). LG 42, 44, 46; CD 33; PC 5, 6; AG 11, 12.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0674; contemplatives held in high
regard and are immune from requests for assistance.
Latine Source(s). LG 46; CD 35-1; PC 7, 9.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), ap. con. Vultum Dei (29 jun 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 835-861. ▪ English, here. Summary: Provisions on the reorganization of women's contemplative monastic life, derogating from, among others, Verbi Sponsa. Cites: CIC 0020, (0667), (0674).
• Cong. for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (Martínez), instr. Verbi sponsa (13 mai 1999) Enchridion Vaticanum 18 (1999) 514-577. ▪ English, here. Summary: Provisions on women's contemplative monastic life, derogated by Vultum Dei (2017). Cites: CIC 0557, 0586, 0614, 0615, 0616, 0619, 0641, 0661, 0665, 0666, 0667, 0674, 0684.
CIC 0675; centrality of apostolic action in certain institutes. Latine
Source(s). For § 1: LG 12; PC 8. For § 2: PC 8. For § 3: CD 33-35; PC 8; AA 20d, 23.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0676; importance of lay institutes. Latine
Source(s). LG 46; PC 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0677; institutes to remain faithful
and flexible, encouraging of laity associated with them.
Latine Source(s). For § 1: PC 20. For § 2: 17 CIC 0702-0706. ≡ 25.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0678; religious as subject to
bishops and superiors. Latine Source(s). For § 1: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified) For § 2: LG 44, 45; CD 35-2; PC 14. For § 3: CD 35-6, 36; AG 32. 33.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0415 § 1. CCEO 0554 § 2.
CIC 0679; diocesan bishop can prohibit a religious from residing in his diocese, referral to Apostolic See. Latine
Source(s). 17-0618 § 2. n. 2. 17-0619.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0680; diocesan bishop is primary
coordinator of all works of the apostolate in diocese.
Latine Source(s). 17-0608 §§ 1, 2. ≡ CD 35-5, 6; AG 33.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0681; entrusted works remain
diocesan, written agreements with superiors should be entered.
Latine Source(s). For § 1: 17-0608 § 1. 17-0631 § 1. ≡ AH 32. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0282 § 2. CCEO 0543.
CIC 0682; religious' appointment to and
removal from diocesan offices.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0455 § 1. For § 2: 17-0456. 17-0529. For § 2: 17-0454 § 5. 17-0631 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0284 § 2. CCEO 0303. CCEO 0431. CCEO 1391.
CIC 0683; diocesan bishop has right to visit operations of religious serving the Christian faithful. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0344 §§ 1, 2. 17-0512 § 2. n. 2. 17-1382. ≡ CD 35-4 For § 2: 17-0618 § 2. n. 2. 17-0619.
Parallel(s). CCEO 415 § 2, § 4 =. CCEO 544 § 2. CCEO 638.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 6. Separation of members from the institute, cc. 684-704.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 6, Article 1. Transfer to another institute, cc. 684-685.
CIC 0684; transfer between institutes.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0632. For § 2: 17-0633 §§ 1, 2. 17-0634. For § 3: 17-0632. 17-0633 § 3. For § 4: 17-0634. For § 5: 17-0681.
Parallel(s). CCEO 487 § 1, § 2. CCEO 488 §§ 1, 2, 3. CCEO 544 §§ 1, 2, 3. CCEO 545 §§ 1, 2, 3.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 684 § 3 (20 jun 1987), AAS 79 (1987) 1249. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: The word "religious" applies to those both in temporary and in permanent vows. Cites: CIC 0684.
CIC 0685; during transfer probation former obligations suspended but new obligations bind. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0633 § 1. For § 2: 17-0635. 17-0636.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0488. CCEO 0545 §§ 1, 2.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 6, Article 2. Departure from an institute, cc. 686-693.
Competentias 0686; basic provisions on exclaustration for perpetually professed religious. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0686; basic provisions on exclaustration for perpetually professed religious. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0638. For § 2: 17-0638. For § 3: ≠.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0490. CCEO 0491. CCEO 0548.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 5. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
CIC 0687; conditions under which exclaustration is lived.
Source(s). 17-0639.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0491. CCEO 0548 § 2.
Competentias 0688; indult of departure for temporarily professed religious. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0688; indult of departure for temporarily professed religious. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0637. For § 2: 17-0638.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0496. CCEO 0546.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 6. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
CIC 0689; exclusion from final profession. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0637. For § 2: 17-0637. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0547.
CIC 0690; possibility of readmission to religious life. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0640 § 2. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0493 § 2. CCEO 0546 § 1.
CIC 0691; indult of departure for perpetually professed religious. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0638.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0492. CCEO 0549 § 1, § 2 n. 2
CIC 0692; consequences of indult of departure. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0640 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0493 § 1. CCEO 0549 § 3.
CIC 0693; departing religious cleric
must find bishop, possible incardination into diocese.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0641.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0494. CCEO 0549 § 3.≠=
Other. Canon 693 is referenced in Canons 701, 727, 743.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 6, Article 3. Dismissal of Members, cc. 694-704.
Communis 0694; automatic dismissal. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0694; automatic dismissal. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0646 § 1. nn 1, 3. For § 2: 17-0646 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0497. CCEO 0551. CCEO 0562 § 3.
― Papal. Francis, m. p. Communis (2019), info here, art. 1. Summary: Modified to permit dismissal from religious life upon 12 months of unauthorized absence from community. Cites: CIC 0694, 0729.
CIC 0695; generally mandatory dismissal
cases and process to be observed.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0647 § 2. n. 3. 17-0650 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0696; optional dismissal, lesser degrees gravity needed for those in temporary profession. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0647 § 2. nn. 1, 3. 17-0651 § 1. 17-0656. 17-2389. For § 2: 17-0575 § 1. 17-0647 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0500 § 2 n. 1. CCEO 0551. CCEO 0552 § 2 n.1. CCEO 0553. CCEO 0562 § 3.
‘La desobediencia pertinaz a los mandatos legítimos de los superiores’ como causa de expulsión de un instituto religioso (can. 696), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3811, 2000) viii-272 pp.
CIC 0697; process to be observed in optional dismissal cases. Latine.
Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
Parallel(s). CCEO 0500 § 2 nn. 2, 3, 4 and § 3. CCEO 0551. CCEO 0553. CCEO 0562 § 3.
CIC 0698; accused member retains right to communicate with supreme moderator. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0650 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Competentias 0699; process to be observed by supreme moderator. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0699; process to be observed by supreme moderator. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0650 §§ 1, 2. n. 2. 17-0655 § 1. = 17-0665. 17-0666. For § 2: 17-0647 § 1. 17-0652 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0500 § 1. CCEO 0533. CCEO 0562 § 3.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 7. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
Competentias 0700; confirmation of dismissal by the Holy See, recourse has suspensive effect. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0700; confirmation of dismissal by the Holy See, recourse has suspensive effect. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-0647 § 2 n. 4. 17-0650 § 2 n. 2. 17-0666.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0500 § 4. CCEO 0501 § 2. CCEO 0552 § 3. CCEO 053. CCEO 0562 § 3.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 7. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 700 (17 mai 1986), AAS 78 (1986) 1323-1324. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Notification of dismissal of a religious need only be sent after confirmation by the dismissal by the Holy See. Cites: CIC 0700.
CIC 0701; effects of dismissal, restriction on clerical ministry. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0641. 17-0648. 17-0672 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0502. CCEO 0553. CCEO 0562 § 3.
CIC 0702; possibility of post-dismissal support. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0643.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0703;
possible dismissal by major superior or local superior.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0503. CCEO 0533. CCEO 0562 § 3.
CIC 0704; member separation of any kind must be reported to Apostolic See. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 7. Religious Raised to the Episcopate, cc. 705-707.
► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 0705; obligations reduced on religious
raised to episcopate.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0627 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0431 § 2 n. 1
CIC 0706; special provisions for acquisition and disposition of goods. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0628.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0431 § 3.
CIC 0707; provisions for retired religious
bishops. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0629. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0062. CCEO 0211. CCEO 0431 § 2 n. 2.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 7. Conferences of Major Superiors, cc. 708-709.
Scholarly works. • Mary Judith O'Brien (American religious, 1953-), Conferences of Major Superiors: nature and purposes, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4069, 1994) ix-258 pp.
Source(s). CD 35-5, 6; PC 22, 23; AG 33.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0709; conferences to have own statutes,
approved by Holy See.
Latine. Source(s). PC 23.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 3, Section 1, Title 3. Secular institutes, cc. 710-730.
Scholarly works. • Fabio Marini (≈ priest, ≈), Lo status vitae negli Istituti secolari: alcuni rilievi a partire dai chierici negli Istituti secolari, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4966, 2002) 105 pp (part).
CIC 0710; definition of secular institute. Latine.
Source(s). PC 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0563 § 1.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0710.
CIC 0711; members of secular institutes generally retain their canonical status in the Church. Latine.
Source(s). LG 36; AA 2
Parallel(s). CCEO 0563. § 1 n. 4.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0712; bonds within and characteristics of secular institutes. Latine.
Source(s). PC 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0563. § 1 n. 1.
• Virginia Bartolac (American religious, ≈), The Practice of the Evangelical Counsels in Secular Institutes, (CUA diss. 531, 1989) 391 pp. ▪ Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 721-722.
CIC 0713;
description of leaven-like lives of members of secular institute.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: LG 31, 33, 36; PC 11; AA 2; AG 40.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0563. § 1 n. 2.
CIC 0714; members to lead lives in ordinary
conditions of the world. Latine. Source(s). PC 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0563. § 1 n. 3.
CIC 0715; authority over clerical members of
secular institutes. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 28 For § 2: CD 35-1, 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0716; participation in institute and
communion among members.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: PC 15.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0717; role of constitutions and
requirements to be supreme moderator.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: PC 14. For § 3: For § 4: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0566.
CIC 0718; basic provisions on temporal goods.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0532 § 1. 17-1497 § 1. ≡ PC 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0576 § 2.
CIC 0719; spiritual growth and duties in
institute. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 33; PC 2E, 5, 6; DV 25. For § 2: 17-0595 § 1 n. 2. ≡ PC 6. For § 3: 17-0595 § 1 n. 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0720; admission decisions are for supreme
moderator and council.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0543.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0568 § 1.
CIC 0721; prerequisites for admission to initial probation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0542 n. 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: PC 12.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0722; character and goals of initial probation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0565 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0723; temporary incorporation into an
institute. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0571 § 2. 17-0574 § 1. For § 2: 17-0574 § 1. For § 3: 17-0488 n. 1. 17-0575 § 1. 17-0577 § 1. For § 4: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0724; continuing formation during temporary
incorporation. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: PC 18. For § 2: PC 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0725; association with other faithful who share goals of the institute. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0500 § 3. ≡ AA 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• María Victoria Hernández Rodríguez (≈, ≈), I membri associati agli istituti secolari, studio del can. 725, (Salesianum diss. 425, 1999) xiii-290 pp (part).
CIC 0726; departure during at at the end of temporary incorporation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0637. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0727; indult of departure for
professionally incorporated members.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0638. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0728; effects of indult of
departure from an institute.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0640 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Communis 0729; dismissal from an institute. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0729; dismissal from an institute. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0568 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, m. p. Communis (2019), info here, art. 2. Summary: Modified to permit dismissal from religious life upon 12 months of unauthorized absence from community. Cites: CIC 0694, 0729.
CIC 0730; transfer between institutes. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book II, Part 3, Section 2. Societies of apostolic life, 731-746.
• Innocent Mkwe Kimario (≈ priest, ≈), Aspects of autonomy in the Society of ‘The Apostolic Life Community of Priests in the Opus Spiritus Sancti’, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) xiv-256 pp.
CIC 0731; basic form of societies of
apostolic life.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0673 § 1. For § 2: PC 1, 12-14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0572.
Other. Canon 731 is referenced in Canon 732.
CIC 0732; incorporation of numerous provisions on religious life into regulation of societies. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Cong. for Religious and Secular Institutes (Hamer), let. "Criteria de notitiis ad statum et vitam institutorum saecularium spectantibus, quae cum Sede Apostolica quibusdam temporis intervallis communicanda sunt" (02 jan 1988), AAS 80 (1988) 106-107. ▪ Summary: On the application of CIC 0592 among secular institutes. Cites: CIC 0592.
CIC 0733; establishment of houses. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0497 § 1. 17-0498. 17-0674. 17-1501. For § 2: 17-0497 § 2. 17-1162 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0734; constitutions and governance
of society. Latine. Source(s). 17-0675.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0735; proper law to determine admission and formation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0677. For § 2: PC 18
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0736; formation and incardination
of clerics into society.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0115. 17-0585. For § 2: 17 CIC 587-591. ≡ OT=
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0737; incorporation entails rights
and duties as defined in constitution.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0738; members subject to moderators
and to diocesan bishop in regard to certain activities.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: CD 35-2; PC 14. For § 2: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified) ≡ LG 45; CD 34, 35-1, 3, 4; PC 6.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0739; general provisions on clerics
apply to clerics in societies.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0679 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0740; common life in society.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0673 § 1. ≡ PC 15.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0741; societies and usually parts
and houses are juridic persons bound by canons on temporal goods.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0676 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-0580 §§ 1, 2. 17-0594 § 2. 17-0676 § 3. ≡ PC 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0742; departure and dismissal of
newer members governed by constitutions.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0743; authority to grant indult of
departure for definitively incorporated members.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0638. 17-0640 § 1. 17-0641.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0744; transfer between societies and to religious institutes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0681.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0562.
CIC 0745; temporary indult to live outside of society. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0746; incorporation of religious
norms for dismissal of definitively incorporated members.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0681.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
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- Teaching Office of the Church, cc. 747-833 ▲ Special topic: Catechism of the Catholic Church, here.
• International Theological Commission, "Theses on the Relationship between the Ecclesiastical Magisterium and Theology" (no date), ITC Texts and Documents I: 129-141.
[ Book III, Preambulatory canons, cc. 747-754. ]
• Dimitrios Salachas (Greek prelate, 1939-2023), Il magisterio e l'evangelzzazione dei popoli nei Codici latino e orientale: studio teologico-giuridico comparativo, (Dehonniane, 2001) 334 pp.
CIC 0747; right of Church to proclaim Gospel and social principles. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1322. uuu IM 3; LG 24, 25; CD 19; DV 7 to 10; DH 13. For § 2: CD 12, DH 15; GS 76, 89.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0595.
• Eric Soviguidi (Benin priest, 1971-), Fondements de la compétence du magistère "in temporalibus" (c. 747 § 2), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6505, 2016) 638 pp.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0747.
CIC 0748; obligation to seek the truth, freedom from coercion in regard to entering Church. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1322 § 2. For § 2: 17-1351. uuu DH 2, 4; AG 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0596.
• Claudiu Cǎtǎlin Carteş (Romanian priest, ≈), Il diritto alla libertà religiosa nel diritto internazionale europeo dal 1989 al 2004, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5617, 2007) 168 pp (part).
≈ ≈El derecho a la libertad religiosa: estudio jurídico comparado de la declaración conciliar ‘Dignitatis humanae’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3790, 1998) ≈ pp.
CIC 0749; papal and collegial infallibility. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 25. For § 2: LG 25. For § 3: 17-1323 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0597.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0749.
Ad tuendam 0750; primary and secondary objects of infallibility. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0750; primary objects of infallibility. Latine.
― Source(s). [ For § 1: ] 17-1323 § 1. ≡ LG 25; DV 5, 10.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0598.
― Papal. John Paul II, m. p. Ad tuendam (1998), info here. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of two Western canons and two Eastern canons whereby secondary objects of infallibility are described and protected. Cites: CIC 750, 752, 1371 / CCEO 0598, 0599, 1436.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), "Nota doctrinalis professionis fidei formulam extremam enucleans" (29 jun 1998), AAS 90 (1988) 544-551. ▪ English, here. Summary: Outlines levels of truth and offers markers for helping to determine what theological note, or degree of certitude, is to be associated with various doctrinal or moral assertions. Cites: CIC 0750, 0751, 0752, 1364, 1371.
• Luis Gahona Fraga (≈ priest, 1965-), El objeto indirecto de la infalibilidad en santo Tomás de Aquino: la Carta apostólica "Ad tuendam fidem" a la luz de la teología tradicional, (Santa Croce diss., 2004) 663 pp.
Understanding the ‘proper meaning’ of canon 750 § 2 of the CIC : a theological and juridical study, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3814, 2001) 317 pp.
― Other. Canon 750 is referenced in Canon 1371. ≡ Supplement for Canon 0750.
CIC 0751; definitions of heresy, apostasy, and schism. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1325.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Edward Condon (≈, ≈), Heresy by Association: The Canonical Prohibition of Freemasonry in History and in the Current Law, (CUA diss. 578, 2014) 279 pp. ▪ Abstract at Jurist 75 (2015) 689-690.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0751.
CIC 0752; religious submission of intellect and will is owed to authentic magisterium. Latine.
Source(s). LG 25; Quaesitum est.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0599.
• Justin Wachs (American priest, 1978-), ‘Obsequium’ in the Church: from tradition to Council, code, liturgy, and contemporary application, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6213, 2013) 335 pp.
Other. Canon 752 is referenced in Canon 1371.
CIC 0753; authentic teaching by bishops and response thereto by Christian faithful. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1326. LG 25.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0600.
CIC 0754; observance of constitutions anD decrees. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1324.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0010.
• Christopher Beaudet (American priest, ≈), The Promotion of Doctrine by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Light of Pastor bonus and Canon 754, (CUA diss. 574, 2010) 425 pp. ▪ Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 70 (2010) 520-521.
CIC 0755; fostering the ecumenical movement. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 13–15; OE 24–30; UR 4, 8, 9; AA 13, 14; AG 15, 36. For § 2: UR 4, 8, 9.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0902. CCEO 0904 § 1.
Supplement for Canon 0755.
Pont. Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity
doc. La recherche de l'unité
(25 mar 1993), AAS 85 (1993) 1039-1119 (French original). ▪
English, here. Summary:
Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism.
Cites: CIC 0209, 0212, 0216, 0205,
0256, 0383, 0529, 0755, 0767, 0825, 0826, 0827, 0838, 0840, 0844, 0869,
0874, 0876, 0908, 1183, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1184, 1247, 1366 /
CCEO 0008, 0012, 0015, 0019, 0192, 0350,
0352, 0612, 0614, 0655, 0656, 0657, 0658, 0659, 0667, 0671, 0685, 0702,
0813, 0814, 0815, 0834, 0835, 0839, 0877, 0881, 0896, 0897, 0898, 0899,
0900, 0901, 0902, 0903, 0904, 1439.
• David Salvato (American layman, ≈), Pontiff and Primate: the authority of the Roman Pontiff and the Archbishop of Canterbury, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3923, 2014) 310 xcc.
I responsabili del dialogo ecumenico secondo il can. 755: studio storico-giuridico da Pio XI al Codice di diritto canonico del 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3796 1999) 193 pp (part).
Book III, Title 1. Ministry of the Divine Word, cc. 756-780.
• Armando Cossa (≈ Franciscan, 1967-), La mission et l'évangélisation selon la législation canonique: application dans le diocese de Bissau, (Antonianum diss. 146, 2008) 119 pp (part).
CIC 0756; entrustment of proclamation to Roman Pontiff and bishops. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1327. LG 25; CD 3; AG 29. For § 2: 17-1327. LG 23; CD 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0757; role of other clerics in proclamation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1327. ≡ LG 28, 29; CD 30; PO 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0758; special witness of religious in proclamation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1327. ≡ LG 44; CD 33; PC 8–11.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0759; role of laity in proclamation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1327. LG 33, 35; AA passim; AG 41.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Paulin Kouabenan N'Gname (Ivory Coast priest, 1962-2008), La cooperation du laic au ministère de la parole (can. 759): organisation et application dans le diocèse de Bondoukou en Côte d'Ivoire, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 153, 1997) 120 pp. ▪ N'Gname biograph.
CIC 0760; scope and foundations of proclamations. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0761; proclamation by preaching, catechesis, education, and social communications. Latine.
Source(s). IM 13, 14; CD 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book III, Title 1, Chapter 1. Preaching of the Word of God, cc. 762-772.
Christoph Ohly (Hungarian priest, 1966-), Der Dienst am Wort Gottes. Eine rechtssystematische Studie zur Gestalt von Predigt und Katechese im Kanonischen Recht, (LMU diss. 63, 2008) xcvii-794 pp. ▪ Ohly biograph.
Source(s). LG 25; PO 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0762.
CIC 0763; bishops generally have right to preach anywhere. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0349 § 1, 17-1343 § 1
Parallel(s). CCEO 0610.
CIC 0764; presbyters and deacons generally have right to preach everywhere. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1337. 17-1338 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0610.
CIC 0765; preaching to religious requires permission. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1338 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0612.
Other. Canon 765 is referenced in Canon 764.
CIC 0766; lay preaching. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1342.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0610.
Particular. USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 766 (13 dec 2001), here. ▪ Summary: Lay persons preaching in churches or oratories "must be orthodox in faith, and well-qualified, both by the witness of their lives as Christians and by a preparation for preaching appropriate to the circumstances.
CIC 0759, 0762, 0763, 0764, 0766, 0767, 0772.
• La collaborazione del fedele laico al munus docendi della Chiesa nella predicazione della Parola, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3846, 2004) 186 pp. ▪ biograph.
Source(s). For § 1: SC 35, 42. For § 2: 17-1344 § 1. 17-1345. ≡ SC 52. For § 3: 17-1346 § 1. SC 49.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0614 §§ 1, 2, 4.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 767 § 1 (20 jun 1987), AAS 79 (1987) 1249. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Bishops cannot dispense from reservation of homilies to clerics. Cites: CIC (0086), 0087, 0767.
• USCCB, Fulfilled in Your Hearing: the Homily in the Sunday Assembly (USCCB, 1982) 47 pp. ▪ English, here. Summary: The place of preaching in ordained ministry and suggestions for better formation of preachers. Cites: CIC (0252), (0256), (0764), (0767), (0769).
Other. Canon 767 is referenced in Canon 766.
CIC 0768; general content of preaching. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1347 § 1. CD 12. For § 2: CD 12; GS 41, 42.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0616.
• Alberto Loche (≈, ≈), Ecologia e diritto canonico: canoni 747 § 2, 768 § 2, 795, 225 § 2, 1311, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 148, 1996) iii-96 pp (part).
CIC 0769; Christian doctrine to be transmitted in suitable ways. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1347 ≡ CD 13; PO 4; GS 4.
Parallel(s). CCEEO0626.
CIC 0770; spiritual exercises and sacred mission encouraged. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1349.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0615.
CIC 0771; those overlooked and non-believers to be sought out. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: CD 18. For § 2: 17-1350. SC 9; LG 16; CD 13; AG 10, 20.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0192. §§ 1, 3.
CIC 0772; sermons and electronic media. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1345. For § 2: IM 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0609. CCEO 0653.
• USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 772 § 2 (13 dec 2001), here. ▪ Summary: Catholics who regularly expound Christian doctrine on radio or television must be specially qualified and suitable, and have bishop's permission; religious need specific permission. Cites: CIC 0763, 0772.
Book III, Title 1, Chapter 2. Catechetical instruction, cc. 773-780.
• Christoph Ohly (Hungarian priest, 1966-), Der Dienst am Wort Gottes. Eine rechtssystematische Studie zur Gestalt von Predigt und Katechese im Kanonischen Recht, (LMU diss. 63, 2008) xcvii-794 pp. ▪ Ohly biograph.
► Topic
by canons, as follows:
CIC 0773; pastors of souls have special duty to catechize people. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1329. CD 14; GE 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0617.
• Enrico Eusebio Cada (≈ Jesuit, ≈), The evolution of Church legislation on the object and means of catechesis: a historico-juridical study on cann. 773 and 779 with special reference to Philippine catechesis, (Salesianum diss. 702, 2009) xv-171 pp (part).
Other. Supplement for Canon 0773.
CIC 0774; solicitude for catechesis belongs to all, especially parents and sponsors. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0769. 17-1135. 17-1335, 17-1372. ≡ LG 11, 35; GE 3, 6–8; AA 11, 30; GS 48.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0618.
• José Chirackal (Indian priest, ≈), Participation of laity in catechesis: in the light of canon 774 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 120, 1995) x-105 pp (part).
Other. Canon 774 is referenced in Canon 776.
Competentias 0775; episcopal and conference authority over catechetical materials. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0775; episcopal and conference authority over catechetical materials. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1329. 17-1336. LG 25, 27; CD 2, 13, 14; GE 2. For § 2: AG 31.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0621 § 3. CCEO 0622 § 2. CCEO 0623 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 8. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
― Particular ―
― Other. Canon 775 is referenced in Canon 827.
CIC 0776; parish-based catechesis. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1330. 17-1331. 17-1332. 17-1333, 17-1334. ≡ LG 28, 29; CD 30, 35; PC 8; AA 3, 10; PO 4–10.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0624.
CIC 0777; pastor's special care for sacramental catechesis. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: SC 14; GE4. For § 2: 17-1330. CD 30. For § 3: 17-1333. For § 4: 7-1332. =
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0778; religious duty to see to catechesis in institutions under their care. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0509. 17-1334. ≡ CD 35.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0779; various tools to be used for catechesis. Latine.
Source(s). IM 3, 6, 13, 14, 17; CD 13, 14; AG 26.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Scholarly works. • Enrico Eusebio Cada (Filipino Jesuit, ≈), The evolution of Church legislation on the object and means of catechesis: a historico-juridical study on cann. 773 and 779 with special reference to Philippine catechesis, (Salesianum diss. 702, 2009) xv-171 pp (part). ≡ Cada biograph.
CIC 0780; local ordinaries to see to formation of catechists. Latine.
Source(s). CD 14; DV 25; AG 15, 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book III, Title 2. Missionary action of the Church, cc. 781-792.
CIC 0781; importance of missionary and evangelization work. Latine.
Source(s). LG 23; AG 2, 35, 39.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0584 § 1.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), nota doct. "De quibusdam rationibus evangelizationis" (03 dec 2007), AAS 100 (2008) 489-504. ▪ English, here. Summary: "Doctrinal note on some aspects of evangelization". Cites: CIC ≠.
• Michael Olugbemiga Faneye (≈ religious, ≈), Cooperation in missionary action of the church in the light of Canon 781 and Redemptoris Missio 77: reflections on 10 years of the church legislation and magisterium on missionary action and cooperation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 107, 1994) xiii-318 pp.
CIC 0782; apostolic, collegial, and episcopal responsibility of missionary work. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1350. LG 23; AG 6, 29. For § 2: LG 23, 24; CD 6; AG 6, 38.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• James Shiffer, “The canonical responsibility of the diocesan bishop for missionary activity: Canons 782, 790, 791”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).
CIC 0783; suitable role of religious in missionary work. Latine.
