CanonLaw. info

Dr. Edward Peters

To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily

constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II

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CanonLaw. info





24 mar 2025


Liber Extra


1917 Code


1983 Code


Eastern Code

 Ius Decretalium

1917 Codex Originalis

1983 Codex Originalis

1990 Codex Originalis

Supplement, 1990

1917 Codex Quondam

1983 Codex Currens

1983 Codex Vigens

1990 Codex Currens

1990 Codex Vigens




Codex Vigens - Eastern Code of Canon Law


 Apparatus for researching the Eastern Code of Canon Law.


While this page is always subject to revision, it is currently undergoing significant updating and reorganization.


Users of this apparatus should be familiar with the Master Page on the Eastern Canon Law, here, and the Codex Vigens - Introduction, here. The background considerations that led to the development of this page are set out here.






Preliminary Canons

Title I Basic rights and duties

Title II Churches 'sui iuris' & rites

Title III Supreme authority

Title IV Patriarchal churches

Title V Major archepis. churches

Title VI Metropolitan churches

Title VII Eparchies, bishops

Title VIII Exarchies, exarchs

Title IX Assemblies of hierarchs

Title X Clerics

Title XI Laity

Title XII Monks and religious

Title XIII Associations

Title XIV Evangelization

Title XV Magisterium

cc. 0001 - 0006

cc. 0007 - 0026

cc. 0027 - 0041

cc. 0042 - 0054

cc. 0055 - 0150

cc. 0151 - 0154

cc. 0155 - 1076

cc. 0177 - 0310

cc. 0311 - 0321

cc. 0322

cc. 0323 - 0398

cc. 0399 - 0409

cc. 0410 - 0572

cc. 0573 - 0583

cc. 0584 - 0594

cc. 0595 - 0666

 Title XVI Worship, sacraments

 Title XVII Full communion

 Title XVIII Ecumenism

 Title XIX Persons, juridic acts

 Title XX Offices

 Title XXI Power of governance

 Title XXII Recourse

 Title XXIII Temporal goods

 Title XXIV Trials in general

 Title XXV Contentious trials

 Title XXVI Special procedures

 Title XXVII Penal sanctions

 Title XXVIII Penal process

 Title XXIX Law, custom, admin.

 Title XXX Prescription, time

cc. 0667 - 0895

cc. 0896 - 0901

cc. 0902 - 0908

cc. 0909 - 0935

cc. 0936 - 0978

cc. 0979 - 0995

cc. 0996 - 1006

cc. 1007 - 1054

cc. 1055 - 1184

cc. 1185 - 1356

cc. 1357 - 1400

cc. 1401 - 1467

cc. 1468 - 1487

cc. 1488 - 1539

cc. 1540 - 1546


this page


Given the centrality of the "canon" to canon law, this page is fundamentally oriented to canon numbers and is presented as follows:


 Canon of the Eastern Code of Canon Law (1990), always preceded by 'CCEO' if the provision is original, or by a capitalized document name if the provision has been revised, these always cited in a four-digit format ending with a semi-colon, summarized in English, and linked to the provision's official Latin text. Where a canon has been modified since its promulgation, the former number is preceded by the word Olim (formerly) and is presented in pale yellow.


 Canonistics knows two types of treatments of law, namely official and private.


 • Official treatments of law are presented as follows:


 Parallel(s). Listing, as available, canons of the Western Code of Canon Law parallel to the Eastern provision.


 Papal. Papal modifications of the Code (typically by motu proprio or apostolic constitution) almost always with an official citation. A summary is offered where possible and canons actually listed in the document are listed as cites.


 Papal (abbr). A 'papal abbreviated' citation style is used when a papal document expressly impacts more than one canon and it would be tedious to offer a full citation every time. The abbreviated citation addresses only the impact of the document on the canon in question but it links to the fuller descriptions of the document at Peters wbp, Post-promulgation textual modifications to codified canon lawhere.


 Dicasterial. Dicasterial modifications of, applications of, or notable commentary on, the text of the Code. A summary is offered where possible and canons actually given in the document are listed as cites.


 Particular. Important arch/diocesan and/or religious institute exercises in canon law. A summary is offered where possible and canons actually given in the document are listed as cites.


 • Private treatments of law are presented as follows:


 Dissertation(s). Academic studies produced as part of the author's work toward a doctoral degree, almost always in canon law.


 Thesis/es. Academic studies produced as part of the author's work toward a licentiate degree, or a master's degree, almost always in canon law.


 Academic (other). As titled.


 Monograph(s). Lengthy works produced by scholars, usually canonists, outside of, and usually after completion of, degree studies. Some of these works might be multi-volume studies.


 Contribution(s). Shorter works produced by scholars, usually canonists, outside of, and usually after completion of, degree studies. These works tend to be chapters in larger studies, submissions for festschrifts, and so on.


 Note(s). Offers information about a canon such as cross references to the canon within the Code and links to supplemental items of possible interest such purely historical studies or other liturgical, literary, and tangential items.


 Information about a canon is always presented in the order set out above. If no information has been identified within one or more of the following categories, that category is simply omitted from the entry.


 Finally, all links worked when I installed them. Some institutions, however, seem to tinker frequently with their links rendering useless many that I had posted at one time and I can no longer try to restore them. I


Western notes

Many juridic concerns, although common to both branches of Catholic Christianity, are treated in more legislative detail, and are commented upon more extensively by scholars, in Western canon law than in Eastern. This relative dearth of Eastern law and commentary can be ameliorated, however, by consultingwith due regard for CCEO 2 relevant canonical insights from Western canon law as anticipated by CCEO 1499 & 1501 and CIC 17& 19.


To facilitate this inter-codical consultation a Western note is offered here at the outset of many blocks of Eastern canons indicating the degree of correspondence between Eastern law and Western. The degrees of similarity that might exist between provisions of Eastern law and those of Western are ranked herein as follows:


 • "virtually identical" indicates an almost identical, sometimes verbatim, correspondence between Eastern canons and Western, with any differences being minor ( e. g., grammar, punctuation, word order, etc. ).


 • "substantially similar" indicates that Eastern provisions carry the same import as do the Western but they might be presented differently, say, in more or less detail ( e. g., an 'introductory' canon in one Code might not be present in the other).


 • "treats the same topics", indicates a correspondence between Eastern law and Western in regard to pic, but not in regard to treatment and, although similarities might exist, so will important differences. Consultation with Western law in regard to these provisions is less useful and perhaps offers Eastern researchers insights largely by way of contrast.


 • "unique to Eastern law" indicates that no useful Parallel(s). exist between Eastern and Western canon law on that topic, itself a fact that could save Eastern researchers perusing Western law for insights that do not exist.


Thus, in addition to possible Parallel(s) in the proto-codifications of Eastern Canon law (info here), general discussions in pan-textual commentaries on Eastern law (info here), and possible materials identified in Canon Law Abstracts (info here), researchers of Eastern law should be especially attentive to how materials in Western law designated herein as "virtually identical" or as "substantially similar" are understood and applied.




 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =











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Codex Vigens



Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, cc. 1-1546.


Original Latin text here. • Current Latin text here.


The fundamental unit of canonical legislation is the "canon". All canons are of equal juridic weight. Most canons are grouped into larger thematic sets a/o many are divided into smaller specific provisions but such groupings a/o subdivisions carry no legislative significance. The architecture of the Eastern Code can be charted as follows with categories in parentheses appearing in the various areas of the Code, or not, as the case may be:


Title / (Chapter) / (Article) / (Number) / (Letter) / Canon / (Section or Paragraph) / (Number) / (Letter)


► Topic in general, as follows:




  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Sacri canones (28 oct 1990), AAS 82 (1990) 1033-1044. Latin here. English here. Summary: Promulgation of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatus, AAS 82 (1990) 1045-1363.




  [PCLT], Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatus, Fontium Annotatione Auctus (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1995) 617 pp. Summary: Per its title, the Eastern Code of Canon Law with footnotes. Review: F. McManus, Jurist 56 (1996) 926-930.


 Secretary of State (Sodano), rescr. In duobus Legum textibus mendae quaedam corriguntur (12 mai 1995), AAS 87 (1995) 588. Summary: Corrections needed for the Eastern Code and Pastor Bonus (1988). Cites: CCEO 0095, 0146, 0159, 0246, 0254, 0313, 0352, 0365, 0405, 0457, 0554, 0597, 0655, 0681, 0705, 0859, 1028, 1036, 1447, 1468, 1536.




 J. Faris & J. Abbass, eds., Practical Commentary on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, (Wilson & Lafleur, 2019), in 2 vols. Review: P. Smith, Studia Canonica 43 (2009) 262-263.


  Hugo C. Da S. Cavalcante, (Brazilian Benedictine, ≈), Introdução ao estudo do Código dos Cânones das Igrejas Orientais 2009], (Fons Sapienta, 2° ed., 2017) 279 pp.


 تنسيق الأب أنطوان راجح. شروحات مجموعة قوانين الكنائس الشرقية. (مكتبة البولسية ٢٠٠٥) ١٧١٢ صفحات.

that is, Antoine Rajih, ed., Collected Commentaries on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, (Polish Library, 2005) 1712 pp. (Arabic text).


 George Nednungatt (Indian Jesuit, 1932-2022), A Guide to the Eastern Code: a Commentary on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (Pontificio Istituo Orientale, 2002) 976 pp. Order here. Reviews: G. Gallaro, Jurist 63 (2003) 433-435, D. Motiuk, Studia Canonica 37 (2003) 242-244. Nednungatt biograph.


 P. Pinto, ed., Commento al Codice dei Canoni delle Chiese Orientali (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001) 1408 pp. Reviews: J. Faris in Studia Canonica 36 (2002) 259-260; D. Motiuk in Jurist 63 (2003) 198-199.


 Ivan Žužek (Slovenian Jesuit, 1924-2004), Understanding the Eastern Code (Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 1997) 479 pp. Review: D. Motiuk, Studia Canonica 33 (1999) 245-248. Žužek biograph.


 Jobe Abbass (Australian Conventual of Maronite extraction, 1952-), Two Codes in Comparison (Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 1997) 303 pp. Review: D. Motiuk, Studia Canonica 32 (1998) 270-272. Abbass biograph.


 George Nednungatt (Indian Jesuit, 1932-2022), The Spirit of the Eastern Code (Dharmaram, 1993) 261 pp. Review: D. Motiuk, Studia Canonica 29 (1995) 555-556. Nednungatt biograph.


  Victor Pospishil (Austrian/American priest, 1915-2006), Eastern Catholic Church Law (St. Maron, 1993) 699 pp. Reviews: D. Motiuk, Studia Canonica 32 (1998) 268-269; J. Renken, Jurist 51 (1991) 253-255; G. Gallaro, Jurist 58 (1998) 259-261 (of the second edition). Pospishil biograph.


 Carl Fürst (Austrian layman, 1933-2012), Canones Synopse zum Codex Iuris Canonici und Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium, (Herder, 1992) 214 pp. Reviews: M. Thériault, Studia Canonica 27 (1993) 510-512; V. Pospishil, Jurist 53 (1993) 214-216. Fürst Biograph.


 ▲ Special topic: Legislative history of the 1990 Code.




  aa. vv., "Observations on the 1986 Schema Codicis Iuris Canonici Orientalis", Canon Law Society of America Proceedings 49 (1987) 336-359.


 ▲ Special topic: Post-promulgation textual modifications of the Eastern Code.


In a process necessary to all legal systems, but one not yet well thought-out yet for canonistics, the original text of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches promulgated in 1990 is being replaced in piece-meal fashion (usually by papal motu proprio). At present over 50 canons of the Eastern Code have been textually modified (two by John Paul II, the rest by Francis) since their promulgation. The substantive content of these modifications runs from mundane to startling. Additionally, the numbering conventions followed in some of these documents can cause confusion for researchers and so is disregarded here in favor of citing to the papal document by which the original version of a given provision was replaced, along with the new canon number. The papal documents by which canons of the Western and Eastern Codes have been textually modified, in whole or in part, are cited and linked below as relevant. These are collected, and textual comparisons are offered, at Peters wbp, Post-promulgation textual modifications to codified canon law, here.











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 ! [ Preliminary canons, cc. 1-6. ]


 Western note. CCEO 1-6 must be assessed individually for their possible correspondence to Western canons.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0001
; scope of Eastern Code. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0001.


Canonistics distinguishes between "private" law impacting persons in a society and "public" law impacting institutions in a society. With somewhat more consequence canon law also distinguishes between "internal" (public) law impacting canonical structures within the Church and "external" (public) law impacting legal relations between the Church and civil entities, chiefly States, leaving one to suggest that 'internal private law' seems concerned with realm of morality and conscience while 'external private law' governs observable conduct and behavior. Canon 1 speaks primarily, then, to the internal public law and the external private law of the Eastern Church.




  PCLT (Coccopalmerio), nota expl. Quoad can. 1 CCEO (08 dec 2011), Communicationes 43 (2011) 315-316. English, trans. here. Summary: Short of authentically so declaring, the PCLT regards the term “expresse” here as sufficient to allow, by analogy, inclusion of the Roman Church whenever Eastern law treats of a Church ‘sui iuris’ or a ritual Church. Cites: CCEO 0001, 0027, 0028, 1499.


 Monograph. Dimitrios Salachas (Greek prelate, 1939-2023), Istituzioni di diritto canonico delle Chiesa cattoliche orientali: strutture ecclesiali nel CCEO, (Dehoniane, 1993) 414 pp. Review: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 28 (1994) 530-531. Salachas biograph.


 Contribution. John Faris, “Interritual Matters in the Revised Code of Canon Law”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) II: 821-823.

CCEO 0002
; Eastern Code is to be assessed according to Eastern law. Latine.

CCEO 0003
; deferral on most liturgical law. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0002.

CCEO 0004
; treaties and concordats. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0003.


Older canonistics distinguished between "private" law impacting persons in a society and "public" law impacting institutions in a society. It further distinguished between "internal" (public) law impacting canonical structures within the Church and "external" (public) law impacting legal relations between the Church and civil entities, chiefly States, leaving one to suggest that 'internal private law' seemed concerned with realm of morality and conscience while 'external private law' governed observable conduct and behavior. Canon 4 speaks primarily, then, to the external public law of the Catholic Church. Moreover, most international agreements between "the Church" and various states or political entities are actually struck between those states or entities and the Apostolic See or the Holy See (not the Vatican City State). See also CCEO 0595.

CCEO 0005
; acquired rights and privileges. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0004.

CCEO 0006
; abrogation of earlier laws and customs. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 0006 § 1 nn. 2, 5. For 2°: CIC 0005 § 1.



 ! Title I, Rights and obligations of all the Christian faithful, cc. 7-26.


 Western note. CCEO 7-26 are virtually identical to CIC 204-206 and CIC 208-216, except that CCEO 10 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0007
; description and mission of the Christian faithful, basic notion of Catholic Church. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0204 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0204 § 2.

CCEO 0008
; identification of Christian faithful in full communion. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0205.

CCEO 0009
; identity and action of catechumens. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0206 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0206 § 2.

CCEO 0010
; obligation to maintain, profess, and apply the faith. Latine.


 Note. 1917 CIC 1325 § 1 required Catholics "to profess their faith whenever their silence, evasiveness, or manner of acting encompasses an implied denial of the faith".

CCEO 0011
; fundamental equality of the Christian faithful. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0208.

CCEO 0012
; obligation to maintain communion. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0209 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0209 § 2.

CCEO 0013
; obligation to pursue holiness and to advance holiness in the Church. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0210.

CCEO 0014
; right and obligation to evangelize. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0211.

CCEO 0015
; right and obligation to obey Church leaders, to express needs, to share opinions. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0212 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0212 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0212 § 3.

CCEO 0016
; right to spiritual assistance from the Church. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0213.

CCEO 0017
; right to engage in worship and to pursue appropriate spirituality. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0214.

CCEO 0018
; right to found association and to meet. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0215.

CCEO 0019
; right to engage in apostolic undertakings, restrictions on use of name "Catholic". Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0216.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), doc. "De condicione canonica eorum, qui se dicunt episcopos Graeco-Catholicos Ucrainae urbis 'Pidhirci'" (22 feb 2012), AAS 104 (2012) 377-379 (Italian). Summary: Canonical status of schismatic group. Cites: CCEO 0019, 1447, 1452, 1459, 1462.

CCEO 0020
; right to Christian education. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0217.

CCEO 0021
; right to academic freedom. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0218.

CCEO 0022
; right to self-determination. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0219.

CCEO 0023
; rights to reputations and privacy. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0220.

CCEO 0024
; basic procedural rights. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0221 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0221 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0221 § 3.

CCEO 0025
; obligation to assist with needs of the Church and to promote social justice. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0222 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0222 § 2.

CCEO 0026
; regulation of rights. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0223 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0223 § 2.



 ! Title II, Churches 'sui iuris' and rites, cc. 27-41.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 27-28. ]


 Western note. CCEO 27-28 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0027
; definition of a Church 'sui iuris'. Latine.

CCEO 0028
; definition and delineation of five major rites treated in Eastern law. Latine.

 Monograph. Ronald Roberson (American Paulist, ≈), The Eastern Christian Churches: a brief survey, (Orientalia Christiana, 1995) 252 pp. Summary: As titled, includes information on Orthodox Churches. Roberson biograph.


 Resource. Guide to Eastern Churches.








 • Melkite Greek




 • Ukrainian Greek

Major Archiepiscopal



 • Romanian Greek

Major Archiepiscopal



 • Ruthenian Greek

cetera ecclesia



 • Ruthenian Byzantine USA




 • Ruthenian Eparchy

cetera ecclesia


Major Archiepiscopal

 • Hungarian Greek




 • Slovak Greek




 • Ruthenian Exarch. Czech

cetera ecclesia

Chaldean / East Syriac


 • Italo-Albanian Greek

cetera ecclesia



 • Greek Exarch. Serbia

cetera ecclesia


Major Archiepiscopal

 • Greek Eparchy Croatia

cetera ecclesia


 • Greek Exarch. FYROM

cetera ecclesia


 • Greek Exarch. Bulgaria

cetera ecclesia


 • Gk. Exarch. Greece Istan.

cetera ecclesia



 ! Title II, Chap. 1. Ascription in a Church 'sui iuris', cc. 29-38.


 Western note. CCEO 29-38 must be assessed individually for their possible correspondence to Western canons.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0029
; ascription by baptism if before age 14. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0111 § 1. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 0030
; ascription by baptism if at age 14. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0111 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 30 is referenced in Canon 588.

CCEO 0031
; prohibition against inducing faithful to change ascription. Latine.


CCEO 0032
; consent of Apostolic See required for changes in ascription & when consent is presumed. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0112 § 1 n. 1. For § 2: ≠.


 Academic (other). Gregory Caridi, Ascription and Transfer. CCEO Canons 35 and 32 and the fundamental conflicts related to ecclesial membership (SPU/USP seminar paper, 2017), here.

CCEO 0033
; uxorial changes in ascription. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0112 § 1 n. 2.

CCEO 0034
; possible changes in ascription based on parental changes. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0112 § 1 n. 3.

CCEO 0035
; retention of rite upon entering full communion. Latine.



 Dissertations. Michael A. Souckar (American priest, 1962-), Baptized Eastern non-catholics coming into full communion with the Catholic Church and their preservation of rite: a study of the norms of the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium and their application in the United States of America, (Gregorian diss. 6104, 2012) 321 pp. Souckar biograph. Jacek Dobromir Jasztal (Polish Franciscan, 1966-), La comunione ‘non piena’ tra la chiesa cattolica e le chiese orientali ortodosse nei documenti del magistero e del dialogo 1965-1995: studio teologico-giuridico, (Antonianum diss. 112, 1997) xiv-104 pp. Jasztal biograph.


 Academic (other). Gregory Caridi, Ascription and Transfer. CCEO Canons 35 and 32 and the fundamental conflicts related to ecclesial membership (SPU/USP seminar paper, 2017), here.