Source(s). LG 44; PC 20; AG 15, 18, 23, 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Nellickalveli Augustine (Indian priest, ≈), Lay participation in Christ's mission of evangelistic ministry with special reference to India (a juridical and theological study of the 1983 Code), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 138, 1996) vii-150 pp (part).
CIC 0784; wide selection of missionaries. Latine.
Source(s). AG 23.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Martinus Sardi (≈ Franciscan, 1957-), La partecipazione dei fedeli laici all'azione missionaria della chiesa, (Antonianum diss. 94, 1992) 157 pp (part).
CIC 0785; basic norms on catechists. Latine.
Source(s). AG 17, 26, 35.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0786; description of missionary work. Latine.
Source(s). LG 17; AG 6 et passim.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0590.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0787; missionary witness to and discussion with non-believers. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: AG 11, 12. For § 2: AG 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0788; catechumenate. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: SC 64; AG 13, 14. For § 2: AG 14. For § 3: AG 14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0587 §§ 1, 3.
Source(s). AG 15.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0790; authority over missionary work. Latine.
Source(s). AG 30, 32. =
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Roberto Sartor (Italian Oblate, 1955-), Le convenzioni tra il Vescovo diocesano e il Superiore di un Istituto missionario a norma del can. 790 § 1 n. 2 del CIC. Prassi della Congregazione dei Missionari Oblati di Maria Immacolata, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 90, 2011, ISBN 978-88-7839-205-2) 382 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
CIC 0791; diocesan promotion of missionary works. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0585 § 3.
• James Shiffer, “The canonical responsibility of the diocesan bishop for missionary activity: Canons 782, 790, 791”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).
CIC 0792; episcopal conferences to organize pastoral care for immigrant students. Latine.
Source(s). AG 38.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book III, Title 3. Catholic education, cc. 793-821.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1372 § 2. ≡ GE 3, 6. For § 2: GE 6, 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0627 §§ 1, 2.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0794; Church has right and duty to educate. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: GE Intro, 3. For § 2: GE 3, 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0628.
CIC 0795; education to form the whole person. Latine.
Source(s). GE 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0629.
Book III, Title 2, Chapter 1. Schools, cc. 796-806.
CIC 0796; parent-school cooperation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: GE 5. For § 2: GE 7.
CCEO 0631 § 1. Scholarly works.
CIC 0797; parental freedom in regard to state schools. Latine.
Source(s). GE 6
CCEO 0627. § 3. Scholarly works.
CIC 0798; preference for use of Catholic schools, emphasis on Catholic education. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1374. ≡ GE 8; AA 30.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0633 § 3. Scholarly works.
CIC 0799; civil society to respect parental rights in education. Latine.
Source(s). GE 7.
CCEO ≠. Scholarly works.
CIC 0800; Church has right to found schools, Christian faithful should assist them. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1375. For § 2: 17-1379 § 3. ≡ GE 8, 9.
CCEO 0631 § 2.
CIC 0801; religious institutes with education focus should advance it. Latine.
Source(s). CD 35.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0802; bishops to see to establishment of Catholics schools. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: = For § 2: 17-1379 § 3. GE 8, 9.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0635.
CIC 0803; authority over and identification of Catholics schools. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: GE 8, 9; AA 30. For § 3: AA 24.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0632. CCEO 0639.
CIC 0804; ecclesiastical authority to be exercised over Catholic education and teachers. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1381 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: AA 30.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0636 § 1. CCEO 0639.
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Grocholewski), circ. let. La natura e il ruolo (05 mai 2009), Communicationes 41 (2009) 317-325. Summary: On the role of religion in schools. Cites: CIC 0226, 0793, 0794, 0795, 0796, 0797, 0798, 0799, 0802, 0803, 0804, 0806 / CCEO 0627, 0629, 0632, 0634, 0635, 0636, 0637, 0639.
• Emidio Tornillo (≈, ≈), L'insegnamento della religione cattolica nelle scuole statali italiane, (Salesianum diss. 471, 2001) ix-139 pp (part).
CIC 0805; teachers of religion. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1381 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0636 § 2
• Gerald Kallenbach (Swiss Benedictine, ≈), Ein Kirchenamt im Dienst der Verkündigung. Die Rechtsstellung des Religionslehrers, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4717, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-853-8) 382 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
CIC 0806; bishop's supervision of schools and concern for academic competence. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1382. ≡ CD 35. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0634 § 3. CCEO 0638 § 1.
Book III, Title 2, Chapter 1. Catholic universities and other institutes of higher studies, cc. 807-814.
• Íñigo Martínez-Echevarria Castillo (≈ priest, 1972-), La relación de la Iglesia con la Universidad en los discursos de Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI: una nueva aproximación jurídica, (Santa Croce diss. 26, 2010, ISBN 9788883332487) 269 pp.
≈ ≈ The Diocesan Bishop and Catholic Universities in the light of Ex corde Ecclesiae, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3821, 2001) 136 pp.
CIC 0807; Church's right to found universities. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1375. ≡ GE 8, 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0640 § 1
CIC 0808; restriction on use of title 'Catholic university'. Latine.
Source(s). AA 24.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0642 § 1.
CIC 0809; conference of bishop to foster Catholic universities or faculties. Latine.
Source(s). 7-1379. ≡ GE 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0810; professional and personal qualities expected of faculty. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1381 § 3. For § 2: 17-1381 § 1. 17-2317.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 810 is referenced in Canon 818.
CIC 0811; faculty, institute, or chair of theology to be established. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: GE 10. For § 2: GE 10; GS 62.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0643.
CIC 0812; episcopal mandatum. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0644.
Other. Canon 812 is referenced in Canon 818.
CIC 0813; pastoral care for students, 'campus ministry'. Latine.
Source(s). GE 10. AG 38.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0645.
• William Rathgeb, “Pastoral care of university students”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).
Other. Canon 813 is referenced in Canon 818.
CIC 0814; applicability of university provisions to other institutes. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0640.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), m. p. Inter munera academinarum (28 jan 1999), AAS 91 (1999) 849-853. ▪ English, here. Summary: Promulgating new statutes for the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Pontifical Theological Academy. Cites: CIC ≠.
Book III, Title 2, Chapter 3. Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties, cc. 815-821.
► Topic in general, as follows:
• Mitja Leskovar (Slovenian priest, ≈), Che cosa rende cattolica un'università?: studio storico-giuridico della Costituzione Apostolica Ex corde ecclesiae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4886, 2001) 208 pp (part).
► Topic by canon, as follows:
CIC 0815; description of, and Church's right to establish, ecclesiastical universities and faculties. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0646.
CIC 0816; ecclesiastical universities and faculties to be founded only by Apostolic See. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1376.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0649. CCEO 0650.
CIC 0817; only degrees issued by ecclesiastical universities and faculties have canonical effects. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1377.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0648.
CIC 0818; Roman mandatum. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Michael Dodd, “Reception of the ‘mandatum’ or the ‘missio canonica’ for teachers of theological disciplines in ecclesiastical universities and faculties: an interpretation of Canon 818”, (Angelicum licentiate thesis, 2001) 59 pp.
CIC 0819; bishops and superiors to send outstanding students to ecclesiastical universities and faculties. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1380. ≡ OT 18; GE 10; AG 16.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0820; ecclesiastical universities and faculties to cooperate with other educational projects. Latine.
Source(s). GE 12; GS 62.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0821; episcopal conference and diocesan bishop to found ecclesiastical universities and faculties. Latine.
Source(s). GE 10.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0821.
Book III, Title 4. Instruments of social communication and books in particular, cc. 822-832.
CIC 0822; using the instruments of social communications. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0651.
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Baum), doc. Guide to the training of future priests regarding the instruments of social communications (19 mar 1986), (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1986) 52 pp., and in Enchridion Vaticanum 10: 58-116 (Italian). ▪ English, here. Summary: Observations on the place of instruments of social communications in the life and mission of the Church. Cites: CIC 0666, 0747, 0761, 0779, 0804, 0822, 0823, 1063, 1369.
CIC 0823; bishop's and episcopal conference's vigilance over use of social communications. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1384 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0652 § 2.
Scholarly works. • Gianfranco Zuncheddu (≈, ≈), L'uso degli strumenti di comunicazione sociale alla luce del disposto dei canoni 747 § 1, 822 §§ 1.2-3 e 823 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 154, 1996) iii-87 pp (part).
Other. Supplement for Canon 0823.
CIC 0824; identification of competent local ordinary. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1385 § 2. For § 2: 17-1384 § 2.
Parallel. CCEO 0654. CCEO 0662 § 1
CIC 0825; provisions regarding books of Scripture. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1385. ≡ DV 22, 25. For § 2: DV 22.
Parallel. CCEO 0655 §§ 1, 3.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Scriptuarum thesaurus (25 apr 1979), AAS 71 (1979) 557-559. ▪ English, here. Summary: Promulgates the "New Vulgate" as the 'edito typica' of Sacred Scripture especially for liturgical use. Cites: CIC ≠.
CIC 0826; provisions regarding liturgical and devotional books. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1257. ≡ SC 22, 36, 39, 40; OE 5, UR 15. For § 2: 17-1390. For § 3: 17-1385 § 1 n. 2.
Parallel. CCEO 0655 § 1. CCEO 0656 § 1. CCEO 0657 § 3.
CIC 0827; general provisions on 'nihil obstat' and 'imprimatur'. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1385 § 1. n.2
Parallel. CCEO 0658. CCEO 0659. CCEO 0665 § 1.
CIC 0828; publishing decrees or acts of ecclesiastical authority. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1389.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0666.
CIC 0829; authorizations do not apply to translation or new editions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1392.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0663.
CIC 0830; role of the censor and ordinary's decision. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1393 § 1. For § 2: 17-1393 § 2. For § 3: 17-1393 § 4. 17-1394 § 2.
Parallel. CCEO 0664.
[PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 830 § 3 (20 jun 1987), AAS 79
(1987) 1249. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Requires
notice of the name of ordinary, date, and place of permission to appear in
the works themselves. Cites:
CIC 0830.
CIC 0831; writing for certain publications, clerics and religious in media. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1386. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel. CCEO 0660.
Particular. USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 831 § 2 (13 dec 2001), here. ▪ Summary: Clerics and religious who regularly take part in religious broadcasts must be marked for learning and fidelity and have approval of bishop and where applicable, superior. Cites: CIC 0831.
CIC 0832; special permission for religious publication on religion and morals. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1385 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0662 § 2.
Book III, Title 5. Profession of Faith, c. 833. ► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 0833; Profession of Faith. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1406.
Parallel. CCEO 0187 § 2.
• Alberto Monti (≈ Franciscan, 1963-), L'obbligo di emettere la professione di fede: studio teologico-giuridico del can. 833, (Antonianum diss. 119, 1998) xxix, 213 pp. ▪ Review: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 33 (1999) 561-562.
Other. Canon 833 is referenced in Canon 427. ≡ Supplement for Canon 0833.
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1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
1983 Codex Vigens
Sanctifying Office
BOOK IV - Sanctifying Office of the Church, cc. 834-1253
[ Book IV, Preambulatory canons, cc. 834-839. ]
• Bonifacio Honings, "I sacramenti in generale nel nuovo Codice", in Nuovo Codice (1983) 335-349.
CIC 0834; fundamentals of sanctifying office. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: SC 7. For § 2: 17-1526. ≡ LG 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0668 § 1.
CIC 0835; hierarchic sharing in the sanctifying mission of the Church. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG chap. V. For § 2: LG 28, 41; CD 15; PO 5. For § 3: LG 29, 41. For § 4: SC 26-31; LG 41; GS 48.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0836; importance of preparation in faith for worship. Latine.
Source(s). SC 9-11, 33-36, 59; LG 10, 11, 28, 34; CD 30.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0837; liturgical actions reflect unity of Church in an ordered diversity. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: SC 26-32. For § 2: SC 14, 26, 27, 48.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0673.
Magnum 0838; levels of authority over the liturgy and liturgical texts. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0838; levels of authority over the liturgy and liturgical texts. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1257. 17-1260 ≡ = 22 § 1. For § 2: 17-1257. ≡ SC 36.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0657 §§ 1, 2. CCEO 0668 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, m. p. Magnum (2017), info here. ▪ Summary: Increases authority of episcopal conferences over development of liturgical translations. Cites: CIC 0838.
• Arthur Roche (Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments), "Note on Canon 838" [09 sep 2017]. ▪ English, here. Summary: As titled, commentary noting confused conciliar background to current technical terminology. Cites: CIC 0304, 0455, 0825, 0838 / Sacrosanctum Concilium (1963)
The complex narration of the history of these inadequate terms would not have been necessary had the meaning of such terms as 'recognitio' and 'confirmatio' simply been defined now, something still not clear even after Magnum.
― Other. Canon 838 is referenced in Canon 841. ≡ Supplement for Canon 0838.
CIC 0839; other activities besides worship effect sanctification. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: SC 12, 13; LG 12. For § 2: 17-1259. 17-1260. 17-1261. ≡ SC 12, 13; LG 12.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1. Sacraments, cc. 840-1165.
[Book IV, Part 1, Preambulatory canons, cc. 840-848].
CIC 0840; introduction to sacraments in life of the Church. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0731 § 1. ≡ SC 6, 7, 14, 26-28, 59; LG 7, 14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0667.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0840.
CIC 0841; validity and liceity of sacraments. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0733 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0669.
CIC 0842; sacraments of initiation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0737 § 1. For § 2: SC 71.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0675 § 2. CCEO 0697.
≈ ≈ The continuity and dynamism of religious formation in the consecrated life in relation to Christian initiation, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3820, 2001) xviii-310 pp.
CIC 0843; basic eligibility for sacraments. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0467. 17-0468. 17-0682. For § 2: SC 19; PO 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0381 § 2.
• Salvatore Dionesalvi (Italian layman, ≈), É legittimo ammettere i mafiosi ai sacramenti?: riflessioni e scelte di alcuni vescovi In Calabria, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3940, 2017) 191 xcc.
CIC 0844; sacramental sharing. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0731 § 2. ≡ UR 8. For § 2: OE 27. For § 3: OE 27. UR 15. For § 4: ≠. For § 5: 17-0732.
CCEO 0671.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), ap. let. Misericordia et misera (20 nov 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 1311-1327, English, here. Summary: Extends faculties for confession to all SSPX priests. Misericorda 12. Cites: CIC ≠. / CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 844 is referenced in Canon 923.
CIC 0845; non-repeatability of certain sacraments. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0732. For § 2: ≠.
CCEO 0672. Scholarly works. • Siobhan O’Toole [Verbeek], “Conditional conferral in the administration of sacraments: from incentive to reticence”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).
CIC 0846; use of liturgical books. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0733 § 1. ≡ SC 22 § 3, 63=? For § 2: 17-0733 § 2. ≡ SC 4; OE 3, 6.
CCEO 0668 § 2.
CCEO 0674.
CIC 0847; holy oils generally to be pressed from olives and consecrated or blessed. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-734. 17-735. For § 2: ≠.
CCEO 0693.
CIC 0848; restrictions on monetary exchanges upon celebration of sacraments. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0736.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 1. Baptism, cc. 849.
CIC 0849; description of baptism and its effects. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0087. 17-0737 § 1. ≡ LG 11, 16, 40; AG 14; PO 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0675 § 1
Other. Supplement for Canon 0849.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 1. Celebration of Baptism, cc. 850-860.
CIC 0850; generally, baptism to be administered in accord with liturgical books. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0737 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0676.
CIC 0851; adults seeking baptism to enter catechumenate, parents of infants to be instructed. Latine.
Source(s). SC 64, 67; LG 14; CD 14; AG 14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0686 § 2.
CIC 0852; persons with use of reason to be treated adults in regard to baptism. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0745 § 2 n. 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0681 § 3.
CIC 0853; outside of necessity, water to be blessed. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0757.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0854; baptism to be conferred by immersion or pouring. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0758.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0855; types of names prohibited at baptism. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0761.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0856; preference for baptism on
Sunday or Easter vigil.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0772.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0857; church or oratory as preferred place of baptism. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0773. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0687 § 1.
CIC 0858; location of baptismal fonts. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0774.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 858 is referenced in Canon 859.
CIC 0859; alternative locations for baptism. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0775.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0860; avoidance of baptism in homes or hospitals. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0776 For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0687 § 2.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 2. Minister of baptism, cc. 861-863.
CIC 0861; ordinary minister of baptism is a cleric. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0738. 17-0741. ≡ LG 26, 29; PO5. For § 2: 17-0742.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0677.
Other. Canon 861 is referenced in Canon 844.
CIC 0862; territorial restrictions on conferral of Baptism. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0739.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0863; baptism of those over 14 to
be deferred to diocesan bishop.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0744.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 3. Those to be baptized, cc. 864-871.
• Raymond Corbett, “A right to Baptism: A study of church law on the rights and obligations of those administering and receiving Baptism with reference to the Codex Iuris Canonici 1983 and extra-canonical legislation”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 1997).
CIC 0864; only non-baptized persons are capable of being baptized. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0745 § 1.
CCEO 0679.
CIC 0865; requirements in adults to be baptized. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0752.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0682.
CIC 0866; baptized adult to be admitted to Confirmation and Eucharist. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0867; obligation to seek early baptism. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0770. For § 2: 17-0771.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0686 § 1.
Cong. for the
Doctrine of the Faith (Šeper), instr. "De baptismo parvulorum" (20 oct
1980), AAS 72 (1980) 1137-1156. ▪ English, here. Summary:
As titled, doctrinal and pastoral overview of infant baptism.
Cites: CIC ≠. Infant Baptism: the 1983 Code of canon law and Church of England law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3802, 1999) 261 pp.
De concordia 0868; prerequisites for infant baptism. Latine.
Olim. CIC 0868; prerequisites for infant baptism. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0750 § 1 n. For § 2: 17-0750 § 2. For § 3: 17-0750 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0681.
― Papal. Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. De concordia inter Codices, art. 4. ▪ Summary: Makes textual changes to western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0868. Modification, here.
CIC 0869; norms on conditional conferral of Baptism. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0749. For § 2: 17-0750. 17-0751. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0870; abandoned children and foundlings generally to be baptized. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0749.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0681 § 2.
CIC 0871; aborted fetuses to be baptized if possible. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0680.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 4. Sponsors, cc. 872-874.
• Alexander Palmieri, “Qualifications for sponsors for baptism and confirmation from the 1917 Code of Canon Law to the present”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).
Source(s). 17-0762.
CCEO 0684.
CIC 0873; one male or female sponsor,
or one of each. Latine. Source(s). 17-0764.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0874; prerequisites for sponsors and so-called 'Christian witness'. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0765. For § 2: @
Parallel(s). CCEO 0685.
Other. Canon 874 is referenced in Canon 893.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter
5. Proof and Registration of Baptism, cc. 875-878. ► Topic in general, no entries.
► Topics by canons, as follows:
CIC 0875; minister is to secure witness to baptism in default of sponsor. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0779.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0688.
CIC 0876; possible proof of baptism based on sole witness or even recipient. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0779.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0691.
Other. Canon 876 is referenced in Canon 894.
CIC 0877; baptismal records. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0777.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0689.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 877 § 3 (20 oct 2000), here. ▪ Summary: Norms on recordation of baptism in cases of adopted children. Cites: CIC 0877.
Other. Canon 877 is referenced in Canon 878.
CIC 0878; ministers must notify pastors of baptism. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0778.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0690.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 2. Confirmation, cc. 879.
CIC 0879; definition and effects of Confirmation. Latine.
Source(s). LG 11; AG 36; PO 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0692.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 1. Celebration of Confirmation, cc. 880-881.
CIC 0880; use of chrism and rubrics observed in conferring Confirmation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0780. 17-0781 § 2. For § 2: 17-0782 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0693.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0880.
CIC 0881; liturgical solemnities preferred in conferral of Confirmation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0791. ≡ SC 71.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 2. Minister of Confirmation, cc. 882-888.
CIC 0882; ministers of Confirmation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0782 §§ 1, 2. ≡ LG 26, OE 13, 14.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0694.
• John Robertson, "The minister of Confirmation in the Latin Church: a comparison of the 1917 Code of Canon Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).
Other. Canon 882 is referenced in Canon 144.
CIC 0883; faculties for conferring Confirmation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0782 n. 2. For 2°: ≠. For 3°: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 883 is referenced in Canons 144, 530, 877.
CIC 0884; preference for episcopal
conferral of Confirmation. Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0885; diocesan bishop and some
presbyters to arrange for celebration of sacrament.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0785.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Steven Callahan, “Canonical considerations on the requirement to confirm immediately children of catechetical age who are baptized or received into the Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).
CIC 0886; territorial considerations in episcopal conferral of Confirmation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0783.
CCEO 0696 § 3.
CIC 0887; territorial restrictions on
presbyteral conferral of Confirmation. Latine. Source(s). 17-0784.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0696 § 3.
CIC 0888; conferral of Confirmation in exempt places. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0792.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Vincent Gardiner, Conferral of the sacrament of Confirmation: the historical context to Canon 888 § 1, (KU Leuven MA theses, 2011) v-33 pp.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 3. Those to be Confirmed, cc. 889-891.
• Michele Munno (Italian priest, 1980-), Il dovere - diritto dei fedeli al sacramento della confermazione: orientamenti e prassi delle diocesi in Italia, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3918, 2014) 205 xcc.
CIC 0889; conditions for valid and licit reception of Confirmation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0786.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0890; request for Confirmation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0787.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0695 § 1. • Thomas Sundaram, "Apte institutus: pastor, parents, and child in the request to receive the sacrament of Confirmation", (Santa Croce thesis, 2017).
CIC 0891; age for Confirmation.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0788.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0695 § 1.
• Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (Medina Estévez), doc. [de Confirmationis receptionis aetate] (no date), Communicationes 32 (2000) 12-14 (English text). ▪ Summary: A suitably instructed and disposed child of age 11 has a right to receive the sacrament of Confirmation despite a diocesan policy setting a later age for reception. Cites: CIC (0057), 0843, 0889, 0890, 0891.
• USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 891 (21 aug 2001), here. ▪ Summary: Authorizes diocesan bishop to establish age for Confirmation in his diocese. Cites: CIC 0891.
• Steve Rosera, “Infant confirmation in the archdiocese of Santa Fe: a study in customary law in the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).
Book IV, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 4. Sponsors, cc. 892-893. • Alexander Palmieri, “Qualifications for sponsors for baptism and confirmation from the 1917 Code of Canon Law to the present”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).
CIC 0892; recommendation for sponsor.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0792.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0893; incorporation of norms from Canon 874 and preference for new sponsor. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0795. For § 2: 17-0796.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 5. Proof and registration of conferral of Confirmation, cc. 894-896.
CIC 0894; incorporation of norms from Canon 876. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0895; location and notification of recordation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0798.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0896; minister of sacrament must notify pastor of the place. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0799.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 3. The Most Holy Eucharist, cc. 897-898.
• Gerardo Békés, “The Eucharist makes the Church”, in Assessment and Perspectives (1988-1989) II: 347-363.
CIC 0897; definition and description of
the Most Holy Eucharist.
Source(s). 17-0801. ≡ SC 10, 47; LG 3, 11, 17, 26; CD 30; AG 14; PO 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0698.
CIC 0898; Christian faithful's and
pastor's attitude toward the Eucharist.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0863. ≡ SC 48; PO 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0699 § 3.
Scholarly works.
• Tommaso Fallica (Italian priest, 1978-), Il ruolo del pastore d'anime nell'obbligo dei fedeli ad onorare la santissima eucaristia: can. 898 366 pp.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1. The Eucharistic Celebration, c. 899.
CIC 0899; overview of the nature of
Eucharistic celebration.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: PO 13. For § 2: SC 14, 26, 33; PO 5. For § 3: SC 47.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 1. Minister of the Most Holy Eucharist, cc. 900-911.
CIC 0900; minister able to confect the sacrament solely a priest. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0802. ≡ LG 10, 26, 28. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0699 § 1.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), let. Sacerdotium ministeriale (06 aug 1983), AAS 75/1 (1983) 1001-1009. ▪ English, here. Summary: The ordained priesthood is not derived from the common priesthood, only ordained priests can confect the Eucharist. Cites: CIC (0392), (0900).
CIC 0901; priest free to apply Mass for
anyone. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0809.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0902; priest free to celebrate
alone or with others.
Latine. Source(s). SC 57.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0700.
Scholarly works. • William Vouk, “Concelebration: development from the 1917 Code through the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).
CIC 0903; right to celebrate ('celebret'). Latine.
Source(s). 17-0804 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0703 § 1.
CIC 0904; priest encouraged to
celebrate frequently.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0805. ≡ SC 2, 27; LG 3, 28; AG 39; PO 2, 5, 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0378.
CIC 0905; bination and trination.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0806 § 1. ≡ SC 57. For § 2: 17-0806 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0906; preference of congregation at
Mass. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0813. ≡ SC 27.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0907; restrictions against
unauthorized lay or diaconal actions.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0908; prohibition against
concelebration with non-Catholics.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0702.
CIC 0909; prayerful preparation and
thanksgiving for Mass.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0810.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0707 § 1.
CIC 0910; ordinary and extraordinary ministers of holy Communion. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0845 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0709.
Dicasterial. • [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 0230 and 0910 (01 jun 1988), AAS 80 (1988) 1373. ▪ Summary: The physical presence of able-bodied ordinary ministers of holy Communion precludes the use of extraordinary ministers. Cites: CIC 0230, 0910.
• Wrenn, Authentic Interpretations (1993) 44-45.
CIC 0911; ministers for Viaticum.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0397 n. 2. 17-0514 §§ 1, 2, 3. 17-0848. 17-0850. For § 2: LG 29.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 2. Participation in the Most Holy Eucharist, cc. 912-923.
CIC 0912; right of the baptized to holy
Communion. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0853.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0913; admission of children to holy
Communion. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0854 §§ 3, 4. ≡ PO 5. For § 2: 17-0854 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0710.
CIC 0914; preparation for first holy Communion. Latine.
Source(s). 1983CIC0854 §§ 4, 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Mark Gurtner, "Canonical factors to be weighed with regard to the formulation of diocesan norms for preparation for first Eucharist for home-catechized children", CUA JCL thesis, 2005. ▪ Thesis on-line here.
CIC 0915; restrictions on ministration
of holy Communion. Latine. Source(s). 17-0855.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0712.
• Laura Morrison (American laywoman, ≈), The Denial of Holy Communion Due to Obstinate Perseverance in Manifest Grave Sin: The Applications of c. 915 in the American Context, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2015) 256 pp. ▪ Dissertation here.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0915.
CIC 0916; restrictions on approaching
for holy Communion.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0711.
• PCLT (Herranz), dichiarazione [de Can. 0915] (24 jun 2000), Communicationes 32 (2000) 159-162. ▪ English, here. Summary: Divorced and remarried Catholics generally may not approach for holy Communion. Cites: CIC 0017, 0915, 0916.
CIC 0917; repeated reception of holy Communion. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 0917 (11 jul 1984), AAS 76 (1984) 746-747. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Participation in the liturgy is required for a second reception of holy Communion on the same day. Cites: CIC 0917.