CCEO 0036
; process for effecting changes in ascription. Latine.

CCEO 0037
; recordation of changes in ascription, as follows: Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 37 is referenced in Canon 296.

CCEO 0038
; receipt of pastoral care in a different rite does not result in change of ascription. Latine.





  PCLT (Coccopalmerio), let. It has been brought (23 feb 2012), Communicationes 44 (2012) 36-37. Summary: Underscoring that Eastern Catholic faithful lacking their own pastors are no longer simply considered subjects of Roman Catholic pastors. Cites: CCEO 0916 § 4.


 Dissertations. Talal Hachem (Lebanese Maronite, 1970-), La situation juridique de l’Église maronite au Canada, (SPU/USP diss., 2009) 298 pp. George Oonnoonny (Indian priest, 1959-), Pastoral care of Eastern Catholic faithful residing outside their historical territory with particular reference to the United States and Canada, (SPU/USP diss., 2004) 318 pp. Jean Faraj (Lebanese religious, 1951-), La situation juridique de l'Église grecque melkite catholique au Canada, (SPU/USP diss., 1991) 240 pp.


 Thesis. George Henwood, The Sacramental Life of the Eastern Catholics in the Latin Rite Diocese of Clifton, (KU Leuven MA thesis 2010) viii-37 pp.



 ! Title II, Chap. 2. Preservation of rites, cc. 39-41.


 Western note. CCEO 39-41 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0039
; importance of Eastern rites and obligation to preserve and foster them. Latine.

CCEO 0040
; obligation on all within a rite to understand and observe their rite. Latine.


 Note(s). Canon 40 is referenced in Canons 657, 880.

CCEO 0041
; obligation on all to understand other rites with which they frequently deal. Latine.



 ! Title III. Supreme authority of the Church, cc. 42-54.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ! [ Preliminary canon, CCEO 42. ]


 Western note. CCEO 42 is virtually identical to CIC 0330.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0042
; popes and bishops are united in a way similar to the unity of St. Peter and the Apostles. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0330.



 ! Title III, Chap. 1. Roman Pontiff, cc. 43-48.


 Western note. CCEO 43-47 are virtually identical to CIC 331-335; CCEO 48 is virtually identical to CIC 361.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.




  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Universi Dominici gregis (22 feb 1996), AAS 88 (1996) 305-343. Latin, English, here. Summary: Norms for papal conclaves. Cites: CIC 0332, 0333, 0335, 0340, 0347, 0349, 1399, 1752. / CCEO 0044, 0047, 0053.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0043
; description of papal supremacy. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0331.

CCEO 0044
; acquisition and loss of papal power. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0332 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0332 § 2.




  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Universi Dominici gregis (22 feb 1996), AAS 88 (1996) 305-343. English, here. Summary: Norms for papal conclaves. Cites: CIC 0332, 0333, 0335, 0340, 0347, 0349, 1399, 1752. / CCEO 0044, 0047, 0053.

CCEO 0045
; papal power in regard to other bishops and particular Churches. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0333 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0333 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0333 § 3.

CCEO 0046
; description of those who assist to the Roman Pontiff, noting Eastern prelates. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0334. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 0047
; provisions during vacancy of the Roman See. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0335.




  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Universi Dominici gregis (22 feb 1996), AAS 88 (1996) 305-343. Latin, English, here. Summary: Norms for papal conclaves. Cites: CIC 0332, 0333, 0335, 0340, 0347, 0349, 1399, 1752. / CCEO 0044, 0047, 0053.

CCEO 0048
; scope of terms "Apostolic See" and "Holy See". Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0361.



 ! Title III, Chap. 2, College of Bishops, cc. 49-54.


 Western note. CCEO 49-54 are virtually identical to CIC 336-341.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0049
; definition and power of the college of bishops. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0336.

CCEO 0050
; authority of Roman Pontiff over ecumenical council. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0337 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0337 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0337 § 3.

CCEO 0051
; participation in an ecumenical council. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0338 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0338 § 2.

CCEO 0052
; interruption of ecumenical council during vacancy in the Roman See. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0339 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0339 § 2.

CCEO 0053
; interruption of ecumenical council during vacancy in the Roman See. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0340.




  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Universi Dominici gregis (22 feb 1996), AAS 88 (1996) 305-343. Latin, English, here. Summary: Norms for papal conclaves. Cites: CIC 0332, 0333, 0335, 0340, 0347, 0349, 1399, 1752. / CCEO 0044, 0047, 0053.

CCEO 0054
; necessity of consent and promulgation by Roman Pontiff for decrees of college of bishops. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0341 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0341 § 2.



 ! Title IV, Patriarchal Churches, cc. 55-150.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Theses. Vasileios Meichanetsidis, The Development of the Ecclesiastical Organisation in Terms of Territorial Jurisdiction in the 5th Century with Particular Emphasis on the Final Formation of the of the 'Patriarchates' at the Council of Chalcedon, 145, (KU Leuven MA theses, 2011) xix-65 pp. Michael Souckar, “The articulation of the principle of subsidiarity in the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium with special reference to eastern catholic patriarchal churches ‘sui iuris’”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994). Philip Acquaro, “The rights and obligations of patriarchs in conciliar legislation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).


 ! [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 55-62. ]


 Western note. CCEO 55-62 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0055
; in accord with ancient tradition special honor to be accorded patriarchs. Latine.

CCEO 0056
; definition of patriarch. Latine.

CCEO 0057
; moderation of patriarchal Churches reserved to Apostolic See, location of permanent see. Latine.

CCEO 0058
; precedence of Eastern patriarchs over all other bishops save the Roman. Latine.

CCEO 0059
; precedence among patriarchs. Latine.

CCEO 0060
; personal precedence and retied patriarchs. Latine.


 Note(s). Canon 60 is referenced in Canon 62.

CCEO 0061
; patriarch can have Roman procurator. Latine.

CCEO 0062
; status of retired patriarch. Latine.


 Note(s). Canon 62 is referenced in Canon 431.



 ! Title IV, Chap. 1, Election of patriarchs, cc. 63-77.


 Western note. CCEO 63-77 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 63-74 are referenced in Canon 153.

CCEO 0063
; patriarchs are elected by patriarchal synod of bishops. Latine.

CCEO 0064
; particular law generally determines qualifications for election. Latine.

CCEO 0065
; timing and location of electoral synod. Latine.

Iam pridem 0066
; only synodal bishops may vote and attendance is restricted during vote. Latine.




 Olim. Sacri 0066; only synodal bishops may vote and attendance is restricted during vote. Latine.
 ― Parallel(s).


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Iam pridem (2023), info here, art 1. Summary: Modification of four canons on hierarchical authority. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Note(s). Canon 66 is referenced in Canon 102.

CCEO 0067
; incorporation of Canons 947-957 on elections. Latine.

CCEO 0068
; obligation of bishops to attend when convoked, notification of absence. Latine.

CCEO 0069
; two-thirds of those convoked and able to attend suffices for electoral quorum. Latine.


 Note(s). Canon 69 is referenced in Canon 107.

CCEO 0070
; general norms on temporary presidency over election. Latine.

CCEO 0071
; tellers and secretary can be clerics, all bound by secrecy. Latine.


 Note(s). Canon 71 is referenced in Canon 66.

CCEO 0072
; when two-thirds or simple majority suffices for election, devolution to Apostolic See. Latine.


 Note(s). Canon 72 is referenced in Canon 107.

CCEO 0073
; notification options regarding one who is elected. Latine.
 Parallel(s). ≠
CCEO 0074
; acceptance decision to be made with two available days. Latine.

CCEO 0075
; options regarding enthronement of one elected. Latine.
CCEO 0076
; profession, oath, notifications of election and enthronement, request for communion. Latine.

CCEO 0077
; general exercise of office after enthronement, restrictions prior to receipt of letter of communion. Latine.


 ! Title IV, Chap. 2, Rights and obligations of patriarchs, cc. 78-101.


 Western note. CCEO 78-101 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note(s). Eastern patriarchs who are members of the College of Cardinals are treated in CIC 350 § 3.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0078
; power of patriarchs is ordinary, proper, personal, and usually limited as to territory. Latine.

CCEO 0079
; patriarch represents patriarch Church in juridic affairs. Latine.

CCEO 0080
; authority of patriarchs over metropolitans. Latine.

CCEO 0081
; acts of Roman Pontiff that go through patriarch. Latine.

CCEO 0082
; general teaching and governing authority of patriarchs. Latine.

CCEO 0083
; visitation rights of patriarch. Latine.

CCEO 0084
; patriarchs to promote cooperation among Churches. Latine.

CCEO 0085
; authority of patriarchs in structuring local Churches and appointing hierarchs in same. Latine.


 Note(s). Canon 85 is referenced in Canons 177, 311.

CCEO 0086
; patriarch’s authority over metropolitans and other bishops
. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 86 is referenced in Canon 133.

CCEO 0087
; provision for patriarchal election of curial bishops. Latine.


CCEO 0088
; relations of bishops to patriarchs. Latine.


CCEO 0089
; patriarch’s authority over clergy and right of conferring tasks on them
. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 89 is referenced in Canon 431.

CCEO 0090
; patriarch’s authority to exempt certain places or juridic persons. Latine.


CCEO 0091
; commemoration of patriarch in Divine Liturgy. Latine.


CCEO 0092
; patriarch’s responsibilities toward Roman Pontiff. Latine.


CCEO 0093
; patriarch’s obligation of residence. Latine.


CCEO 0094
; patriarch’s obligation to office Divine Liturgy for his Church on feast days. Latine.


CCEO 0095
; patriarch’s own episcopal obligations, and of supervision over bishops.


CCEO 0096
patriarch’s prerogatives over prayers in his Church. Latine.


CCEO 0097
patriarch to be vigilant over temporal goods. Latine.


CCEO 0098
; patriarch’s general authority over civil agreements. Latine.


CCEO 0099
; patriarch’s supervision over personal statutes. Latine.


CCEO 0100
; patriarch’s authority over matters affecting several eparchies and civil authorities. Latine.


CCEO 0101
; patriarch’s authority over otherwise generally exempt places
. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 101 is referenced in Canons 916, 984.



 ! Title IV, Chap. 3, Synod of Bishops of patriarchal Churches, cc. 102-113.


 Western note. CCEO 102-113 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

Iam pridem 0102
; eligibility for participation in a synod of bishops. Latine.




 Olim. Sacri 0102; eligibility for synod participation & prelates over age 80 lose vote. Latine.

 ― Parallel(s).


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Iam pridem (2023), info here, art 2. Summary: Modification of four canons on hierarchical authority. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Note(s). Canon 102 is referenced in Canon 150.

CCEO 0103
; patriarch convokes and presides over synod. Latine.


CCEO 0104
; obligation to attend synod if convoked to it. Latine.


CCEO 0105
; no proxies allowed, no one may possess multiple votes. Latine.


CCEO 0106
; when synod must be convoked. Latine.


CCEO 0107
; synodal sessions generally valid. Latine.


CCEO 0108
; patriarch opens and directs synod. Latine.


CCEO 0109
; generally no departure is allowed during sessions. Latine.


CCEO 0110
; legislative and judicial competence of synod, distinguished from administrative matters. Latine.


CCEO 0111
; release of synodal acts and observance of secrecy. Latine.


CCEO 0112
; canonical effects and interpretation of synodal acts. Latine.


CCEO 0113
; statutes of synod. Latine.




 ! Title IV, Chap. 4, Patriarchal curia, cc. 114-125.


 Western note. CCEO 114-125 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0114
; definition of the eparchial curia. Latine.


CCEO 0115
; composition of the permanent synod. Latine.




 Dissertation. Jerome Paul (Indian priest, ≈), Permanent Synod of the Patriarchal Churches with special reference to the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church, (Santa Croce diss., 2010) xvi-246 pp.


 Note(s). Canon 115 is referenced in Canon 116.

CCEO 0116
; convocation and presidency over the permanent synod. Latine.


CCEO 0117
; necessary signatories to acts of the synod. Latine.


CCEO 0118
; when is secrecy in voting required and when is it optional. Latine.


CCEO 0119
; relations between permanent synod and patriarchal synod. Latine.


CCEO 0120
; when patriarchal synod must be convoked. Latine.


CCEO 0121
; when patriarchal synod need not be constituted. Latine.


CCEO 0122
; perquisites for appointment and duties of patriarchal finance officer. Latine.


CCEO 0123
; perquisites for appointment and duties of patriarchal chancellor and notaries. Latine.


CCEO 0124
; constitution of patriarchal liturgical commission. Latine.


CCEO 0125
; responsibility for expenses of patriarchal curia. Latine.



 ! Title IV, Chap. 5, Vacant or impeded patriarchal see, cc. 126-132.


 Western note. CCEO 126-132 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0126
; vacancy of the patriarchal see. Latine.


CCEO 0127
; senior bishop usually serves as administrator of vacant see. Latine.


CCEO 0128
; duties of the administrator. Latine.



CCEO 0129
; rights of the administrator. Latine.


CCEO 0130
; authority of the administrator. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 130 is referenced in Canon 132.

CCEO 0131
; duty of administrator to provide accounting. Latine.


CCEO 0132
; impedation of patriarchal see. Latine.




 ! Title IV, Chap. 6, Metropolitans of patriarchal Church, cc. 133-139.


 Western note. CCEO 133-139 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0133
; basic authority of a metropolitan. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 133 is referenced in Canons 138, 139.

CCEO 0134
; dignity, right and duties of metropolitan. Latine.


CCEO 0135
; commemoration of metropolitan in divine liturgy. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 135 is referenced in Canon 138.

CCEO 0136
; precedence of metropolitan. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 136 is referenced in Canon 138.

CCEO 0137
; synod of bishop to define right and duties of metropolitan. Latine.


CCEO 0138
; status of metropolitan outside territorial boundaries of patriarchal Church. Latine.


CCEO 0139
; designation of metropolitan by eparchial bishop. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 139 is referenced in Canon 1064.



 ! Title IV, Chap. 7, Patriarchal assembly, cc. 140-145.


 Western note. CCEO 140-145 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 140-145 are referenced in Canon 172.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0140
; definition of patriarchal assembly. Latine.


CCEO 0141
; frequency of patriarchal assembly. Latine.


CCEO 0142
; authority over patriarchal assembly. Latine.


CCEO 0143
; membership and participation in patriarchal assembly. Latine.


CCEO 0144
; topics to ebb addressed by patriarchal assembly. Latine.


CCEO 0145
; statues of patriarchal assembly need approval by synod of bishops. Latine.



 ! Title IV, Chap. 8, Territory of patriarchal Church and power of patriarch and synods outside territory, cc. 146-150.


 Western note. CCEO 146-150 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0146
; assessing authority over territory of patriarchal Church. Latine.

CCEO 0147
; authority over members of patriarchal Church and over other Christians. Latine.


CCEO 0148
; right of visitation to members of patriarchal Church outside of territory. Latine.


Iam pridem 0149
; synod elects episcopal candidates and forwards names to Roman Pontiff. Latine.




 Olim. Sacri 0149; synod elects episcopal candidates and forwards names to Roman Pontiff. Latine.

 ― Parallel(s).


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Iam pridem (2023), info here, art 3. Summary: Modification of four canons on hierarchical authority. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Note(s). Canon 149 is referenced in Canons 102, 107, 110, 181.

CCEO 0150
; authority of bishop outside of territory of patriarchal Church. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 150 is referenced in Canons 110, 330.



 ! Title V, Major archiepiscopal Churches, cc. 151-154.


 Western note. CCEO 151-154 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0151
; definition of major archbishop. Latine.


CCEO 0152
; generally archiepiscopal Churches are treated as patriarchal Churches. Latine.


CCEO 0153
; election and install of major archbishop. Latine.


CCEO 0154
; precedence enjoyed by major archbishop. Latine.




 ! Title VI, Metropolitan Churches and other Churches 'sui iuris', cc. 155-176.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title VI, Chap. 1, Metropolitan Churches 'sui iuris', cc. 155-173.


 Western note. CCEO 155-173 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0155
; governance of metropolitan Church. Latine.


CCEO 0156
; pallium of the metropolitan. Latine.


CCEO 0157
; power of metropolitan is ordinary, proper, personal, and limited by territory. Latine.


CCEO 0158
; location of metropolitan see and similarities to eparchial bishop. Latine.


CCEO 0159
; other competencies of the metropolitan. Latine.


CCEO 0160
; obligation of eparchial bishops to hear the metropolitan. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 160 is referenced in Canon 138.

CCEO 0161
; mention of metropolitan in liturgical prayer. Latine.


CCEO 0162
; mention of Roman Pontiff in prayers of metropolitan Churches. Latine.


CCEO 0163
; metropolitan to visit the Roman Pontiff as a rule every five years along with other bishops. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 163 makes poor use of the word 'consuetudo' (custom).

CCEO 0164
; composition and convocation of council of hierarchs. Latine.


CCEO 0165
; participation in council of hierarchs. Latine.


CCEO 0166
; quorum for and majority of ballots in council of hierarchs. Latine.


CCEO 0167
; legislative authority of council of hierarchs. Latine.


CCEO 0168
; nominations for and appointment of metropolitan and bishops. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 168 is referenced in Canon 181.

CCEO 0169
; pastoral responsibilities of council of hierarchs. Latine.


CCEO 0170
; council of hierarchs to meet at least annually. Latine.

CCEO 0171
; statutes and structures of council of hierarchs. Latine.


CCEO 0172
; metropolitan Church to hold assemblies at least every five year with patriarch-like authority. Latine.


CCEO 0173
; vacant or impeded metropolitan see. Latine.



 ! Title VI, Chap. 2, Note(s) Churches 'sui iuris', cc. 174-176.


 Western note. CCEO 174-176 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0174
; description of other Churches 'sui iuris'. Latine.


CCEO 0175
; other Churches 'sui iuris' dependent directly upon Apostolic See. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 175 is referenced in Canon 1064.

CCEO 0176
; authority under common law of one who presides over other Churches 'sui iuris'. Latine.



 ! Title VII, Eparchies and bishops, cc. 177-310.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 1, Bishops, cc. 177-234.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 177-179. ]


 Western note. CCEO 177-179 treat the same topics as do CIC 369, 381, 376 respectively.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0177
; definition of an eparchy. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0369. For § 2: CIC 0373.
CCEO 0178
; governing power of eparch. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0381 § 1.


 Dissertation. Joseph Johnson (≈, ≈), The power of governance of the diocesan bishops in the Latin and Oriental Codes: a comparative study, (Urbanianum diss. 101, 1993) xii-110 pp (part). bis.

CCEO 0179
; definition of a titular bishop. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0376.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 1, art 1. Election of bishops, cc. 180-189.

 Western note.
CCEO 180-189, should be assessed individually for possible correspondence to Western canons.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 181-188 are referenced in Canon 314, and Canons 182-187 are referenced in Canons 85, 87.

CCEO 0180
; basic requirements for one to be considered for the episcopate. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0378 § 1.


 Note(s). Canon 180 is referenced in Canon 64.

CCEO 0181
; bishops by canonical election or Roman Pontiff depending on location. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 0377 § 1.


 Note(s). Canon 181 is referenced in Canons 85, 87.

CCEO 0182
; role of synod of bishops and necessity of Roman assent to episcopal nomination. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC0377 §§ 2, 3. For § 3: CIC0377 §§ 2, 3. For § 4: CIC0377 §§ 2, 3.


 Note(s). Canon 182 is referenced in Canons 66, 149, 183.


Iam pridem 0183; convocation of assembly and voting procedures. Latine.


 Parallel(s). ≠


 Olim. CCEO 0183; convocation of assembly and voting procedures. Latine.

 ― Parallel(s).


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Iam pridem (2023), info here, art 4. Summary: Modification of four canons on hierarchical authority. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Note(s). Canon 183 is referenced in Canons 72, 102, 107.

CCEO 0184
; sequences for notification of Roman-approved episcopal nominees. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 184 is referenced in Canons 185, 186.