• Wrenn, Authentic Interpretations (1993) 11-12.
CIC 0918; recommendation of reception
of holy Communion during Mass.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0863. ≡ SC 55.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0713 § 1.
CIC 0919; fast for reception of holy Communion. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-0858 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0713 § 2.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0920; annual precept for holy Communion. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0859. 17-0860. 17-0861.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0708. CCEO 0881 § 3.
Source(s). 17-0864.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0708.
CIC 0922; obligation of others to
provide Viaticum to those who need it.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0865.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0923; right of the faithful to
participate in Mass and receive holy Communion in any rite.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0866 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 3. Rites and Ceremonies of the Eucharistic Celebration, cc. 924-930.
CIC 0924; bread and wine requirements
of Eucharist. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0814. For § 2: 17-0815 § 1. For § 3: 17-0815 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0706.
• CDWDS (Sarah), doc. "La Congregazione" (15 jun 2017), AAS 109 (2017) 857-859. ▪ English, here. Summary: Norms for minimal alcohol content for sacramental wine and minimal gluten content for sacramental bread. Cites: CIC 0835, 0924.
• Patrick McSherry, "Wine as sacramental matter in the use of unfermented grape juice", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).
CIC 0925; manner of reception of holy
Communion. Latine. Source(s). 17-0852. ≡ SC 55.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• [Sacred] Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), resp. ad dub. [re intinction] (29 oct 1982), AAS 74 (1982) 1298-1299. ▪ English, here. Summary: Infirm priests communicate solely by intinction, even if celebrating, celiacs may consume under the species of wine, but priests may not consecrate gluten free hosts. Cites: CIC (0925).
Scholarly works.
CIC 0926; use of unleavened bread in
Eucharist. Latine. Source(s). 17-0816.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0707 § 1.
CIC 0927; absolutely prohibition of
consecration of only one matter.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0817.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0928; Eucharist to be celebrated in Latin or approved language. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0819 ≡ SC 36, 54.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0928.
CIC 0929; vestments prescribed by
rubrics are to be worn.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0811 § 1. 17-0818.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0707 § 1.
CIC 0930; special norms for disabled priests. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 4. Time and Place of Celebration of the Eucharist, cc. 931-933.
CIC 0931; broad times allowed for
celebration and distribution of Eucharist.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0820. 17-0821. 17-0867.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0707 § 1.
CIC 0932; preference for sacred places
and altars for celebration of Eucharist.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0822 §§ 1, 4. For § 2: 17-0822.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0705 § 1. CCEO 0707 § 1.
CIC 0933; requirements for celebration
of Eucharist in non-Catholic place of worship.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0823 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0705 § 2.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 2. Reservation and Veneration of the Most Holy Eucharist, cc. 934-944.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0934; places that must and may
reserve the Eucharist.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1265
Parallel(s). CCEO 0714 § 1.
CIC 0935; restrictions against carrying
Eucharist on person.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1265 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0936; restrictions on reservation
in religious houses.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1267.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0714 § 1.
CIC 0937; accessibility of places of
reservation. Latine. Source(s). 17-1266.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0938; tabernacles.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1:17-1268 § 1. For § 2: 17-1268 § 2. For § 3: 17-1269 §§ 1, 2. For § 4: 17-1269 § 3. For § 5: 1269 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0939; reservation of hosts for pastoral needs. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (≠.), resp. ad dub. [de sanguine Christi remanente] (nov-dec 2000), Communicationes 33 (2001) 30-31. ▪ Summary: Short-term storage permitted only for use by the sick, Precious Blood is never to be poured down drains or into ground. Cites: CIC 1367.
CIC 0940; special lamp to indicate the
presence of Christ.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1271.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0941; exposition of the Eucharist. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1274 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (≠.), resp. ad dub. "An liceat pretiosissimum Sanguinem Christi pro adoratione Eucharistica ostendere" (no date), Communicationes 39 (2007) 219-220. ▪ Summary: The Precious Blood may not be reserved for exposition. Cites: CIC 0925, (0941).
CIC 0942; annual solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1275.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0943; ministers of exposition and benediction. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1274 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0944; annual Eucharistic public procession. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1291. For § 2: 17-1295.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 3. Offering Given for the Celebration of Mass, cc. 945-958.
• Cong. for the Clergy (Innocenti), decr. Mos iugiter (22 feb 1991), AAS 83 (1991) 443-446. ▪ English, here. Summary: Provisions whereby so-called 'collective intentions' may be accepted only upon public notice of such intentions, to be celebrated not more than twice per week, with overages to be forward to other priests and excess donations used in accord with law. Cites: CIC 0948, 0951.
Scholarly works.
CIC 0945; general authorization of stipends. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0824 § 1. For § 2: @
Parallel(s). CCEO 0715. CCEO 0716.
CIC 0946; good done by Christian faithful who offer stipends. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0947; prohibition of trafficking or
trading in stipends.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0827.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0948; individual stipends require
individual Masses. Latine. Source(s). 17-0828.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0949; Mass obligation remains even if stipend is lost. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0829.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0950; determination number of
Masses for unspecified stipends.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0830.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0951; daily limits on stipends retention. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0824 § 2. For § 2: @
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
[PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 951 § 1 (23 apr 1987), AAS 79
(1987) 1132. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: The
term "ordinary" refers to the ordinary of the celebrating priest, except in
the cases of pastors and associates, who look to their own ordinary.
Cites: CIC 0951.
• Wrenn, Authentic Interpretations (1993) 33-35.
CIC 0952; determination of normal
amount for stipends.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0831.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0953; stipend acceptance limited to
Masses that can be offered in one year.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0835.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0954; excessive number of stipends
for certain places can generally be sent elsewhere.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0836.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0955; entrustment of stipends to
others. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17 CIC 0837-0840. For § 2: 17-0837. For § 3: 17-0844 § 1. For § 4: 17-0844 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0956; disposition of stipends not satisfied within one year. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0841 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0957; authority to supervise fulfillment of Mass obligations. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0842.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0958; recordation of stipends. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0843.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 958 is referenced in Canon 1307.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 4. Sacrament of Penance, cc. 959-997.
• International Theological Commission, "Penance and Reconciliation" (1984), ITC Texts and Documents I: 225-249. Summary: Theological and pastoral overview of confession in this life of the faithful. Cites: CIC (0959), (0960), (0961), (0980), (0981), (1331).
Scholarly works.
CIC 0959; description of Confession. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0718.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 1. Celebration of the Sacrament [of Penance], cc. 960-964.
CIC 0960; individual and integral confession is the ordinary means of reconciliation. Latine.
Source(s). SC 72.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0720 § 1
CIC 0961; general absolution. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0720 §§ 2, 3.
• [PCLT] (Herranz), not. expl. "Assoluzione generale senza previa confessione individuale" (08 nov 1996), Communicationes 28 (1996) 177-181. ▪ Summary: Genral explanation of the terms of Canon 961. Cites: CIC 0213, 0843, 0960, 0961, 0962, 0963, 0986.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 961 § 1 n. 2 (15 dec 1989), here. ▪ Summary: The NCCB interprets the word "diu" (long time) to mean one month. This action was not considered by CDWDS to be a "decree" and therefore, although CDWDS orally approved the interpretation, it need not, and did not, grant it recognition. Cites: CIC 0961.
• Brian Limbourn (Australian priest, ≈), The sacrament of reconciliation and general absolution, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2002) 567 pp. ▪ Abstract a/o dissertation here.
An examination of general absolution using the criteria of a juridic act, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3784, 1998) 200 pp. ▪ biograph.
CIC 0962; necessity of desire for
individual confession after general absolution.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0721.
CIC 0963; necessity of individual
confession after general absolution.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0964; place for confession. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0908. For § 2: 17-0909 § 2. For § 3: 17-0910.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0736 § 1.
• [PCLT] (Herranz), resp. ad dub. re Can. 964 § 2 (07 jul 1998), AAS 90 (1998) 711. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Confessors can require penitents to use grated confessionals. Cites: CIC 0964.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 964 § 2 (20 oct 2000), here. ▪ Summary: Churches and oratories are to have accessible confessionals that allow for face-to-face and anonymous (grill) confession. Cites: CIC 0964.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 2. Minister of the Sacrament of Penance, cc. 965-986.
CIC 0965; "A priest alone is the
minister of the sacrament of penance."
Latine. Source(s). 17-0871. ≡ PO 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0722 § 1.
CIC 0966; faculties for confession. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0871. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0722 § 3.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), ap. let. Misericordia et misera (20 nov 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 1311-1327, English, here. Summary: Misericorda 12 expressly extends faculties for confession to all SSPX priests. Cites: CIC (0966), Pascite = / CCEO (0722), (0728).
Other. Canon 966 is referenced in Canon 144.
CIC 0967; hierarchic possession of faculties and scope of such faculties. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0873 § 1. For § 2: 17-0514. 17-0875.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0722. CCEO 0723. CCEO 0724.
Other. Canon 967 is referenced in Canons 974, 975.
CIC 0968; other possession of faculties by office. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0873 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0723.
Other. Canon 968 is referenced in Canons 967, 969.
CIC 0969; granting of faculties by
local ordinaries. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0874 § 1. For § 2: 17-0875.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0724.
Other. Canon 969 is referenced in Canons 966, 967, 972.
CIC 0970; demonstration of suitability
for faculties. Latine. Source(s). 17-0877.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0971; consultation with extern's
ordinary before granting faculties.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0874 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0972; faculties can be temporary or
permanent. Latine. Source(s). 17-0878.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0973; habitual faculties to be
granted in writing.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0879 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0974; causes for and consequences of revocation of faculties. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0880 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0726 §§ 1, 2.
CIC 0975; other causes for loss of
faculties. Latine. Source(s). 17-0873 § 3. 17-0967.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0726 § 3.
CIC 0976; faculties for confession in danger of death. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0882.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0725.
Scholarly works.
Other. Canon 976 is referenced in Canons 292, 566, 1357
CIC 0977; absolution of an accomplice. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0882. 17-0884. 17-2367.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0730.
CIC 0978; confessor as judge and
physician, importance of doctrine.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0888 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0732 § 2.
CIC 0979; prudence in posing questions.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0888 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0980; absolution generally to be
conferred. Latine. Source(s). 17-0886.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0981; imposition of penances to be
performed personally.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0887.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0732 § 1.
CIC 0982; false denunciation of a
confessor. Latine. Source(s). 17-0894.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0731.
CIC 0983; seal of Confession. Latine.
Breviter: Violation of Canon 0983 was criminalized in Canon 1388, now Pascite =.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0889. For § 2. 17-0890 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0733.
Other. Canon 983 is referenced in Canons 990, 1388. ≡ See Supplement 0983.
CIC 0984; prohibition against use of
confessional knowledge.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0890.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0734 §§ 1, 2.
CIC 0985; novice masters and rectors generally should not hear student confessions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0891.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0734 § 3.
Other. Canon 985 is referenced in Canon 262.
CIC 0986; duty to provide for and to
hear confessions. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0892 § 1. ≡ CD 30; PO 13. For § 2: 17-0892 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0735
Book IV, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 3. The Penitent, cc. 987-991.
CIC 0987; necessary disposition of the penitent. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠. Scholarly works.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0897.
CIC 0988; content of confession. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0901. For § 2: 17-0902.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Andrea Migliavacca (Italian priest, 1967-), La 'confessione frequente di devozione'. Studio teologico-giuridico sul periodo fra i Codici del 1917 e del 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 17, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-748-7) 336 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
CIC 0989; precept for annual confession of grave sin. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0906.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0719.
• Jan Dohnalik (Polish priest, 1977-), Il precetto pasquale: la normativa sulla Comunione e la Confessione annuale (cann. 920 e 989) alla luce della tradizione canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6029, 2015) 78 pp (part).
Other. Canon 989 is referenced in Canon 963.
CIC 0990; right to use an interpreter.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0903 ≡ CD 30.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0991; right to use authorized
confessors of one's choice.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0905.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 4. Indulgences, cc. 992-997.
• Apostolic Penitentiary (Dadaglio), Enchiridion Indulgentiarum: Normae et Concessiones [1968], (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 4° ed., 1999/2004) 133 pp. ▪ Eng. trans., Manual of Indulgences: Norms and Grants (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2006) 160 pp. Summary: As titled, the current law on and grants of indulgences. Cites: CIC 0078, 0516, 0826, 0992, 0993, 0994, 0995, 0996, (0997), 1230-1234.
CIC 0992; definition of indulgence.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0911.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0993; distinguishing plenary and
partial indulgences.
Latine. Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0994; eligibility to gain and to
benefit by an indulgence.
Latine. Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0995; power to establish
indulgences. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0912. For § 2: 17-0913.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0996; capacity to obtain an
indulgence. Latine. Source(s). 17-0925 § 1. 17-2262. For § 2: 17-0925 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 0997; referral of other indulgence
matters to special laws of Church.
Latine. Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 5. Sacrament of Anointing of the sick, cc. 998-1007.
CIC 0998; introduction to norms on
Anointing. Latine. Source(s). 17-0937. SC 73; LG 11; PO 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0737 § 1.
Other. Supplement for Canon 0998.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 1. Celebration of the sacrament [of Anointing], cc. 999-1002.
► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 0999; clerics who can bless oil for
anointing. Latine. Source(s). 17-0945.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0741.
Other. Canon 999 is referenced in Canon 847.
CIC 1000; preferred ritual for
celebration and minimal requisites for anointing.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0947 § 1. ≡ SC 75 For § 2: 17-0947 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0742.
CIC 1001; pastors' and others' duty to
arrange for anointing. Latine. Source(s). 17-0944. ≡ SC 73.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0738.
CIC 1002; communal anointing per
bishop's prescriptions. Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 2. Minister of anointing, c. 1003. Dicasterial.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. 'De ministro sacramenti Unctionis infirmorum' (11 feb 2005), Communicationes 37 (2005) 175-179 (Italian). ▪ Summary: Minister of anointing is priest or bishop only. Cites: CIC (0752), 1003.
• Zdenko Ilić (Croatian priest, 1973-), Il ministro dell'unzione degli infermi: analisi storico-giuridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6204, 2013) 201 pp. ▪ lić biograph.
CIC 1003; only priests can perform anointing. Latine.
The interdicasterial instruction Ecclesiae de mysterio
(15 aug 1997) regards restriction of ministration of Anointing to
priests (sacerdos) as "theologically certain doctrine".
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0938 § 1. 17-0919. For § 2: 17-0938 § 2 2. 17-0939. For § 3: @
Parallel(s). CCEO 0739.
Other. Canon 1003 is referenced in CIC 530.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 3. On whom anointing is to be conferred, cc. 1004-1007.
CIC 1004; eligibility for anointing.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0940. ≡ SC 73.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1005; anointing to be administered
in cases of doubt. Latine. Source(s). 17-0941.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1006; implicit request for
sacrament suffices. Latine. Source(s). 17-0943.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0740.
CIC 1007; anointing to be withheld from
those who obstinately persevere in manifest grave sin.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0942.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 6. Orders, cc. 1008-1054.
Omnium 1008; introduction to holy Orders. Latine.
CIC 1008; introduction to holy Orders.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-0948. ≡ LG 10, 11, 20, 27; PO 2, 5, 7, 12, 18.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0323 § 1. CCEO 0743.
― Papal. Benedict XVI, m.p. Omnium (2009), info here, art. 1. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modifies two definitional canons on holy Orders and eliminates some implications for marriage form arising from defection from the Church. Cites: CIC 0011, 0841, 1008, 1009, 1086, 1117, 1124.
― Dicasterial.
Omnium 1009; ranks of orders and referral to liturgical books. Latine.
CIC 1009; ranks of orders and referral to liturgical books.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0949 ≡ LG 28, 29; PO1. For § 2: LG21, 29.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0325. CCEO 0744.
― Papal. Benedict XVI, m.p. Omnium (2009), info here, art. 2. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modifies two definitional canons on holy Orders and eliminates some implications for marriage form arising from defection from the Church. Cites: CIC 0011, 0841, 1008, 1009, 1086, 1117, 1124.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 1. Celebration and Minister of Ordination, cc. 1010-1023.
CIC 1010; preference for Sunday or holy
day for conferral of ordination.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1006.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0773.
CIC 1011; preference for cathedral,
with congregation, for conferral of ordination.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-1009 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1009 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0773.
CIC 1012; "The minister of sacred
ordination is a consecrated bishop."
Latine. Source(s). 17-0951. ≡ LG 21, 26; PO 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0744.
CIC 1013; necessity of pontifical
mandate for episcopal ordination.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0953. ≡ CD 20.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0745.
CIC 1014; generally two con-consecrators
to be associated with principal bishop of consecration.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0954.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0746 § 1.
CIC 1015; proper minister of diaconal
and priestly ordination. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0955 § 1. For § 2: 17-0955 § 2 ≡ OE 1-5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0747. CCEO 0748 § 2.
CIC 1016; determination of proper bishop for ordination. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0956.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0748 § 1.
Other. Canon 1016 is referenced in Canon 1018.
CIC 1017; restriction on bishop
conferring orders outside his own jurisdiction.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1006. CD 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0749.
CIC 1018; authority to issue
dimissorial letters for secular clergy.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0958.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0750.
CIC 1019; authority to issue
dimissorial letters for religious clergy.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0964 §§ 2, 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0472. CCEO 0537 § 1.
CIC 1020; documentation required before
issuance of dimissorial letters.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0960 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0751.
CIC 1021; dimissorial letters to
bishops of different rite require apostolic indult.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0961. ≡ LG 22.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0472. CCEO 0537 § 2. CCEO 0560. CCEO 0752.
CIC 1022; dimissorial letters must be
examined for authenticity. Latine. Source(s). 17-0962.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1023; restrictions a/o revocation of
dimissorial letters. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0753.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 2. Those to be ordained, cc. 1024-1052.
CIC 1024; requisites for valid
ordination. Latine. Source(s). 17-0968. ≡ PO 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0754.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. let. Ordinatio sacerdotalis (22 mai 1994), AAS 86 (1994) 545-548. ▪ English, here. Summary: Declaration that the Church has no power to ordain women to priesthood. Cites: CIC (1024) / Inter Insigniores (1977).
Pace Cdl. Ratzinger, Ordinatio sacerdotalis (1994) satisfies all the requirements for an infallible declaration regarding a secondary object of infallibility.
CIC 1025; requisites for licit
ordination. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0968. 17-0973 § 3. 17-0974 § 1. For § 2: 17-0969 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0758 § 2.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 2, Article 1. Requirements in those to be ordained, cc. 1026-1032.
CIC 1026; requisite freedom. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0971. ≡ OT 6.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0756.
CIC 1027; careful formation to be
accorded those preparing for diaconate and presbyterate.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0972. ≡ SC 129.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0758 § 1 n. 4.
CIC 1028; bishops and superiors are
ultimately responsible for proper formation.
Latine. Source(s). OT 9-12, 19-21.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1029; general requisites for
ordination. Latine. Source(s). 17-0968 § 1. 17-0973 § 3. 17-0974 § 1. ≡ SC 9; LG 41; OT 6, 8-12; PO 12, 15-19.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0758 § 1 n. 2.
≈ HIV testing as a requirement for entrance into the Diocesan Major Seminary in the United States of America, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3797, 1999) 219 pp.
CIC 1030; canonical cause is required
to prevent a deacon intending presbyterate from advancing.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0970.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0755.
CIC 1031; ages for ordination, and six months between diaconate and presbyterate. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0975. ≡ OT 12. For § 2: OT 12. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠. For 1°: 17- For 2°: =
Parallel(s). CCEO 0758 § 1 n. 6. CCEO 0759.
• Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (Medina Estévez), notif. È noto (24 jul 1997), Communicationes 29 (1997) 233-235. ▪ Summary: On dispensation from nonage in ordination. Cites: CIC 0843, 1031, 1032, 1035, 1051.
CIC 1032; studies and pastoral experience required of deacons. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0976 § 2. For § 2: OT 12. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0760.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 2, Article 2. Prerequisites for Ordination, cc. 1033-1039.
CIC 1033; Confirmation required for
licit ordination. Latine. Source(s). 17-0974 § 1 n. 1. 17-0993 n. 1 ≡ LG 11.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0758 § 1 n. 1.
CIC 1034; requirement of written
request for candidacy for secular clerics.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1035; lector and acolyte must
precede diaconate. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0978.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 1035 is referenced in Canon 1050.
CIC 1036; requirement of written
request for ordination.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0992.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0761.
Other. Canon 1036 is referenced in Canon 1050.
CIC 1037; assumption of celibacy.
Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1038; deacons refusing promotion
generally cannot be denied exercise of ministry.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0973 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0757.
CIC 1039; pre-ordination retreat. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1001 §§ 1, 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0772.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 2, Article 3. Irregularities and other impediments [for ordination], cc. 1040-1049.
► Topic in general, as follows:
CIC 1040; irregularities and
impediments prevent one from receiving ordination.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0764.
• Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (Medina Estévez), reply (16 mai 2002), Enchridion Vaticanum 21: 304-305. ▪ Summary: Strongly discourages ordination of homosexual men or those possessing such tendencies. Cites: CIC ≠.
CIC 1041; irregularities for the reception of holy orders. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0762 § 1 nn. 1-6.=
▲ Canon 1041 n. 1, psychological problems. ≡
▲ Canon 1041 n. 2, certain delicts. ≡ CCEO
▲ Canon 1041 n. 3, irregular marriage. ≡ CCEO
▲ Canon 1041 n. 4, homicide or abortion. ≡ CCEO
▲ Canon 1041 n. 5, mutilation. ≡ CCEO
▲ Canon 1041 n. 6, usurpation or misuse of orders. ≡ CCEO
CIC 1042; simply impeded are married,
those holding certain civil offices, and neophytes. Latine. Source(s). 17-0987.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0762 § 1 nn. 7, 8.
CIC 1043; Christian faithful obliged to
reveal impediments to reception of orders.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0999.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0771 § 2
CIC 1044; irregularities for exercise
of orders. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0968 § 2. 17-0985 § 1. 17-0985 §§ 3, 4, 5, 7. For § 2: 17-0984 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0763.
CIC 1045; ignorance does not excuse
from irregularities or impediments.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0988.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0765.
CIC 1046; possible multiplication of
irregularities or impediments.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0989.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0766.
CIC 1047; dispensation from
irregularities or impediments.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0990 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0767 §§ 1, 2.
CIC 1048; dispensation from
irregularities or impediments in occult cases.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0990 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0767 § 3.
CIC 1049; elements of a petition for dispensation from dispensation from irregularities or impediments. Latine.
Source(s). 17-0991 §§ 1, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0768.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 2, Article 4. Required documents and investigation, cc. 1050-1052.
CIC 1050;
documentation required for promotion to orders.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-0993 nn. 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0769 § 1 nn. 1, 2, 3.
Other. Canon 1050 is referenced in Canons 1020, 1052.
CIC 1051;
investigation of qualities in one to be promoted.
Latine. Source(s). 17-0993. 17-=?, 17-1000.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0769 § 1 nn. 4, 5, 6. CCEO 0771 §§ 3, 4.
Other. Canon 1051 is referenced in Canons 1020, 1025.
CIC 1052; assurances to be had by
ordaining bishop and his option not to ordain. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-0995. For § 3: 17-0997 § 2. For § 4: 17- For 1°: 17- For 2°:
Parallel(s). CCEO 0770.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 3. Notation and testimonial of ordination conferred, cc. 1053-1054.
CIC 1053; documentation and
certification of ordination. Latine. Source(s). 17-1010.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0774.
CIC 1054; recordation of ordination in baptismal certificate. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1011.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0775.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7 Marriage, cc. 1055-1065.
Marriage theology and marriage law have been especially closely bound in Church history with many theologians of marriage and family life drawing on canon law for insights and many canonists incorporating theological and pastoral practice points into their marriage commentaries.
▲ Special topic: Theology of marriage, here.
▲ Special topic: The Family, here.
▲ Special topic: Roman and Eastern Canon Law issues in marriage, here.
▲ Special topic: Marriage in certain cultures or nations, here.
[Book IV, Title 7, Preambulatory canons, cc. 1055-1062].
► Topic in general, as follows:
CIC 1055; marriage and matrimony. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1012 § 1. 17-1013 § 1. LG 11; AA 11; GS 48. For § 2: 17-1012 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0776 §§ 1, 2.
▼ Sub-topic, Canon 1055 § 1, definition of marriage, as follows:
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), Considerazioni circa I progetti di riconoscimento legale delle unioni tra persone omosessuali (03 jun 2003), Communicationes 35 (2003) 214-223. ▪ English, here. Summary: Overview of problems associated with proposals to grant civil legal recognition to same-sex unions. Cites: CIC (0022), (1055).
≈ ≈Il ‘bonum coniugum’ nel matrimonio canonico: contenuti e classificazione, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3786, 1997) ≈ pp.
▼ Sub-topic, Canon 1055 § 2; sacramentality of Christian marriage (holy Matrimony), as follows:
Sine matrimonio nullum Matrimonium. ≡ Peters
CIC 1056; essential properties of marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1013 § 2. ≡ GS 48.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0776 § 3.
CIC 1057; juridic character of consent
that makes marriage. Latine. Source(s). 17-1081. ≡ GS 48.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0817.
CIC 1058; all not prohibited by law can contract marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1035.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0778.
CIC 1059; domain of canon and civil law. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1016. ≡ UR 16.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0780 § 1.
≈ ≈L'efficacia civile delle sentenze ecclesiastiche dichiarative di nullità matrimoniale nell'ordinamento italiano, 3804, 1998) 190 pp.
CIC 1060;
marriage possesses the favor of law. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1014.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0779.
CIC 1061; consummation of marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1015. ≡ GS 49.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
≈ ≈Il matrimonio rato e non consumato: da una visione fisicista ad una personalistico-comunionale dell'atto coniugale, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3823, 1997) vi-217 pp.
CIC 1062; promise of marriage
(engagement). Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-1017 § 1. For § 2: 17-1017 § 3
Parallel(s). CCEO 0782.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1062 § 1 (01 dec 1999), here. ▪ Summary: The episcopal conference intends to issue no norms on engagements. Cites: CIC 1062.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 1. Things which must precede celebration of marriage, cc. 1063-1072.
CIC 1063; general pastoral preparation
for wedding and marriage. Latine. Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
Parallel(s). CCEO 0783 §§ 1, 3.
CIC 1064; local ordinary to organize
preparation for marriage. Latine. Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1065; sacramental preparation for marriage. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1021 § 2. For § 2: 17-1033.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0783 § 2.
CIC 1066; prevention of illicit or invalid weddings. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1019 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0785.
CIC 1067; pre-wedding investigation.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1020.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0784.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1067 (20 dec 2000), here. ▪ Summary: Matters to be addressed and documentation to be assembled as part of marriage preparation. Cites: CIC 1063, 1064, 1067, 1071, 1072, 1086, 1125.
CIC 1068; in danger of death oath of party re baptism and freedom to marry suffices. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1919 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0785 § 2.