CCEO 0185
; notification for nomination of episcopal nominees not (yet) approved by Rome. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 185 is referenced in Canon 186.

CCEO 0186
; election by letter. Latine.


CCEO 0187
; canonical provision, profusion of faith, oath of obedience to Roman Pontiff. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 0380.

CCEO 0188
; nominated priest to receive episcopal consecration within 3 months. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0379. For § 2: CIC 382 § 2.

CCEO 0189
; enthronement of new bishop. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 382 § 3. For § 2: CIC 382 § 3. For § 3: CIC 382 § 1.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 1, art. 2, Rights and obligations of eparchial bishops, cc. 190-211.

 Western note.
CCEO 190-211 should be assessed individually for possible correspondence to Western canons.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0190
; eparchs represent eparchies in juridic affairs. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0393.

CCEO 0191
; eparchs govern eparchies with legislative, judicial, and executive power. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0391 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0391 § 2.

CCEO 0192
; scope of eparch's pastoral care. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0383 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: CIC 0383 § 4. For § 4: CIC 0384. For § 5: ≠.

CCEO 0193
; scope of eparchs spiritual care. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0383 § 2. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.

CCEO 0194
; eparchs can confer dignities on clerics. Latine.



CCEO 0195
; eparch to foster vocations. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0385.

CCEO 0196
; eparch to foster preaching of Word of God. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0386 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0386 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 196 is referenced in Canon 95.

CCEO 0197
; eparch to foster faithful growth in holiness. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0387.

CCEO 0198
; eparch to celebrate Divine Liturgy frequently. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0388 § 1.

CCEO 0199
; eparch to moderate celebration of Divine Liturgy in eparchy. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0835 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0389. For § 3: CIC 0389.


 Note(s). Canon 199 is referenced in Canon 668.

CCEO 0200
; eparchs generally to celebrate sacred functions in eparchy. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0390.

CCEO 0201
; eparch to urge observe ecclesiastical discipline. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0392 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0392 § 2.

CCEO 0202
; eparchial bishops to coordinate actions and foster unity. Latine.



CCEO 0203
; eparchial bishops to foster exercise of apostolates. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0394 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0394 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0298 § 2.

CCEO 0204
; eparchial bishops bound to residence in eparchy. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0395 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0395 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0395 § 3. For § 4: CIC 0395 § 4.

CCEO 0205
; eparch to conduct vitiations of eparchy every five years. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0396 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0397 § 1. For § 3: CIC 0397 § 2.

CCEO 0206
; eparchial bishops to report status of eparchy to patriarch. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 0399 § 1.

CCEO 0207
; eparchial bishops to inform Holy See about status of other Catholics. Latine.



CCEO 0208
; eparchial bishops to make report of Holy See every five years. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 0400.


 Note(s). Canon 208 is referenced in Canons 163, 317.

CCEO 0209
; obligatory remembrance of eparch and Roman Pontiff in liturgy. Latine.



CCEO 0210
; eparchs requested to submit resignation at age 75. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0401 For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 210 is referenced in Canon 218.

CCEO 0211
; retired eparchs accorded title emeritus and should have support. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0402 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0402 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 211 is referenced in Canons 218. 431.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 1, art. 3, Coadjutor bishops and auxiliary bishops, cc. 212-218.

 Western note. CCEO 212-218 are substantially similar to CIC 403-411.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0212
; description of auxiliaries, auxiliaries with special faculties, and coadjutors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0403 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0403 §§ 2, 3.


 Note(s). Canon 212 is referenced in Canon 85.

CCEO 0213
; sources and descriptions of authority of auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0405 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.

CCEO 0214
; how auxiliaries and coadjutors take office. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0404 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: CIC 0404 § 3. For § 4: CIC 0404 § 3.

CCEO 0215
; authority of auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0405 § 2, CIC 0406. For § 2: CIC 0405. For § 3: CIC0407 § 2. For § 4: CIC0407 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 215 is referenced in Canon 247.

CCEO 0216
; liturgical preference to be accorded auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0408 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0408 § 2.

CCEO 0217
; residence requirements for auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0410.

CCEO 0218
; resignation of auxiliaries and coadjutors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0411.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 1, art. 4, Vacant or impeded eparchial see, cc. 219-233.


 Western note. CCEO 219-233 are virtually identical to CIC 416-430.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note(s). Canons 225-232 are referenced in Canons 220, 221, and Canons 221-233 are referenced in Canon 173.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0219
; four ways a see can become vacant. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0416.

CCEO 0220
; provisions for vacant see within a patriarchy. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 220 is referenced in Canon 221.

CCEO 0221
; process for temporary governance of vacant eparchial see. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Broadly, CIC 0420 and CIC 0421.


 Note(s). Canon 221 is referenced in Canon 159.

CCEO 0222
; accession of coadjutor bishop to vacant see. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0409 § 1.


 Note(s). Canon 222 is referenced in Canons 220, 221.

CCEO 0223
; specific norms for transfer of bishop from one see to another. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0418.


 Note(s). Canon 223 is referenced in Canons 220, 221.

CCEO 0224
; governance during vacancy of a see. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0418 § 2. For § 2: CIC 0417. For § 3: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 224 is referenced in Canon 251.

CCEO 0225
; only one eparchial administrator may be elected, cannot also be finance officer. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0423 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0423 § 2.

CCEO 0226
; once administrator is constituted no authority may be retained by patriarch. Latine.



CCEO 0227
; prerequisites in eparchial administrator, norms if unsuitable selection made. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0425 § 2. For § 2: CIC 0425 § 1.


 Note(s). Canon 227 is referenced in Canon 221.

CCEO 0228
; eparchial administrator not to undertake innovation or alterations in diocese Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0428 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0428 § 2.

CCEO 0229
; eparchial administrator generally likened to bishop. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0427 § 1.

CCEO 0230
; compensation for the administrator. Latine.



CCEO 0231
; cessation of function of diocesan administrator. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0430 § 2. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: CIC 0430 § 1.


 Note(s). Canon 231 is referenced in Canon 232.

CCEO 0232
; role of finance officer during vacancy of see. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 232 is referenced in Canon 262.

CCEO 0233
; provisions for the impeded eparchy. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0412, CIC 0413 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0413 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0314.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 1, art. 5, Apostolic administrators, cc. 234.

 Western note.
CCEO 234 is unique to Eastern law and even contrasts with CIC 371 § 2.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0234
; appointed by Roman Pontiff and governs in accord with specified terms. Latine.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 2, Organs assisting eparchial bishop in governance of eparchy, cc. 235-278.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 2, art 1. Eparchial assembly, cc. 235-242.


 Western note. CCEO 235-242 treat the same matters as do CIC 460-468.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0235
; definition of eparchial assembly. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 460.

CCEO 0236
; circumstances suggesting eparchial assembly. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0461 § 1.

CCEO 0237
; right of bishop to convene eparchial assembly and its dependence on him. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1:  CIC 0462 § 1. CIC 0468 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0468 § 2.

CCEO 0238
; membership of and attendance at eparchial assembly. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0463 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0463 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0463 § 3.

CCEO 0239
; attendance at eparchial assembly by proxy not allowed. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0464.

CCEO 0240
; preparation for eparchial assembly and free discussion of questions thereat. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: CIC 0465.

CCEO 0241
; only the diocesan bishop legislates at eparchial assembly. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0466.

CCEO 0242
; diocesan bishop to send acts of eparchial assembly as particular law requires. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0467.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 2, art. 2, Eparchial curia, cc. 243-263.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 243-244. ]


 Western note. CCEO 243-244 are substantially similar to CIC 469-471.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0243
; definition of eparchial curial and main membership thereof. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0469. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.

CCEO 0244
; appointment to and obligations of curia. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0470. For § 2: CIC 0471.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 2, art. 2, no. 1. Protosyncellus and Syncelli, cc. 245-251.


 Western note. CCEO 245-251 to CIC 475-481.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0245
; definition and appointment of protosyncellus. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0475 § 1.

CCEO 0246
; appointment and duties of syncelli. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0476.

CCEO 0247
; qualifications and disqualifications of proto/syncelli. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0477 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0478 § 1. For § 3: CIC 0478 § 2. For § 4: ≠.

CCEO 0248
; general executive authority of proto/syncelli. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0479 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0479 §§ 2, 3.

CCEO 0249
; obligation of proto/syncelli to cooperate with bishop. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0480.

CCEO 0250
; proto/syncelli enjoy first dignities if priests. Latine.


CCEO 0251
; proto/syncelli's loss of power. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0481 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0481 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0481 § 2.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 2, art. 2, no. 2. Chancellor, notaries, and archives of eparchial curia, cc. 252-261.


 Western note. CCEO 252-261 are substantially similar to CIC 482-491.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 253-260 are referenced in Canon 123.

CCEO 0252
; duties of chancellor (who must be a cleric). Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0482. For § 1: CIC 0482 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0482 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0482 § 3.

CCEO 0253
; qualifications and disqualifications of other notaries. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0483.

CCEO 0254
; duties of notaries. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 0484 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 0484 n. 2. For 3°: CIC 0484 n. 3.

CCEO 0255
; terms of service for chancellor and notaries. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0485.

CCEO 0256
; establishment of regular archives. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0486 § 2. For § 2: CIC 0486 § 3.

CCEO 0257
; access to archives and records. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0487 § 1. For § 2: § 2.

CCEO 0258
; removal of materials from archives. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0488.

CCEO 0259
; establishment and management of secret archives. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0489. For § 1: CIC 0489 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0489 § 2.

CCEO 0260
; access to and restrictions on removal of materials from secret archives. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0490 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0490 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0490 § 3.

CCEO 0261
; eparch's authority over other kinds of archives in diocese. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0491 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0491 § 3.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 2, art. 2, no. 3. Eparchial finance officer and finance council, cc. 262-263.

 Western note.
CCEO 262-263 are substantially similar to CIC 492-494, 1277.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0262
; description of finance officer. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0494 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0494 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0494 § 3. For § 4: CIC 0494 § 4. For § 5: ]]


 Dissertation. Matthew Changankary (Indian priest, 1965-), Finance Officer in the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church, (SPU/USP diss., 2012) 294 pp.


 Note(s). Canon 262 is referenced in Canon 80.

CCEO 0263
; description of finance council. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0492 § 1. For § 2: ]] For § 3: CIC 0492 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1277. For § 5: CIC 0493.



 //  Title VII, Chap. 2, art. 3, Presbyteral council and the college of eparchial consultors, cc. 264-271.

 Western note.
CCEO 264-270 are virtually identical to CIC 495-501; CCEO 271 is substantially similar to CIC 502.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0264
; establishment of presbyteral council. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0495 § 1.

CCEO 0265
; statutes of the presbyteral council. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0496.

CCEO 0266
; members of presbyteral council. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0497. For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = 

CCEO 0267
; eligibility for active and passive election regarding presbyteral council. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0498. For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0268
; presbyteral council must be represent ministerial and regional composition of presbyterate. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0499.

CCEO 0269
; eparch's authority of presbyteral council. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0500. For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = 

CCEO 0270
; presbyteral council membership and quinquennial renewal, cessation or dissolution of council. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0501. For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = 

CCEO 0271
; college of consultors. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0502. For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = 5, 6.


 Note(s). Canon 271 is referenced in Canon 319.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 2, art. 4, Pastoral council, cc. 272-275.


 Western note. CCEO 272-275 are virtually identical to CIC 511-514.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0272
; encouragement of and outlined of role for diocesan pastoral council. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0511.

CCEO 0273
; membership of diocesan pastoral council. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0512 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0512 § 2. For § 3: ]] For § 4: CIC 0512 § 3.

CCEO 0274
; duration and cessation of diocesan pastoral council. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0513 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0513 § 2.

CCEO 0275
; diocesan bishop's authority over diocesan pastoral council. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0514 § 1.



 ! Title VII, Chap. 2, art. 5, Protopresbyters, cc. 276-278.


 Western note. CCEO 276-278 are substantially similar to CIC 553-555.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0276
; description and appointment protopresbyters. Latine.
 Parallel(s).  For § 1: CIC 0553 $ 1. For § 2: ]]

CCEO 0277
; qualifications of priest to be appointed protopresbyters. Latine.
 Parallel(s).  For § 1: CIC 0554 $ 1. For § 2: CIC 0554 $ 2. For § 3: CIC 0554 $ 3.

CCEO 0278
; responsibilities of protopresbyters. Latine.
 Parallel(s).  For § 1: CIC 0555 $ 1. For § 2: CIC 0555 $ 2. For § 3: CIC 0555 $ 3. For § 4: CIC 0555 $ 4.



 // Title VII, Chap. 3, Parishes, pastors, and parochial vicars, cc. 279-303.


 Western note. CCEO 279-303 are substantially similar to CIC 515-552.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


Parishes in general.


Pastors in general.


 Dissertation. Thomas Adoppillil (Indian priest, 1958-), The rights and obligations of the pastor of a parish according to the Code of canons of the Eastern Churches and the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church, (SPU/USP diss., 2003) 292 pp.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0279
definition of a parish. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0515 § 1.

CCEO 0280
territorial and personal parishes. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0518. For § 2: CIC 0515 § 2. For § 3: = CIC 0515 § 3.

CCEO 0281
; office of pastor. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0519. For § 2: = CIC 0520 § 1.

CCEO 0282
parishes entrusted to religious. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0520. For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0283
; exemption of groups or institutes from pastor's control generally to be avoided. Latine.


CCEO 0284
; appointment of pastors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0523. For § 2: CIC 0682. For § 3: =CIC 0522.


 Note(s). Canon 284 is referenced in Canons 284, 301.

CCEO 0285
; qualifications of pastors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0521. For § 2: CIC 0521. For § 3: CIC 0524.

CCEO 0286
diocesan administrators can appoint pastors if see is vacant for a year. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0525. For 1°: = For 2°: =

CCEO 0287
pastors over one or more parishes. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0526. For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0288
installation and start of pastor's authority. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0527.

CCEO 0289
; pastor's duties toward three-fold munera. Latine.


 Parallel(s)(s). For § 1: CIC 0528 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0528 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0529 § 1.

CCEO 0290
; pastor's duties toward liturgical and juridic affairs. Latine.


 Parallel(s)(s). For § 1: CIC 0532. For § 2: CIC 0530.

CCEO 0291
handling offerings made on on occasion of parochial functions. Latine.


 Parallel(s)(s). CIC 0531.

CCEO 0292
pastor's residential obligations and vacation rights. Latine.


 Parallel(s)(s). CIC 0533. For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0293
; pastors expected always to exhibit pastoral and priestly care. Latine.


CCEO 0294
the 'Mass for the people'. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0534.


 Note(s). Canon 294 is referenced in Canon 302.

CCEO 0295
; parish pastoral and finance councils. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0536, CIC 0537.

CCEO 0296
; parish books and records to be maintained. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0535. For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For § 5: =

CCEO 0297
pastor's cessation from office. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0538 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0538 § 3.

CCEO 0298
; appointment of parish administrator upon vacancy or impedation of parish. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0539.

CCEO 0299
authority of the parish administrator. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 540. For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0300
role of parochial vicar during vacancy or impedation of parish. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0541. For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0301
description of parochial vicar. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0545 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0545 § 2. For § 3: =

CCEO 0302
; parochial vicar works under authority of pastor. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0548 § 3. For § 2: CIC 0548 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0548 § 3. For § 4: CIC 0550.


 Note(s). Canon 302 is referenced in Canons 290, 830.

CCEO 0303
removal of parochial vicar. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0552.



 // Title VII, Chap. 4, Rectors of churches, cc. 304-310.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 304-310 are virtually identical to CIC 556-563.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0304
; definition of rector. Latine.

Parallel(s). CIC 0556.

CCEO 0305
; diocesan bishop generally appoints rectors.

Parallel(s). CIC 0557.

CCEO 0306
; restriction on rectors against performing certain pastoral functions.

Parallel(s). CIC 0558, CIC 559.

CCEO 0307
; local ordinary can direct more liturgical functions be celebrated.

Parallel(s). CIC 0560.

CCEO 0308
; necessity of permission of rector to celebrate Mass or administer sacraments.

Parallel(s). CIC 0561.

CCEO 0309
; responsibilities of rector.

Parallel(s). CIC 0562.

CCEO 0310
; removal of rector for a just cause.

Parallel(s). CIC 0563.



 // Title VIII, Exarchies and exarchs, cc. 311-321.


 Western note. CCEO 311-321 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0311
; definition of exarchy.


CCEO 0312
; exarch governs either for another or in his own name.


CCEO 0313
; law of eparchies/eparchs generally applies to exarchies/exarchs
. Latine.




  Francis (reg. 2013-), m.p. Come una madre (04 jun 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 715-717. English here. Summary: Factors warranting and procedures to be followed in removing diocesan bishop or eparch from office. Cites: CIC 0193, 0368. / CCEO 0313, 0975.

CCEO 0314
; authority to appoint exarchs.


CCEO 0315
; authority to request priest for exarchy and attachment thereto.


CCEO 0316
; process for appeal from decrees of exarch depends on nature of appointment.


CCEO 0317
; exarchs generally bound to make ‘ad limina’ visit.


CCEO 0318
; exarch bound to make quinquennial report to superior.


CCEO 0319
; governing norms generally bind exarchs.


CCEO 0320
; when temporary governance of exarchy falls to others.


CCEO 0321
; dignities enjoyed by exarchs who are not bishops
. Latine.



 ! Title IX, Assemblies of hierarchs of several Churches 'sui iuris', cc. 322.

 Western note.
CCEO 322 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0322
conditions suggesting and limitations on trans-ecclesial hierarchical assemblies. Latine.



 // Title X, Clerics, cc. 323-398.

 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 323-327. ]


 Western note. CCEO 323–327 should be assessed individually for possible correspondence to Western canons.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0323
; definition of a cleric. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC0207.

CCEO 0324
; characteristics of clergy. Latine.

CCEO 0325
; three ranks of clergy. Latine.
 Parallel(s). Omnium 1009 § 1.

CCEO 0326
; exercise of clerical ministry regulated by law. Latine.

CCEO 0327
; those known as 'minor clerics' are treated in particular law only. Latine.




 // Title X, Chap. 1, Formation of clerics, cc. 328-356.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 328 to CCEO 330 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0328
; the Church has the right to form clergy and ministers especially in seminaries. Latine.



CCEO 0329
 specifying how duty to foster vacations rests on the whole Church. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0233. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 0330
 responsibility to establish formation programs and basic content of same. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0242. For § 2: CIC 0242. For § 3: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 330 is referenced in Canons 471, 536.



 // Title X, Chap 1, art 1. Establishment and governing of seminaries, cc. 331-341.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 331 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0331
; nature and mission of minor and major seminaries. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0234 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0235 § 1.

CCEO 0332
; establishment of minor and major seminaries. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0234 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0237.


 Note(s). Canon 332 is referenced in Canon 828.

CCEO 0333
; seminary of a Church sui iuris can admit students from other Churches. Latine.


CCEO 0334
; seminary to be at service of one or more eparchies. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0237.


 Note(s). Canon 834 is referenced in Canon 828.

CCEO 0335
; juridic personality of seminaries and representative. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0238.

CCEO 0336
; supervision of seminary and exemption from parish governance. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 0262.


 Note(s). Canon 336 is referenced in Canon 306.

CCEO 0337
; approval of statures and directory of seminaries. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0243.

CCEO 0338
; duties of seminary rector. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0239 § 1.

CCEO 0339
; spiritual fathers and confessors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0239 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0240. For § 3: CIC 0240.

CCEO 0340
; seminary faculty. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0253 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0254 § 1. For § 3: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 340 is referenced in Canons 471, 536.

CCEO 0341
; expenses of seminary to be met by assessment a/o collections. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0264.