CIC 1069;
Christian faithful obliged to reveal marriage impediments.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1027.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0786.
CIC 1070; person who conducts
pre-wedding investigation to notify pastor of results.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1029.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0787.
CIC 1071; weddings requiring special permission. Latine.
Source(s). (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
Parallel(s). CCEO 0789.
CIC 1072; pastor to dissuade youth from marrying. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1067 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 2. Diriment Impediments in General, cc. 1073-1082.
CIC 1073; impediments render persons
unqualified for marriage. Latine. Source(s). 17-1036 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0790 § 1.
CIC 1074; provable impediments are
public, others occult. Latine. Source(s). 17-1037
Parallel(s). CCEO 0791.
CIC 1075; only supreme authority of
Church can declare matrimonial impediments or prohibitions.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1075.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0792.
CIC 1076; customs introducing or
negating impediments are reprobated. Latine. Source(s). 17-1041.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0793.
CIC 1077;
prohibition ('vetitum') of marriage. Latine. Source(s). 17-1039.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0794.
CIC 1078;
general provisions on dispensation. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-1040. ≡ CD 8b. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0795.
Other. Canon 1078 is referenced in Canons 1078, 1165.
CIC 1079;
dispensations in urgent danger of death. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-1043. For § 2: 17-1044 ≡ LG 29. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0796.
Other. Canon 1079 is referenced in Canons 1080, 1081.
CIC 1080;
last-minute ('omnia parata') dispensations. Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-1045 §§ 1, 3. For § 2: 17-1045 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0797.
CIC 1081; notification concerning
external forum dispensation. Latine. Source(s). 17-1946. ≡ LG 29.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0798.
CIC 1082; notation of some internal
forum dispensation to be noted to in secret archives.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1047.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0799.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 3. Specific Diriment Impediments, cc. 1083-1094.
CIC 1083; nonage and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). For § 1: 17-1067 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0800.
CIC 1084; impotence and marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1068.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0801.
CIC 1085; prior bond and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1069.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0802.
• Gerhard Müller (Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith), art. expl. Matrimonii indissolubilitatem necnon disceptationem de divortio separatis novas nuptias civiliter ineuntibus [23 oct 2013], Communicationes 45 (2013) 329-340 (Italian). ▪ English, here. Summary: Overview of Church teaching on indissolubility of marriage and consequences of entering post-divorce pseudo-marriage. Cites: CIC ≠.
Omnium 1086; disparity of cult and marriage. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1086; disparity of cult and marriage. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1070 § 1. For § 2: 17-1071. For § 3: 17-1070 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0803.
― Papal. Benedict XVI, m.p. Omnium (2009), info here, art 3. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modifies two definitional canons on holy Orders and eliminates some implications for marriage form arising from defection from the Church. Cites: CIC 0011, 0841, 1008, 1009, 1086, 1117, 1124.
― Particular.
― Other. Canon 1086 is referenced in Canon 1129.
CIC 1087; orders and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1072.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0804
CIC 1088; vow of chastity and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1073.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0805.
CIC 1089; abduction and marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1074 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0806.
CIC 1090; crime and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1075.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0807.
CIC 1091; consanguinity and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1076.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0808.
CIC 1092; affinity and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1077 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0809 § 1.
CIC 1093; public propriety and
marriage. Latine. Source(s). 17-1078
Parallel(s). CCEO 0810.
CIC 1094; adoption and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1080.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0812.
Scholarly works.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 4. Matrimonial Consent, cc. 1095-1107.
CIC 1095; basic consent for marriage. Latine.
Source(s). While there are no codical or conciliar sources for Canon 1095 one cannot fail to note the extraordinary collection of Roman Rota decisions that are the sources for this canon.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0818.
▲ Canon 1095, in general, as follows:
▲ Canon 1095 n. 1, sufficient use of reason required for consent to
marriage, as follows:
CUA published helpful of the eleven Rotal sentences that served as sources for 1095 n. 1 in Jurist 54 (1994) before the Holy See (short-sightedly) forbade further translations.
▲ Canon 1095 n. 2, grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning
marriage, as follows:
≈ ≈Il canone 1095 nn. 2-3 C. J. C. nelle sentenze del tribunale ecclesiastico regionale ligure: (1993-1996), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3792, 1998) 197 pp.
▲ Canon 1095 n. 3, incapacity to assume essential obligations, as follows:
≈ ≈Il canone 1095 nn. 2-3 C. J. C. nelle sentenze del tribunale ecclesiastico regionale ligure: (1993-1996), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3792, 1998) 197 pp. ▪
▲ Canon 1095, fact patterns suggestive of nullity, as follows:
▲ Canon 1095, miscellaneous, as follows:
CIC 1096; ignorance and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1082.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0819.
Scholarly works. • Rafał Dappa (Polish priest, 1977-), La scienza minima necessaria per contrarre il matrimonio nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza rotale (can. 1096 CIC ), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6208, 2013) 205 pp. ▪ Dappa biograph.
CIC 1097; error of person and marriage.
Latine. Source(s). 17-1083.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0820.
Scholarly works.
• Luigi de Luca, “Nullity of marriage by error of quality”, in Art of the Good (2002) 71-79.
CIC 1098; fraud and marriage. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
CCEO 0821. Scholarly works.
Other. Canon 1098 is referenced in Canon 1084.
CIC 1099; error concerning substance of marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1084.
CCEO 0822. Scholarly works. • Joyee Koothur Vellattukara (Indian priest, ≈), Impact of culture on error determining the will: a study of canon 1099 in the context of cultural diversity, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) iv-203 pp (part).
CIC 1100; knowledge or opinion of nullity does not necessarily exclude marriage consent. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1085.
CCEO 0823.
CIC 1101; simulation of consent to marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1086.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0824.
• John William (≈, ≈), The nullity for exclusion of indissolubility in a marriage of which one party is a baptized non-catholic: (Cann. 1124-1127, 1101 § 2), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) ≈ pp.
CIC 1102; conditional consent to marriage. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1092 nn. 1, 2, 3. For § 2: 17-1092 n. 4.
CCEO 0826. Scholarly works. • Mary Austin Osuji (≈ religious, 1958-), Conditional consent of marriage (can. 1102): conditional marriage in African culture, with special reference to the Igbos of Nigeria: a comparative-exegetic study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6007, 2011) 201 pp (part).
CIC 1103; force and fear in regard to marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1087.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0825.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 1103 (23 apr 1987), AAS 79 (1987) 1132. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Canon 1103 applies to non-Catholics. Cites: CIC 1103.
CIC 1104; presence of parties and expression of consent required for marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1088.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0837 § 2.
CIC 1105; weddings by proxy. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1089 § 1 n. 4. For § 2: 17-1089 § 1. For § 3: 17-1089 § 2. For § 4: 17-1089 § 3.
CCEO 0837 § 2.
Other. Canon 1105 is referenced in Canon 1071.
CIC 1106; use of interpreters at wedding. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1107; consent presumed effective notwithstanding impediments and defect of form. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1093.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0827.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 5. Form of the Celebration of Marriage, cc. 1108-1123.
De concordia 1108; near-exceptionless imposition of canonical form for marriage. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1108; general imposition of canonical form for marriage. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1094. For § 2: 17-1095 § 1 n. 3.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0828.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. De concordia (2016), info here, art 6. ▪ Latin, here; English, here. Summary: Makes several textual changes to Western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0111, 0112, 0383, 0535, 0868, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1116, 1127 / CCEO 0039, 0040, 0193.
≈, ≈ La forma legittima per la manifestazione del consenso e il suo riconoscimneto nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3801, 1999) vi-288 pp.
― Other. Canon 1108 is referenced in Canon 1127. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1108.
De concordia 1109; general qualifications of official witness. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1109; general qualifications of official witness. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1095 § 1 nn. 1, 2. 17-1099 § 1 n. 3.
― Parallel(s).
CCEO 0829 § 1.
― Papal. Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. De concordia inter Codices, art. 7. Summary: Makes textual changes to western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 1109. Modification, here.
CIC 1110; personal ordinaries and pastors as official witness. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0829 § 2.
De concordia 1111; delegation of faculties to serve as official witness marriage. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1111; delegation of faculties to serve as official witness marriage. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1095 § 2. For § 2: 17-1096 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0830.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. De concordia (2016), info here, art. 8. ▪ Latin, here; English, here. Summary: Makes several textual changes to Western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0111, 0112, 0383, 0535, 0868, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1116, 1127 / CCEO 0039, 0040, 0193.
― Other. Canon 1111 is referenced in Canon 144.
De concordia 1112; laity as official witness. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1112; laity as official witness. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. De concordia (2016), info here, art 9. ▪ Latin, here; English, here. Summary: Makes several textual changes to Western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0111, 0112, 0383, 0535, 0868, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1116, 1127 / CCEO 0039, 0040, 0193.
― Particular.
• [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1112 (≠. mar 1990), here. ▪ Summary: Episcopal conference recommends that Holy See view with favor requests from US bishops to permit laity to witness weddings. Cites: CIC 1112.
CIC 1113; prerequisites to special delegation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1096 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1114; verification of free status to marry. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1097 § 1 nn. 1. 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1115; preference for parishes where one party has contacts for wedding. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1097 § 1 n. 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0831 § 1 nn. 1, 2.
De concordia 1116; extraordinary form of marriage. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1116; extraordinary form of marriage. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1098 n. 1. For § 2: 17-1098 n. 2. ≡ LG 29.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0832 §§ 1, 2.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. De concordia (2016), info here, art 10. ▪ Latin, here; English, here. Summary: Makes several textual changes to Western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0111, 0112, 0383, 0535, 0868, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1116, 1127 / CCEO 0039, 0040, 0193.
― Other. Canon 1116 is referenced in Canons 1079, 1108.
Omnium 1117; subjects of canonical form for marriage. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1117; subjects of canonical form for marriage. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1099 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0834 § 1.
― Papal. Benedict XVI, m.p. Omnium (2009), info here, art 4.▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modifies two definitional canons on holy Orders and eliminates some implications for marriage form arising from defection from the Church. Cites: CIC 0011, 0841, 1008, 1009, 1086, 1117, 1124.
CIC 1118; place of wedding. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1109 §§ 1, 3. For § 2: 17-1109 §§ 1, 2. For § 3: 17-1109 §§ 1, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0838 § 1.
CIC 1119; liturgical books to be observed in marrying. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1100. ≡ SC 78.
CCEO 0836.
CIC 1120; canonical form still required even if episcopal conference develops a rite of marriage. Latine.
Source(s). SC 77, 78.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1121; recordation of weddings in place of wedding. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1103 § 1. For § 2: 17-1103 § 3. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0841 §§ 1, 3.
CIC 1122; recordation of wedding baptismal registers. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1103 § 2.
CCEO 0841 § 2.
CIC 1123; notification of convalidation, nullity, or dissolution. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0842.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 6. Mixed Marriages, cc. 1124-1129.
Omnium 1124; requirements of permission for mixed marriage. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1124; requirements of permission for mixed marriage. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1060.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0813.
― Papal. Benedict XVI, m.p. Omnium (2009), info here, art. 5. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modifies two definitional canons on holy Orders and eliminates some implications for marriage form arising from defection from the Church. Cites: CIC 0011, 0841, 1008, 1009, 1086, 1117, 1124.
• PCLT (Herranz), circ. let. missae omnibus Conferentiis Episcopalibus (variis linguis exaratae) quoad verba 'actus formalis defectionis ab ecclesia catholica' et quaedam epistulae respicientes ipsarum litterarum (13 mar 2006), Communicationes 38 (2006) 172-174 (English). ▪ English, here. Summary: Nature and juridic elements of formal defection from the Church. Cites: CIC 0124, 0125, 0126, 0171, 0194, 0316, 0535, 0694, 1071, 1086, 1117, 1124, 1364.
― Other. Supplement for Canon 1124.
CIC 1125; conditions for permission for mixed marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1061 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0814.
Other. Canon 1125 is referenced in Canons 1071, 1086, 1165.
CIC 1126; role of episcopal conference. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
CCEO 0815.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1126 (21 oct 1983), here. ▪ Summary: Norms of 16 November 1970 continue in force and should be renewed and republished for clarity. Cites: CIC (1126).
Other. Canon 1126 is referenced in Canon 1086.
De concordia 1127; canonical form in various mixed marriage situations. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1127; canonical form in various mixed marriage situations. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: OE 18. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-1063 §§ 1, 2. 17-1102 § 1.
― Parallel(s).
CCEO 0834.
CCEO 0839.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. De concordia (2016), info here, art 11. ▪ Latin, here; English, here. Summary: Makes several textual changes to Western canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 0111, 0112, 0383, 0535, 0868, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1116, 1127 / CCEO 0039, 0040, 0193.
― Particular.
• [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1127 § 2 (21 oct 1983), here. ▪ Summary: Norms of 16 November 1970 continue in force except that ordinary of place of wedding can no longer dispense from canonical form. Cites: CIC (1127).
― Other. Canon 1127 is referenced in Canons 1108, 1117, 1129, 1158.
CIC 1128; spiritual assistance to those in mixed marriage. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0816.
CIC 1129; norms for mixed marriage apply to disparity of cult marriages as well. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1971.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 7. Marriage secretly celebrated, cc. 1130-1133.
the 1917 Code this sort of marriage was awkwardly known as "marriage of
conscience" (1917 CIC 1104-1107).
► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 1130; general authority of local ordinary to permit secret marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1104.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0840 § 1.
CIC 1131; implications of permission for secret marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1105.
CCEO 0840 § 1.
Other. Canon 1131 is referenced in Canon 1132.
CIC 1132; conditions excusing from maintaining secrecy of marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1106.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0840 § 2.
CIC 1133; recordation of secret marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1107.
CCEO 0840 § 3. Other. Canon 1133 is referenced in Canon 535.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 8. Effects of marriage, cc. 1134-1140.
CIC 1134; the conjugal bond. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1110. ≡ LG 41; GS 48.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0776 § 2.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1134.
CIC 1135; spousal rights and duties. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1111.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0777.
CIC 1136; parental rights and duties. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1113. 17-1372 § 2. ≡ LG11; GE 3, 6; GS 48.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0627 § 1.
CIC 1137; legitimacy of children born of valid or putative marriage. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1114
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1138; presumptions of paternity and legitimacy. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1115.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1139; legitimation of illegitimate children. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1116.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1140; equality of legitimated children with legitimate. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1117.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 9. Separation of spouses, cc. 1141-1155.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 9, Article 1. Dissolution of the bond, cc. 1141-1150.
CIC 1141; ratified and consummated marriage is dissolved only by death. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1118.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0853.
• [PCLT] (***), "Il potere del Papa e il matrimonio dei battezzati" (11 nov 1998), Communicationes 30 (1998) 217-221. ▪ English, here. Summary: No power on earth, not even papal, can dissolve a ratified consummated marriage. Cites: CIC 1141, 1142, 1143-1149. Comment: The first sentence of this article is quite wrong but the rest is solid. =
Canon 1141 is referenced in Canon 1149. ≡
Supplement for
Canon 1141.
CIC 1142; Papal dissolutions and the Petrine privilege. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1119.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0862.
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), m. p. Quaerit semper (30 aug 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 569-571. ▪ English, here. Summary: Non-consummation cases and nullity of ordination cases henceforth to be heard by Roman Rota and not Congregation for Discipline of the Sacraments. Cites: CIC (1061), (1142), (1443), 1681, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1708, 1709, 1710, (1711).
Communicationes 20 (1988) 78-84. ▪ Eng. trans. in Special Marriage Cases (2008) 199-207. Summary: Noting recent changes in law (e. g., elimination of ‘septimae manus’ rules) and especially the rise of the notion of consummation “in a human manner” and other complications due to new technologies, presents procedural requirements to be met in investigating and submitting petitions for dispensation. Cites: CIC 0134, 0137, 1061, 1432, 1454, 1481-1490, 1501, 1509, 1527, 1528, 1532, 1533, 1560, 1561, 1564, 1572, 1575, 1577, 1578, 1581, 1587, 1592, 1671, 1676, 1679, 1681, 1695, 1697-1706.
≈Le soluzioni matrimoniali ‘in favorem fidei’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3794, 1998) 182 pp.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1142.
CIC 1143; introductory norms on Pauline Privilege. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1120. 17-1226. For § 2: 17-1123. 17-1124.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0854.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1143.
CIC 1144; introductory norms on interpellations. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1121.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0855.
Other. Canon 1144 is referenced in Canon 1146.
CIC 1145; manner of interpellations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1122 § 1. For § 2: 17-1122 § 2. For § 3: 17-1122 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0856.
Other. Canon 1145 is referenced in Canon 1146.
CIC 1146; establishment of right to new marriage with a Catholic. Latine.
CCEO 0857.
CIC 1147; establishment of right to new marriage with a non-Catholic. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
CCEO 0858.
CIC 1148; retention of only one spouse upon baptism. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1125. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0859.
CIC 1149; possible second marriage after baptism in wake of captivity or persecution. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1125.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0860.
CIC 1150; "In a doubtful matter the privilege of the faith possess the favor of law." Latine.
Source(s). 17-1127.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0861.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. Potestas Ecclesiae (30 apr 2001), Enchridion Vaticanum 20: 402-423. ▪ English, here. Summary: Norms for seeking papal dissolution of marriage in favor of the faith, replacing 1973 norms. Cites: CIC 1143-1147, 1148-1149 / CCEO 0854-CCEO 0858. CCEO 0859. CCEO 0860.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1150.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 9, Article 2. Separation with the bond enduring, cc. 1151-1155.
≈ ≈ L'istituto della separazione dei coniugi: studio comparato tra il diritto canonico e il diritto civile italiano, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3803, 1998) 175 pp.
CIC 1151; spousal right and duty to maintain conjugal living. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1128.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1152; adultery as grounds for terminating conjugal living. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1129 § 1. For § 2: 17-1129 § 2. For § 3: 17-1130.
CCEO 0863. Scholarly works.
CIC 1153; other grounds for terminating spousal living. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1131.
CCEO 0864 §§ 1, 3.
CIC 1154; support of children following separation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1132.
CCEO 0865.
CIC 1155; encouragement of readmission to conjugal life. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1130.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0866.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 10. Convalidation of marriage, cc. 1156-1165.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 10, Article 1. Simple Convalidation, cc. 1156-1160.
Simple convalidation according to the 1983 Code of canon law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3815, 2001) ix-245 pp.
CIC 1156; prerequisites and renewal of consent for convalidation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1133.
CCEO 0843.
CIC 1157; renewal of consent as an act of the will. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1134.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0844.
CIC 1158; renewal of consent based on nature of impediment. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1135 § 1. For § 2: 17-1135 §§ 2, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0845.
CIC 1159; renewal of consent based on problems with original consent. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1136.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0846.
CIC 1160; renewal of consent according to form based on defect of original form. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1137.
CCEO 0847.
Book IV, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 10, Article 2. Radical sanation, cc. 1161-1165.
CIC 1161; definition, effects, and conditions of radical sanation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1138.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0848. CCEO 0849 § 2.
CIC 1162; radical sanation cannot be granted without current consent. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1140.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0851.
CIC 1163; radical sanation in cases of problems with impediments or form. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1139 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0850.
CIC 1164; occult sanation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1138 § 3.
CCEO 0849.
CIC 1165; authority able to grant sanation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1141. For § 2: ≠.
CCEO 0852.
Book IV, Part 2. Other: Acts of Divine Worship, cc. 1166-1204. Book IV, Part 2, Title 1. Sacramentals, cc. 1166-1172.
CIC 1166; description of sacramentals. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1144. ≡ SC 60.
CCEO 0867 § 1.
CIC 1167; authority of Apostolic See to establish sacramentals and texts to be used. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1145. ≡ SC 63, 79. For § 2: ≠.
CCEO 0867 § 2
CIC 1168; ministers of sacramentals. Latine.
Source(s). SC 79; LG 29.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1169; clerics' role in consecrations, dedications, and blessings. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1147 § 1. For § 2: 17-1147 §§ 2, 3. For § 3: 17-1147 § 4. ≡ LG 29.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Particular. ICEL, Book of Blessings: for study and comment by the bishops of the member and associate-member conferences of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy, (ICEL, 1987) 540 pp. Summary: Draft English translations of Roman Ritual's Book of Blessings (1984).
CIC 1170; eligibility for blessings. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1149.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1171; handling of sacred objects. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1150.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Source(s). 17-1151.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), let. Inde ab aliquot annis
(29 sep 1985), AAS 77 (1985) 1169-1170. ▪ English, here. Summary:
Cautions against use of rites of exorcism by laity and direct involvement in
conversations with demons. Cites:
CIC 1172.
• Francis Omara (Ugandan priest, 1964-), Exorcism in Church law: charism, ministry and canonical regulation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5753, 2008) xviii-183 pp (part).
Book IV, Part 2, Title 2. Liturgy of the Hours, cc. 1173-1175.
• William Jurgens (American priest,1928-1982), General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours: translation and commentary, (Liturgical Press, 1975), 284 pp. ▪ Summary: As titled. uuu Jurgens biograph.
CIC 1173; description of liturgy of the hours. Latine.
Source(s). SC 83, 84.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1174; obligations on clerics to recite liturgy of the hours, invitation to laity to join. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0135, 17-0413 §§ 1, 2. 17-0610 §§ 1, 3. 17-0679 § 1. ≡ SC 95-98. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0377
CIC 1175; preference of observing true time for liturgy of the hours. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: SC 88, 89, 94.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 2, Title 3. Ecclesiastical funerals, cc. 1176-1185.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Müller), instr. Per risuscitare con Cristo (15 aug 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 1288-1292. ▪ English, here. Summary: While recommending burial of bodies, Church permits cremation but requires placement of ashes in sacred place designated for such use. Cites: CIC 1176, 1184, 1202 / CCEO 0868. CCEO 0876.
CIC 1176; duty to provide ecclesiastical funerals and description of same & cremation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1239 § 3. For § 2: 17-1215. For § 3: 17-1203.
CCEO 0875.
CCEO 0876 § 3.
Book IV, Part 2, Title 3, Chapter 1. Celebration of funerals, cc. 1177-1182.
CIC 1177; proper places for ecclesiastical funerals. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1215, 17-1216, 17-1230 §§ 1.5, 7. For § 2: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified) For § 3: 17-1216 § 2, 17-1218, 17-1230 §§ 1, 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1178; cathedral is proper place ecclesiastical funeral of bishop. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1219 § 2. 17-1230 § 6.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1179; ecclesiastical funerals for religious. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1221. 17-1222. 17-1230 § 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1180; preference for parish in ecclesiastical funerals for laity. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1228. 17-1231. For § 2: 17-1223. 17-1224. 17 CIC 1226-1229.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1181; offerings on the occasion of ecclesiastical funerals. Latine.
Source(s). 17 CIC 1234-1237.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0878.
CIC 1182; recordation of death after burial. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1238.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0879.
Book IV, Part 2, Title 3, Chapter 2. To whom must ecclesiastical funerals be given or denied, cc. 1183-1185.
CIC 1183; extension of Catholic funeral rights to some non-Catholics. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1239 § 2. For § 2: 17-1239 § 2. For § 3: 17-1240 § 1 n. 1
Parallel(s). CCEO 0875. CCEO 0876 §§ 1, 2. Scholarly works.
• Alessandro Gallotti (≈ priest, 1962-), Concessione e privazione delle esequie ecclesiastiche: analisi storica, giuridica e pastorale dei cann. 1183 e 1184 del CIC 1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2010) 456 pp.
CIC 1184; privation of funerals. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1240.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0877.
• [not signed] (≠.), doc. Consilium cremandi cadavera a Sancto Synodo Ecclesiae Orthodoxae Dacoromaniae captum [1928-1933] (01 aug 2012), Communicationes 44 (2012) 439-440 (Italian). ▪ Summary: The Romanian Orthodox Church allowed for exceptions against its general rule prohibiting cremation. Cites: CIC ≠.
Particular. Antonio Raspanti (Acireale), decr. [privation of funerals for mafiosi] (20 jun 2013), Communicationes 45 (2013) 161-164. ▪ Summary: Those civilly convicted of mafia-related activities are to be deprived of ecclesiastical funeral rites unless they give signs of repentance. Cites: CIC 0837, 1184, 1185.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1184.
CIC 1185; funeral Masses to be denied those without right to Christian funeral. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1241.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 2, Title 4. Veneration of the saints, sacred images, and relics, cc. 1186-1190.
• Daniela Del Genio (≈, 1960-), Il culto delle reliquie nella legislazione canonica latina, (Antonianum diss. 142, 2006) xxx-64 pp.
CIC 1186; introduction to veneration of Mary and the saints. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1255. 17-1276. 17-1278. ≡ SC 103, 104, 111; LG 49-69.
CCEO 0884. Scholarly works. • Claudio Tagliaferri (≈ Franciscan, 1950-), Il culto alla beata Vergine Maria nell'ordinamento canonico sino al Codice del 1983, (Antonianum diss. 95, 1994) xxix-73 pp.
CIC 1187; public veneration restricted to blesseds and saints. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1277.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0885.
CIC 1188; moderation in use of images in churches. Latine.
CCEO 0886.
CIC 1189; restrictions on repair of certain precious objects. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1280.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0887 § 2.
• Duane Galles (American layman, ≈), 'Res pretiosa' as the Church’s cultural property: the origin and development of ecclesiastical legislation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2003) 291 pp. ▪ Abstract a/o dissertation here.
La gestione dei beni culturali della Chiesa in Italia, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3812, 2001) 247 pp.
CIC 1190; respect for relics and images. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1289 § 1. For § 2: 17-1281. For § 3: 17-1281 § 1 ≡ SC 126.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0887 § 1. CCEO 0888.
Book IV, Part 2, Title 5. A Vow and an Oath, cc. 1191-1204.
Book IV, Part 2, Title 5, Chapter 1. A Vow, cc. 1191-1198.
CIC 1191; definition of a vow and authorization to make them. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1307.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0889 §§ 1, 2, 3.
Scholarly works.
CIC 1192; public, private, solemn, simple, personal, real, and mixed vows. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1308 § 1. For § 2: 17-1308 § 2. For § 3: 17-1308 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0889 § 4.
CIC 1193; vow binds only person making it. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1310
CCEO 0890.
CIC 1194; cessation of vow. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1311.
CCEO 0891.
CIC 1195; suspension of vow. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1312.
CCEO 0892.
CIC 1196; dispensation from vow. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1313.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0893 § 3.
Other. Canon 1196 is referenced in Canon 1197.
CIC 1197; commutation of a vow. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1314.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1198; suspension of vows by religious profession. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1315.
CCEO 0894.
Book IV, Part 2, Title 5, Chapter 2. An Oath, cc. 1199-1204.
► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 1199; definition of an oath in witness to truth. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1316.
CCEO 0895.