 // Title X, Chap 1, art. 2, Formation for ministry, cc. 342-356.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 342-356


 ► Topic in general, as follows:




 ▪ Cong. for Catholic Education (Grocholewski), instr. In continuità (04 nov 2005), AAS 97 (2005) 1007-1013. English, here. Summary: Strongly discourages admission to seminary and/or ordination of homosexual men or those possessing such tendencies. Cites: CIC 0208, 0241, 1024, 1029, 1051, 1052. / CCEO 0011, 0342, 0754, 0758, 0770.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0342
; basic requirement for admission or re-admission to seminary. Latine.



CCEO 0343
; students to be formed in their own rite. Latine.



CCEO 0344
; formation in minor seminary. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: CIC0234 § 2. For § 4: CIC0235 § 2.

CCEO 0345
; formation in major seminary. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 345 is referenced in Canon 348.

CCEO 0346
; goals and techniques of formation in seminary training. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0246.

CCEO 0347
; doctrinal instruction in seminary. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0248.

CCEO 0348
; scope of philosophy and theology studies in seminary. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0250.

CCEO 0349
; seminary philosophical studies in specific. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0251.

CCEO 0350
; seminary theological studies in specific. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0252.

CCEO 0351
; seminary teachers to present Church teaching faithfully. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0253 § 1.

CCEO 0352
; pastoral studies in seminary. Latine.

 Parallel(s). ≠ ==

CCEO 0353
; pastoral formation to be pursued by exercises and tests. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0258.

CCEO 0354
; deacons not intending to advance to priesthood to be formed in similar manner. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0236.


 Note(s). Canon 354 is referenced in Canon 760.

CCEO 0355
; seminaries to be taught the obligations of clerics. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0247.

CCEO 0356
; rectors to report to bishops & bishops to visit seminary often. Latine.


 Parallel(s). ≠ ==



 // Title X, Chap 2, Enrollment of clerics in eparchy, cc. 357-366.


 Western note. CCEO 357-366 are substantially similar to CIC 265-272.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0357
; all clerics to be 'enrolled' somewhere. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC0265. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 0358
; enrollment occurs at diaconal ordination. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0266 § 1.

CCEO 0359
; change of enrollment occurs only with agreement by two bishops concerned. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0267 § 1.

CCEO 0360
; process for clerics to move to other eparchies without changing enrollment. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: 1983CIC0271 § 1. For § 2: 1983CIC0268 § 1.

CCEO 0361
; preference to allow clergy to move to other places suffering lack of clergy. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0271 § 1.

CCEO 0362
; cleric with permission to move can be recalled for just reasons. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0271 § 3.

CCEO 0363
; restrictions on one not he bishop to allow change of enrollment. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0272.

CCEO 0364
; enrollment ceases only with change of enrollment or loss of clerical state. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0267 § 2.

CCEO 0365
; factors supporting permission for cleric to move or to transfer. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0270.

CCEO 0366
; factors supporting bishop's consent to admission of cleric. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0269.



 // Title X, Chap 3, Rights and obligations of clerics, cc. 367-393.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 367-393 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0367
; fundamental obligation of clerics to announce Kingdom and manifest love of God.



CCEO 0368
; clerics are bound in special way to perfection proposed by Christ.


 Parallel(s). 1983CIC0276 § 1.

CCEO 0369
; spiritual obligations of clerics.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0370
; clerical respect and obedience for rpp and ordinaries.


 Parallel(s). CIC0273.

CCEO 0371
; clerical right to office and duties upon entering office.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0372
; clerical obligation of continuing education.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: 1983CIC0279. For § 3: ≠.

CCEO 0373
; clerical celibacy and the honorable marriage. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0277 § 1.

CCEO 0374
; clerics obligated to chastity. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0375
; married clerics to be outstanding example to others. Latine.



CCEO 0376
; common life among celibate clerics to be be fostered. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0280.

CCEO 0377
; clerical obligation to divine office. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0378
; clerical obligation to celebrate Divine Liturgy frequently. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0379
; clerics to regard one another as brothers. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0275.

CCEO 0380
; clerics to have concern for vocations and promote them. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC0233.

CCEO 0381
; clerical obligations serve the people. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Parallel(s). CIC

CCEO 0382
; clerics to abstain from al l things unbecoming to their state. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Parallel(s). CIC

CCEO 0383
; clerical right and duties under civil law. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: =

CCEO 0384
; clerics to foster peace and justice but not engage in partisan politics. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0385


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0386


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0387


 Parallel(s). CIC0284.

CCEO 0388
; restrictions on clerics exercising rights and dignities outside of territory. Latine.



CCEO 0389
; clerics to avoid controversies and refers those perhaps arising to Church. Latine.



CCEO 0390


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 390 is referenced in Canon 291.

CCEO 0391


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0392


 Parallel(s). CIC0283 § 2.

CCEO 0393
; clerics to care for Church and seek to serve her even in missions. Latine.





 // Title X, Chap 4, Loss of clerical state, cc. 394-398.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 394-398 are virtually identical to CIC 290-293.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0394
; loss of clerical state. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0290.

CCEO 0395
; main consequences of loss of clerical state. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0292.

CCEO 0396
; dispensations from celibacy. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0291.


 Note(s). Canon 396 is referenced in Canons 395, 1433, 1538.

CCEO 0397
; patriarch's authority to remove a cleric from clerical state. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 397 is referenced in Canon 394.

CCEO 0398
; readmission to clerical sate by patriarch or Apostolic See. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0293.



 // Title XI, Lay persons, cc. 399-409.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 399-409 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0399
; laypersons are in the secular order and are neither clerics nor religious.



CCEO 0400

 Parallel(s). CIC0224.

CCEO 0401


 Parallel(s). CIC0225.

CCEO 0402

 Parallel(s). CIC0227.

CCEO 0403


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0404


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0405



CCEO 0406


 Parallel(s). CIC 0225.

CCEO 0407


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0408


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0409
; training and formation of lay employees.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =



 ! Title XII, Monks, other religious, and other institutes of consecrated life, cc. 410-572.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Monograph. Jobe Abbass (Canadian Conventual Maronite, 1952-), The Consecrated Life: a comparative commentary of the Eastern and Latin Codes (St. Paul University, 2008) 513 pp. bis.



 ! Title XII, Chap. 1, Monks and other religious, cc. 410-553.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art 1. General canons, cc. 410-432.


 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 410-411. ]

 Western note.
CCEO 410 treats the same topic as does CIC 573; CCEO 411 is unique to Eastern law.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


CCEO 0410; definition and description of religious state. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0573.

CCEO 0411
; "The religious state shall be encouraged and promoted by all". Latine.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 1. Religious dependence on eparch, patriarch, and Apostolic See, cc. 412-417.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 412 =


 ► Topic in general.


 Note(s). Canons 413-415 are referenced in Canon 554.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0412


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0413


 Parallel(s). =


 Dissertation. Padinjarathala Anton Paul (Indian Salesian, 1967-), Religious of pontifical right and the diocesan and eparchial bishops: (a comparative study of. CIC /1983 and CCEO /1990, (Salesianum diss. 515, 2001) 205 pp (part). bis.

CCEO 0414


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 414 is referenced in Canon 566.

CCEO 0415


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0416


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0417


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 2. Superiors and members of religious institutes, cc. 418-432.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 418-432 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0418


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 418 is referenced in Canons 413, 554.

CCEO 0419


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 419 is referenced in Canon 554.

CCEO 0420


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 420 is referenced in Canon 554.

CCEO 0421


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0422


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 422 is referenced in Canon 557.

CCEO 0423


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 423 is referenced in Canon 567.

CCEO 0424


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 424 is referenced in Canons 558, 567.

CCEO 0425


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 425 is referenced in Canons 558, 567.

CCEO 0426


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0427


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0428


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0429



CCEO 0430




 Note(s). Canon 430 is referenced in Canon 89.

CCEO 0431


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0432




 Note(s). Canon 432 is referenced in Canon 451.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, Monasteries, cc. 433-503.


 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 433-434. ]


 Western note. CCEO 433-444 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0433
; definition of a monastery. Latine.


CCEO 0434
; type of monasteries. Latine.




 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, no. 1. Erection and suppression of monasteries, cc. 435-440.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 435-440 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


Ab initio 0435; eparchial bishop can establish monastery with written consent of patriarch. Latine.


 ― CCEO 0435; eparchial bishop can establish monastery after consultation with patriarch. Latine.


  Parallel(s). 1983CIC0579.


  Papal: Francis, m. p. Ab initio (21 nov 2020) info here. Summary: Modifications restricting authority of bishops to establish new monasteries and congregations without written permission of the Apostolic See. Cites: CCEO 0435, 0506.

CCEO 0436



CCEO 0437


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 437 is referenced in Canon 509.

CCEO 0438


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0439


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 439 is referenced in Canon 440.

CCEO 0440


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, no. 2. Superiors, synaxes, and finance officers of monasteries, cc. 441-447.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 441-447 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0441


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 441 is referenced in Canon 995.

CCEO 0442


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0443


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0444


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0445




 Note(s). Canon 445 is referenced in Canon 515.

CCEO 0446


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0447


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, no. 3. Admission to monastery 'sui iuris' and to novitiate, cc. 448-461.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 448-461 =


 ► Topic in general.


 Note(s). Canons 459-461 are referenced in Canon 525.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0448


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 448 is referenced in Canon 517.

CCEO 0449



CCEO 0450


 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: = =


 Note(s). Canon 450 is referenced in Canons 517, 559, 568.

CCEO 0451




 Note(s). Canon 451 is referenced in Canon 559.

CCEO 0452


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0453


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 453 is referenced in Canon 519.

CCEO 0454




 Note(s). Canon 454 is referenced in Canon 517.

CCEO 0455



CCEO 0456


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0457


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0458


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0459


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0460



CCEO 0461


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 461 is referenced in Canon 457.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, no. 4. Consecration of monastic profession, cc. 462-470.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 462-470 =


 ► Topic in general.


 Note(s). Canons 466-468 are referenced in Canon 533.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0462


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0463



CCEO 0464


 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Note(s). Canon 464 is referenced in Canon 532.

CCEO 0465



CCEO 0466



CCEO 0467


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0468


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0469


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0470





 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, no. 5. Formation of members and monastic discipline, cc. 471-480.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 471-480=


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0471


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 471 is referenced in Canons 341, 536.

CCEO 0472


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 472 is referenced in Canon 750.

CCEO 0473


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 473 is referenced in Canon 538.

CCEO 0474


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 474 is referenced in Canon 538.

CCEO 0475


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0476


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0477


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0478


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0479




 Note(s). Canon 479 is referenced in Canon 624.

CCEO 0480




 Note(s). Canon 480 is referenced in Canon 282.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, no. 6. Hermits, cc. 481-485.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 481-485 treat the same topics as does CIC 603.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0481
; definition of a hermit. Latine.


CCEO 0482
; requirement for monastic to become hermit. Latine.


CCEO 0483
; living space for hermits must be approved. Latine.


CCEO 0484
; retention of some authority over hermit by monastery. Latine.


CCEO 0485
; possible termination of eremitical life. Latine.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, no. 7. Stauropegial monastery, c. 486.


 Western note. CCEO 486 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0486
; establishment of and authority over stauropegial monastery. Latine.




 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, No. 8, Transfer to another monastery, cc. 487-488.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 487-488 treat some of the same topics as do CIC 684-685.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0487
; process for transferring from one monastery to another. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0684 §§ 1, 3.

CCEO 0488
; implications of transferring from one monastery to another. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0684 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 488 is referenced in Canon 545.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, No. 9, Exclaustration and leaving the monastery, cc. 489-496.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 489-496 =


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 489-491 are referenced in Canon 548.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0489
; =


 Francis, m. p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 5. Summary: Modification of various canons; here, == Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 0490



CCEO 0491


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0492


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0493


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 493 is referenced in Canons 546, 549.

CCEO 0494


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 494 is referenced in Canon 549.

CCEO 0495


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0496


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Papal. ==


 Francis, m. p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 6. Summary: Modification of various canons; here, requiring confirmation by hss to conference before publishing catechisms for its territory. Text comparison: PDF here.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 2, no. 10, Dismissal of monks, cc. 497-503.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 497-501 = Parallel(s).


 ► Topic in general, as follows.


 Note(s). Canons 500-503 are referenced in Canons 553, 562.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0497


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 497 is referenced in Canons 500, 502, 551, 562.

CCEO 0498


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 498 is referenced in Canons 551, 562.

CCEO 0499






 Francis, m. p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 7. Summary: Modification of various canons; here, requiring confirmation by hss to conference before publishing catechisms for its territory. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 0500



CCEO 0501






 Francis, m. p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 8. Summary: Modification of various canons; here, requiring confirmation by hss to conference before publishing catechisms for its territory. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 0502



CCEO 0503





 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, Orders and congregations, cc. 504-553.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =

 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 504-505. ]

 Western note. CCEO 504 treats the same topics as do CIC 607; CCEO 505 treats the same topic as does CIC 589.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0504
; definition of order, definition of congregation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0607.

CCEO 0505
; character of order or congregation based on establishing authority and membership. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0589.


 Dissertation. Padinjarathala Anton Paul (Indian Salesian, 1967-), Religious of pontifical right and the diocesan and eparchial bishops: (a comparative study of. CIC /1983 and CCEO /1990, (Salesianum diss. 515, 2001) 205 pp (part). bis.


 Note(s). Canon 505 is referenced in Canons 554, 563.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, no. 1. Erection and suppression of order, congregation, province, or house, cc. 506-510.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 506-510 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note(s). Canons 506-510 are referenced in Canon 556.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

Ab initio 0506; eparch can establish congregation with written consent of Holy See and patriarch consultation. Latine.


 Parallel(s). =


 Olim. CCEO 0506; eparch can establish congregation after consultation with Holy See and patriarch. Latine.


  Parallel(s). 1983CIC0579.


  Papal: (abbr). Francis, m. p. Ab initio (21 nov 2020) info here. Summary: Modifications restricting authority of bishops to establish new monasteries and congregations without written permission of the Apostolic See. Cites: CCEO 0435, 0506.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


  Note(s). Canon 506 is referenced in Canon 566.

CCEO 0507


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 507 is referenced in Canons 510, 566.

CCEO 0508


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0509


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 509 is referenced in Canon 566.

CCEO 0510




 Note(s). Canon 510 is referenced in Canon 566.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, no. 2. Superiors, synaxes, and finance officers in orders and congregations, cc. 511-516.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 511-516 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note(s). Canons 511-516 are referenced in Canon 557.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0511


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 511 is referenced in Canon 995.

CCEO 0512


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0513


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0514


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0515


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0516


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 516 is referenced in Canon 558.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, no. 3. Admission to orders, congregations, and novitiate, cc. 517-525.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 517-525 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0517


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0518



CCEO 0519


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0520


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0521


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0522


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0523


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0524


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0525


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 525 is referenced in Canon 529.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, no. 4. Profession in orders and congregations, cc. 526-535.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 526-535 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0526


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 526 is referenced in Canon 532.

CCEO 0527


 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =

CCEO 0528



CCEO 0529


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = =


 Note(s). Canon 529 is referenced in Canon 534.

CCEO 0530


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0531



CCEO 0532


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0533


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0534



CCEO 0535





 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, no. 5. Formation of members, discipline in orders and congregations, cc. 536-543.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 536-543 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


Abinitio0536; eparch can establish monasteries only with written approval of Holy See. Latine.

CCEO 0536
; plan or formation for lay and clerical members to be set out in writing. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: 1983CIC0659 § 2. For § 2: 1983CIC0659 § 3.


=Episcopus eparchialis erigere potest tantum congregationes; sed eas ne erigat nisi praevia licentia scripto data Sedis Apostolicae et insuper intra fines territorii Ecclesiae patriarchalis nisi consulto Patriarcha.


 Note(s). Canon 536 is referenced in Canon 341.

CCEO 0537


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 537 is referenced in Canons 560, 750.

CCEO 0538


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0539


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0540


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0541


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0542




 Note(s). Canon 542 is referenced in Canon 624.

CCEO 0543


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, no. 6. Transfer to another order, congregation, or monastery 'sui iuris', cc. 544-545.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 544-545 are substantially similar to CIC 684-685.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0544
; transfer between institutes.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0684.


 Note(s). Canon 544 is referenced in Canon 488.

CCEO 0545
; during transfer probation former obligations suspended but new obligations bind.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0685.


 Note(s). Canon 545 is referenced in Canon 488.



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, no. 7. Exclaustration and leaving an order or congregation, cc. 546-550.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 546-550 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0546


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =




Francis, m. p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 6. Summary: Modification of various canons; here, requiring confirmation by hss to conference before publishing catechisms for its territory. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 0547


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0548


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0549


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0550


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =



 // Title XII, Chap. 1, art. 3, No. 8, Dismissal from an order or congregation, cc. 551-553.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 551-553 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0551


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0552


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 8. Summary: Modification of various canons; here, requiring confirmation by hss to conference before publishing catechisms for its territory. Text comparison: PDF here.


 Note(s). Canon 552 is referenced in Canons 499, 562.

CCEO 0553


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =



 // Title XII, Chap. 2, Societies of common life according to manner of religious, cc. 554-562.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 554-562 =


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Dissertation. John Bosco Santiago (Indian priest, ≈), The history and development of ‘Societies of Apostolic life’ and ‘Societies of common life according to the manner of religious’ in the. CIC and CCEO: a comparative study, (Angelicum diss. 3841, 2003) xvi-345. bis.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0554


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0555


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0556


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0557


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0558


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0559


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0560


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 560 is referenced in Canon 750.

CCEO 0561


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0562


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =



 // Title XII, Chap. 3, Secular institutes, cc. 563-569.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 563 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0563


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0564


 Parallel(s). CIC 0590 § 2.

CCEO 0565


 Parallel(s). CIC 0715.

CCEO 0566


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0567


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0568


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0569





 // Title XII, Chap. 4, Note(s) forms of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life, cc. 570-572.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 570-572 =

 ► Topic in general, as follows:


Dissertation. John Bosco Santiago (Indian priest, ≈), The history and development of ‘Societies of Apostolic life’ and ‘Societies of common life according to the manner of religious’ in the. CIC and CCEO: a comparative study, (Angelicum diss. 3841, 2003) xvi-345. bis.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0570
; authorizes other forms of ascetical life, especially consecrated virgins and widows.




Dissertation. Christina Hip-Flores (Cuban consecrated virgin, ≈), Consecrated widows: an analysis of Canon 580 of the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium (Navarra diss. =, 2015) = pp., excerpts in Quadernos Doctorales 26 (2014-2015) 209-258, here.

CCEO 0571


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0572


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =



 // Title XIII, Associations of the Christian faithful, cc. 573-583.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 573-583 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0573


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0574


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0575


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 575 is referenced in Canon 579.

CCEO 0576


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0577


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0578


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3:


 Note(s). Canon 578 is referenced in Canon 391.

CCEO 0579
; =


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Papal: Francis, m. p. Authenticum charismatis (2020) info here. Summary: Restricts Eastern prelates from authorizing new religious institutes except with prior written permission from the Apostolic See. Cites: CCEO 00579. Comment: This was a wholesale abrogation of the previous version of Canon 579 (dealing with enrollment of clerics in institutes of consecrated life and its replacement by a topic unrelated to it (approval of new institutes of consecrated life).

CCEO 0580


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0581


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0582


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0583


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =



 // Title XIV, Evangelization of Nations, cc. 584-594.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 584-594 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0584


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0585


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0586


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0587


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0588


 Parallel(s). =



CCEO 0589


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0590


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0591


 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°: =

CCEO 0592


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0593



CCEO 0594




 // Title XV, Ecclesiastical magisterium, cc. 595-666.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Monograph. Dimitrios Salachas (Greek prelate, 1939-2023), Il magisterio e l'evangelzzazione dei popoli nei Codici latino e orientale: studio teologico-giuridico comparativo, (Dehonniane, 2001) 334 pp.