CIC 1200; vows bind in virtue of religion, and when vows do not bind. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1317.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1201; limitations on promissory oath. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1318 § 1. For § 2: 17-1317 § 3. 17-1318 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1202; cessation of obligation of promissory oath. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1319.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1203; interruption of obligation of promissory oath. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1320.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 1203 is referenced in Canon 1202.
CIC 1204; oath to be strictly interpreted. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1321.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 3. Sacred Times and Places, cc. 1205-1253.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 1. Sacred places, cc. 1205-1243.
Source(s). 17-1154.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1206; diocesan bishop or delegate can dedicate sacred place. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1207; authority to confer blessing on sacred spaces. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1156. 17-1157. 17-1163.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0871 § 2.
CIC 1208; recordation of blessings or dedications. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1158.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0871 § 2.
CIC 1209; proof of dedication or blessing by witness. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1159 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1210; what is appropriate in sacred places. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1164 § 2. 17-1165 § 2. 17-1171. 17-1178.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0872 § 1.
• Cong. for Divine Worship (Mayer), excerpt from let. "Qua in mentem quaedam normae quoad ‘Concerti nelle chiesa’ revocantur" (05 nov 1987), Communicationes 19 (1987) 179-181. ▪ Summary: Mere beauty of music does not suffice for performance in churches, there must be some religious character to them as well, decisions rest with the ordinary and actual use should be respectful of character of sacred spaces. Cites: CIC 0938, 1210, 1213, 1222.
CIC 1211; violation of sacred spaces. Latine.
Source(s). 1917 CIC 1172-1177.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1212; loss of dedication or blessing. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1170.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 1212 is referenced in Canon 1238.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1. Churches, cc. 1214-1222.
• Michael Foster, “The sacred in relation to a church building: a canonical evaluation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).
CIC 1213; ecclesiastical authority freely exercised in sacred places. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1214; definition of a church. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1161.
CCEO 0869.
CIC 1215; building of church's required diocesan bishop permission. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1162 § 1. For § 2: 17-1162 §§ 2, 3. For § 3: 17-1162 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0870.
CIC 1216; architecture and repair of churches. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1164.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1217; prompt blessing or dedication of church. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1165 §§ 1, 2, 4. For § 2: 17-1165 § 3.
CCEO 0871 § 1.
CIC 1218; titles to be given to churches and fixed. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1168.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1219; upon dedication or blessing divine worship can be carried out. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1171.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1220; care to be applied to churches. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1178. SC 122, 124. PO 5. For § 2: 17-1182 § 1. 17-1184. 17-1186.
CCEO 0872.
CIC 1221; free entrance into churches for sacred rites. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1181.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1222; relegation of church to profane use. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1187. For § 2: ≠.
CCEO 0873.
• Cong. for the Clergy (Piacenza), "Procedural guidelines for the modification of parishes, the closure or relegation of churches to profane but not sordid use, and the alienation of the same", (30 apr 2013), Jurist 73 (2013) 211-219. ▪ Summary: In the nature of an instruction but with the designation, briefly outlines distinct procedures for the modification of parishes, relegation of churches to profane use, and alienation of former churches. Cites: CIC 0050, 0051, 0120, 0121, 0122, 0123, 0127, 0166, 0381, 0368, 0515, 1214, 1222, 1238, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1734.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 2. Oratories and private chapels, cc. 1223-1229. CIC 1223; definition of an oratory. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1188.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1224; permission to establish an oratory or convert it to profane use. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1192 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1192 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1225; general permission for sacred rites in oratories. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1226; definition of private chapel. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1188 § 2 n. 3. 17-1190.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1227; private chapels of bishops have same rights as oratories. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1189.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 1227 is referenced in Canon 1228.
CIC 1228; permission of local ordinary requires for sacred celebrations in private chapels. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1229; private chapels to be blessed and free from domestic use. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1196.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 3. Shrines, cc. 1230-1234.
CIC 1230; definition of a shrine. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Secretariat of State (Sodano), rescr. Con incessante (15 feb 1993), AAS 85 (1993) 376-379. ▪ Summary: Structure for a juridic person to assist pilgrimages to the See of Peter. Cites: CIC 0115, 0116, (1230).
CIC 1231. authority able to designate national and international shrines. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1232. authority able to approve statutes for diocesan, national, and international shrines. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1233. shrines are eligible for privileges. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1234. primary liturgical and spiritual activities at shrines. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: SC 124.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 4. Altars, cc. 1235-1239.
CIC 1235. definition and preferred placement of fixed and movable altars. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1197 § 1. For § 2: 17-1197 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1236. composition of altars. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1198 §§ 1, 2, 3. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1237. dedication or blessing of various altars, encouragement for use of relics. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1197 § 1 nn. 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1198 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1238; loss of dedication or blessing. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1200 §§ 1, 2, 3. For § 2: 17-1200 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1239; restrictions on use of altars. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1202.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 5. Cemeteries, cc. 1240-1243. • Benedict Nguyen, "The establishment and administration of Catholic cemeteries in the Diocese of La Crosse", (CUA licentiate thesis, 2002) vi-60 pp.
CIC 1240; encouragement to have cemeteries or at least least blessed areas for burial. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1205 § 1. 17-1206 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1206 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0874 § 2.
CIC 1241; authorizations for parochial and other cemeteries. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1208 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1208 § 3. 17-1209.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0874 § 4.
CIC 1242; restrictions on burying bodies in churches. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1205 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0874 § 3.
CIC 1243; authorization for particular law on cemeteries. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1209. 17-1210. 17-1211.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 2. Sacred times, cc. 1244-1253.
CIC 1244; general Holy See authority over feast and penitential days, restricted local authority. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1243. 17-1244 § 1. For § 2: 17-1244 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0880 § 1.
CIC 1245; limited authority of pastors and superiors to grant dispensations. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1245.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 2, Chapter 1. Feast days, cc. 1246-1248.
CIC 1246; Sundays and holy days of obligation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1247 § 1. For § 2: 17-1247 §§ 2, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0880 § 3.
Particular, as follows:
Other. Canon 1246 is referenced in Canon 1244. Supplement for Canon 1246.
CIC 1247; Sunday obligation regarding Mass participation and avoidance of certain distractions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1248.
CCEO 0881.
CIC 1248; satisfaction of Sunday Mass obligation and alternatives when impossible. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1249. For § 2: SC 35-4.
CCEO 0881 § 2.
Book IV, Part 3, Title 2, Chapter 2. Days of penance, cc 1249-1253.
CIC 1249; divine law binds Christian faithful to penance. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1250; Fridays and Lent are penitential times. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1252.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1251; basic provisions on fast and abstinence. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1252.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0882.
CIC 1252; age ranges for observing fast and abstinence. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1254.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1253; conference of bishops authority over observance of fast and abstinence. Latine.
Source(s). LG 26.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Particular. USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 1253 (29 feb 1984), here. ▪ Summary: Conference norms of 1966 are continued in force. Cites: CIC 0097, (1253).
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BOOK V - Temporal Goods of the Church, cc. 1254-1310
Preambulatory canons, cc. 1254-1258.
Civilly incorporated apostolates, here. =
(≠.), nota, "La funzione dell-autorità ecclesiastica sui beni ecclesiastici" (12 feb
2004), Communicationes 36 (2004) 24-32. ▪ Summary:
As titled, summary of ecclesiastical authority over temporal goods,
distinguishes two notions of ‘administration’.
Cites: CIC 0113, 0114, 0115, 0116, 0117, 0118, 0119, 0120, 0121,
0122, 0123, 0305, 0325, 0331, 0333, 0392, 0494, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257,
1259, 1273, 1276, 1277, 1279, 1281, 1285, 1292, 1301, 1308, 1309, 1310.
• Sylvain Diélé (Congolese priest, 1971-), Le droit de propriété de l’Église catholique et de ses institutions du Congo-Brazzaville, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2015) 286 pp. ▪ Dissertation here.
• Istevan Mester, "I beni temporali della Chiesa (le novità apportate dal nuovo Codice) ", in Nuovo Codice (1983) 296-306.
CIC 1254; basic assertion of ecclesiastical property rights. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1495 § 1 ≡ LG 8; CD 28; DH 13, 14; GS 76. For § 2: 17-1496. ≡ AA 8, PO 17, GS 42.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1007.
• Helen Costigane (Scottish religious, ≈), Public Benefit - Threat of Opportunity? An examination of the 'public benefit requirement' in charity law in England and Wales and whether it compromises the church's independence in the organisation of its activities with regard to the objectives stated in canon 1254, (KU Leuven diss., 2010) 120 pp. ▪ Costigane biograph.
CIC 1255; capacity of juridic persons in regard to temporal goods. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1495. ≡ PC 13.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1009 § 1.
CIC 1256; under stewardship of Roman Pontiff, ownership of goods belongs to juridic person. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1499 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1008 § 2.
CIC 1257; public and private juridic personality. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1497 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1009 § 2.
CIC 1258; use of term "Church" in property law embraces juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1498.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book V, Title 1. Acquisition of goods, cc. 1259-1272.
CIC 1259; Church can acquire temporal goods by any just means. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1499 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1010.
CIC 1260; Church has innate right to require what it needs from Christian faithful. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1496.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1011.
CIC 1261; Christian faithful are free to give to the Church. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1513. For § 2: CD 6, 17; PO 20; GS 88.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1262; Christian faithful's responses to appeals. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1262 (08 jun 2007), here. ▪ Summary: Norms for fund-raising in the US. Cites: CIC 1262.
CIC 1263; arch/diocesan taxes. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1012.
CIC 1264; province bishops to set fees for services and standard offerings. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-1507 § 1. For 2°: 17-
Parallel(s). CCEO 1013.
Other. Canon 1264 is referenced in Canon 1181.
CIC 1265; written permission require to beg alms. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1503. For § 2: 17-1624.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1015. For § 2: ≠.
Scholarly works.
• Michael Carragher, “The quest or the solicitation of funds in Canon 1265 of the latin Code”, in Administration of Property (2001) 83-105.
CIC 1266; local ordinary can order special collections in churches and oratories. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1505.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1014.
Other. Canon 1266 is referenced in Canon 264.
CIC 1267; intention of donors generally controls use of donations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1536 § 1. For § 2: 17-1536 § 2. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1016 § 2. For § 2: CCEO 1016 § 3. For § 3: CCEO 1016 § 1.
CIC 1268; Church recognizes prescription in regard to temporal goods. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1017.
CIC 1269; ownership and use of sacred objects by private and juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1510.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1018.
CIC 1270; periods for prescription of goods of Apostolic See and other juridic persons. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1511.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1019.
CIC 1271; obligation of bishops to assist the Apostolic See. Latine.
Source(s). LG 23.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1272; episcopal conference to wind down benefices. Latine.
Source(s). CD 28, PO 20, 23.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book V, Title 2. Administration of goods, cc. 1273-1289.
• Francesco Grazian (Italian priest, 1966-), La nozione di amministrazione e di alienazione nel codice di Diritto Canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 55, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-929-0) 324 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
CIC 1273; stewardship of the Roman Pontiff. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1518.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1008.
CIC 1274; special institute and other financial care for clerics. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: LG 13, 23; CD 6, 21, 31; PC 13; AG 17, 38; PO 8, 20, 21. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠. For § 5: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1021.
• PCLT (Herranz), Decretum de recursu super congruentia inter legem particularem et normam codicialem (29 apr 2000), Communicationes 32 (2000) 162-167 (English). ▪ Summary: A diocesan priestly compensation plan that requires priests to make use of other sources of income with consequent diminishment of diocesan payments is not contrary to the laws of the Church. Cites: CIC 0281, 0291, 0383, 1274, 1294, (1752).
• Abílio Soares de Vasconcelos (≈, ≈), De saecularis clerici sustentatione secundum Can. 1274 § 1: um estudo histórico sistemático e uma nova proposta para o Brasil, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5398, 2005) 130 pp (part).
Other. Canon 1274 is referenced in Canons 1272, 1303. See also 1983 CIC 281.
CIC 1275; all bishops concerned to administer goods coming from multiple dioceses. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1276; vigilance by the ordinary. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1519.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1022. Scholarly works.
• Luisa Adriana Martínez Sánchez (Columbian laywoman, ≈), Ejercicio de la potestad de inspección, vigilancia y control de las personas jurídicas canónicas en Colombia, (Javeriana diss. 95, 2016) 219 pp.
Other. Canon 1276 is referenced in Canon 1278.
CIC 1277; acts requiring consultation or consent. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1520. ≡ AA 10; AG 41; PO 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0263.
Particular. USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 1277 (03 mar 2010), here. ▪ Summary: Defining acts of extraordinary administration. Cites: CIC 1277, 1292.
• L'amministrazione straordinaria dei beni ecclesiastici, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3741, 1993) 100 pp (part).
CIC 1278; additional tasks with which finance officer can be entrusted. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1279; administration of goods generally fails to head of juridic person. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1182 § 2. For § 2: 17-1521 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1023.
Other. Canon 1279 is referenced in Canon 1278.
CIC 1280; each juridic person to have finance council or two advisors. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1520.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1281; limitations on liability for unauthorized acts of extraordinary administration. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1527 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-1527 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1024.
CIC 1282; responsibility of persons taking part in administration of goods. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1521. ≡ PO 17.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1283; oath and other acts preliminary to assumption of duties of administration. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1522.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1025. CCEO 1026.
CIC 1284; description of 'good householder' duties of administrators of goods. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1523. For § 2: 17-1523. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). Broadly. CCEO 1020. CCEO 1028.
Lithuanian/American priest, 1961Copyrights as Ecclesiastical Goods: an analysis of the canonization of copyrights laws, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3816, 2001) 232 pp. ▪ biograph.
CIC 1285; limitations on donations made out of institutional goods. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1535.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1029.
CIC 1286; employment issues. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1524. ≡ AA 22; GS 67.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1030.
Scholarly works.
• Nakato Noelina (Ugandan religious, 1963-), The challenges posed by Canon 1286 on Church employers: A perspective on some Religious Institutes in Uganda in relation to domestic workers, (CUEA diss. 2013, ISBN 9789966015242) xvi-191 pp. ▪ Noelina biograph.
CIC 1287; administrators to present annual report to local ordinary and in some way to faithful. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1525.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1031.
CIC 1288; administrators need written permission of ordinary for civil legal actions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1526.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1032.
CIC 1289; administrators can be liable for abandonment of duties. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1528.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1033.
Book V, Title 3. Contracts and especially alienation, cc. 1290-1298.
• Francesco Grazian (Italian priest, 1966-), La nozione di amministrazione e di alienazione nel codice di Diritto Canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5008, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-929-0) 320 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
≈ Canonical and civil legal issues surrounding the alienation of Catholic health care facilities in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3805, 2000) 254 pp. ▪
Other. Canons 1291-1294 are referenced in Canon 1295.
CIC 1290; domains of canon and civil law regarding contracts and alienation of property. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1529.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1034.
• Leon Tharsius Raj (≈, ≈), The Process of Alienation and Related Concepts: rationale and procedure in canon law and secular law with particular reference to India, (KU Leuven diss., 2002) 331 pp.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1290.
CIC 1291; factors triggering need for permission for valid alienation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1530.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1035.
CIC 1292; restricted alienations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1532 § 1. For § 2: 17-1532 § 2. For § 3: 17-1532 § 4. For § 4: ≠.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1036. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: CCEO 1038. For § 4: ≠.
Particular. USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 1292 § 1 (01 dec 2011), here. ▪ Summary: Establishes minimum and maximum amounts for alienations worsening patrimonial conditions and requiring permission. Cites: CIC 1292, 1295.
• Duane Galles (American layman, ≈), Res pretiosa as the Church’s cultural property: the origin and development of ecclesiastical legislation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2003) ≈ pp. ▪ Abstract a/o dissertation here.
CIC 1293; alienation of goods whose value exceeds minima. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1530.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1035.
CIC 1294; alienation usually to be for appraised amounts and proceeds invested or expended. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1531 § 1. For § 2: 17-1531 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1295; worsening patrimonial condition. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1533.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1042.
• Jerome Jung (American priest, ≈), Transactions Which May Worsen the Patrimonial Condition of a Public Juridic Person in the United States: a Study of Canon 1295, (CUA diss. 553, 1998) 380 pp. ▪ Abstract at Jurist 58 (1998) 531.
Other. Canon 1295 is referenced in Canon 1267.
CIC 1296; assessment of alienations civilly valid but canonically improper. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1534 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1040.
CIC 1297; leasing provisions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1541.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Particular. USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 1297 (08 jun 2007), here. ▪ Summary:
Consultation and consent requirements for leases based on value of goods or
length of lease. Cites:
CIC 1297.
• John Reynolds, “Implementation of Canon 1297 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).
CIC 1298; restrictions on alienation of goods to certain relatives of administrators. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1540.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1041.
Book V, Title 4. Pious wills and foundations, cc. 1299-1310.
• Italian laymanPie volontà, fondazioni pie e trusts: analogie, differenze e modalità applicative nell'ordinamento giuridico canonico ed italiano, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3869, 2004) 177 pp. ▪ biograph.
Other. Canons 1300-1302 are referenced in Canon 1307.
CIC 1299; right of persons to make bequests to pious causes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1513.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1043.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1299.
CIC 1300; duty to fulfill wills for pious causes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1514.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1044.
CIC 1301; ordinary is executor of pious wills. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1515 § 1. For § 2: 17-1515 § 2. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1045.
Other. Canon 1301 is referenced in Canons 325, 1300, 1302.
CIC 1302; notification of ordinary and safe-keeping of goods in pious cause. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1516.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1046.
CIC 1303; definitions of types of pious foundations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1544 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1047. =
CIC 1304; ordinary's permission required for juridic person to accept foundation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1546. For § 2: 17-1545.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1048. =
CIC 1305; safe-keeping of goods attached to endowment. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1547.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1049.
CIC 1306; foundations to be put into writing and preserved in various archives. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1548.
Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CCEO 1050.
CIC 1307; list of obligations to be readily accessible. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1549 § 2. For § 2: 17-1549 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1051.
Competentias 1308; reduction of Mass obligations. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1308; reduction of Mass obligations. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1551 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1052.
― Papal. Francis, m.p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 9. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of 11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites: CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO 0357, 0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
― Other. Canon 1308 is referenced in Canon 1310. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1308.
CIC 1309; authority to transfer of satisfaction of Mass obligations. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1053.
Competentias 1310; ordinary's authority over reduction of obligations under wills. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1310; ordinary's authority over reduction of obligations under wills. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1517 § 1. For § 2: 17-1517 § 2. For § 3: ≠.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1054.
― Papal. Francis, m.p.
Competentias (2022)
info here, art.
10. ▪
Latin a/o English,
Summary: Modification of
11 Western canons and eight Eastern; here =. Cites:
CIC 0237, 0242, 0265, 0604, 0686, 0688, 0699, 0700, 0775, 1308, 1310 / CCEO
0489, 0496, 0501, 0546, 0552, 1052, 1054.
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BOOK VI - Sanctions in the Church, cc. 1311-1399
▲ Special topic: Reorganization of Book VI, Supplement here.
The penal law of the Roman Church as originally promulgated by Pope John Paul II on 25 January 1983 remained in force (with one small emendation by John Paul to 1983 CIC 1371) until 8 December 2021 when the abrogation of the whole of Book VI of the Code and its replacement by a new Book VI was ordered by Pope Francis. See Francis (2013-), ap. con. Pascite gregem Dei (23 mai 2021), L'Osservatore Romano (4 iun 2021), Latin text on-line here, Eng. text on-line here. While the strengths and weaknesses of this reorganization are sorted, researchers will find frustrating the decision to renumber numerous canons in Part Two of the new Book VI with little apparent improvement to the clarity or cogency of the law. This aspect of the reorganization of penal law necessitates a different presentation format for these tables. Here, the penal law promulgated by Francis in Pascite, being the current law, is presented in green highlight and the former law, that promulgated by John Paul, is presented in pale yellow. To this convention additional directions are given below to assist in tracking the renumbered canons. Short summaries of new canons and old are offered but a close reading their respective texts is usually needed to determine reliably the actual degree of correlation between the two documents.
Book VI, Part 1. Delicts and Penalties in General, cc. 1311-1363.
Book VI, Part 1, Title 1. Punishment of delicts in general, cc. 1311-1312.
Pascite 1311; Church's right to coerce offending members of the Christian faithful. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1311; Church's right to coerce offending members of the Christian faithful. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2214 § 1. ≡ LG 8; GS 76.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Scholarly
Pascite 1312; types of sanctions in the Church. Latine.
― CIC 1312;
types of sanctions in the Church.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-2215. ≡ LG 9.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 1, Title 2. Penal law and precept, cc. 1313-1320.
Pascite 1313; more favorable law to be
applied to offender.
Olim. CIC 1313; more favorable law to be applied to offender. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0019. 17-2219 § 1; 17-2226 § 2. For § 2: 17-2226 § 3.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1412 §§ 2, 3.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1314; deliberative and automatic penalties. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1314;
deliberative and automatic penalties.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2217 § 1 n. 2, and § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1408.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1315; legislative authority required for new penal laws. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1315; legislative authority required for new penal laws. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2220 § 1. 17-2221. For § 2: 17-2217 § 1 n. 1. For § 3: 17-2221.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1405 §§ 1, 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1316; penal laws generally to be uniform in city or region. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1316; penal laws generally to be uniform in city or region. Latine.
― Source(s). LG 27; CD 36, 37.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1405 § 3.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1317; restrictions on development of penal laws. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1317; restrictions on development of penal laws. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2214 § 2. 17-2303 § 3. 17-2305 § 2. ≡ LG 27.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1405 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. Canon 1317 is referenced in Canon 1319.
Pascite 1318; restrictions on establishment of automatic penalties and excommunications. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1318; restrictions on establishment of automatic penalties and excommunications. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2241.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1319; authority required to establish and impose penal precepts. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1319; authority required to establish and impose penal precepts. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2220 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1406 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1320; penal liability of religious. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1320; penal liability of religious. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-0619. 17-0631. ≡ CD 35.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 0415 § 4.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 1, Title 3. The subject liable to penal sanctions, cc. 1321-1330.
Pascite 1321; presumption of innocence and imputability. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1321;
imputability. Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2195 § 1. 17-2199. 17-2200 § 1. 17-2218 § 2. 17-2228. For § 2: 17-2199. 17-2200 § 1. 17-2226 § 1. 17-2228. For § 3: 17-2200 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1414.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1322; persons habitually lacking reason cannot be punished, even if appearing sane. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1322; persons habitually lacking reason cannot be punished, even if appearing sane. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2201 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1323; factors exempting one from penal liability. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1323; factors exempting one from penal liability. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2201 § 1. 17-2202. 17-2203 § 2. 17-2204. 17-2205 §§ 1, 2, 3, 4. 17-2230.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1413 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1324; factors mitigating one's penal liability. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1324; factors mitigating one's penal liability. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified) For § 2: 17-2223 § 3 n 3. For § 3: 17-2229 § 2. 17-2230.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1413 § 2. CCEO 1415.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1325; cultivated ignorance does not mitigate penal liability. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1325; cultivated ignorance or drunkenness does not mitigate penal liability. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2201 § 3. 17-2206. 17-2229 §§ 1, 3 n. 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1326; factors increasing penal liability. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1326;
factors increasing penal liability.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2203 § 1. 17-2207. 17-2208. 17-2223 § 1 For § 2: ≠.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1416.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1327; particular law can establish additional circumstances regarding crimes. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1327;
particular law can establish additional circumstances regarding crimes.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2207. 17-2221.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1328; incomplete or attempted delicts. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1328;
incomplete or attempted delicts.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2212 §§ 1, 2. 17-2213 § 1. 17-2224 § 3. For § 2: 17-2212 § 2. 17-2213 §§ 2, 3. 17-2235.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1418.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1329; accomplices in delicts. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1329; accomplices in delicts. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2209. 17-2211. 17-2230. 17-2231. For § 2: 17-2209 §§ 3, 4. 17-2211. 17-2230. 17-2231.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1417.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1330; requirement of manifestation of certain delicts for liability. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1330;
requirement of manifestation of certain delicts for liability.
Latine. ― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 1, Title 4, Penalties and other punishments, cc. 1331-1340.
Book VI, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 1. Censures, cc. 1331-1335.
Pascite 1331; excommunication. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1331; excommunication. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 1917 CIC 2255-2267. For § 2: (more than five Pio-Benedictine provisions identified)
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1434.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. Canon 1331 is referenced in Canon 1332. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1331.
Pascite 1332; interdict. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1332;
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2255. 17-2256. 1917 CIC 2268-2277.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1431 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1333; suspension. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1333; suspension. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2255. 17-2256. 1917 CIC 2278-2285. For § 2: 17-2284.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1432.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. Canon 1333 is referenced in Canon 1334. Supplement for Canon 1333.
Pascite 1334; what determines extent of suspension & precept cannot establish automatic suspension. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1334; what determines extent of
suspension & precept cannot establish automatic suspension.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2278 § 2. For § 2: 17-2281. 17-2282.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1432 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1335; combining expiatory and censures & celebrating sacraments while under censure. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1335; celebrating sacraments while under censure. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2261 §§ 2, 3. 17-2275 n. 2. 17-2284.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1435 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 2. Expiatory penalties, cc. 1336-1338.
Pascite 1336; types of expiatory penalties.
Olim. CIC 1336;
types of expiatory penalties.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17 CIC 2286-2305. For § 2: ≠.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1432 §§ 2, 3.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. Canon 1336 is referenced in Canons 1312, 1338, 1364, 1397.
Pascite 1337; norms regarding penalties impacting residence. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1337;
norms regarding penalties impacting residence.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0619. 17-2302. CD 35. For § 2: 17-2301.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1429.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1338; restrictions on certain expiatory penalties. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1338;
restrictions on certain expiatory penalties.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0201 § 1. For § 2: 17-0211 § 1. 17-2296 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1430.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 3. Penal remedies and penances, cc. 1339-1340.
Pascite 1339; warnings and rebukes.
Olim. CIC 1339;
warnings and rebukes.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2306 n. 1. 17-2307. 17-2309 §§ 1, 2, 6. For § 2: 17-2306 n. 2. 17-2308. 17-2309. For § 3: 17-2309 § 5.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1427 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1340; penal penances. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1340;
penal penances.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2312 § 1. 17-2313 § 1. For § 2: 17-2312 § 2. For § 3: 17-2313 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 1, Title
5. Application of penalties, cc. 1341-1352.
Pascite 1341; penalties as a last resort.
Olim. CIC 1341;
penalties as a last resort.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2214 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. Canon 1341 is referenced in Canon 1718. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1341.