 // Title XV, Chap. 1, Teaching office of the Church in general, cc. 595-606.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =

Western note.
CCEO 595 and 597-600 are substantially similar to CIC 747-751 and 752-753; CCEO 596, 601-606 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0595
; right of Church to proclaim the Gospel and moral and social principles.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0596
; the office of teaching belongs to bishops but it shared in by clerics and those with mandates. Latine.


CCEO 0597
; papal and collegial infallibility. Latine.


 Dicasterial. Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. Nell'attuale momento 31 oct 1998], Communicationes 30 (1998) 207-216. English, here. Summary: Roman primacy. Cites: CIC 0749, 0781, 0782, 1404. / CCEO 0597, 1058.


 Monograph. James O’Connor (American priest, 1939-2014), The Gift of Infallibility (Ignatius, 2008) 158 pp. Review: =

Ad tuendam 0598
; =


 Olim. CCEO 0598; assertions to be believed or held, as follows:


 ― Papal (abbr). John Paul II, m. p. Ad tuendam (1998), info here. Summary: Identifying and protecting secondary objects of infallibility. Text comparison: PDF here.


 ― Dicasterial.


 = Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), "Nota doctrinalis professionis fidei formulam extremam enucleans" (29 jun 1998), AAS 90 (1988) 544-551. Latin here; English, here. Summary: Outlines levels of truth and offers markers for helping to determine what theological note, or degree of certitude, is to be associated with various doctrinal or moral assertions. Cites: CIC 0750, 0751, 0752, 1364, 1371. / CCEO 0598, 0599, 1436.

CCEO 0599
; religious submission of intellect and will is owed to authentic magisterium. Latine.


CCEO 0600
; authentic teaching by bishops and response thereto by Christian faithful. Latine.


CCEO 0601
; ecclesial obligation to engage the issues of the times. Latine.


CCEO 0602
; pastoral care to make use of theology and profane sciences. Latine.


CCEO 0603
; literature and arts to be promoted. Latine.


CCEO 0604
; pastors to take care to preserve and promote the same sense of faith. Latine.


CCEO 0605
; bishops and the Apostolic See to defend faith and morals against dangerous trends. Latine.


CCEO 0606
; special duties of theologians in regard to matters of faith. Latine.




 // Title XV, Chap. 2, Ministry of the Word of God, cc. 607-626.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 607-608 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0607


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0608


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =



 // Title XV, Chap. 2, art 1. Preaching the Word of God, cc. 609-616.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 609-616 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0609


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0610


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 610 is referenced in Canons 611, 612.

CCEO 0611


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0612


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0613


CCEO 0614


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 614 is referenced in Canon 610.

CCEO 0615


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0616


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =



 // Title XV, Chap. 2, art. 2, Catechetical instruction, cc. 617-626.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 617-626 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0617


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0618



CCEO 0619


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0620


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0621


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0622


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0623


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0624


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0625



CCEO 0626





 // Title XV, Chap. 3, Catholic education, cc. 627-650.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Preliminary canons, CCEO 627-630.


Western note. CCEO 627-630 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0627


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0628


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0629


 Parallel(s). CIC 0795.

CCEO 0630


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =



 // Title XV, Chap. 3, art 1. Schools, especially Catholic schools, cc. 631-639.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 631-639 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0631


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0632


 Parallel(s). CIC 0803 § 3.

CCEO 0633


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 633 is referenced in Canon 627.

CCEO 0634



CCEO 0635


 Parallel(s). CIC 0802.

CCEO 0636


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0637



CCEO 0638


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0639


 Parallel(s). CIC 0803 § 2.



 // Title XV, Chap. 3, art. 2, Catholic universities, cc. 640-645.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 640-640 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0640


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0641



CCEO 0642


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 642 is referenced in Canon 644.

CCEO 0643


 Parallel(s). CIC 0811 § 1.

CCEO 0644


 Parallel(s). CIC 0812.

CCEO 0645


 Parallel(s). CIC 0813.



 // Title XV, Chap. 3, art. 3, Ecclesiastical universities and faculties, cc. 646-650.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 646-650 treat the same topics as do CIC 815-817, omitting CIC 818-821. =


 Note(s). Canons 646-650 are referenced in Canon 640.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0646
; hierarch's role, and Church's right to establish, ecclesiastical universities and faculties.


CCEO 0647
; purpose of ecclesiastical universities and faculties.


CCEO 0648
; description of ecclesiastical universities and faculties.


CCEO 0649
; ecclesiastical universities and faculties to be founded only by Apostolic See.


CCEO 0650
; statutes for ecclesiastical universities and faculties to follows norms from Apostolic See.




 // Title XV, Chap. 4, Instruments of social communication and specifically books, cc. 651-666.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 651-666 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0651


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0652


 Parallel(s). CIC 0823.

CCEO 0653


 Parallel(s). CIC 0831 § 2.

CCEO 0654


 Parallel(s). CIC 0824 § 2.

CCEO 0655


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0656


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0657


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 657 is referenced in Canon 668.

CCEO 0658


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0659


 Parallel(s). CIC 0827 § 3.

CCEO 0660


 Parallel(s). CIC 0831 § 1.

CCEO 0661



CCEO 0662


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 662 is referenced in Canons 657, 660.

CCEO 0663


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0664


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0665


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0666





 // Title XVI, Divine worship and especially sacraments, cc. 667-895.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Preliminary canons, CCEO 667-674.


 Western note. CCEO 667-674.


 ► Topic in general, no entries. =




=Congregation for Eastern Churches (Silvestrini), instr. Applying the Liturgical Prescriptions of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (6 jan 1996), (Libreria Editrice Vaticana) 91 pp. English here. Summary: =


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0667


 Parallel(s). CIC 0840.

CCEO 0668


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0669


 Parallel(s). CIC 0841.

CCEO 0670



CCEO 0671


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Dicasterial, as follows:

  Pont. Council for Christian Unity (Kasper), Given the great (20 iul 2001), EV 20 (2021) 970-978 English, here. Summary: Guidelines for admission to Eucharist between the Chaldean Church and the Assyrian Church of the East. Cites: CCEO 0671 § 2, 3 / Ecumenical Directory 123.


  Pont. Council for Christian Unity (unsigned), doc. Ammissione (26 oct 2001), EV 20 (2021) 978-989. Summary: = Cites: CCEO 0669, 0670, 0671, 0674 / Ecumenical Directory 123, 125.

CCEO 0672


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0673


 Parallel(s). CIC 0837 § 2.

CCEO 0674


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =



 // Title XVI, Chap. 1, Baptism, cc. 675-691.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 675-691 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


Doctoral dissertation.


  Miroslav Costanzo Adam (= Dominican, ≈), I sacramenti dell'iniziazione cristiana nei rapporti interecclesiali tra i cattolici latini e orientali in Slovacchia, (Angelicum diss. 3837, 2001) ix-669 pp.


  Jean-Jacques Koffi oi Koffi (Ivory Coast priest, 1962-), Les sacrements de l'initiation chrétienne dans le Code de droit canonique (cann. 849-958) et dans le Code des canons des Eglises orientales (cann. 675-717): une étude comparative, (Urbanianum diss., 2001) vi-151 pp. Koffi oi Koffi biograph.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0675


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0676


 Parallel(s). CIC 0850.

CCEO 0677


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0678


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


CCEO 0679;


 Parallel(s). CIC 0864.


CCEO 0680;


 Parallel(s). CIC 0871.


CCEO 0681;


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = =

CCEO 0682


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0683


 Parallel(s). CIC 0850.

CCEO 0684


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


CCEO 0685;


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


CCEO 0686;


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


CCEO 0687;


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


CCEO 0688;


 Parallel(s). CIC 0875.


CCEO 0689;


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


CCEO 0690;


 Parallel(s). CIC 0878.

CCEO 0691


 Parallel(s). CIC 0876.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 2, Chrismation with Holy Maron, cc. 692-697.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 692-697 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0692


 Parallel(s). CIC 0879.

CCEO 0693


 Parallel(s). CIC 0874.

CCEO 0694


 Parallel(s). ≠

CCEO 0695


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0696


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0697


 Parallel(s). CIC 0842 § 2.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 3, Divine Eucharist, cc. 698-717.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 698-717 =


 Note(s). Canons 715-717 are referenced in Canon 291.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0698


 Parallel(s). CIC 0897.

CCEO 0699


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0700


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0701


 Parallel(s). CIC 0929.

CCEO 0702


 Parallel(s). CIC 0908.

CCEO 0703


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0704


 Parallel(s). CIC 0931.

CCEO 0705


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0706


 Parallel(s). CIC 0924.

CCEO 0707


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0708


 Parallel(s). CIC 0920, CIC 0921.

CCEO 0709


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0710



CCEO 0711


 Parallel(s). CIC 0916.

CCEO 0712


 Parallel(s). CIC 0915.

CCEO 0713


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0714


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0715


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0716


 Parallel(s). CIC 0945.

CCEO 0717


 Parallel(s). CIC 09049.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 4, Sacrament of Penance, cc. 718-736.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 718-736 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0718


 Parallel(s). CIC 0959.

CCEO 0719


 Parallel(s). CIC 0988, CIC 0989.

CCEO 0720


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0721


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0722


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 722 is referenced in Canon 726.

CCEO 0723


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 723 is referenced in Canon 724.

CCEO 0724


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0725


 Note(s). Canon 725 is referenced in Canons 395, 1433.

CCEO 0726


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0727


 Parallel(s). CIC0967 § 2.

CCEO 0728


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Papal. Francis (reg. 2013-), ap. let. Misericordia et misera (20 nov 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 1311-1327. English, here. Summary: Misericorda 12 extends to all priests the faculty of absolving from the sin of abortion.


 Note(s). Canon 728 is referenced in Canons 1450, 1456, 1457.

CCEO 0729


 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: =

CCEO 0730


 Parallel(s). CIC0977.

CCEO 0731


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 731 is referenced in Canon 1454.

CCEO 0732


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0733


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0734


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 734 is referenced in Canon 336.

CCEO 0735


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 735 is referenced in Canon 395.

CCEO 0736


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =



 // Title XVI, Chap. 5, Anointing of the Sick, cc. 737-742.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 737-742 are unique to Eastern law but treat the same topics as do CIC 998-1007.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0737
; introduction to norms on Anointing and preservation of option for multiple priests. Latine.

CCEO 0738
; eligibility for anointing. Latine.


CCEO 0739
; only priests can perform anointing. Latine.


CCEO 0740
; anointing to be administered in cases of doubt and implicit request suffices. Latine.


CCEO 0741
; clerics who can bless oil for anointing. Latine.


CCEO 0742
; preferred ritual for celebration and minimal requisites for anointing. Latine.




 // Title XVI, Chap. 6, Sacred Ordination, cc. 743-775.


 [ Preliminary canon, c. 743. ]


 Western note. CCEO 743 treats the same topic as does CIC 1008 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0743
; introduction to provisions on sacred ministers
. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1008.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 6, art 1. Minister of sacred ordination, cc. 744-753.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 744-753 are virtually identical to CIC 1012-1023 except that CCEO 746 and 748 are substantially similar to CIC 1015-1016.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0744
; bishop is bishop minister of sacred ordination. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1012.

CCEO 0745
; necessity of pontifical mandate for episcopal ordination. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1013.

CCEO 0746
; generally two con-consecrators to be associated with principal bishop of consecration. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1014.

CCEO 0747
; proper minister of diaconal and priestly ordination. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC1015 § 1.

CCEO 0748
; determination of proper bishop for ordination. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC1016. For § 2: CIC1015 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 748 is referenced in Canon 752.

CCEO 0749
; restriction on bishop conferring orders outside his own jurisdiction. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1017.

CCEO 0750
; authority to issue dimissorial letters. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1018.

CCEO 0751
; documentation required before issuance of dimissorial letters. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1020.

CCEO 0752
; dimissorial letters to bishops of different rite require apostolic indult. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1021.

CCEO 0753
; restrictions a/o revocation of dimissorial letters. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1023.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 6, art. 2, Subject of ordination, cc. 754-772.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Preliminary canons, CCEO 754-757.


 Western note. CCEO 754-757 =


 ► Topic in general, as follows:




 ▪ Cong. for Catholic Education (Grocholewski), instr. In continuità (04 nov 2005), AAS 97 (2005) 1007-1013. English, here. Summary: Strongly discourages admission to seminary and/or ordination of homosexual men or those possessing such tendencies. Cites: CIC 0208, 0241, 1024, 1029, 1051, 1052. / CCEO
11, 342, 754, 758, 770.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0754


 Parallel(s). CIC 1024.

CCEO 0755


 Parallel(s). CIC 1030.

CCEO 0756


 Parallel(s). ≠. For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0757


 Parallel(s). CIC 1038.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 6, Art 2, no. 1. Requirement for candidates for sacred ordination, cc. 758-761.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 758-761 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0758


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =




  Secretary of State (Bertone), resc. In riferimento (8 apr 2008), Communicationes 40 (2008) 83. Summary: Indicates dicasteries impacted by instruction regarding homosexual candidates for orders of 4 nov 2005, namely, Eastern Churches, Evangelization of Peoples, and Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. Cites: =?

CCEO 0759


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0760


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0761


 Parallel(s). CIC 1036.


 Note(s). Canon 761 is referenced in Canon 769.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 6, art. 2, no. 2. Impediments from receiving or exercising sacred orders, cc. 762-768.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 762-768 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0762


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 762 is referenced in Canons 758, 763, 767, 768.

CCEO 0763


 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: =

CCEO 0764



CCEO 0765


 Parallel(s). CIC 1045.

CCEO 0766


 Parallel(s). CIC 1046.

CCEO 0767


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0768


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =



 // Title XVI, Chap. 6, art. 3, Things which must precede sacred ordination, cc. 769-772.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 769-769 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0769


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0770


 Parallel(s). = For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =

CCEO 0771


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: =


 Note(s). Canon 771 is referenced in Canon 769.

CCEO 0772


 Parallel(s). CIC 1039.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 6, art. 4, Time, place, registration and certification of sacred ordination, cc. 773-775.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 773-775 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0773


 Parallel(s). CIC 1010.

CCEO 0774


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0775


 Parallel(s). CIC 1054.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, Marriage, cc. 776-866.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Preliminary canons, cc. 776-782.


 Western note. CCEO 776-782 =


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Monographs. Joseph Prader (≈ priest, ≈), La legislazione matrimoniale latina e oriental: problemi interecclesiali, interconfessionali, e interreligiosi, (Dehoniane, 1993) 105 pp. Review: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 28 (1994) 526-528. Victor Pospishil (Austrian/American priest, 1915-2006), Eastern Catholic Marriage Law (Saint Maron Publications, 1991) 532 pp. Review: J. Renken, Jurist 51 (1991) 253-255.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0776
; definition of marriage, as follows:


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Dissertation. Kevin Schembri (Maltese priest, 1981-), The permanence of the matrimonial bond in the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6572, 2017) 145 pp (part). Notes: Monograph: id., Oikonomia, Divorce and Remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition (Edizione Orientalia Christiana 2017) 327 pp. Schembri biograph.


 Thesis. Michael Minehan, “The nature of the Sacrament of Marriage according to the Latin and Eastern Codes”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992). bis.

CCEO 0777


 Parallel(s). CIC 1135.

CCEO 0778


 Parallel(s). CIC 1058.

CCEO 0779


 Parallel(s). CIC 1060.


 Note(s). Canon 779 is referenced in Canon 803.

CCEO 0780


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 780 is referenced in Canon 781.

CCEO 0781



CCEO 0782


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art 1. Pastoral care and things to precede celebration of marriage, cc. 783-789.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 783 treats are substantially similar to CIC 1063 and 1067-1071 except that CCEO 788 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0783
; outlines pastoral assistance to couples before and after wedding. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

 Parallel(s). CIC 1063.

CCEO 0784
pre-wedding investigation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1067.


 Note(s). Canon 784 is referenced in Canon 1372.

CCEO 0785
prevention of illicit or invalid weddings. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

 Parallel(s). CIC 1066, CIC 1068.

CCEO 0786
Christian faithful obliged to reveal marriage impediments. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1069.

CCEO 0787
person who conducts pre-wedding investigation to notify pastor of results. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1070.

CCEO 0788
; pastoral doubts about impediment to be referred to hierarch. Latine.


CCEO 0789
weddings requiring special permission. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1071.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 2, Diriment impediments in general, cc. 790-799.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 790-799 are substantially similar to CIC 1073-1082.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0790
; impediments render persons unqualified for marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1073.

CCEO 0791
; provable impediments are public, others occult. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1074.

CCEO 0792
; authority to declare matrimonial prohibitions or impediments. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1075.

CCEO 0793
; customs introducing or negating impediments are reprobated. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1076.

CCEO 0794
; prohibition of marriage for liceity and validity. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1077.

CCEO 0795
; basic provisions on dispensation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1078.


 Note(s). Canon 795 is referenced in Canon 797.

CCEO 0796
; dispensations in danger of death. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1079.


 Note(s). Canon 796 is referenced in Canons 797, 798.

CCEO 0797
; last-minute ('omnia parata') dispensations. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1080.


 Note(s). Canon 797 is referenced in Canon 798.

CCEO 0798
; notification concerning external forum dispensation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1081.

CCEO 0799
; notation of some internal forum dispensation to be noted to in secret archives. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1082.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 3, Impediments specifically, cc. 800-812.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 800-812 are virtually identical to CIC 1083-1094, except that CCEO 806 is only substantially similar to CIC 1089, and CCEO 811 is unique to Eastern law.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0800
; nonage and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1083 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1083 § 2.

CCEO 0801
; impotence and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1084 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1084 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1084 § 3.

CCEO 0802
; prior bond and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1085 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1085 § 2.

CCEO 0803
; disparity of cult and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1086 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1086 § 3. For § 3: CIC 1086 § 2.

CCEO 0804
; orders and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1087.

CCEO 0805
; vow of chastity and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1088.

CCEO 0806
; kidnapping and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1089.

CCEO 0807
; crime and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1090 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1090 § 2.

CCEO 0808
; consanguinity and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1091 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1091 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1091 § 4. For § 4: CIC 1091 § 3.

CCEO 0809
; affinity and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1092. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 0810
; public propriety and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1093. For § 2: CIC 1093.

CCEO 0811
; spiritual relationship arising between sponsor and one baptized. Latine.


CCEO 0812
; adoption and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1094.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 4, Mixed marriages, cc. 813-816.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 813-816 are virtually identical to CIC 1124-1128, except for CIC 1127 which is = at =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0813
requirements of permission for mixed marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1124.

CCEO 0814
conditions for permission for mixed marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1125.


 Note(s). Canon 814 is referenced in Canons 789, 803, 852.

CCEO 0815
role of episcopal conference. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1126.

CCEO 0816
spiritual assistance to those in mixed marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1128.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 5, Matrimonial consent, cc. 817-827.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =

 Western note.
CCEO 817-827 are virtually identical to CIC 1057, 1095-1107.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note. Eastern law discourages marriage proxy (CCEO 837) and makes no provisions regarding marriage consent offered through interpreters (pace CIC 1106).


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0817
; juridic character of consent that makes marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1057.

CCEO 0818
; when anomalies in reason impact capacity to consent to marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1095.

CCEO 0819
; ignorance and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1096.

CCEO 0820
; error of person and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1097.

CCEO 0821
; fraud and marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1098.


 Note(s). Canon 821 is referenced in Canon 801.

CCEO 0822
; error concerning substance of marriage. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1099.

CCEO 0823
; knowledge or opinion of nullity does not necessarily exclude marriage consent. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1100.

CCEO 0824
; simulation of consent to marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1101.


 Dissertation. Fabia Zannier (Italian laywoman, ≈), Simulazione matrimoniale nel diritto canonico (CIC e CCEO ) e civile italiano: incidenza ed effetti nel rapporto di filiazione, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2001) xxviii-59 pages (part). bis.=

CCEO 0825
; force and fear in regard to marriage. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1103.

CCEO 0826
; marriage based on condition not allowed. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1102.


 Note(s). Western law (CIC 1102) allows for marriage notwithstanding certain types of conditions.