Pascite 1342; choice of judicial or administrative procedure. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1342; choice of judicial or administrative procedure. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-1933 §§ 2, 4. For § 3: ≠.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1402 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1343; facultative penalties can be mitigated as well. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1343;
facultative penalties can be mitigated as well.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2223 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1344; mitigation of preceptive penalties. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1344;
mitigation of preceptive penalties.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2223 § 3 nn. 1, 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1409 § 1 nn. 1, 2, 4.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1345; factors suggesting mitigation of penalties. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1345;
factors suggesting mitigation of penalties.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2218 § 1. 17-2223 § 3 n. 3.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1346; mitigation of penalties in light of number of delicts. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1346;
mitigation of penalties in light of number of delicts.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2224 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1409 § 1 n. 3.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1347; necessity of warning of penalties and repentance as withdrawing from contumacy. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1347;
necessity of warning of penalties and repentance as withdrawing from
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2233 § 3. For § 2: 17-2242 § 3.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1407 §§ 1, 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. Canon 1347 is referenced in Canon 1358. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1347.
Pascite 1348; options in case no penalty is applied. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1348;
options in case no penalty is applied.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2223 § 3 n. 3. 17-2229 § 4.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1349; restrictions against imposing graver penalties in facultative situations. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1349;
restrictions against imposing graver penalties in facultative situations.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2223 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1409 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1350; clerics retain a claim for support in most penal situations. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1350;
clerics retain a claim for support in most penal situations.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-0122. 17-1923 § 1. 17-2299 § 3.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1410.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1351; penalties follow the person. Latine.
― CIC 1351;
penalties follow the person.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2226 § 4.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1412 § 4.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Olim. CIC 1352;
factors calling for suspension of obligation to observe penalty.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2252. For § 2: 17-2232 § 1. 17-2290 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1435 § 1.
Pascite 1353; appeal of or recourse against penalty has suspensive effect. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1353; appeal of or recourse against penalty has suspensive effect. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2243. 17-2287.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1319. CCEO 1471 § 1. CCEO 1487 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 1, Title 6. Cessation of penalties, cc. 1354-1363
Pascite 1354; remission and reservation of penalties. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1354; remission and reservation of penalties. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2236 § 2. For § 2: 17-2236 § 1. For § 3: 17-2246 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1419. CCEO 1423 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1355; authority to remit penalties established by law. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1355;
authority to remit penalties established by law.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2236 § 1. 17-2237 § 1. 17-2245. 17-2253 § 3. For § 2: 17-2237 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1420 §§ 1, 3.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1356; authority to remit penalties established by precept. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1356; authority to remit penalties established by precept. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2236 § 1. 17-2245 § 2. 17-2253 nn. 2, 3. For § 2: ≠.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1420 §§ 2, 3.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1357; remission of penalty in the internal forum. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1357; remission of penalty in the internal forum. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2254 § 1. For § 2: 17-2254 §§ 1, 3. For § 3: 17-2252.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1358; withdrawal from contumacy as necessary and sufficient condition for remission of penalty. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1358; withdrawal from contumacy as necessary and sufficient condition for remission of penalty. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2248 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1424.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1359; remission of multiple penalties. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1359;
remission of multiple penalties.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2249 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1425.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1360; remissions extorted by grave fear is invalid. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1360; remissions extorted by grave fear is invalid. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2238.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1421.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1361; conditional remission and observance of confidentiality. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1361;
conditional remission and observance of confidentiality.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2329.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1422.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1362; prescription of criminal actions and reservation of certain offenses. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1362; prescription of criminal actions and reservation of certain offenses. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1703. 17-2240. For § 2: 17-1705.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1152 §§ 2, 3.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), m. p. Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela (30 apr 2001), AAS 93 (2001) 737-739. ▪ English, here. Summary: = Outline of history and rationale behind reservation of certain crimes to CDF. Cites: CIC ≠.
Pascite 1363; prescriptions of execution of penalty. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1363; prescriptions of execution of penalty. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1703. 17-1918. 17-2240.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1153.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 2. Individual Delicts, cc. 1364-1399.
Book VI, Part 2, Title 1. Delicts against religion and the unity of the church, cc. 1364-1369.
Pascite 1364; criminalizes apostasy, heresy, and schism. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1364 leaves
virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1364.
Olim. CIC 1364;
apostasy, heresy, and schism.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2314 § 1. For § 2: 17-2314 § 1 nn. 2, 3.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1436 § 1. CCEO 1437.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. Canon 1364 is referenced in Canon 1371. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1364.
Pascite 1365; criminalizes teaching against or rejecting certain doctrines. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1365 leaves substantially intact the discipline set out in Ad tuendam 1371; Ad tuendam 1371 itself, however, had arisen from the original Canon 1371 after it had been slightly modified by John Paul II in 1998. It is, to date, the only example of a Western canon modified twice since its original promulgation.
Olim. Ad tuendam, criminalizes teaching against or rejecting certain doctrines. Latine.
― Source(s). 1983 CIC 1371 (see below).
― Parallel(s). CCEO =
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Scholarly works.
Antehac. CIC 1371; criminalizes teaching against or rejecting certain doctrines. Latine.
― ― Source(s). 17-2317. 17-2331 § 1.
― ― Parallel(s).
CCEO 1436 § 2.
CCEO 1446.
― ― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
• John Paul II, m. p. Ad tuendam (1998), info here. ▪ Latin a/o English, here. Summary: Modification of two Western canons and two Eastern canons whereby secondary objects of infallibility are described and protected. Cites: CIC 750, 752, 1371 / CCEO 0598, 0599, 1436.
Pascite 1366; criminalizes recourse against acts of Roman Pontiff to ecumenical council or college of bishops. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1366 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1372.
Olim. CIC 1372; criminalizes recourse against acts of Roman Pontiff to ecumenical council or college of bishops. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2332.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1367; criminalizes non-catholic baptism of children or their education in a non-Catholic religion. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1367 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1366.
Olim. CIC 1366; criminalizes non-catholic baptism of children or their education in a non-Catholic religion. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2319 § 1 nn. 3, 4.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1439.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1368; criminalizes using speeches, writings, a/o social communications for various evil ends. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1368 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1369.
Olim. CIC 1369; criminalizes using speeches, writings, a/o social communications for various evil ends. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2323. 17-2344.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 144 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1369; criminalizes profanation of movable a/o immovable sacred object. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1369 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1376.
Olim. CIC 1376;
criminalizes profanation of
movable a/o immovable sacred object.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2325. 17-2328. 17-2329.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1441.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 2, Title 2. Delicts against ecclesiastical authorities and freedom of the Church, cc. 1370-1377.
Pascite 1370; criminalizes physical force against certain ecclesiastical figures. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1370 leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1370.
Olim. CIC 1370; criminalizes physical force against certain ecclesiastical figures. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2343 § 1. For § 2: 17-2343 § 3. For § 3: 17-2343 § 4.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1445.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1371; criminalizes assorted violations of canon law. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1371 is a conglomeration of a half dozen delicts, as follows:
Pascite 1371 § 1, on disobedience, was not treated in Johanno-Pauline law but now implicitly criminalizes violation of Canon 273.
Pascite 1371 § 2, leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1393.
Olim. CIC 1393; criminalizes disregard of penal obligations. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1467.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1371 § 3, leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1368.
Olim. CIC 1368; criminalizes perjury. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1743 § 3. 17-1755 § 3. 17-1794. 17-2323.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1444.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1371 § 4, on observance of pontifical secrecy, was not treated in Johanno-Pauline law.
Pascite 1371 § 5, on duty to execute an executive sentence, was not treated in Johanno-Pauline law.
Pascite 1371 § 6, on failure to report offenses as canonically mandated, was not treated in Johanno-Pauline law.
― Other. See supplement for Pascite 1371.=
Pascite 1372; criminalizes hindering ministry, powers, use of sacred goods, a/o electors. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1372 leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1375.
CIC 1375;
criminalizes hindering ministry, ecclesiastical powers, use of sacred goods, a/o electors.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2334. 17-2337. 17-2345. 17-21346. 17-2390.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1447 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1373; criminalizes incitement against ecclesiastical authority. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1373 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1373.
Olim. CIC 1373; criminalizes incitement against ecclesiastical authority. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2331 § 2. 17-2344.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1447 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1374; criminalizes joining prohibited societies. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1374 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1374.
Olim. CIC 1374;
criminalizes joining prohibited societies.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2335.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1448 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
• [Sacred] Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), decl. Quaesitum est (26 nov 1983), AAS 76 (1984) 300. ▪ English, here. Summary: Membership in the Masons is still considered objectively evil and Catholic Masons should not be admitted to holy Communion. Cites: CIC (0915), (1374).
― Other. Supplement for Canon 1374.
Pascite 1375; criminalizes usurpation or unjust retention of ecclesiastical office. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1375 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1381.
Olim. CIC 1381;
usurpation or unjust retention of ecclesiastical office.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2394. For § 2: 17-2401.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1462.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1376; delicts regarding ecclesiastical property and administration. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1376 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1377 and now expands scope of new law to include additional offenses against ecclesiastical property.
Olim. CIC 1377; illicit alienation of ecclesiastical property. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2347.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1449.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1377; bribery involving ecclesiastical figures and demands for certain greater fees. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1377 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1386 and now implicitly penalizes violation of Canon 848.
Olim. CIC 1386; bribery involving ecclesiastical figures. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2407.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1463.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 2, Title 3. Usurpation of ecclesiastical functions and delicts in their exercise, cc. 1378-1389.
► Topic in general, no entries. The Marcel Lefebvre case, here.
Chinese ordinations, here.
― Other. Canons 1378-1383 are referenced in Canon 1384.
Pascite 1378; criminalizes abuse of or negligence in ecclesiastical office. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1378 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1389.
Olim. CIC 1389; criminalizes abuse of or negligence in ecclesiastical office. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1464.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1379; criminalizes assorted offenses against various sacraments. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1379 is a conglomeration of offenses against sacraments. See also Pascite 1384.
Pascite 1379 § 1, leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1378 § 2.
Pascite 1379 § 2, leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1378 § 3.
Pascite 1379 § 3, on attempted ordination of a woman, was not treated in Johanno-Pauline law.
Pascite 1379 § 4, on maladministration of sacraments to ineligibles, was not treated in Johanno-Pauline law.
Pascite 1379 § 5, leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1379.
Olim. CIC 1378;
criminalizes grave delicts against Confession and the Eucharist.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2367 § 1. For § 2: 17-2322 n. 1. 17-2366. For § 3: 17-2322 n. 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1443. CCEO 1457.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Olim. CIC 1379; criminalizes simulation of various sacraments. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1443.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1380; criminalizes simony in sacraments. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1380 leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1380.
Olim. CIC 1380; criminalizes simony in sacraments. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2371.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1461.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. See supplement for Canon 1380.
Pascite 1381; criminalizes certain participations in religious rites. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1381 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1365.
Olim. CIC 1365; criminalizes certain participations in religious rites. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1258. 17-2316.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1440.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1382; desecration against the Sacred Species and illicit confection. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1382 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1367 and now implicitly penalizes malevolent violation of Canon 927.
Olim. CIC 1367; criminalizes desecration against the Sacred Species. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2320.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1442.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
• PCLT (Herranz), resp. re Can. 1367 (03 jul 1999), AAS 91 (1999) 918. ▪ Summary: The notion of 'throwing away' includes any willed, contemptuous act toward the Sacred Species. Cites: CIC 1367 / CCEO 1442.
Pascite 1383; criminalizes trafficking in Mass stipends. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1383 leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1385.
Olim. CIC 1385;
criminalizes trafficking in Mass stipends.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2324.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1384; criminalizes absolution of an accomplice. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1384 leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1378 § 1. See also Pascite 1379.
Olim. CIC 1378;
criminalizes grave delicts against Confession and the Eucharist.
Latine. ― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2367 § 1. For § 2: 17-2322 n. 1. 17-2366. For § 3: 17-2322 n. 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1443. CCEO 1457.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1385; criminalizes solicitation in Confession. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1385 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1387.
Olim. CIC 1387; criminalizes solicitation in confession. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2368 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1458.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1386; criminalizes violation of the seal of, or of secrecy related to. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1386 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1388.
Olim. CIC 1388; criminalizes violation of the seal of, or of secrecy related to, Confession. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2369.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1456.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), decr. Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei [23 sep 1988], AAS 80 (1988) 1367. ▪ English, here. Summary: Dicastery with executive power is here specially authorized to issue a general decree, here, to levy sanctions, effective immediately, against those who record or divulge through social media an actual or simulated sacramental Confession. Cites: CIC 0030, 1388.
― Other. Supplement for Canon 1388.
Pascite 1387; criminalizes episcopal consecration without papal mandate. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1387 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1382.
Olim. CIC 1382;
criminalizes episcopal consecration without papal mandate.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2370.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1459 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1388; criminalizes various illicit ordinations. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1388 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1387 in regard to ordaining ministers but narrows the scope of Canon 1387 in regard to the one receiving orders illicitly.
Olim. CIC 1383; criminalizes various illicit diaconal and presbyteral ordinations. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2373 n. 1. 17-2374.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1459 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1389; criminalizes unlawful exercise of sacred ministry. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1389 leaves substantially intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1384.
Olim. CIC 1384;
criminalizes illicit performance of priestly or sacred ministry.
Latine. ― Source(s). 17-2322 n. 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1462.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 2, Title 4. Crime of falsehood, cc. 1390-1391.
Pascite 1390; criminalizes false denunciation and damage to reputation. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1390
leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1390. Olim. CIC 1390; criminalizes false denunciation and damage to reputation. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2363. For § 2: 17-2355. For § 3: 17-2355.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1452. CCEO 1454.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1391; criminalizes use of false documents or falsified assertions. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1391 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1391.
Olim. CIC 1391; criminalizes use of false documents or falsified assertions. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2360. 17-2362.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1455.
― Papal.
Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 2, Title 5. Delicts against special obligations, cc. 1392-1396.
Pascite 1392; criminalizes abandonment of clerical ministry. Latine.
Note: The matters treated in Pascite 1392 were not directly treated in Johanno-Pauline law.
Pascite 1393; criminalizes clerics illicitly in trade or business a/o other financial offenses. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1393, in part, leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1392.
Olim. CIC 1392; criminalizes clerics illicitly in trade or business. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2380.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1466.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1394; criminalizes attempted marriage by clergy and religious. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1394 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1394.
Olim. CIC 1394; criminalizes attempted marriage by clergy and religious. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2388.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1453 §§ 2, 3.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
• [PCLT] (Herranz), decl. Atteso che (19 mai 1997), Communicationes 29 (1997) 17-18. ▪ Italian on-line here. Summary: The faithful may not, outside of danger of death, asks for sacraments from priests who have attempted marriage without dispensation from celibacy. Cites: CIC 0213, 0290, 0292, 0976, 1044, 1087, 1335, 1394, 1720 / CCEO 0016, 0394, 0395, 0725, 0763, 1453.
Pascite 1395; criminalizes certain forms of sexual misconduct by clerics. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1395 treats the same matters as did the original Canon 1394 but expands the scope of the law.
Olim. CIC 1395; criminalizes certain forms of sexual misconduct by clerics. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-2359 §§ 1, 3. For § 2: 17-2359 § 2.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1453 § 1.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Pascite 1396; criminalizes violation of clerical obligation of residence. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1396 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1396.
Olim. CIC 1396; criminalizes violation of clerical obligation of residence. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2381.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
Book VI, Part 2, Title 6. Delicts against human life, dignity, and liberty, cc. 1397-1398.
― Papal. John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Evangelium vitae (25 mar 1995), AAS 87 (1995) 401-522. ▪ English, here. Summary: Extensive examination of moral and ethical aspects of the dignity and value of human life. Cites: CIC (0750), (0752), (0753), 1329, (1397), 1398 / CCEO (0598), (0598), (0599), 1417, 1450, (1451).
The assertions made in EV 57 (condemning direct and intentional killing of the innocent) and EV 65 (condemning euthanasia) are worthy of special note.
Pascite 1397; criminalizes offenses against human life and freedom, and abortion. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1397 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canons 1397 and 1398. See also Pascite 1398.
Olim. CIC 1397; criminalizes offenses against human life and freedom. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2393 § 1. 17-2354.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1450 § 1. CCEO 1451.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
― Other. Canon 1397 is referenced in Canons 695, 1362.
- and -
Olim. CIC 1398; criminalizes abortion. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2350 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1450 § 2.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
• Samuel Jofré Giraudo (Argentine priest, 1957-), Argumentos contemporáneos sobre el derecho a la vida del niño por nacer en la República Argentina, (Santa Croce diss., 2009) 335 pp. ▪ Giraudo biograph.
― Other. Canon 1398 is referenced in Canons 695, 1362. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1398.
Pascite 1398; criminalizes clerical sexual offenses involving minors and the vulnerable. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1398 is new to codified law. Francis, Pascite (see above). And see also Pascite 1395.
Book VI, Part 2, Title 7. General norm, c. 1399.
► Topic in general, no entries.
Pascite 1399; general penal norm. Latine.
Note: Pascite 1399 leaves virtually intact the discipline originally set out in Canon 1399.
Olim. CIC 1399; general penal norm. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-2222 § 1.
― Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
― Papal. Francis, Pascite (see above).
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BOOK VII - Procedures, cc. 1400-1752
► Topic in general, as follows:
Other. Book VII as a whole is referenced in Canon 472.
Book VII, Part 1. Trials in general, cc. 1400-1500.
[ Preliminary canons, cc. 1400-1403. ]
• Pietro Tocanel, “Le cinque parti del Libro VII I processi”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 79-89.
CIC 1400; objects of trials, exclusion of administrative controversies. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1522 § 2. For § 2: 17-1601.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1055.
CIC 1401; Church adjudicates spiritual matters and ecclesiastical penal law. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-1553 § 1 n. 1. For 2°: 17-1553 § 1 n. 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 1401 is referenced in Canon 1405.
CIC 1402; introduction to judicial procedural norms and distinction regarding dicasteries. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1555 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1056.
CIC 1403; beatification and canonization. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: (See note below) 17- For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1057. For § 2: ≠.
Papal, as follows:
• Cong. for Causes of Saints (Amato), doc. In miraculo (24 aug 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 1004-1009. ▪ Summary: Qualification, enrollment, terms of service, conduct, and reports by medical personnel associated with Congregation. Cites: CIC (1403) / Divinus perfectionis (1983), Regolamento Generale (2016).
• Cong. for the Causes of Saints (Saraiva Martins), Index ac Status Causarum (Città del Vaticano, 1999) lccvi +729 pp. Summary: Status of cases for beatification and canonization cases before the Congregation as of 1998.
≡ Woestman biograph.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1403.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 1. Competent forum, cc. 1400-1416.
Other. Canons 1408-1414 are referenced in Canon 1407.
CIC 1404; "The First See is judged by no one. " Latine.
Source(s). 17-1556.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1058.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. Nell'attuale momento [31 oct 1998], Communicationes 30 (1998) 207-216. ▪ English, here. Summary: Roman primacy. Cites: CIC 0749, 0781, 0782, 1404 / CCEO 0597. CCEO 1058.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1404.
CIC 1405; cases exclusive to the Roman Pontiff or the Roman Rota. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1557 §§ 1, 3. For § 2: 17-1557 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1060, § 1 nn. 2, 3, 4, and §§ 2, 3. CCEO 1061.
Other. Canon 1405 is referenced in Canon 1444.
CIC 1406; consequences of disregard for Canons 1404 or 1405. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 17-1558.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1072.
CIC 1407; ecclesiastical judges must have competence, and petitioners follow fora of respondents. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1559.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1073.
CIC 1408; domicile or quasi-domicile suffice for jurisdiction. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1561.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1074.
Other. Canon 1408 is referenced in Canon 1413.
CIC 1409; transients subject to tribunals of the place, alternative bases for jurisdiction. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1563.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1075.
Other. Canon 1409 is referenced in Canon 1413.
CIC 1410; possible jurisdiction based on object location or damages. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1564.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1076.
CIC 1411; possible jurisdiction based on contract or performance. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1565. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1077.
CIC 1412; jurisdiction based on delict. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1566.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1078.
CIC 1413; jurisdiction based on administration or possibly on location of testator. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-1560 n. 3. For 2°: 17-1560 n. 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1079.
CIC 1414; connected cases should generally be adjudicated together. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1567.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1081.
CIC 1415; citation of respondent prevents other competent tribunal(s) from citing. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1568.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1082.
CIC 1416; appellate tribunals settle disputes between subject tribunals, otherwise Signatura acts. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1612.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1083.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 2. Grades and kinds of tribunals, cc. 1417-1445.
CIC 1417; right to and implications of pleading before Roman Pontiff. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1559.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1059.
CIC 1418; rights of tribunals to ask for assistance from other tribunals. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1570 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1071.
Other. Canon 1418 is referenced in Canons 1558, 1663.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 1. Tribunal of first instance, cc. 1419-1437.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 1. The Judge, cc. 1419-1427.
Other. Canons 1419-1421 are referenced in Canon 1423.
CIC 1419; bishop as judge. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1572 § 1. ≡ LG 27. For § 2: 17-1572 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1066.
Other. Canon 1419 is referenced in Canon 1405.
CIC 1420; judicial vicar and adjutants. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1573.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1086. CCEO 1088 §§ 2, 3.
Other. Canon 1420 is referenced in Canon 1422. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1420.
CIC 1421; clerical and lay judges and their qualifications. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1574 § 1. For § 2: 17-1574 § 1. For § 3: 17-1574 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1087.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1421 § 2 (01 jun 1984), here. ▪ Summary: Bishops are authorized to appoint one lay person to a collegiate tribunal. Cites: CIC 1421.
CIC 1422; judges serve fixed terms. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1088.
CIC 1423; interdiocesan tribunals. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1067 §§ 1, 4.
Other. Canon 1423 is referenced in Canons 1423, 1445.
CIC 1424; single judges may use assessors. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1575.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1089.
Scholarly works.
Other. Canon 1424 is referenced in Canon 1657.
CIC 1425; collegiate tribunals and sole judges. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1576. § 1. For § 2: 17-1576. § 2. For § 3: 17-1576. § 3. For § 4: ≠. For § 5: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1084. CCEO 1090 § 2.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1425 § 4 (01 jun 1984), here. ▪ Summary: diocesan bishop can entrust trials in first instance to single clerical judge. Cites: CIC 0455, 1425.
CIC 1426; operation of a collegiate tribunal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1577.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1090.
CIC 1427; judges in cases involving religious persons or institutes. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1579.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1069.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 2. Auditors and relators, cc. 1428-1429.
CIC 1428; auditors and their role in the instruction of cases. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1580. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-1582.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1093.
CIC 1429; judge as 'relator' or 'ponens' in a case. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1584.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1091.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 3. Promoter of Justice, Defender of the Bond, notary, cc. 1430-1437.
CIC 1430; role of promoter of justice. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1586.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1094.
CIC 1431; bishops can determine whether public good is at issue in a case. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1586. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-1586. 17-1568. 17-1569.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1095.
CIC 1432; defender of the bond. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1586. 17-1968. 17-1969.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1096.
CIC 1433; possible invalidity of acts if promoter a/o defender were improperly excluded. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1587.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1097.
CIC 1434; participation in process by promoter a/o defender. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1098.
CIC 1435; qualifications of defenders of the bond and promoters of justice. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1598.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1099.
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Grocholewski), decr. Novo Codice (02 sep 2002), AAS 95 (2003) 281-285. ▪ English, here. Summary: Augmenting course of studies required for ecclesiastical degrees in canon law. Cites: CIC ≠. / Sapientia Christiana.
CIC 1436; eligibility for service by promoter a/o defender. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1588. § 1. For § 2: 17-1588 § 2. 17-1590 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1100.
CIC 1437; participation by notary required for validity of acts. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1585. § 1. For § 2: 17-1593.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1101.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 2. Tribunal of second instance, cc. 1438-1441.
CIC 1438; designation of courts of second instance. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1594 §§ 1, 2, 4. ≡ CD 40.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1063 § 3. CCEO 1064.
Other. Canon 1438 is referenced in Canons 1440, 1632.
CIC 1439; interdiocesan appellate tribunals. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1067 § 5.
Particular. [USCCB], Compl. norm re Canon 1439 § 2 (21 oct 1983), here. ▪ Summary: Episcopal conference is willing to establish courts of second instance when so petitioned. Cites: CIC 1439.
Other. Canon 1439 is referenced in Canons 1438, 1440, 1445, 1632, 1653.
CIC 1440; consequences of disregarding Canon 1438 and 1439. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1072.
CIC 1441; make up of second instance panel of judges. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1085.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 3. Tribunals of the Apostolic See, cc. 1442-1445.
▲ Special topic: Other tribunals of the Holy See.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), m. p. Sollicita cura (26 dec 1987), Communicationes 19 (1987) 158-161. Summary: Establishing appellate tribunal for Vicariate of Rome. Cites: CIC 1444, 1682.
▲ Special topic: The Spanish Rota.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), m. p. Nuntiaturae Apostolicae in Hispania (02 oct 1999), AAS 92 (2000) 5-17. ▪ Summary: Reorganization of the Spanish Rota. Cites: CIC 0184, 0185, 1156-1165, 1405, 1406, 1417, 1418, 1438, 1444, 1445, 1448, 1457, 1479, 1483, 1487, 1488, 1489, 1490, 1621, 1623, 1625, 1646, 1676, 1682, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1720, 1721, 1732, 1733, 1734, 1735.
CIC 1442; judicial supremacy of Roman Pontiff. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1597.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1059 § 1.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1442.
CIC 1443; Roman Rota fundamentals. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1598.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1065.
• Secretariat of State (Bertone), rescr. Quoad facultates extraordinarias de vigiliantia (02 oct 2008), Communicationes 41 (2009) 49. ▪ Summary: Rotal supervisory norms. Cites: CIC ≠.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1443.
CIC 1444; Roman Rota jurisdiction. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1599.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
• Tribunal Apostolicum Sacrae Romanae Rotae, Decisiones seu Sententiae (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis / Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1912 to present). ▪ Summary: Publishing annually selected Rotal sentences issued from 1909 on.
Other. Canon 1444 is referenced in Canon 1438. ≡ Supplement for Canon 1444.
CIC 1445; Apostolic Signatura. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1603 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
▼ Sub-topic for Canon 1445, Apostolic Signatura:
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), m. p. Antiqua ordinatione (21 jun 2008), AAS 100 (2008) 513-538. ▪ English, here. Summary: Operational norms for the Apostolic Signatura. Cites: CIC 1148, 1624. ≡ CCEO 1106. CCEO 1305.
• Supreme Tribunal Apostolic Signatura (Mamberti), circ. let. Inter munera quae (30 jul 2016), 108 AAS (2016) 948-953. ▪ Summary: Norms for local tribunal reports to Signatura. Cites: CIC 1362, 1445, 1649, 1676 / CCEO 1334, 1335, 1336.
▼ Sub-topic for Canon 1445, Apostolic Signatura:
• William Daniel, ed., Ministerium Iustitiae Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Official Latin with English translation (Wilson & Lafleur, 2011) 776 pp. Review: J. Coughlin, Jurist 72 (2012) 314-315.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 3. Discipline to be observed in tribunals, cc. 1446-1475.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1. Duty of judges and tribunal ministers, cc. 1446-1457.
CIC 1446; encouragement of and options for avoidance of litigation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1925 § 1. For § 2: 17-1925 § 2. For § 3: 17-1925 §§ 1, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1103.
Other. Canon 1446 is referenced in Canon 1659.
CIC 1447; ineligibility of certain first instance officers for service in second instance. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1105.
CIC 1448; possible ineligibility of judicial officers in specific cases. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1613.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1106.
CIC 1449; process for hearing challenges to judicial service. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1614. § 1. For § 2: 17-1614. § 1. For § 3: 17-1614. § 2. For § 4: 17-1614. § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1107.
CIC 1450; acceptance of objection does not change grade of trial. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1615 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1108.
Other. Canon 1450 is referenced in Canon 1624.
CIC 1451; challenges to be heard quickly, and possible consequences for various acts. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1616. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1109.
CIC 1452; optional and required actions of judges in accepting and hearing various cases. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1618. For § 2: 17-1619.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1110.
Other. Canon 1452 is referenced in Canon 1600.
CIC 1453; time lines for hearing cases. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1620.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1111.
CIC 1454; judicial officers to take an oath of fidelity. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1621.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1112.
CIC 1455; possible obligations of confidentiality a/o secrecy for various persons involved in trials. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1623.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1113.
CIC 1456; judicial officers prohibited from accepting gifts for service. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1624.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1114.
CIC 1457; judicial officers liable to sanction for negligence or malfeasance in office. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1625 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1625 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1115.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 2. Order of adjudication, cc. 1458-1464.
CIC 1458; cases generally to be treated in order of filing. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1627.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1117.
CIC 1459; posing exceptions to adjudication. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1628. § 2. For § 2: 17-1628 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1118.
CIC 1460; exceptions against judges. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1610.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1119.
CIC 1461; judges aware of incompetence must so declare. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1611.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1120.
CIC 1462; timing of peremptory exceptions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1629.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1121.
Other. Canon 1462 is referenced in Canon 1492.
CIC 1463; counterclaims must be filed within thirty days of joinder. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1630 § 1. For § 2: 17-1630 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1122.
CIC 1464; expenses and gratuitous representation requests to be heard before joinder. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1631.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1123.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 3. Time limits and delays, cc. 1465-1467.
CIC 1465; provisions for extending procedural deadlines. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1634.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1124.
CIC 1466; judge to determine undetermined procedural deadlines. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1125.
CIC 1467; extension of procedural deadlines if tribunal is closed. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1635.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1126.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 4. Place of the trial, cc. 1468-1469.
CIC 1468; tribunal should have fixed location and hours. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1636. 17-1638 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1127.
CIC 1469; authority of judges outside of their territory. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1637. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1128.
Other. Canon 1469 is referenced in Canon 1558.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 5. Persons admitted to court, procedures, and handling the acts, cc. 1470-1475.
CIC 1470; access to and conduct during trials. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1640.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1129.
CIC 1471; use of interpreters in trial. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1641.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1130.
CIC 1472; acts of the case to be put into writing and authenticated. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1642 § 1. For § 2: 17-1643. § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1131.
CIC 1473; provisions when persons cannot or will not sign acts. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1643 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1132.
CIC 1474; authentication and translation of acts to sent on appeal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1644.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1315 § 2
Other. Canon 1474 is referenced in Canon 1634.
CIC 1475; return of originals, retention of copies, and judicial control of acts. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1645. § 1. For § 2: 17-1645. § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1133.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 4. Parties in a Case, cc. 1476-1490.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 1. Petitioner and respondent, cc. 1476-1480.
CIC 1476; anyone can serve as petitioner, respondents must respond. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1646.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1134.
CIC 1477; parties must be present even if represented. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1647.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1135.
CIC 1478; participation by and representation of minors and diminished capacity persons. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1648. § 1. For § 2: 17-1648. § 2. For § 3: 17-1648. § 3. For § 4: 17-1650.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1136.
CIC 1479; civil guardian can be appointed to serve canonically or new one can be used. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1651.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1137.
CIC 1480; juridic persons stand trial through representatives or the ordinary. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1649. For § 2: 17-1653. § 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1138
Book VII, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 2. Procurators for litigation and advocates, cc. 1481-1490.
CIC 1481; optional and mandatory appointments of advocates. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1655 § 3. For § 2: 17-1655 § 1. For § 3: 17-1655 § 2. For § 4: 17-1655 § 1
Parallel(s). CCEO 1139.
Other. Canon 1481 is referenced in Canons 1519, 1723.
CIC 1482; generally a single procurator is to be appointed, but multiple advocates are allowed. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1656.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1140.
CIC 1483; qualifications of advocates and procurators. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1657 §§ 1, 2. 17-1658 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1141.
CIC 1484; written mandate is generally required for procurator and advocate service. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1659 § 1. 17-1661. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1142.
CIC 1485; restrictions on procurators without special mandates. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1662.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1143.
CIC 1486; removal of procurator a/o advocate. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1664.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1144.
CIC 1487; removal of procurator a/o advocate by judge for grave cause. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1663.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1145.
CIC 1488; descriptions and consequences for procurator and advocate misconduct. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1665. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1146.
CIC 1489; betrayal of office by advocate or procurator. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1666.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1147.
CIC 1490; tribunal to provide advocacy service for parties wishing to use them. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1148.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 5. Actions and Exceptions, cc. 1491-1500. Book VII, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 1. Actions and exceptions in general, cc. 1491-1495.
Scholarly works.
► Topic by canons, as follows:
CIC 1491; every right protected by action and exception. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1667.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1149.
CIC 1492; most actions extinguished by prescription, exceptions are perpetual. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1701. 17-1702. 17-1703. 17-1704. 17-1705. For § 2: 17-1629. 17-1667.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1149. CCEO 1150.
CIC 1493; multiple actions generally permitted. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1669 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1155.
CIC 1494; counterclaims generally permitted. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1690.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1156.
CIC 1495; counterclaims to be field before original judge. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1692.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1157.
Book VII, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 2. Specific actions and exceptions, cc. 1496-1500.
CIC 1496; sequestration to protect property. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1672.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1158.
CIC 1497; sequestration as security. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1673.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1159.
CIC 1498; sequestration as a last resort. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1674.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1160.
CIC 1499; sequestration contingent upon possible damages. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1161.
CIC 1500; observance of civil law in possessory actions. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1162.
Book VII, Part 2. The contentious trial, cc. 1501-1670.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1. Ordinary contentious trial, cc. 1501-1655.
• William O’Connell, "Il processo contenzioso", in Nuovo Codice (1983) 466-489.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 1. The introduction of the case, cc. 1501-1512.
• Gerard Sheehy, “Introducing a case of nullity of marriage. The New Code and the Practice of Local Tribunals”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 337-347.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 1, Chapter 1. Introductory libellus, cc. 1501-1506.
CIC 1501; judge cannot act without a petition. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1104 § 2.
Other. Canon 1501 is referenced in Canon 1620.
CIC 1502; petitioners or promoters must submit a petition. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1706.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1185.
Other. Canon 1502 is referenced in Canon 1721.
CIC 1503; judge can accept oral petition, but it must be reduced to writing. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1707 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1707 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1186.
CIC 1504; requirements for a petition. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1708.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1187.
Other. Canon 1504 is referenced in Canons 1505, 1658, 1721.
CIC 1505; limited bases for rejection of petition. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1709 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: 17-1709 § 2. For § 4: 17-1709 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1188.
Other. Canon 1505 is referenced in Canon 1506.
CIC 1506; express or tacit acceptance of petition. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1710.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1189.
Other. Canon 1506 is referenced in Canon 1507.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 1, Chapter 2. Citation and notification of judicial acts, cc. 1507-1512.
CIC 1507; citation of parties to case. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1711.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1190.
Other. Canon 1507 is referenced in Canons 1511, 1592.
CIC 1508; communication of citation and basic information to be sent to respondent. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1712 § 1. For § 2: 17-1712 § 1. For § 3: 17-1713.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1191.
Other. Canon 1508 is referenced in Canon 1677.
CIC 1509; methods and recordation of notifications. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1717. 17-1719. 17-1720. 17-1877. For § 2: 17-1722.
Parallel(s). For § 1: CCEO 1192 § 1. For § 2: CCEO 1192 § 2.
Other. Canon 1509 is referenced in Canon 1615.
CIC 1510; when recalcitrant respondent is considered to have been cited. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1718.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1192 § 3.
CIC 1511; possible nullity of acts if citation fails. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1723.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1193.
CIC 1512; procedural consequences of citation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1725.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1194.
Other. Canon 1512 is referenced in Canon 1659.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 2. Joinder of issues, cc. 1513-1516.
CIC 1513; terms of case fixed at joinder, options for discussion with parties. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1726. 17-1727. 17-1729 § 3. For § 2: 17-1728. 17-1729 § 2. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1195.
Other. Canon 1513 is referenced in Canon 1640.
CIC 1514; limited changes to term of case after joinder. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1729 § 4. 17-1731 n. 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1196.
CIC 1515; effect of joinder on possession of property. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1731 n. 2
Parallel(s). CCEO 1197.
CIC 1516; after joinder judge sets time for instruction of case. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1731 n. 2
Parallel(s). CCEO 1198.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 3. The litigation, cc. 1517-1525.
• Darius Romualdo (Spanish/Pilipino priest, ≈), The suspension of the ‘litis instantia’: a canonical analysis from the 1917 Code of canon law to 2015 ‘Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3941, 2017) 343 pp. ▪
CIC 1517; trials begin with citation and ends by definitive sentence or other means. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1732.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1518; when change in status of litigating party impacts process. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1733.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1199.
Other. Canon 1518 is referenced in Canon 1675.
CIC 1519; how changes in guardian, curator, or procurator impacts process. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1735. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1200.
CIC 1520; abatement by passage of time without placing acts. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1736.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1201.
CIC 1521; how abatement takes effect. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1737.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1202.
CIC 1522; consequences of abatement of a process. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1738.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1203.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Cann. 1522 & 1525 (17 mai 1986), AAS 78 (1986) 1324. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: A case terminated by peremption or renunciation can be introduced in a different tribunal. Cites: CIC 1522, 1525.
• Wrenn, Authentic Interpretations (1993) 29-30.
CIC 1523; parties bear their own expenses in abatement. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1739.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1204.
CIC 1524; renunciation of process or part of process by party. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1740 § 1. For § 2: 17-1527 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1205.
Other. Canon 1524 is referenced in Canon 1594.
CIC 1525; effects of renunciation of a process. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1741.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1206.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Cann. 1522 & 1525 (17 mai 1986), AAS 78 (1986) 1324. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: A case terminated by peremption or renunciation can be introduced in a different tribunal. Cites: CIC 1522, 1525.
Other. Canon 1525 is referenced in Canon 1594.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4. Proofs (evidence), cc. 1526-1529. Although the Latin word "probatio" is usually translated "proof" in English, the common law distinguishes between "proof" (as in, conclusive of an assertion) and "evidence" (as in, indicative of an assertion); usually the Latin term "probatio" is better understood as "evidence", not as "proof".
CIC 1526; burden of proof and matters not requiring proof. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1748 1. For § 2: 17-1747.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1207.
CIC 1527; admission and rejection of evidence. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1749. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1208.
CIC 1528; ways that testimony can be received in the event of refusal to appear. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1209.
CIC 1529; limited collection of evidence before joinder of issue. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1730.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1210.
Scholarly works.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 1. Declaration of the parties, cc. 1530-1538.
• Ingrid Fenech, The Probative Value of the Parties' Declarations in Marriage Nullity Cases According to Canonical and Civil Procedural Law, (Malta MA thesis, 2012). ▪ Abstract a/o thesis here.
CIC 1530; judges may interrogate parties. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1742 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1211.
CIC 1531; parties required to respond and inferences from refusal to respond. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1743.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1212.
CIC 1532; testimony generally to be offered under oath. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1744.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1213.
CIC 1533; parties to a case may submit questions for the judge to ask. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1745 § 1. 17-1968 n. 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1214.
Other. Canon 1532 is referenced in Canon 1562.
CIC 1534; conditions to be observed during questioning. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1745 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1215.
CIC 1535; definition of judicial confession. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1750.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1216.
CIC 1536; effects of judicial confessions and declarations. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1751. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1217.
• Gero Weishaupt (German priest, ≈), Die Parteiaussagen im Ehenichtigkeitsprozess im Spiegel der moralischen Gewissheit: die Natur der "Anderen Elemente" des Can. 1536 § 2 in Verbindung mit Can. 1679, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5650, 2006) 367 pp. ▪ Weishaupt biograph.
Other. Canon 1536 is referenced in Canons 1542, 1679.
CIC 1537; judge to evaluate weight of extra-judicial confession. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1753.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1218.
CIC 1538; factors depriving confessions or declarations of weight. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1752.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1219.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 2. Proof through documents, cc. 1539-1546.
CIC 1539; documentary evidence and proof is allowed. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1812.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1220.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 2, Article 1. Nature and trustworthiness of documents, cc. 1540-1543.
► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 1540; definition of types of public and private documents. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1813.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1221.
CIC 1541; public documents generally to be accepted as to their principal assertions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1814. 17-1815. 17-1816.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1222.
CIC 1542; weight to be accorded private documents. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1817.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1223.
CIC 1543; judge to assess weight of modified or damaged documents. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1818.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1224.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 2, Article 2. Presentation of documents, cc. 1544-1546.
CIC 1544; admission of documents in evidence. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1225.
CIC 1545; authority of judge to order common documents into evidence. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1822.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1226.
CIC 1546; exceptions to full or partial presentation of documents. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1823.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1227.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 3. Witnesses and testimonies, cc. 1547-1573.
CIC 1547; witnesses can be used in any sort of trial. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1754.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1228.
Other. Canon 1547 is referenced in Canon 1290.
CIC 1548; general obligation to tell the truth and exemptions from obligation to testify. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1755.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1229.
Other. Canon 1548 is referenced in Canons 1534, 1546.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 3, Article 1. Who can be witnesses, cc. 1549-1550.
► Topic in general, no entries.
CIC 1549; general ability to be a witness. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1756.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1230.
CIC 1550; restrictions on giving testimony. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1757 § 1. 17-1758. For § 2: 17-1757 § 3. 17-1974.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1231.
Other. Canon 1550 is referenced in Canons 1548, 1555.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 3, Article 2. Introduction and exclusion of witnesses, cc. 1551-1557.
CIC 1551; renunciation of witness and request for readmission to trial. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1759 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1232.
CIC 1552; identification of witnesses and indications of matters to be addressed. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1761 § 1. For § 2: 17-1761.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1233.
Other. Canon 1552 is referenced in Canon 1534.
CIC 1553; "It is for the judge to curb an excessive number of witnesses." Latine.
Source(s). 17-1762.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1234.
CIC 1554; communication or withholding of names of witnesses. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1763.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1235.
CIC 1555; request for exclusion of a witness. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1764.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1236.
CIC 1556; citation of witnesses to be done by decree of judge. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1765.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1237.
CIC 1557; witness obligated to appear or offer reason for absence. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1766.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1238.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 3, Article 3. Examination of witnesses, cc. 1558-1571.
• Francis Morrisey, “L’interrogation des parties dans les causes de nullité de marriage”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 363-376.
Other. Canons 1558-1565 are referenced in Canon 1534.
CIC 1558; witnesses generally to be heard at the tribunal. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1770 § 1. For § 2: 17-1770 § 2 n. 1. For § 3: 17-1770 § 2, nn. 2, 3, 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1239.
CIC 1559; parties generally may not be present at questioning, but representatives may. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1771.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1240.
Other. Canon 1559 is referenced in Canon 1678.
CIC 1560; separate and joint examination of witnesses. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1772 § 1. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1241.
CIC 1561; judge conducts examination in presence of notary, others may suggest questions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1773.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1242.
CIC 1562; witness under oath & judge to encourage truth-telling. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1767 § 4. For § 2: 17-1767 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1243.
CIC 1563; basics of witnesses examination. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1774.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1244.
CIC 1564; basics of questions for witnesses. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1775.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1245.
CIC 1565; generally advance notice of questions is not to be given. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1776.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1246.
CIC 1566; oral testimony generally preferred. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1777.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1247.
CIC 1567; notary generally to record exact words. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1778. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1248.
CIC 1568; scope of notary's recordations. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1779.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1249.
• Il valore probatorio delle annotazioni nelle cause di nullità matrimoniale secondo il prescritto del canone 1568, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3911, 2013) 266 pp (part).
CIC 1569; when witnesses allowed to modify recordation before signing. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1780.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1250.
CIC 1570; witnesses can be recalled. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1781.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1251.
CIC 1571; witness right to reimbursement. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1787.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1252.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 3, Article 4. Trustworthiness of testimonies, cc. 1572-1573.
• Pedro Pablo González Sias (Mexican priest, 1976-), Valoración de las pruebas en el proceso penal canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6490, 2016) 193 pp. ▪ González Sias biograph.
CIC 1572; evaluation of testimony. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1789.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1253.
CIC 1573; evaluating testimony of one witness. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1791 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1254.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 4. Experts, cc. 1574-1581.
• Luca Maffione (Italian priest, 1973-), Il perito nell'ordinamento canonico e civile italiano: sviluppo storico-giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5331, 2005) 273 pp.
CIC 1574; factors indicating need for expert. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1792.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1255.
Other. Canon 1574 is referenced in Canon 1680.
CIC 1575; judge to determine which experts required. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1793.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1256.
CIC 1576; objections to or exclusions of expert. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1795 § 2. 17-1796.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1257.
CIC 1577; information given to experts and time within which it must be reported on. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1799 § 1. For § 2: 17-1800.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1258.
CIC 1578; manner of expert reports. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1802. For § 2: 17-1801 § 3. For § 3: 17-1801 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1259.
CIC 1579; weight to be accorded expert reports. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1804.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1260.
CIC 1580; judge to determine fees for and reimbursements of expert. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1805.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1261.
CIC 1581; parties can propose private experts. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: @For § 2: 17-1797 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1262.
• La perizia di parte nel processo canonico di nullità matrimoniale e la prassi del Tribunale Ecclesiastico Regionale Pugliese, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3912, 2013) ≈ pp.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 5. Judicial examination and inspection, cc. 1582-1583.
CIC 1582; judge can order visitation of a place. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1806.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1263.
CIC 1583; visitation must be followed by a report on it. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1811.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1264.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 6. Presumptions, cc. 1584-1586.
CIC 1584; definitions of two kinds of presumptions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1825.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1585; a favorable presumption frees one from the burden of proof. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1827.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1266.
CIC 1586; restrictions on judge's formation of presumptions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1828.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1265.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 5. Incidental cases, cc. 1587-1597.
CIC 1587; description of incidental cases. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1837.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1267.
CIC 1588; proposing an incidental case. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1838.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1268.
CIC 1589; generally incidental cases to be decided most expeditiously. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1839. 17-1840 § 1
Parallel(s). CCEO 1269.
Other. Canon 1589 is referenced in Canon 1607.
CIC 1590; incidental cases to be decided by oral process or by decree. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1840 § 2. For § 2: 17-1840 § 2
Parallel(s). CCEO 1270.
CIC 1591; possible revocation or reform of incidental decisions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1841.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1271.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 1. Parties who do not appear, cc. 1592-1595.
CIC 1592; declaration of absent respondent. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1842. 17-1843 § 1. 17-1844. For § 2: 17-1843 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1272.
CIC 1593; late appearing respondents can generally be heard. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1846. For § 2: 17-1847.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1273.
Other. Canon 1593 is referenced in Canons 1594, 1622.
CIC 1594; declaration of renouncement due to petitioner's failure to appear. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1849.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1274.
CIC 1595; assignment of costs in cases of failure to appear. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1851.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1275.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 2. Intervention of third persons, cc. 1596-1597.
CIC 1596; interested person can intervene before conclusion of case. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1852.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1276.
Other. Canon 1596 is referenced in Canon 1729.
CIC 1597; judge must order necessary interventions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1853.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1277.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 6. Publication of acts, conclusion, and discussion of case, cc. 1598-1606.
CIC 1598; examination of the acts before discussion and sentence. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1858. 17-1859. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1281.
• Daniel Smilanic (American priest, 1947-2024), The publication of the acts of the case: canon 1598 § 1, doctrine and jurisprudence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4825, 2001) vii-109 pp (part). ▪ Smilanic biograph.
Other. Canon 1598 is referenced in Canon 1600.
CIC 1599; recognition of conclusion of the case. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1860.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1282.
CIC 1600; restrictions on admitting new materials after conclusion. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1861 § 1. For § 2: 17-1861 § 1. For § 3: 17-1861 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1283.
Other. Canon 1600 is referenced in Canons 1452, 1593, 1609, 1639.
CIC 1601; judge to determine time to present briefs and observations. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1862.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1284.
CIC 1602; briefs generally to be submitted in writing. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1863 § 1. For § 2: 17-1863 §§ 3, 4. For § 3: 17-1863 §§ 1, 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1285.
Other. Canon 1602 is referenced in Canon 1605.
CIC 1603; presentation of reply briefs. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1865 § 1. For § 2: 17-1865 § 2. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1286.
CIC 1604; prohibition against independent communications to judge, time for debate allowed. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1866 § 1. For § 2: 17-1866 §§ 2, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1287.
Other. Canon 1604 is referenced in Canon 1605.
CIC 1605; notary required for oral debate. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1866 § 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1288.
CIC 1606; effects of parties entrusting case to judge for judgment. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1867.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1289.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 7. Pronouncements of the judge, cc. 1607-1618.
CIC 1607; types of sentences by which a case can be decided. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1868.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1290.
CIC 1608; pronouncements of the judge based on moral certitude. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1869.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1291.
CIC 1609; procedure to be observed in collegiate tribunal discussion and decisions. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1871.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1292.
• Renato Baccari, “Una specie di ‘dissent’ introdotta dal nuovo C. I. C. ”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 285-292.
Other. Canon 1609 is referenced in Canon 1455.
CIC 1610; drafting and timing of sentence. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1872. For § 2: 17-1873 § 2. For § 3: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1293.
CIC 1611; general requirements in pronouncements of the judge. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-1873 § 1 n. 1. For 2°: 17-1873 § 1 n. 2. For 3°: 17-1605. 17-1873 § 1 n. 3. For 4°: 17-1873 § 1 n. 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1294.
• Ann Marie Mangion, The Marriage Vetitum: A Denial of One's Right to Marry?, (Malta MA thesis, 2012). ▪ Abstract a/o thesis here.
CIC 1612; specific requirements for pronouncement of sentence. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1874 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1874 § 3. For § 3: 17-1874 § 4. For § 4: 17-1874 § 5.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1295.
Other. Canon 1612 is referenced in Canon 1616.
CIC 1613; interlocutory sentence general follows process for definitive sentence. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1875.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1296.
CIC 1614; force attaches to sentence only upon publication. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1876.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1297.
CIC 1615; sentence to be published to parities or procurators. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1877.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1298.
CIC 1616; technical errors in sentence generally can be corrected upon notice to parties. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1878 §§ 1, 2. For § 2: 17-1878 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1299.
CIC 1617; requirements for other decrees of judge. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1840 § 3. 17-1868 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1300.
CIC 1618; interlocutory sentence may have force of definitive sentence. Latine.
Source(s). ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1301.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 8. Challenge of the sentence, cc. 1619-1640.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 8, Chapter 1. Complaint of nullity against the sentence, cc. 1619-1627.
CIC 1619; when sentence itself remedies certain nullities. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1302.
CIC 1620; factors rendering a sentence irremediable null. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-1892 n. 1. For 2°: ≠. For 3°: ≠. For 4°: ≠. For 5°: 17-1892 n. 2. For 6°: 17-1892 n. 3. For 7°: For 8°: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1303 § 1.
Other. Canon 1620 is referenced in Canons 1621, 1654.
CIC 1621; extensive time limits for proposing complaint of irremediable nullity. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1893.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1303 § 2.
CIC 1622; factors resulting in remediable nullity. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-1892 n. 1. For 2°: 17-1894 n. 2. For 3°: 17-1894 n. 3. For 4°: 17-1894 n. 4.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1304 § 1.
Other. Canon is 1622 referenced in Canons 1619, 1623, 1654.
CIC 1623; complaint of nullity to be proposed within three months. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1895.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1304 § 2.
Other. Canon 1623 is referenced in Canon 1626.
CIC 1624; original judge can hear complaint of nullity, party can demand substitution. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1893. 17-1895. 17-1896.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1305.
CIC 1625; complaint of nullity can be proposed with appeal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1895.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1306.
Other. Canon 1625 is referenced in Canon 1629.
CIC 1626; parties, promoter, and defender can appeal, sometimes judge can act on his own. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1897.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1307.
CIC 1627; complaint of nullity can be treated in oral process. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1308. Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 8, Chapter 2. Appeal, cc. 1628-1640.
Other. Canons 1628-1640 are referenced in Canon 1729. CIC 1628; parties, defenders of the bond, and promoters of justice have a right appeal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1879.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1309.
CIC 1629; non-appealable rulings. Latine.
Source(s). For 1°: 17-1880 n. 1. For 2°: 17-1880 n. 3. For 3°: 17-1880 n. 4. For 4°: 17-1880 n. 6. For 5°: 17-1880 n. 7.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0045 § 3. CCEO 1310.
Other. Canon 1629 is referenced in Canons 1628, 1641.
CIC 1630; appeals to be made before deciding judge within 15 days. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1881. For § 2: 17-1882 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1311.
CIC 1631; questions about right to appeal must be decided by second instance most expeditiously. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1313.
CIC 1632; determining which tribunal to hear appeal in ambiguous cases. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1633; generally appeals to be pursued within one month of filing. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1883.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1314.
CIC 1634; requirements for appeal and duty of judges to supply materials. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1884 § 1. For § 2: 17-1884 § 2. For § 3: 17-1890.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1315.
CIC 1635; abandonment of appeal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1886.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1316.
CIC 1636; renouncement of appeal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1889 n. 9.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1317.
CIC 1637; parties impacted by appeals. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1887 § 1. For § 2: 17-1888. For § 3: 17-1887 § 2. For § 4: 17-1887 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1318.
CIC 1638; "An appeal suspends the execution of the sentence." Latine.
Source(s). 17-1889 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1319.
CIC 1639; prohibition against new causes on appeal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1891.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1320.
Other. Canon 1639 is referenced in Canon 1640.
CIC 1640; second instance generally proceeds as did first instance in hearing matter. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1595.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1321.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 9. Res iudicata and Restitutio in integrum, cc. 1641-1648.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 9, Chapter 1. Res iudicata, cc. 1641-1644.
CIC 1641; means by which a judgment becomes settled matter. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1902.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1322.
CIC 1642; consequences of a judgment being settled matter. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1904.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1323.
CIC 1643; status of persons cases never become settled matter. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1324.
Other. Canon 1643 is referenced in Canon 1641.
CIC 1644; challenging concordant sentences regarding status of persons. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: = 17-1903. 17-1989. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1325.
Other. Canon 1644 is referenced in Canon 1684.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 9, Chapter 2. Resitutio in integrum, cc. 1645-1648.