CCEO 0827
; marriage consent is presumed effective notwithstanding impediments and defect of form. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1107.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 6, Form for the celebration of marriage, 828-842.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 828-842 =


 ► Topic in general, as follows.


 Thesis. Fernando Gil, “The form of marriage in the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995). bis.=


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0828


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0829

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0830

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0831

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0832


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =


 Note(s). Canon 832 is referenced in Canon 796.

CCEO 0833


CCEO 0834

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0835

 Parallel(s). CIC1127 § 2.

CCEO 0836

 Parallel(s). CIC1119.

CCEO 0837
; weddings by proxy discouraged.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0838

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0839

 Parallel(s). CIC1127 § 3.

CCEO 0840




 Note(s). Canon 840 is referenced in Canon 296.

CCEO 0841

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0842





 ! Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 7, Convalidation of marriage, cc 843-852.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 7, no. 1. Simple convalidation, cc. 843-847.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =

Western note.
CCEO 843-847 are virtually identical to CIC 1156-1160.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0843
; prerequisites and renewal of consent for convalidation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1156.

CCEO 0844
; renewal of consent as an act of the will. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1157.

CCEO 0845
; renewal of consent based on nature of impediment. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1158.

CCEO 0846
; renewal of consent based on problems with original consent. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1159.

CCEO 0847
; renewal of consent according to form based on defect of original form. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1160.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 7, no. 2. Radical sanation, cc. 848-852.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =

Western note.
CCEO 848-852 treat the same topics as do CIC 1161-1164.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0848
; definition and general operation of radical sanation. Latine.

CCEO 0849
; conditions for radical sanation. Latine.

CCEO 0850
; restrictions on radical sanation. Latine.

CCEO 0851
; radical sanation cannot be granted without current consent. Latine.


CCEO 0852
; authority able to grant sanation. Latine.



 ! Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 8, Separation of spouses, cc. 853-866.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 8, no. 1. Dissolution of the bond, cc. 853-862.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 853-862 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0853
; sacramental consummated marriage dissoluble only by death. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1141.


 Note(s). Canon 853 is referenced in Canon 860.

CCEO 0854
; notion of Pauline Privilege. Latrine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1143.

CCEO 0855
; interrogations for Pauline Privilege. Latrine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1144.


 Note(s). Canon 855 is referenced in Canon 857.

CCEO 0856
; alternative methods for interrogations for Pauline Privilege. Latrine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1145.


 Note(s). Canon 856 is referenced in Canon 857.

CCEO 0857
; consequence of responses to interrogations for Pauline Privilege. Latrine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1146.

CCEO 0858
; marriage with non-Catholic permitted for serious reason. Latrine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1147.

CCEO 0859
; resolution for men with several wives when entering Church. Latrine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1148.

CCEO 0860
; resolution for persons with captive or persecuted spouses when entering Church. Latrine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1149.

CCEO 0861
; "in doubtful matter privilege of faith enjoys the favor of the law. " Latrine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1150.

CCEO 0862
; dissolution of non-consummated marriage by Roman Pontiff. Latrine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1142.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 7, art. 8, no. 2. Separation while the bond endures, cc. 863-866.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 863-866 are virtually identical to CIC 1152-1155.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0863
; adultery as grounds for terminating conjugal living. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1152.

CCEO 0864
; other grounds for terminating spousal living. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1153 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: CIC 1153 § 2.

CCEO 0865
; support of children following separation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1154.

CCEO 0866
; encouragement of readmission to conjugal life. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1155.



 ! Title XVI, Chap. 8, Sacramentals, sacred times & places, veneration of the Saints, vow, oath, cc. 867-895.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 // Title XVI, Chap. 8, art 1. Sacramentals, cc. 867.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =

 Western note.
CCEO 867 is substantially similar to CIC 1166.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0867
; description of sacramentals. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1166.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 8, art. 2, Sacred Places, cc. 868-879.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 [ Preliminary canon, CCEO 868. ]


 Western note. CCEO 868 is substantially similar to CIC 1205-1206.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0868
; permission of eparch generally required for establishment of sacred place. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1205, CIC 1206.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Müller), instr. Per risuscitare con Cristo (15 aug 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 1288-1292. English, here. Summary: While recommending burial of bodies, Church permits cremation but requires placement of ashes in sacred place designated for such use. Cites: CCEO 0868, 0876 / CIC 1176, 1184, 1202.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 8, art. 2, no. 1. Churches, cc. 869-873.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 869-873 treat the same matters CIC 1214-1222.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0869
; churches dedicated by consecration or blessing and reserved for divine worship. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1214.

CCEO 0870; written eparchial consent required for building of church. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1215 § 1.

CCEO 0871; consecration reserved to eparch. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1217. For § 2: CIC 1207.

CCEO 0872; things not consonant with divine worship excluded from churches. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1210. For § 2: CIC 1220 § 1.

CCEO 0873; unusable church can be relegated to profane, but not sordid, use by eparch. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1222.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 8, art. 2, no. 2. Cemeteries and ecclesiastical funerals, cc. 874-879.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 874-879 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0874
; right of Church to have cemeteries. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 1240 § 1. For § 3: CIC 1242. For § 4: ≠.

CCEO 0875
duty to provide ecclesiastical funerals and description of same. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1176. CIC 1183 § 1.

CCEO 0876
extension of Catholic funeral rights to some non-Catholics & cremation. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1183 § 3. For § 2: CIC 1183 §§ 2. For § 3: CIC 1176 § 3.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Müller), instr. Per risuscitare con Cristo (15 aug 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 1288-1292. English, here. Summary: While recommending burial of bodies, Church permits cremation but requires placement of ashes in sacred place designated for such use. Cites: CIC 1176, 1184, 1202. / CCEO
868, 876.

CCEO 0877
; privation of funerals. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC1184 § 1.

CCEO 0878
offerings on the occasion of ecclesiastical funerals. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC1181. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 0879
recordation of death after burial. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC1182.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 8, art. 3, Feast days and days of penance, cc. 880-883.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 880-883 treat the same matters CIC 1244-1248.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0880
; authority of Church over feast/penance days. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: 1244 § 1. For § 2: CIC1244 § 2, CIC1246 § 2. For § 3: CIC1246 § 1.

CCEO 0881
; observance of the Lord's Day. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC1247. For § 2: CIC1248 § 1. For § 3: CIC0898. For § 4: CIC1247.

CCEO 0882
; particular law controls days of penance to be observed. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC1249.

CCEO 0883
; faithful outside their territories can observe feast/penance days around them. Latine.





 // Title XVI, Chap. 8, art. 4, Veneration of the saints, sacred images, and relics, cc. 884-888.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 884 and 885 are virtually identical to CIC 1186 and 1187. CCEO 886-888 are substantially similar to tt CIC 1188-1190.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0884
; introduction to veneration of Mary and the saints. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1186.

CCEO 0885
; public veneration restricted to blesseds and saints. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1187.

CCEO 0886
; veneration of icons and images to remain in force. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1188.
CCEO 0887
; respect for relics and images and restrictions on repair of certain precious objects. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1190 § 2. For § 2: CIC 1189.


 Note(s). Canon 887 is referenced in Canon 888.

CCEO 0888
; respect for relics and images. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1190 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1190 § 3. For § 3: CIC 1189.



 // Title XVI, Chap. 8, art. 5, A Vow and an Oath, cc. 889-895.


 For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 889-895 are substantially similar to CIC 1191-1198, except that CCEO 895 is the lone Eastern provision on oaths.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0889
; definition of vow and authorization to make them. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1191 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1191 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1191 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1192 § 2.

CCEO 0890
; vow binds only person making it. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1193.

CCEO 0891
; cessation of vow. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1194.

CCEO 0892
; suspension of vow. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1195.

CCEO 0893
; dispensation from vow. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1196.

CCEO 0894
; suspension of vows due to religious life. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1197.

CCEO 0895
; notion of an oath. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1199 § 1.



 ! Title XVII, Baptized Non-Catholics Coming into Full Communion with the Catholic Church, cc. 896-901.

 Western note.
CCEO 896-901 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0896
; only necessary obligations can be imposed on persons seeking full communion. Latine.


CCEO 0897
; profession of faith suffices for full incorporation of Eastern Christian. Latine.

CCEO 0898
; competent authority for receiving various persons into full communion. Latine.

CCEO 0899
; exercise of orders by various clerics coming into full communion. Latine.

CCEO 0900
; restrictions on reception based on age or grave inconveniences. Latine.


CCEO 0901
; reception of other non-Catholic Christians. Latine.



 ! Title XVIII, Ecumenism or Fostering the Unity of Christians, cc. 902-908.


 Western note. CCEO 902-908 are unique to Eastern law except for some brief overlap in CCEO 0904 with CIC 755.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


CCEO 0902; obligation to pray for general Christian unity. Latine.


CCEO 0903
; special obligation to pursue unity among Eastern Christian. Latine.


CCEO 0904
; local structures to assist with pursuit of Christian unity. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0755 § 2.

CCEO 0905
; cautions against missteps on path to Christian unity. Latine.


CCEO 0906
; obligation to present Catholic doctrine clearly in all venues. Latine.

CCEO 0907
; assistance toward facilitating others' access to their own ministers. Latine.


CCEO 0908
; encouragement toward cooperation in social and national outreach. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 908 is referenced in Canon 593.



 ! Title XIX, Persons and Juridic Acts, cc. 909-935.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XIX, Chap. 1, Persons, cc. 909-930.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 // Title XIX, Chap. 1, art 1. Physical Persons, cc. 909-919.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 909-918 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0909

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0910

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0911

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0912

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0913

 Parallel(s). CIC0103.


 Note(s). Canon 913 is referenced in CCEO 017.

CCEO 0914

 Parallel(s). CIC0104.

CCEO 0915

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 915 is referenced in Canon 917.

CCEO 0916
; identification or designation of proper pastor. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = =




  PCLT (Coccopalmerio), let. It has been brought (23 feb 2012), Communicationes 44 (2012) 36-37. Summary: Underscoring that Eastern Catholic faithful lacking their own pastors are no longer simply considered subjects of Roman Catholic pastors. Cites: CCEO 0916 § 4.


 Note(s). Canon 916 is referenced in Canon 147.

CCEO 0917

 Parallel(s). CIC0106.

CCEO 0918

 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°:

CCEO 0919

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =



 // Title XIX, Chap. 1, art. 2, Juridic persons, cc. 920-930.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 920-930 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0920

 Parallel(s). CIC0113 § 2.

CCEO 0921

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0922

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0923

 Parallel(s). CIC0115 § 2.

CCEO 0924

 Parallel(s). For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: =


 Note(s). Canon 924 is referenced in Canon 107.

CCEO 0925

 Parallel(s). CIC0120 § 2.

CCEO 0926


CCEO 0927

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 927 is referenced in Canon 583.

CCEO 0928


CCEO 0929

 Parallel(s). CIC0122.

CCEO 0930

 Parallel(s). CIC0123.



 ! Title XIX, Chap. 2, Juridic acts, cc. 931-935.


Western note. CCEO 931-935 are virtually identical to CIC 124-128.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0931
requisites for and presumption of validity of acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0124.

CCEO 0932
various factors vitiating various acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0125.

CCEO 0933
effect of ignorance or error on juridic acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0126.

CCEO 0934
consultation and consent. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0127.


 Note(s). Canon 934 is referenced in Canon 422.

CCEO 0935
possible liability for harm arising from juridic acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0128



 // Title XX, Offices, cc. 936-978.


 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 936-937. ]


 Western note. CCEO 936 is substantially similar to CIC 145; CCEO 937 is unique to Eastern law.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0936
; definition of and scope of authority within ecclesiastical office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0145 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0145 § 2. For § 3: ≠.

CCEO 0937
; establishment of office requires supplying it with necessities. Latine.



 // Title XX, Chap. 1, Canonical provision for offices, cc. 938-964.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 938-946 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0938
; provision is only means of acquiring ecclesiastical office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0146.

CCEO 0939
; three means of acquiring ecclesiastical office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0147.

CCEO 0940
; requisites for the provision of office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0149.

CCEO 0941
; canonical provision generally to occur with six months of vacancy. Latine.


CCEO 0942
; incompatible offices should not be conferred on an individual. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0152.

CCEO 0943
; provision of office not vacant is invalid. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0153.

CCEO 0944
; conferral of vacant office illegitimately retained. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0154.

CCEO 0945
; conferral of office by subordinate of higher authority. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0155.

CCEO 0946
; factor invalidating provision of office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0149 § 3.



 // Title XX, Chap. 1, art 1. Election, cc. 947-960.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 946-960 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note(s). Canons 947-960 are referenced in Canons 443, 515; Canons 947-957 are referenced in Canons 67, 181.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0947
; elections for office should take place within three months of notice of vacancy. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0165.

CCEO 0948
; norms on convocation of electors, consequences for failure to convoke. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0166.


 Note(s). Canon 948 is referenced in Canon 934.

CCEO 0949
; generally elector must be physically present to cast vote. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0167.

CCEO 0950
; no one may cast more than one ballot per vote. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0168.

CCEO 0951
; non-members of group acting as electors invalidate elections. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0169.

CCEO 0952
; impeded elections are invalid. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0170.

CCEO 0953
; who is unqualified to vote and consequences of their voting nonetheless. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0171.


 Note(s). Canon 953 is referenced in Canons 102, 164.

CCEO 0954
; conditions for validity of vote. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0172.

CCEO 0955
; role of tellers. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0173. =

CCEO 0956
; general provisions for election to office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0119 n. 1. For § 2: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 956 is referenced in Canon 924.

CCEO 0957
; norms on acceptance or refusal of election. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0177 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0177 § 1. For § 3: CIC 0177 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 957 is referenced in Canon 964.

CCEO 0958
; norms for post-election conferral or merely right to office. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0178.

CCEO 0959
; more norms for seeking confirmation of election to office. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0179 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0179 § 4.

CCEO 0960
; norms for seeking confirmation of election to office. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0179 § 2. For § 2: CIC 0179 § 5.



 // Title XX, Chap. 1, art. 2, Postulation, cc. 961-964.


For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 961-964 are virtually identical to CIC 180-183.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0961
; postulation is a method of voting for one impeded from serving. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0180.

CCEO 0962
; two-thirds of votes are required for postulation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0181.

CCEO 0963
; postulation to be presented to competent authority within eight days of voting. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0182.

CCEO 0964
; consequences of rejection or acceptance of postulation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0183.



 // Title XX, Chap. 2, Loss of office, cc. 965-978.


For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 965-966. ]


Western note. CCEO 965-966 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0965
; mechanisms for loss of office. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0184 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0184 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0186. For § 4: CIC 0185.

CCEO 0966
; consequences of loss of office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0184 § 3.



 // Title XX, Chap. 2, art 1. Resignation, cc. 967-971.


Western note. CCEO 967-971 are virtually identical to CIC 184-189.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0967
basic norm on resignation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0187.

CCEO 0968
factors invalidating resignation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0188.

CCEO 0969
; process for submitting resignation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0189 § 1.

CCEO 0970
; acceptance of resignation. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0184 § 3. For § 2: CIC 0184 § 4. For § 3: CIC 0184 § 2.

CCEO 0971
; possible reacquisition of office resigned. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 0185.



 // Title XX, Chap. 2, art. 2, Transfer, cc. 972-973.


For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 972-973 are virtually identical to CIC 190-191.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0972
; authority and process for making transfer. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0190.

CCEO 0973
; prior office becomes vacant upon possession of latter office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0191.



 // Title XX, Chap. 2, art. 3, Removal, cc. 974-977.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


Western note. CCEO 974-977 are substantially similar to CIC 192-195.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0974
; Removal take places by decree or by law, in writing. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0192, CIC 0193 § 4.

CCEO 0975
; Causation required for removal from office. 193 § 1, 3. Latine.


 Papal. Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. Come una madre (04 jun 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 715-717. English trans. here. Summary: Factors warranting, and procedures to be followed in, removing diocesan bishop or eparch from office. Cites: CIC 0193, 0368. / CCEO 0313, 0975.

CCEO 0976
; Removal by law requires establishment by authority. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0194.

CCEO 0977
; Removal from office providing financial support. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0195.



 // Title XX, Chap. 2, art. 4, Privation, cc. 978.


 Western note. CCEO 978 is substantially similar to CIC 196.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0978
; privation operates only as penalty. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0196.



 // Title XXI, Power of governance, cc. 979-995.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Western note. CCEO 979-995 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0979


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 979 is referenced in Canon 441.

CCEO 0980


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0981

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0982

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: =

CCEO 0983

 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: =

CCEO 0984


 Parallel(s). CIC134 §§ 1, 2.

CCEO 0985


 Parallel(s). CIC0135.

CCEO 0986

 Parallel(s). CIC 0136.

CCEO 0987

 Parallel(s). CIC 0134 § 3.

CCEO 0988

 Parallel(s). CIC0137.

CCEO 0989


 Parallel(s). CIC 0138.

CCEO 0990


 Parallel(s). CIC0140.

CCEO 0991

 Parallel(s). CIC0143.

CCEO 0992

 Parallel(s). CIC0142.

CCEO 0993
; recourse does generally not suspend executive power. Latine.



CCEO 0994

 Parallel(s). CIC 0144.

CCEO 0995
; general prescription of law apply to executive power. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC0144 § 2, CIC0596 § 3.



 // Title XXII, Recourse against administrative decrees, cc. 996-1006.


 Western note. CCEO 996-1006 =

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note(s). Canons 996-1006 are referenced in Canon 1055.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 0996
introduction to canons on recourse against most singular administrative acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1732.

CCEO 0997
; one considering himself injured by decree can take recourse against it. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 997 is referenced in Canon 999.

CCEO 0998
informal resolution of disputes and establishment of dispute resolution offices. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC1733. For § 1: CIC1733 § 1. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 0999
obligation to seek revocation or emendation of decree prior to recourse. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC1734 § 1. For § 2: CIC1734 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 999 is referenced in Canon 1000.

CCEO 1000
special questions regarding recourse. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC1736. For § 1: CIC1736 § 1. For § 2: CIC1736 § 2. For § 3: CIC1736 § 4.

CCEO 1001
time limits for recourse. Latine.

 Parallel(s). Broadly, CIC1737.

CCEO 1002
certain procedures for recourse. Latine.

 Parallel(s). Broadly, CIC1737.

CCEO 1003
right to an advocate or procurator. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1738.

CCEO 1004
authority of superior receiving recourse. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1739.

CCEO 1005
; response to ruling on recourse should be given. Latine.


CCEO 1006
; recourse against decrees of patriarch decided by special committee. Latine.




 // Title XXIII, Temporal goods of the Church, cc. 1007-1054.


► Topic in general, no entries.


 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 1007-1008. ]


 Western note. CCEO 1007-1009 are virtually identical to CIC 1254-1257.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note(s). Canon 1007-1054 are referenced in Canons 425, 582.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1007
basic assertion of ecclesiastical property rights. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1254.

CCEO 1008
under stewardship of Roman Pontiff, ownership of goods belongs to juridic person. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1256. For § 2: CIC 1256.

CCEO 1009
capacity of juridic persons in regard to temporal goods. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1255. For § 2: CIC 1257 § 1.



 // Title XXIII, Chap. 1, Acquisition of temporal goods, 1010-1021.


 Western note. CCEO 1010-1021 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


CCEO 1010; Church can acquire temporal goods by any just means. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC1259.

CCEO 1011
Church has innate right to require what it needs from Christian faithful. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1260.

CCEO 1012
arch/diocesan taxes. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1263 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1263 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1012 is referenced in Canon 314.

CCEO 1013
province bishops to set fees for services and standard offerings. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1264. For § 2: CIC 1264.


 Note(s). Canon 1013 is referenced in Canons 716, 878.

CCEO 1014
local ordinary can order special collections in churches and oratories. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1266.


 Note(s). Canon 1014 is referenced in Canon 341.

CCEO 1015
; written permission require to beg alms. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1265.

CCEO 1016
; intention of donors generally controls use of donations. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1267 § 3. For § 2: CIC 1267 § 1. For § 3: CIC 1267 § 2.

CCEO 1017
; Church recognizes prescription in regard to temporal goods. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1268.

CCEO 1018
; ownership and use of sacred objects by private and juridic persons. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1269.

CCEO 1019
; periods for prescription of goods of Apostolic See and other juridic persons. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1270.

CCEO 1020
; description of 'good householder' duties of administrators of goods. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1284 § 2. For § 2: CIC 1284 § 2. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠.

CCEO 1021
; special institute and other financial care for clerics
. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1274 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1274 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1274 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1021 is referenced in Canons 390, 1047.



 // Title XXIII, Chap. 2, Administration of ecclesiastical goods, cc. 1022-1033.


 Western note. CCEO 1022-1033 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1022
; vigilance by the eparch. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1276 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1276 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1022 is referenced in Canon 97.

CCEO 1023
; administration of goods generally fails to head of juridic person. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1279 § 1.

CCEO 1024
; limitations on liability for unauthorized acts of extraordinary administration. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1281 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1281 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1281 § 3.

CCEO 1025
; oath and other acts preliminary to assumption of duties of administration. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1283 nn. 1. For 2°: CIC 1283 nn. 2.

CCEO 1026
; other duties of administration. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1283 n. 3.

CCEO 1027
; bonds to minimize disruption causes by administrator's cessation from office. Latine.



CCEO 1028
; description of 'good householder' duties of administrators of goods. Latine.




 For § 1: CIC 1284 § 1.


 For § 2 n. 1: CIC 1284 § 2. n. 1. For § 2 n. 2: CIC 1284 § 2. n. 2. For § 2 n. 3: CIC 1284 § 2. nn. 3, 4. For § 2 n. 4: CIC 1284 § 2. n. 5. For § 2 n. 5: CIC 1284 § 2. n. 6. For § 2 n. 6: CIC 1284 § 2. n. 7. For § 2 n. 7: CIC 1284 § 2. n. 8. For § 2 n. 8: CIC 1284 § 2. n. 9.


 For § 3: CIC 1284 § 3.

CCEO 1029
; limitations on donations made out of institutional goods. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1285.

CCEO 1030
; employment issues. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1286 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1286 n 2.

CCEO 1031
; administrators to present annual report to local ordinary and in some way to faithful. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1287 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1287 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1031 is referenced in Canon 1051.

CCEO 1032
; administrators need written permission of ordinary for civil legal actions. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1288.

CCEO 1033
; administrators can be liable for abandonment of duties. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1289.



 // Title XXIII, Chap. 3, Contracts and especially alienation, cc. 1034-1042.


Western note. CCEO 1034-1042 =


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Note(s). Canons 1035-1041 are referenced in Canons 887, 1042.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1034
; domains of canon and civil law regarding contracts and alienation of property. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1290.

CCEO 1035
; alienation of goods whose value exceeds minima. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1293 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1293 § 2.

CCEO 1036
; restricted alienations. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Broadly, CIC 1292.


 Note(s). Canon 1036 is referenced in Canons 1037, 1041.

CCEO 1037
; perquisites of patriarchal alienation. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 1037 is referenced in Canons 888, 1041.

CCEO 1038
; prerequisites for those offering advice a/o consent on alienation. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1292 § 4. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 1039
; alienation requires consent of all interested parties. Latine.



CCEO 1040
; assessment of alienations civilly valid but canonically improper. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1296.

CCEO 1041
; restrictions on alienation of goods to certain relatives of administrators. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1298.

CCEO 1042
; worsening patrimonial condition. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1295.


 Note(s). Canon 1042 is referenced in Canon 1016.



 // Title XXIII, Chap. 4, Pious wills and foundations, cc. 1043-1054.

 Western note. CCEO 1043-1054 are virtually identical to CIC 1299-1310.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 1044-1046 are referenced in Canon 1051.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1043
; right of persons to make bequests to pious causes. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1299 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1299 § 2.

CCEO 1044
; duty to fulfill wills for pious causes. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1300.

CCEO 1045
; hierarch is executor of pious wills. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1301 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1301 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1301 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1045 is referenced in Canons 1044, 1046.

CCEO 1046
; notification of hierarch and safe-keeping of goods in pious cause. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1302 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1302 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1302 § 3.

CCEO 1047
; definitions of types of pious foundations. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1303 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1303 § 2.

CCEO 1048
; hierarch's permission required for juridic person to accept foundation. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 1304 § 1. For § 3: CIC 1304 § 2.

CCEO 1049
; safe-keeping of goods attached to endowment. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1305.

CCEO 1050
; foundations to be put into writing and preserved in various archives. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1306 § 2.

CCEO 1051
; list of obligations to be readily accessible. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1307 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1307 § 2.

CCEO 1052
; reduction of Mass obligations. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1308 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1308 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1308 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1308 § 4. For § 5: CIC 1308 § 5. For § 6: ≠.


 Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 9. Summary: Modification of various canons; here,. Text comparison: PDF here.


 Note(s). Canon 1052 is referenced in Canons 1053, 1054.

CCEO 1053
; authority to transfer of satisfaction of Mass obligations. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1309.


CCEO 1054; hierarch's authority over reduction of obligations under wills. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1310 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1310 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1310 § 3.


 Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Competentias (2022) info here, art. 10. Summary: Modification of various canons; here, requiring confirmation by hss to conference before publishing catechisms for its territory. Text comparison: PDF here.



 ! Title XXIV, Trials in general, cc. 1055-1184.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:



 [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 1055-1057. ]


 Western note. CCEO 1055-1057 are virtually identical to CIC 1400, 1402, and 1403.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Scholarly. • Thomas Green, “Procedural law: some comparative reflections on the Latin and Eastern Codes”, in Art of the Good (2002) 103-124.

 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1055
; objects of trials, exclusion of administrative controversies. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1400 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1400 § 2.

CCEO 1056
; recalls distinct norms regarding dicasteries. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1402.

CCEO 1057
; beatification and canonization. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1403 § 1.



 // Title XXIV, Chap. 1, Competent forum, cc. 1058-1085.


 Western note. CCEO 1058-1085 treat the same materials as do the Western canons indicated below with various degrees of dis/similitude.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1058
; "The Roman Pontiff is judged by no one. " Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1404.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. Nell'attuale momento 31 oct 1998], Communicationes 30 (1998) 207-216. English, here. Summary: Roman primacy. Cites: CIC 0749, 0781, 0782, 1404. / CCEO 0597, 1058.

CCEO 1059
; any matter can go before Roman Pontiff but acceptance does not suspend lower courts. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1417. For § 1: = For § 2: =


 Note(s). Canon 1059 is referenced in Canon 1062.

CCEO 1060
; cases within exclusive jurisdiction of Roman Pontiff and 'specific approval'. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1405 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1405 § 3. For § 3: CIC 1405 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1060 is referenced in Canon 1072.

CCEO 1061
; special jurisdiction of Roman Pontiff. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1405 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1061 is referenced in Canon 1072.

CCEO 1062
; synod of bishops constitutes highest court in patriarchal Church. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 1062 is referenced in Canons 109, 1066, 1072, 1107.

CCEO 1063
; patriarch to establish ordinary tribunal for patriarch Church. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 1063 is referenced in Canons 1061, 1072.

CCEO 1064
; metropolitan tribunal as appellate tribunal. Latine.


CCEO 1065
; Apostolic See serves as tribunal of third instance. Latine.



CCEO 1066
; bishop as judge. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1419 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1419 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1066 is referenced in Canon 1060.

CCEO 1067
; eparchial tribunal of first instance. Latine.



CCEO 1068
; eparchial bishops can establish tribunal for cases among the faithful. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1423. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠.

CCEO 1069
judges in cases involving religious persons or institutes. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1427 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1427 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1069 is referenced in Canon 1340.

CCEO 1070
; establishing authorities to see to statues for their tribunals. Latine.



CCEO 1071
rights of tribunals to ask for assistance from other tribunals. Latine.


 ― Parallel(s). CIC 1418.


  Note(s). Canon 1071 is referenced in Canons 1239, 1350.

CCEO 1072
; in/competence of lower tribunals in certain cases. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1406 § 2.

CCEO 1073
; ecclesiastical judges must have competence, and petitioners follow fora of respondents. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1407 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1407 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1407 § 3.

CCEO 1074
; domicile or quasi-domicile suffice for jurisdiction. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1408.

CCEO 1075
; transients subject to tribunals of the place, alternative bases for jurisdiction. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1409. For § 1: CIC 1409 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1409 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1075 is referenced in Canon 1079.

CCEO 1076
; possible jurisdiction based on object location or damages. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1410.

CCEO 1077
; possible jurisdiction based on contract or performance. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1411 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1411 § 2.

CCEO 1078
; jurisdiction based on delict. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1412.

CCEO 1079
; jurisdiction based on administration or possibly on location of testator. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1413 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1413 n. 2.

CCEO 1080
; incompetent judge can acquire jurisdiction by consent of parties and superior tribunal. Latine.



CCEO 1081
; connected cases should generally be adjudicated together. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1414.

CCEO 1082
; citation of respondent prevents other competent tribunal(s) from citing. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1415.

CCEO 1083
; appellate tribunals settle disputes between subject tribunals, otherwise Signatura acts. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1416. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.

CCEO 1084
; collegiate tribunals and sole judges. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1425 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1425 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1425 § 4.


 Note(s). Canon 1084 is referenced in Canons 138, 1085, 1304.

CCEO 1085
; operation of a collegiate tribunal. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1426. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 2, Officers of tribunal, cc. 1086-1102.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 2, art 1. Judicial vicar, judges, and auditors, cc. 1086-1093.


 Western note. CCEO 1086-1093 treat the same materials as do the Western canons indicated below with various degrees of dis/similitude.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1086
; the judicial vicar and adjutants. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1420 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1420 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1420 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1420 § 4.

CCEO 1087
; clerical and lay judges and their qualifications. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1421. For § 1: CIC 1421 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1421 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1421 § 3.

CCEO 1088
; judges serve fixed terms. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1422. For § 2: CIC 1420 § 5.  For § 3: CIC 1420 § 5.

CCEO 1089
; single judges may use assessors. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1424.

CCEO 1090
; presidency of tribunal & appointment of substitute judges. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1426 § 2. For § 2: CIC 1425 § 5.

CCEO 1091
; judge as 'relator' or 'ponens' in a case. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 1429. For § 3: CIC 1429. For § 4: CIC 1429.

CCEO 1092
; single judge has all authority of tribunal. Latine.



CCEO 1093
; auditors and their role in the instruction of cases. Latine.


 Parallel(s).For § 1: CIC 1428 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1428 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1428 § 3.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 2, art. 2, Promoter of justice, defender of the bond, and notary, cc. 1094-1101.


Western note. CCEO 1094-1011 are virtually identical to CIC 1430-1437.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1094
; role of promoter of justice. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1430.

CCEO 1095
; bishops can determine whether public good is at issue in a case. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1431. For § 1: CIC 1431 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1431 § 2.

CCEO 1096
; defender of the bond. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1432.

CCEO 1097
; possible invalidity of acts if promoter and/or defender were improperly excluded. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1433.


 Note(s). Canon 1097 is referenced in Canon 1382.

CCEO 1098
; participation in process by promoter and/or defender. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1434 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1434 n. 2.

CCEO 1099
; qualifications of defenders of the bond and promoters of justice. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1435. For § 1: CIC 1435 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1435 § 2.




  Cong. for Catholic Education (Grocholewski), decr. Novo Codice (02 sep 2002), AAS 95 (2003) 281-285. English, here. Summary: Augmenting course of studies required for ecclesiastical degrees in Canon law. Cites: Sapientia Christiana (1979).

CCEO 1100
; eligibility for service by promoter and/or defender. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1436. For § 1: CIC 1436 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1436 § 2.

CCEO 1101
; participation by notary required for validity of acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1437 § 1. For § 2CIC 1437  § 2.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 2, art. 3, officer of tribunals from various eparchies or Church 'sui iuris', cc. 1102.

 Western note. CCEO 1102 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1102
; tribunal officers may be chosen from any Church 'sui iuris'. Latine.



 // Title XXIV, Chap. 3, Obligation of judges and other judicial officers, cc. 1103-1116.


 Western note. CCEO 1103-1116 are =. CIC 1446-1457, except that CCEO 1104 is virtually identical to CIC 1501 and CCEO 1116 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1103
; encouragement of and options for avoidance of litigation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1446. For § 1: CIC 1446 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1446 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1446 § 3.

CCEO 1104
judge cannot act without a petition. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1501. For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 1501.

CCEO 1105
; ineligibility of certain first instance officers for service in second instance. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1447.

CCEO 1106
; possible ineligibility of judicial officers in specific cases. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1448 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1448 § 2.

CCEO 1107
; process for hearing challenges to judicial service. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1449 $$ 1, 2. For § 2: CIC 1449 § 3. For § 3: CIC 1449 § 4.

CCEO 1108
; acceptance of objection does not change grade of trial. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1450.

CCEO 1109
; challenges to be heard quickly, and possible consequences for various acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1451 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1451 § 2.

CCEO 1110
; optional and required actions of judges in accepting and hearing various cases. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1452 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1452 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1110 is referenced in Canon 1351.

CCEO 1111
; time lines for hearing cases. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1453.

CCEO 1112
; judicial officers to take an oath of fidelity. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1454.

CCEO 1113
; possible obligations of confidentiality and/or secrecy for various persons involved in trials. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1455 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1455 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1455 § 3.

CCEO 1114
; judicial officers prohibited from accepting gifts for service. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1456 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1456 § 2.

CCEO 1115
; judicial officers liable to sanction for negligence or malfeasance in office. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1457 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1457 § 2.

CCEO 1116
; judge can require security of a petitioner likely to spurn sentence. Latine.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 4, Order of adjudication, cc. 1117-1123.

Western note.
CCEO 1117-1123 are virtually identical to CIC 1464.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1117
cases generally to be treated in order of filing. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1458.

CCEO 1118
posing exceptions to adjudication. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1459 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1459 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1118 is referenced in Canon 1348.

CCEO 1119
exceptions against judges. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1460 § 1. For § 2:CIC 1460 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1460 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1119 is referenced in Canon 1348.

CCEO 1120
judges aware of incompetence must so declare. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1461.

CCEO 1121
timing of peremptory exceptions. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1462 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1462 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1121 is referenced in Canon 1348.

CCEO 1122
counterclaims must be filed within thirty days of joinder. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1463 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1463 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1122 is referenced in Canon 1348.

CCEO 1123
expenses and gratuitous representation requests to be heard before joinder. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1464.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 5, Time limits, delays, and place of trial, cc 1124-1128.

Western note.
CCEO 1124-1128 are virtually identical to CIC 1464-1469.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1124
; provisions for extending procedural deadlines.

For § 1: CIC 1465 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1465 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1465 § 3.

CCEO 1125
; judge to determine undetermined procedural deadlines
. Latine.

Parallel(s). CIC 1466.

CCEO 1126
; extension of procedural deadlines if tribunal is closed
. Latine.

Parallel(s). CIC 1467.

CCEO 1127
; tribunal should have fixed location and hours
. Latine.

Parallel(s). CIC 1468.

CCEO 1128
; authority of judges outside of their territory
. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1469 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1469 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1128 is referenced in Canon 1239.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 6, Persons admitted to trials and manner of assembling and preserving acts, cc. 1129-1133.

Western note.
CCEO 1129-1132 are virtually identical to CIC 1470-1473; CCEO 1133 treats substantially the same topics treated in. CIC 1475.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1129
; access to and conduct during trials. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1470 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1470 § 2.

CCEO 1130
; use of interpreters in trial. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1471.

CCEO 1131
; acts of the case to be put into writing and authenticated. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1472 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1472 § 2.

CCEO 1132
; provisions when persons cannot or will not sign acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1473.

CCEO 1133
; disposition of acts and other document generated during trial. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1475 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1475 § 2. For § 3: ≠.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 7. Petitioner and respondent, cc. 1134-1138.

 Western note. CCEO 1134-1137 are virtually identical to CIC 1476-1479; CCEO 1138 treats the same topic as does CIC 1480.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1134
; anyone can serve as petitioner, respondents must respond. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1476.

CCEO 1135
; parties must be present even if represented. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1477.

CCEO 1136
; participation by and representation of minors and diminished capacity persons. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1478 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1478 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1478 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1478 § 3.

CCEO 1137
; civil guardian can be appointed to serve canonically or new one can be used. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1479.

CCEO 1138
; how juridic persons stand trial, possible need for additional consent. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1480 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: CIC 1480 § 2.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 8, procurators and advocates, cc. 1139-1148.


 Western note. CCEO 1139-1148 are virtually identical to CIC 1481-1490.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1139
; advocates and self-representation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1481 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1481 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1481 § 3.

CCEO 1140
; generally a single procurator is to be appointed, but multiple advocates are allowed. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1482 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1482 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1482 § 3.

CCEO 1141
; qualifications of advocates and procurators. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1483.




  Cong. for Catholic Education (Grocholewski), decr. Novo Codice (02 sep 2002), AAS 95 (2003) 281-285. English, here. Summary: Augmenting course of studies required for ecclesiastical degrees in Canon law. Cites: Sapientia Christiana (1979).

CCEO 1142
; written mandate is generally required for procurator and advocate service. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1484. For § 1: CIC 1484 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1484 § 2.

CCEO 1143
; restrictions on procurators without special mandates. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1485.

CCEO 1144
; removal of procurator and/or advocate. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1486 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1486 § 2.

CCEO 1145
; removal of procurator and/or advocate by judge. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1487.

CCEO 1146
; descriptions and consequences for procurator and advocate misconduct. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1488. For § 1: CIC 1488 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1488 § 2.

CCEO 1147
; betrayal of office by advocate or procurator. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1489.

CCEO 1148
; tribunal to provide advocacy service for parties wishing to use them. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1490.



 // Title XXIV, Chap. 9, Actions and exceptions, cc. 1149-1163.


 Western note. CCEO 1149-1163 are virtually identical to CIC provisions listed below. CCEO 1152 treats the same topic as does CIC 1362. CCEO 1151, 1154, and 1163 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1149
every right protected by action and exception. Latine.

Parallel(s). CIC 1491.

CCEO 1150
most actions extinguished by prescription, but not exceptions. Latine.

Parallel(s). CIC 1492 § 1.

CCEO 1151
; contentious action generally subject to five year prescription. Latine.


Vocare 1152
; generally penal prescription is five years, exceptions. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Olim. CCEO 1152; generally penal prescription is three years, exceptions. Latine.

  Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 1362 § 1. For § 3: CIC 1362 § 2.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 23. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law; here, extension of penal prescription period. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Note(s). Canon 1152 is referenced in Canons 1153, 1541.

CCEO 1153
prescriptions of execution of penalty. Latine.

Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1363 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1363 § 2.

CCEO 1154
; contentious actions are not bared by penal prescription. Latine.


CCEO 1155
multiple actions generally permitted. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1493.

CCEO 1156
counterclaims generally permitted. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1494 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1494 § 2.

CCEO 1157
counterclaims to be field before original judge. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1495.

CCEO 1158
sequestration to protect property. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1496 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1496 § 2.

CCEO 1159
sequestration as security. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1497 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1497 § 2.

CCEO 1160
sequestration as a last resort. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1498.

CCEO 1161
sequestration contingent upon possible damages. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1499.

CCEO 1162
observance of civil law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1500.

CCEO 1163
; petitions to obtain support can be heard most expeditiously. Latine.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 10, Methods of avoiding trial, cc. 1164-1184.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 10, art 1. Settlement, cc. 1164-1167.


 Western note. CCEO 1164 treats the same topic as does CIC 1714; CCEO 1165 is substantially similar to CIC 1715; CCEO 1166-1167 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1164
; civil law on settlements is to be observed. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1714.