CIC 1645; conditions under which a settled sentence may yet be set-aside. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1905.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1326.
Other. Canon 1645 is referenced in Canons 1600, 1646, 1654.
CIC 1646; time limits for seeking judicial set-aside and before whom it must be sought. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1906. For § 2: 17-1906. For § 3: 17-1687.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1327.
CIC 1647; possible effects of seeking judicial set-aside. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1907 § 1.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1328.
Other. Canon 1647 is referenced in Canon 1650.
CIC 1648; judge must pronounce on merits in case of judicial set-aside. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1329.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 10. Judicial expenses and gratuitous legal expenses, c. 1649. CIC 1649; basic norms on judicial financial matters. Latine.
Source(s). Broadly, 17 CIC 1908 to 1912, and 17 CIC 1914 to 1916.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1335. CCEO 1336. Book VII, Part 2, Section 1, Title 11. Execution of the sentence, cc. 1650-1655.
CIC 1650; once adjudicated direct, qualified, or suspended execution of a sentence occurs. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1917 § 1. For § 2: 17-1917 § 1 n. 1. For § 3: 17-1917 § 2 n 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1337.
Other. Canon 1650 is referenced in Canon 1644.
CIC 1651; execution can happen only upon decree, not simple judgment. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1918.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1338.
Other. Canon 1651 is referenced in Canon 1363.
CIC 1652; deciding judge can order accounting prior to decreeing execution. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1919.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1339.
CIC 1653; officers who can order execution of sentence. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1920.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1340.
CIC 1654; responsibilities of executor of sentence. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1921.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1341.
CIC 1655; execution of sentences concerning various goods. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1922 § 1. For § 2: 17-1922 §§ 2, 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1342.
Book VII, Part 2, Section 2. Oral contentious process, cc. 1656-1670. CIC 1656; options for oral contentious process. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
CCEO 1343. CIC 1657; oral process takes place before a sole judge. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
CCEO ≠. CIC 1658; requirements for libellus and supporting documents. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
CCEO 1344. CIC 1659; speedy notification of respondent. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1345.
Other. Canon 1659 is referenced in Canon 1661.
CIC 1660; possible response by petitioner to respondent's reply. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1346.
Other. Canon 1660 is referenced in Canon 1660.
CIC 1661; formulation of doubt and citation of necessary participants to hearing. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
CCEO 1347. CIC 1662; preliminary issues in the hearing. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1348.
CIC 1663; gathering of evidence at the hearing. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1349.
CIC 1664; recordation of acts by notary. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1350.
CIC 1665; options for gathering new evidence. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1351.
CIC 1666; option for second hearing. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1352.
CIC 1667; immediate oral discussion of evidence. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1353.
CIC 1668; speedy decision and limited communication of sentence. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1354.
CIC 1669; second instance declaration of nullity if process was illegal. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1355.
CIC 1670; general applicability of norms on trials and possible modifications thereof. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1356. Book VII, Part 3. Certain special procedures, Mitis Iudex 1671 to Canon 1716.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1. Marriage processes, Mitis Iudex 1671 to Canon 1707.
The Johanno-Pauline canons originally governing marriage nullity procedures, CIC 1671-1691, underwent two very significant developments after 1983: first, the PCLT instruction Dignitas connubii (2005), despite the odd manner in which it was published, notably impacted the application of the original Johanno-Pauline canons for some ten years; second, and much more significantly, Francis' motu proprio Mitis Iudex (2015) abrogated Canons 1671 to 1691 of the Western Code and replaced them with provisions that greatly modified the Western Church's approach to marriage nullity cases.
Per CIC 34 s3, the instruction Digntias connubii, its dispositive provisions having been obviated by the promulgation of the motu proprio Mitis Iudex (see immediately below), is of purely historical interest now.
• Julián Herranz (PCLT), alloc. de instr. Dignitas connubii (23 sep 2006), Communicationes 38 (2006) 192-221 (Italian). Summary: General remarks on marriage, problems in marriage, and the role of tribunals in addressing cases. Cites: CIC 0034, 0391, 1055, 1056, 1061, 1095, 1099, 1101, 1137, 1139, 1419, 1423, 1453, 1682.
• Klaus Lüdicke (German layman, 1943-) and Ronny Jenkins (American priest, ≈), Dignitas Connubii Norms and Commentary (Canon Law Society of America, 2006) xiii-556 pp.
Mitis Iudex is the 2015 motu proprio from Francis reformulating Western marriage nullity procedures. It goes far beyond the scope of typical canonical reform. Mitis Iudex has eliminated several procedural provisions in place for hundreds of years, it introduces an effectively administrative process for a quick episcopal declaration of matrimonial nullity, it expressly allows for the consideration of personal factors as indicative of nullity, and it inserts matters into canonistics using genres unknown to the discipline.
• Edward Peters, "Textual comparisons of matrimonial procedural provisions under the Codex Iuris Canonici (1983) and the m. p. Mitis Iudex (2015)" in PDF, here.
• In his m.p. Mitis et misericors, promulgated the same day as Mitis Iudex, Francis issued nearly identical norms for marriage nullity cases in the Eastern Churches. See here .
• Craig Cox, “An evaluation of matrimonial trials of nullity: a study in theology and law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1. Cases to declare the nullity of marriage, Mitis Iudex 1671-1691.
Papal. Mitis Iudex, opportune tools, artt. 1-6, Latin a/o English here.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1, Article 1. Competent forum and tribunals, Mitis Iudex 1671-1673.
Papal. Mitis Iudex, opportune tools, artt. 7-8, Latin a/o English, here.
• Gerard Sheehy, “Introducing a case of nullity of marriage. The New Code and the Practice of Local Tribunals”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 337-347.
Mitis Iudex 1671; jurisdiction of the Church over marriages cases of the baptized. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1671; jurisdiction of the Church over marriages cases of the baptized. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1960.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1357.
• Linus Neli (Indian priest, ≈), The role of the judge in the introduction of cases declaring nullity of marriage, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 117, 1994) x-92 pp (part).
CIC 1672; cases concerning civil effects of marriage. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1961.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1358.
• Zenon Grocholewski, “Brief practical observations regarding the civil effects of ecclesiastical sentences involving Italians”, in Incapacity (1987) 257-262.
Mitis Iudex 1672; tribunal competence. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1673; tribunal competence based on territory. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1962. 17-1964.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1359.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 1673 n. 3 (17 mai 1986), AAS 78 (1986) 1323-1324. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Judicial vicar of an inter-diocesan tribunal cannot grant consent, but the diocesan bishop can grant consent. Cites: CIC 1673.
• Arquimedes Vallejo Morales (≈ priest, ≈), El canon 1673 CIC /83, naturaleza y problematica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4760, 2000) 77 pp (part).
― Other. Canon 1673 is referenced in Canon 1694.
Mitis Iudex 1673; establishment of first and second instance tribunals to hear marriage nullity petitions. Latine.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1, Article 2. Right to challenge a marriage, Mitis Iudex 1674-1675.
Papal. Mitis Iudex, opportune tools, art. 9, Latin a/o English, here.
Mitis Iudex 1674; right of spouses or promoter to challenge a marriage. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1674; right of spouses or promoter to challenge a marriage. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1971.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1360.
Olim. CIC 1675; possible challenge against marriage after death of a party. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1972.
CCEO 1361.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1, Article 3. Introduction and instruction of case, Mitis Iudex 1676-1677.
► Topic in general, as follows:
Papal. Mitis Iudex, opportune tools, artt. 10-11, Latin a/o English, here.
• Alessandra Dee Crespo, The pastoral solicitude of the church in the marriage nullity process, (Malta STL thesis, 2013). ▪ Abstract a/o thesis here.
Mitis Iudex 1675; judge to be informed whether marriage has irretrievably failed before accepting case. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1676; when judge should encourage convalidation. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1965.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1362.
• Vincent Cheruvathoor (Indian priest, ≈), Reconciliation and choice of grounds in the introduction of cases of nullity of marriage in the context of Syro-Malabar Church: an analysis of CCEO c. 1362 and CIC c. 1676, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) v-175 pp (part).
Mitis Iudex 1676; process for formulation of the doubt and decision on shorter process. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1677; process for formulation of the doubt. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1363.
― Other. Canon 1677 is referenced in Canon 1686.
Mitis Iudex 1677; who may be present at examinations and has right to inspect acts. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1678; who may be present at examinations and has right to inspect acts. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1968. 17-1969. For § 2: ≠.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1364.
Mitis Iudex 1678; statements of parties, witnesses, experts, and non-consummation issues. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1679; judge to inquire about parties' credibility. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1975.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1365.
Olim. CIC 1680; when experts should be used. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1976 to 17-1982 =
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1366.
Olim. CIC 1681; factors suggesting a non-consummation case be undertaken. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1963 § 2. 17-1985.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1367.
― Other. Canon 1681 is referenced in Canon 1700.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1, Article 4. Judgment, appeal, effects, Mitis Iudex 1678-1680.
► Topic in general, as follows:
Papal. Mitis Iudex, opportune tools, artt. 12-13, Latin a/o English, here.
Mitis Iudex 1679; a single sentence suffices for declaration of nullity. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1682; mandatory appeal in case of affirmative sentence. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1986. For § 2: ≠.
CCEO 1368.
• Conformity of sentences in canonical doctrine and jurisprudence, (Malta MA thesis, 2012). ▪ Abstract a/o thesis here.
― Other. Canon 1682 is referenced in Canon 1693.
Mitis Iudex 1680; right of appeal and admission of new grounds. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1683; admission of news grounds of nullity on appeal. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1369.
― Other. Canon 1683 is referenced in Canon 1639.
Mitis Iudex 1681; possibility of presentation of case at third instance. Latine.
Mitis Iudex 1682; right to enter marriage upon effective sentence, possible restrictions, and notifications. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1684; right to marry after second instance affirmative. Latine.
― Source(s). For § 1: 17-1987. For § 2: ≠.
CCEO 1370. -and-
Olim. CIC 1685; notification of results. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1988.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1371.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1, Article 5. Briefer process before bishop, Mitis Iudex 1681-1685.
Papal. Mitis Iudex, opportune tools, artt. 14-20, Latin a/o English, here.
• PCLT (Herranz), not. expl. [de consensu partium] (02 mar 2005), Communicationes 37 (2005) 107-112 (Italian). ▪ Summary: Consent of both parties, while required for suspension of the nullity process, does not go to validity; silence of the convened party can be construed as consent; and absent party must be queried twice. Cites: CIC 0010, 0057, 0127, 0764, 1003, 1145, 1465, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1524, 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1681.
Mitis Iudex 1683; conditions warranting bishop hearing nullity petition in the briefer process. Latine.
Mitis Iudex 1684; elements of the libellus in the briefer process. Latine.
Mitis Iudex 1685; judicial vicar cites parties to briefer session to be held within 30 days. Latine.
Mitis Iudex 1686; assessor to gather evidence and allow 15 days for briefs. Latine.
Mitis Iudex 1687; decision by bishop, communication of same, possible appeals. Latine.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1, Article 6. Documentary process, Mitis Iudex 1686-1688.
Papal. Mitis Iudex, opportune tools, art. 21, Latin a/o English, here.
Mitis Iudex 1688; documentary process. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1686; documentary process. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1990.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1372 § 2.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 1686 (11 jul 1984), AAS 76 (1984) 746-747. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: The free status of those who, though bound by canonical form, attempted marriage before a civil or non-catholic minister, can be proven by a pre-wedding investigation and need not be treated by the documentary process. Cites: CIC 1066, 1067, 1686.
• Wrenn, Authentic Interpretations (1993) 13-14.
― Other. Canon 1686 is referenced in Canons 1425, 1687, 1688.
Mitis Iudex 1689; defender of the bond a/o aggrieved party may appeal documentary decisions. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1687; defender of the bond a/o aggrieved party may appeal documentary decisions. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1991.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1373.
Mitis Iudex 1690; hearing an appeal at second instance. Latine.
Olim. CIC 1688; second instance process to follow Canon 1686. Latine.
― Source(s). 17-1992.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1374.
― Other. Canon 1688 is referenced in Canon 1425.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 1, Article 7. General norms, Mitis Iudex 1681-1685.
Mitis Iudex 1691; admonition concerning obligations to children, prohibition of oral process, generally canons on trials applicable, including cases on 'public good'. =
Olim. CIC 1689; sentence to remind parties of remaining moral and civil obligations. Latine.
― Source(s). GE 3.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1377.
Olim. CIC 1690; nullity cases cannot be heard in oral contentious process. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1375.
Olim. CIC 1691; in general, canons on trials applicable, including those on 'public good' cases. Latine.
― Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
― Parallel(s). CCEO 1376.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 2. Separation of spouses, cc. 1692-1696.
Comment: See also 1983 CIC 1151-1155.
Scholarly works.
• Edward Peters, "Do Catholics need ecclesiastical permission to divorce?" Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly 40/1-2 (Spring-Summer, 2017) 61-64. ▪ Article on-line here.
CIC 1692; selection of forum in separation cases. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1378.
CIC 1693; in general, oral contentious process is used. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1379.
CIC 1694; tribunal competence established in accord with Canon 1673. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1380.
CIC 1695; judges to encourage reconciliation. Latine.
CCEO 1381. CIC 1696; promoter of justice must be involved in separation cases. Latine.
CCEO 1382.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 3. Dispensation from a 'ratum et non consummatum' marriage, cc. 1697-1706.
► Topic in general, as follows:
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), m. p. Quaerit semper (30 aug 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 569-571. ▪ English, here. Summary: Non-consummation cases and nullity of ordination cases henceforth to be heard by Roman Rota and not Congregation for Discipline of the Sacraments. Cites: CIC (1061), (1142), (1443), 1681, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1708, 1709, 1710, (1711).
Cong. for the Sacraments (Mayer), circ. let. "De processu super matrimonio rato et non consummato" (20 dec
1986), Communicationes 20 (1988) 78-84. ▪ Eng. trans. in Special Marriage Cases (2008)
199-207. Summary: Noting recent changes in law (e. g., elimination of ‘septimae manus’ rules) and especially the rise of the
notion of consummation “in a human manner” and other complications due to
new technologies, presents procedural requirements to be met in
investigating and submitting petitions for dispensation.
Cites: CIC 0134, 0137, 1061, 1432, 1454,
1481-1490, 1501, 1509, 1527, 1528, 1532, 1533, 1560, 1561, 1564, 1572, 1575,
1577, 1578, 1581, 1587, 1592, 1671, 1676, 1679, 1681, 1695, 1697-1706.
• W. Kowal & W. Woestman, "Dissolution of a Ratified and Non-Consummated Marriage", in Special Marriage Cases (2008) 29-53.
CIC 1697; right of petition limited to spouses. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1698; adjudication of cases reserved to Apostolic See, dispensation to Roman Pontiff. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-0249. 17-1119. 17-1962. 17-1963. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1699; petitions to be considered by bishop of petitioner. Latine.
Source(s). No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1700; who can instruct case. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1966.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1701; role of defender of the bond, option for special legal advisor. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1967. For § 2: ≠.
Other. Canon 1701 is referenced in Canon 1705.
CIC 1702; procedures for instruction of the case. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1703; limited examination of acts by parties. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1985.
CIC 1704; delivery of report, preparation of the 'votum'. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1705; transmittal of acts to Apostolic See, procedure if petition denied. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1985. For § 2: ≠.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1706; transmittal of dispensation and its recordation. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 1, Chapter 4. Process in the presumed death of spouse, c. 1707.
Topic in general, as follows:
Scholarly works. • W. Woestman, "Procedure in Presumed Death of a Spouse", in Special Marriage Cases (2008) 181-186.
• John Foley (American Paulist, 1948-), Presumption of death and the right to remarry: canon law and American civil law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4808, 2000) 204 pp. ≡ Foley biograph.
CIC 1707; norms applicable to cases of alleged spousal death. Latine.
CCEO 1383.
Book VII, Part 3, Title
2. Declaring the nullity of sacred ordination, cc. 1708-1712.
► Topic in general, as follows:
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), m. p. Quaerit semper (30 aug 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 569-571. ▪ English, here. Summary: Non-consummation cases and nullity of ordination cases henceforth to be heard by Roman Rota and not Congregation for Discipline of the Sacraments. Cites: CIC (1061), (1142), (1443), 1681, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1708, 1709, 1710, (1711).
• Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (Medina Estévez), decr. Ad satius tutiusque (16 oct 2001), AAS 94 (2002) 292-300. ▪ Latin and German on-line here. Summary: Procedures for assessing nullity of ordination. Cites: CIC 0006, 0034, 0290, 0409, 0413, 0426, 0427, 0483, 1391, 1368, 1421, 1432, 1472, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1508, 1509, 1567, 1574, 1708.
CIC 1708; those who can challenge the validity of ordination. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1994.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1385.
CIC 1709; submission of petition to proper dicastery. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1993. For § 2: 17-1997.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1386.
CIC 1710; general applicability of canons on trials in case judicial process is directed. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1386.
CIC 1711; role of defender of the bond. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1996.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1712; consequences of ratification of a nullity finding. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1998.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1387.
Comment. See also 1983 CIC 0290.
Book VII, Part 3, Title 3. Avoiding trials, cc. 1713-1716.
Other. Canons 1713-1716 are referenced in Canon 1446.
CIC 1713; identifying options for avoiding trials. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
CIC 1714; procedural options for avoiding trials. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1164.
CIC 1715; restrictions on options for avoiding trials. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1165. CCEO 1169.
CIC 1716; confirmation of settlements by a judge. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1181. CCEO 1182. CCEO 1183.
Book VII, Part 4. Penal process, cc. 17-1731.
► Topic in general, as follows:
Book VII, Part 4, Chapter 1. Preliminary investigation, cc. 17-1719.
• Joseph Morrell, “Penal discretion in the 1917 and 1983 Codes: an examination of selected canons”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).
CIC 1717; initiation and conduct of preliminary penal investigation. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1939. 17-1940. For § 2: 17-1943.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1468.
CIC 1718; responses to preliminary penal investigation. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1469.
CIC 1719; preservation of acts of the preliminary penal investigation. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1946.
CCEO 1470.
Book VII, Part 4, Chapter 2. Penal process, cc. 1720-1728.
CIC 1720; initiation and conduct of administrative penal process. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1933. 17-2225. 17-2233.
CCEO 1486. CIC 1721; authorization of promoter of justice for a judicial penal process. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-1934. 17-1954. 17-1955. For § 2: ≠.
CCEO 1472. CIC 1722; restrictions on the accused during the penal process. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1956. 17-1957. 17-1958.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1473.
CIC 1723; appointment of an advocate during penal process. Latine.
CCEO 1474. CIC 1724; renunciation of appeal process by the promoter of justice. Latine.
CCEO 1475. CIC 1725; right of the accused to speak last. Latine.
CCEO 1478. CIC 1726; possible declaration of innocence during the process. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1482.
CIC 1727; right of appeal. Latine.
CCEO 1481. CIC 1728; general applicability of norms for trials and immunity of accused from oaths. Latine.
Source(s). 17-1959.
CCEO 1471.
Book VII, Part 4, Chapter 3. Action to repair damages, cc. 1729-1731.
≈La canonizzazione delle leggi civili con particolare riguardo al risarcimento del danno, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3780, 1997) 177 pp.
CIC 1729; contentious action for damages during penal trial. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1483.
Other. Canon 1729 is referenced in Canon 1731.
CIC 1730; avoiding delays in penal trials with contentious actions. Latine.
CCEO 1484. CIC 1731; limitations on contentious consequences arising from penal trials. Latine.
CCEO 1485.
Book VII, Part 5. Administrative recourse and removal or transfer of pastors, cc. 1732-1751.
Book VII, Part 5, Section 1. Recourse against administrative decrees, cc. 1732-1739.
► Topic in general, as follows:
CIC 1732; introduction to canons on recourse against most singular administrative acts. Latine.
CCEO 0996. CIC 1733; informal resolution of disputes and establishment of dispute resolution offices. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0998.
CIC 1734; obligation to seek revocation or emendation of decree prior to recourse. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0999.
Other. Canon 1734 is referenced in Canons 1733, 1735, 1736, 1737.
CIC 1735; calculating time limits for recourse against decrees. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO ≠.
Other. Canon 1735 is referenced in Canons 1734, 1737.
CIC 1736; special questions regarding recourse. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1000.
Other. Canon 1736 is referenced in Canon 1737.
CIC 1737; certain procedures for recourse. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 0997. CCEO 1001.
• [PCLT] (Castillo Lara), resp. ad dub. re Can. 1737 (20 jun 1987), AAS 80 (1988) 1818. ▪ Latin, here. Summary: Individuals may pursue recourse individually and ecclesiastical authority may recognize mutual cooperation among groups but groups may not purse recourse as formal juridic entities if they lack such status under law. Cites: CIC 0299, (1737).
Other. Canon 1737 is referenced in Canon 1736.
CIC 1738; right to an advocate or procurator. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1003.
CIC 1739; authority of superior receiving recourse. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1004.
• Johannes Fürnkranz (≈ priest, 1975-), Effizienz der Verwaltung und Rechtsschutz im Verfahren: Can. 1739 in der Dynamik der hierarchischen Beschwerde, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6333, 2014) 406 pp.
Book VII, Part 5, Section 2. Procedure for removal or transfer of pastors, cc. 1740-1752.
Book VII, Part 5, Section 2, Chapter 1. Removal of pastors, cc. 1740-1747.
• [PCLT] (Herranz), not. expl. [de Cann. 0515, 0526, 0534, 1740-1747] (13 nov 1997), Communicationes 30 (1998) 28-29 (English). ▪ Summary: Distinguishes 'application' from 'interpretation' of law, notes importance of legislative history for application. Cites: CIC 0515, 0526, 0534, 1740-1747.
• Luís Celso Biffi (Brazilian priest, 1955-), A remoção dos párocos: desenvolvimento da normativa do CIC /17 ao CIC /83: estudo histórico-jurídico pastoral, (Antonianum diss. 131, 2004) 128 pp (part).
• Michael Landau (≈, ≈), Amtsenthebung und Versetzung von Pfarrern: eine Untersuchung des geltenden Rechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsprechung der Zweiten Sektion des Höchsten Gerichts der Apostolischen Signatur, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4671, 1999) 416 pp.
• David Fulton (American priest, 1941-), Administrative removal of diocesan priests from the office of parochus: causes and procedure, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4300, 1996) 80 pp (part). ▪ Fulton biograph.
• Eugene Hallahan, “A comparison between the 1917 Code of Canon Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law on the removal of pastors”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).
• Rodney Copp, “De causis ad amotionem parochorum requisitis”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).
CIC 1740; bishop's authority to remove pastors. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2147.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1389.
Other. Canon 1740 is referenced in Canon 1742.
CIC 1741; causes for pastor's removal. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2147. 17-2157. ≡ CD 31.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1390.
CIC 1742; investigation, consultation, and attempt at persuasion regarding removal. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-2148. 17-2158. For § 2: 17-2157 § 2.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1391.
Other. Canon 1742 is referenced in Canons 1745, 1750.
CIC 1743; pastor resignation options. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2150 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1392.
CIC 1744; repetition of invitation to resign and issuance of removal decree. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2149.
CCEO 1393. CIC 1745; bishop's obligation to reconsider removal if objections offered in writing. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2159. 17-2160. 17-2161.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1394.
CIC 1746; provision for removed pastor. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2154.
CCEO 1395. CIC 1747; pastor's process for vacating parish, and option for recourse. Latine.
Source(s). For § 1: 17-2156. For § 2: 17-2156. For § 3: 17-2146 § 3.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1396.
Other. Canon 1747 is referenced in Canon 1752.
Book VII, Part 5, Section 2, Chapter 2. Transfer of pastors, cc. 1748-1752.
works. Michael Landau (Austrian priest, 1960-), Amtsenthebung und Versetzung von Pfarrern: eine Untersuchung des geltenden Rechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsprechung der Zweiten Sektion des Höchsten Gerichts der Apostolischen Signatur, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4671, 1999) 416 pp. ≡ Landau biograph.
CIC 1748; initial considerations in transfer of pastors. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2162.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1397.
CIC 1749; pastor's objections to transfer to be put into writing. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2164.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1398.
CIC 1750; episcopal consultation. Latine.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1399 § 1.
CIC 1751; issuance of episcopal decree of vacancy. Latine.
Source(s). 17-2167.
CCEO 1399 §§ 2,
3. CIC 1752; besides invocation of Canon 1747, requires observance of canonical equity. Latine.
Source(s). Ivo of Chartres Decretum, Raymond Peñafort Summa, Thomas Aquinas Quest. quolib.
Parallel(s). CCEO 1400.
Giovanna Maria Colombo (Italian layman, 1966-), Sapiens Aequitas. L'equità nella riflessione canonistica tra i due codici, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5146, 2003, ISBN 978-88-7652-970-2) 446 pp. ▪ PUG summary here. The principle of equity in the Code of canon law: an historical and canonical study, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3827, 2001) 265 pp.
Andrea ≈L' ‘aequitas canonica’ nel pensiero di Paolo VI, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3788, 1997) 153 pp.
Other. Supplement for Canon 1752.
Some of the abbreviations on this page might include: | AAS CLD Comm. DDC | Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1909 et seq. ) Canon Law Digest (beginning 1933) Commentary (≠. Communicationes!) Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique (1935-1965) | DMC NCE NCE2
| Dictionarium Morale et Canonicum (1962-1968) New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2° ed. (2003) |
Materials on this website represent the opinions of Dr. Edward Peters and are offered in accord with Canon 212 § 3. This website undergoes continual refinement and development. No warranty of completeness or correctness is made. Dr. Peters' views are not necessarily shared by others in the field nor are they intended as canonical or civil advice.
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No codical or conciliar sources identified.
Regarding this final aspect of Mitis Iudex, twenty-one provisions, dubbed "tools for the work of tribunals" or "procedural rules ... considered necessary" or an 'illustration and completion of the main legislative changes', address what amounts to the Code's seven procedural canonical "articles" but now referred to by Francis as "titles". See Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. Mitis Iudex (15 aug 2015), AAS 107 (2015) 958-970, in "Ratio procedendi" at 967-970. ▪ English, here. These unusual provisions are cited below.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. Antiquum ministerium (10 mai 2021) Latin, AAS 113 (2021) 527-533. ▪ Latin a/o English,, here. Summary: Establing lay ministry of catechist. Cites: CIC 0225, 0231, 0774 / CCEO 0401, 0406, 0617, 0618. Text comparison: coming.
Abbreviations on this page might include: | AAS CCC CLD CLSA Comm. | Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1909 et seq. ) Catechism of the Catholic Church (1997) Canon Law Digest (beginning 1933) Canon Law Society of America Commentary (≠. Communicationes) | DDC DMC NCE NCE2 QLD | Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique (1935-1965) Dictionarium Morale et Canonicum (1962-1968) New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2° ed. (2003) Quinque Libri Decretalium (1234) |
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