CCEO 1165
; restrictions on settlements. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1715 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1715 § 2.

CCEO 1166
; generally each party to a settlement pays one-half of the expenses. Latine.


CCEO 1167
; settlement negotiations should normally not be carried out by judges. Latine.



 ! Title XXIV, Chap. 10, art. 2, Compromise by arbitrators, cc. 1168-1184.


 Western note. CCEO 1168, 1169, and 1183 are substantially similar to CIC 1713, 1715, 1716 respectively. CCEO 1170-1180 and 1182-1184 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1168
; option of seeking arbitration to avoid trials. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1713. For § 2: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 1168 is referenced in Canon 1171.

CCEO 1169
; restriction on types of cases suitable for compromise. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1715.


 Note(s). Canon 1169 is referenced in Canon 1171.

CCEO 1170
; only an odd number of arbitrators is to appointed. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 1170 is referenced in Canon 1171.

CCEO 1171
; factors resulting in invalid arbitration. Latine.


CCEO 1172
; ineligibility for service as arbitrator. Latine.


CCEO 1173
; Arbitrators need to accept appointment in writing. Latine.


CCEO 1174
; resolving disputes over selection of arbitrators. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 1174 is referenced in Canon 1175.

CCEO 1175
; hearing objections against arbitrators. Latine.


CCEO 1176
; rights and duties of arbitrators. Latine.


CCEO 1177
; resolution of incidental questions. Latine.


CCEO 1178
; Arbitration normally to be completed within six months. Latine.


CCEO 1179
; arbitration to settled by majority vote and signed. Latine.


CCEO 1180
; compensation for arbitrators. Latine.


CCEO 1181
; accepting or setting aside of arbitration. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1716 § 1. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠. For § 4: ≠.

CCEO 1182
; restrictions on appeal from arbitration decisions. Latine.



 Note(s). Canon 1182 is referenced in Canon 1181.

CCEO 1183
; complaints of nullity against arbitration decisions. Latine.


CCEO 1184
; execution of arbitration decision. Latine.



 ! Title XXV, Contentious trials, cc. 1185-1356.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1, Ordinary contentious trial, cc. 1185-1342.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1, art 1. Introductory petition of suit, cc. 1185-1189.

 Western note. CCEO 1185-1189 are substantially similar to CIC 1502-1506.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1185
; petitioners must submit a petition. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1502.


 Note(s). Canon 1185 is referenced in Canon 1472.

CCEO 1186
; judge can accept oral petition, but it must be reduced to writing. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1503. For § 1: CIC 1503 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1503 § 2.

CCEO 1187
; requirements in a petition. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1504 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1504 n. 2. For 3°: CIC 1504 n. 3. For 4°: CIC 1504 n. 4


 Note(s). Canon 1187 is referenced in Canons 1188, 1344, 1472.

CCEO 1188
; limited bases for rejection of petition. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1505 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1505 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1505 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1505 § 4.
CCEO 1189
; express or tacit acceptance of petition. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1506.


 Note(s). Canon 1189 is referenced in Canon 1190.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Article 2, Citation and communication or notification of judicial acts, cc. 1190-1194.


 Western note. CCEO 1190-1194 are virtually identical to CIC 1507-1512.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1190
; citation of parties to case. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1507 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1507 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1507 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1190 is referenced in Canon 1272.

CCEO 1191
; communication of citation and basic information to be sent to respondent. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1508 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1508 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1508 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1191 is referenced in Canon 1363.

CCEO 1192
; method and recordation of notifications. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1509 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1509 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1510.


 Note(s). Canon 1192 is referenced in Canon 1298.

CCEO 1193
; possible nullity of acts if citation fails. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1511.

CCEO 1194
; five procedural consequences of citation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1512 n. 1 For 2°: CIC 1512 n. 2. For 3°: CIC 1512 n. 3. For 4°: CIC 1512 n. 4. For 5°: CIC 1512 n. 5.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1, Article 3. Joinder of issues, cc. 1195-1198.


 Western note. CCEO 1195-1198 are virtually identical to CIC 1513-1516.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1195
; terms of case fixed at joinder, options for talks with parties. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1513 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1513 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1513 § 3.

CCEO 1196
; limited changes to term of case after joinder. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1514.

CCEO 1197
; effect of joinder on possession of property. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1515.

CCEO 1198
; after joinder judge sets time for instruction of case. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1516.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Article 4, Suspension, abatement and renunciation of the suit, cc. 1199-1206.


 Western note. CCEO 1199-1206 are virtually identical to CIC 1518-1525.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1199
; when change in status of litigating party impacts process. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1518 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1518 n. 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1199 is referenced in Canon 1361.

CCEO 1200
; how changes in guardian, curator, or procurator impacts process. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1519 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1519 § 2.

CCEO 1201
; abatement by passage of time without placing acts. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1520.

CCEO 1202
; how abatement takes effect. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1521.

CCEO 1203
; consequences of abatement of a process. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1522.

CCEO 1204
; parties bear their own expenses in abatement. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1523.

CCEO 1205
; renunciation of process or part of process by party. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1524 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1524 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1524 § 3.

CCEO 1206
; effects of renunciation of a process. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1525.


 Note(s). Canon 1206 is referenced in Canon 1317.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Article 5, Proofs (evidence), cc. 1207-1266.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, cc. 1207-1210. ]


 Western note. CCEO 1207-1210 are virtually identical to CIC 1526-1529.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1207
; burden of proof and matters not requiring proof. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1526 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1526 § 2.

CCEO 1208
; admission and rejection of evidence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1527. For § 1: CIC 1527 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1527 § 2.

CCEO 1209
; ways that testimony can be received in the event of refusal to appear. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1528.

CCEO 1210
; collection of evidence before joinder of issue. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1529.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 1. Declaration of the parties, cc. 1211-1219.


 Western note. CCEO 1211-1219 are virtually identical to CIC 1530-1538.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


CCEO 1211; judges may interrogate parties. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1530.

CCEO 1212
parties required to respond and inferences from refusal to respond. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1531 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1531 § 2.

CCEO 1213
testimony generally to be offered under oath. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1532.

CCEO 1214
parties to a case may submit questions for the judge to ask. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1533.

CCEO 1215
conditions to be observed during questioning. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1534.

CCEO 1216
definition of judicial confession. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1535.

CCEO 1217
effects of judicial confessions and declarations. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1536 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1536 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1217 is referenced in Canon 1365.

CCEO 1218
judge to evaluate weight of extra-judicial confession. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1537.

CCEO 1219
factors depriving confessions or declarations of weight. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1538.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 2. Proof by documents, cc. 1220-1227.


 Western note. CCEO 1220-1227 are virtually identical to CIC 1539-1546.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1220
documentary evidence and proof is allowed. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1539.

CCEO 1221
; definition of types of public and private documents. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1540. For § 1: CIC 1540 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1540 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1540 § 3.

CCEO 1222
; public documents generally to be accepted as to their principal assertions. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1541.

CCEO 1223
; weight to be accorded private documents. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1542.

CCEO 1224
; judge to assess weight of modified or damaged documents. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1543.

CCEO 1225
; admission of documents in evidence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1544.

CCEO 1226
; authority of judge to order common documents into evidence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1545.

CCEO 1227
; exceptions to full or partial presentation of documents. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1546. For § 1: CIC 1546 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1546 § 2.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 3. witnesses and testimonies, cc. 1228-1254.


 Western note. CCEO 1228-1229 are virtually identical to CIC 1547-1548.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1228
witnesses can be used in any sort of trial. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1547.

CCEO 1229
general obligation to tell the truth and exemptions from obligation to testify. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1548. For § 1: CIC 1548 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1548 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1229 is referenced in Canon 1227.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 3 (a), Those who can be witnesses, cc. 1230-1231.


 Western note. CCEO 1230-1231 are virtually identical to CIC 1549-1550.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1230
general ability to be a witness. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1549.

CCEO 1231
restrictions on giving testimony. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1550. For § 1: CIC 1550 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1550 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1231 is referenced in Canons 1229, 1236.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 3 (b), Introduction and exclusion of witnesses, 1232-1238.


 Western note. CCEO 1232-1238 are virtually identical to CIC 1551-1557.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1232
; renunciation of witness and request for readmission to trial. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1551.

CCEO 1233
; identification of witnesses and indications of matters to be addressed. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1552. For § 1: CIC 1552 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1552 § 2.

CCEO 1234
; "It is for the judge to curb an excessive number of witnesses." Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1553.

CCEO 1235
; communication or withholding of names of witnesses. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1554.

CCEO 1236
; request for exclusion of a witness. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1555.

CCEO 1237
; citation of witnesses to be done by decree of judge. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1556.

CCEO 1238
; witness obligated to appear or offer reason for absence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1557.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 3 (c), examination of witnesses, cc. 1239-1252.


 Western note. CCEO 1239-1252 are virtually identical to CIC 1558-1571.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1239
; witnesses generally to be heard at the tribunal. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1558. For § 1: CIC 1558 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1558 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1558 § 3.

CCEO 1240
; parties generally may not be present at questioning, but representatives may. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1559.


 Note(s). Canon 1240 is referenced in Canon 1364.

CCEO 1241
; separate and joint examination of witnesses. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1560. For § 1: CIC 1560 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1560 § 2.

CCEO 1242
; judge conducts examination in presence of notary, others may suggest questions. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1561.

CCEO 1243
; judge to encourage, and at times demand, truth-telling. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1562. For § 1: CIC 1562 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1562 § 2.

CCEO 1244
; basics of witnesses examination. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1563.

CCEO 1245
; basics of questions. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1564.

CCEO 1246
; generally advance notice of questions is not to be given. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1565. For § 1: CIC 1565 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1565 § 2.

CCEO 1247
; oral testimony generally preferred. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1566.

CCEO 1248
; notary generally to record exact words. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1567. For § 1: CIC 1567 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1567 § 2.

CCEO 1249
; scope of notary's recordations. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1568.

CCEO 1250
; when witnesses allowed to modify recordation before signing. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1569. For § 1: CIC 1569 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1569 § 2.

CCEO 1251
; witnesses can be recalled. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1570.

CCEO 1252
; witness right to reimbursement. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1571.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 3 (d), Trustworthiness of testimonies, cc. 1253-1254.


 Western note. CCEO 1253-1254 are virtually identical to CIC 1572-1573.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1253
; evaluation of testimony. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1572 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1572 n. 2. For 3°: CIC 1572 n. 3. For 4°: CIC 1572 n. 4.

CCEO 1254
; evaluating testimony of one witness. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1573.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 4. Experts, cc. 1255-1262.


 Western note. CCEO 1225-1262 are virtually identical to CIC 1574-1581.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1255
; factors indicating need for experts. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1574.


 Note(s). Canon 1255 is referenced in Canon 1366.

CCEO 1256
; judge to determine which experts required. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1575.

CCEO 1257
; experts generally subject to same rules as witnesses. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1576.

CCEO 1258
; information given to experts and time within which it must be reported on. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1577 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1577 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1577 § 3.

CCEO 1259
; expert reports generally to be submitted individually. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1578 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1578 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1578 § 3.

CCEO 1260
; weight to be accorded expert reports. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1579 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1579 § 2.

CCEO 1261
; judges to determine fees for and reimbursements of experts. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1580.

CCEO 1262
; parties can propose private experts. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1581 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1581 § 2.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 5. Access and judicial recognizance, cc. 1263-1264.


 Western note. CCEO 1263-1264 are virtually identical to CIC 1582-1583.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1263
; judge can order visitation of a place. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1582.

CCEO 1264
; visitation must be followed by a report on it. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1583.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 5, no. 6. Presumptions, cc. 1265-1266.


 Western note. CCEO 1265-1266 are virtually identical to CIC 1585 and 1586.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1265
; restrictions on formation of presumptions. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1586.

CCEO 1266
; a favorable presumption frees one from the burden of proof. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1585.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 6, Incidental cases, cc. 1267-1280.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


 ! [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 1267-1271. ]


 Western note. CCEO 1267-1271 are virtually identical to CIC 1588-1591.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1267
; description of incidental cases. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1587.

CCEO 1268
; trial judge to decide incidental cases. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1588.

CCEO 1269
; generally incidental cases to be decided most expeditiously. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1589 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1589 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1269 is referenced in Canon 1290.

CCEO 1270
; incidental cases to be decided by oral process or by decree. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1590 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1590 § 2.

CCEO 1271
; possible revocation or reform of incidental decisions. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1591.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 6, no. 1. Parties who do not appear in court, cc. 1272-1275.

 Western note. CCEO 1272-1275 are virtually identical to CIC 1592-1595.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1272
; declaration of absent respondent. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1592 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1592 § 2.

CCEO 1273
; late respondents can generally be heard. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1593 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1593 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1273 is referenced in Canons 1274, 1304.

CCEO 1274
; declaration of renouncement due to petitioner's failure to appear. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1594 § 1. For 2°: CIC 1594 § 2. For 3°: CIC 1594 § 3.

CCEO 1275
; assignment of costs in cases of failure to appear. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1595 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1595 § 2.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 6, no. 2. Intervention of a third party in a case, cc. 1276-1277.

 Western note. CCEO 1276-1277 are virtually identical to CIC 1596-1597.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1276
; who may intervene in a case, and how intervention is accommodated. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1596 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1596 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1596 § 3.

CCEO 1277
; judge can summon a third party. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1597.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 6, no. 3. Attempts to a pending suit, cc. 1278-1280.

 Western note. CCEO 1278-1280 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1278
; definition of an attempt during litigation. Latine.

CCEO 1279
; attempts are null by law but can be sanated after thirty days. Latine.

CCEO 1280
; authority to decide on attempts and requirement of expeditious resolution. Latine.


 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 7, Publication of the acts, conclusion of case, discussion, cc. 1281-1289.


 Western note. CCEO 1281-1289 are virtually identical to CIC 1598-1606.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1281
; inspection of the acts. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1598 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1598 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1283 is referenced in Canon 1283.

CCEO 1282
; conclusion of the case. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1599 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1599 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1599 § 3.

CCEO 1283
; possibility of seeking further evidence. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1600 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1600 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1600 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1283 is referenced in Canons 1110, 1273, 1292, 1320, 1351.

CCEO 1284
; determination of times for briefs and observations. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1601.

CCEO 1285
; preparation of the briefs. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1602 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1602 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1602 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1285 is referenced in Canon 1288.

CCEO 1286
; exchange of briefs and rejoinders. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1603. For § 1: CIC 1603 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1603 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1603 § 3.

CCEO 1287
; exclusion of information outside of common knowledge & possible oral debate. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1604 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1604 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1287 is referenced in Canon 1288.

CCEO 1288
; notary to be present at oral discussion. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1605.

CCEO 1289
; possibility to prompt judgment. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1606.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1, Art. 8, Pronouncements of the judge, 1290-1301.


 Western note. CCEO 1290-1301 are virtually identical to 1607-1618.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1290
types of sentences by which a case can be decided. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1607.

CCEO 1291
; pronouncements of the judge based on moral certitude. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1608 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1608 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1608 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1608 § 4.

CCEO 1292
; procedure to be observed in collegiate tribunal discussion and decisions. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1609 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1609 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1609 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1609 § 4. For § 5: CIC 1609 § 5.

CCEO 1293
; drafting and timing of sentence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1610 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1610 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1610 § 3.

CCEO 1294
; general requirements in pronouncements of the judge. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1611 n. 1 For 2°: CIC 1611 n. 2. For 3°: CIC 1611 n. 3. For 4°: CIC 1611 n 4.

CCEO 1295
; specific requirements in pronouncement of the judge. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1612. s 1. For § 2: CIC 1612 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1612 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1612 § 4.


 Note(s). Canon 1295 is referenced in Canon 1299.

CCEO 1296
; interlocutory sentence general follows process for definitive sentence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1613.

CCEO 1297
; force attaches to sentence only upon publication. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1614.

CCEO 1298
; sentence to be published to parities or procurators. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1615.

CCEO 1299
; technical errors in sentence generally can be corrected upon notice to parties. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1616. § 1. For § 2: CIC 1616 § 2.

CCEO 1300
; requirements for other decrees of judge. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1617.

CCEO 1301
; interlocutory sentence may have force of definitive sentence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1618.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1, Article 9, Challenge of sentence, cc. 1302-1321.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 9, no. 1. Complaint of nullity against sentence, cc. 1302-1308.

 Western note. CCEO 1302-1308 are virtually identical to CIC 1619-1627.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1302
; remediable flaws generally sanated by sentence. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1619.


 Note(s). Canon 1302 is referenced in Canon 1304.

CCEO 1303
; factors rendering sentence irremediably null. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1620. For § 2: CIC 1621.


 Note(s). Canon 1303 is referenced in Canons 1302, 1307, 1341.

CCEO 1304
; factors rendering sentence remediably null. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1622. For § 2: CIC 1623.


 Note(s). Canon 1304 is referenced in Canons 1302, 1307, 1341.

CCEO 1305
; generally judge issuing sentence examines complaints of nullity. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1624.

CCEO 1306
; complaint of nullity can be combined with appeal. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1625.


 Note(s). Canon 1306 is referenced in Canon 1310.

CCEO 1307
; aggrieved parties, promoters of justice, and defenders of the bond can complain of nullity. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1626.

CCEO 1308
; complaints of nullity be heard according to norms for oral process. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1627.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 9, no. 2. Appeal, cc. 1309-1321.


 Western note. CCEO 1309-1321 are virtually identical to CIC 1628-1640, except that CCEO 1312 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general.


 Note(s). Canons 1309-1321 are referenced in Canon 1483.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1309
; aggrieved parties, promoters of justice, and defenders of the bond have a right appeal. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1628.

CCEO 1310
; sentence from which appeal does not lie. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1629 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1629 n. 2. For 3°: CIC 1629 n. 2. For 4°: CIC 1629 n. 4. For 5°: CIC 1629 n. 5.


 Note(s). Canon 1310 is referenced in Canon 1309.

CCEO 1311
; appeal to be filed before trial judge with 15 available days. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1630. For § 1: CIC 1630 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1630 § 2.

CCEO 1312
; appeal by delegates. Latine.



CCEO 1313
; questions concerning appeals to be settled most expeditiously. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1631.

CCEO 1314
; generally appeal must be prosecuted within one month of filing. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1633.

CCEO 1315
; elements of prosecution and transmittal of appeal to appellate tribunal. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1634 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1634 § 3.

CCEO 1316
; constructive abandonment of appeal. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1635.

CCEO 1317
; renouncement of appeal. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1636 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1636 § 2.

CCEO 1318
; parties impacted by appeal & incidental appeals. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1637 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1637 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1637 § 3. For § 4: CIC 1637 § 4.

CCEO 1319
; appeal suspends execution of a sentence. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1638.

CCEO 1320
; limited scope of appeal. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1639. For § 1: CIC 1639 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1639 § 2.

CCEO 1321
; basics of procedures to be followed in hearing appeal. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1640.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 10, Settled matters, set-aside, and opposition of a third party, cc. 1322-1333.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 10, no. 1. Settled matters, cc. 1322-1325.

 Western note. CCEO 1322-1325 are virtually identical to CIC 1641-1644.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1322
; means by which a judgment becomes settled matter. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1641 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1641 n. 2. For 3°: CIC 1641 n. 3. For 4°: CIC 1641 n. 4.


 Note(s). Canon 1322 is referenced in Canon 1182.

CCEO 1323
; consequences of a judgment being settled matter. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1642 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1642 § 2.

CCEO 1324
; status of persons cases never become settled matter. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1643.


 Note(s). Canon 1324 is referenced in Canon 1322.

CCEO 1325
; challenging concordant sentences regarding status of persons. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1644 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1644 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1325 is referenced in Canon 1370.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 10, no. 2. Set-aside, cc. 1326-1329.

 Western note. CCEO 1326-1329 are virtually identical to CIC 1645-1648.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1326
; conditions under which a settled sentence may yet be set-aside. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1645 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1645 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1326 is referenced in Canons 1283, 1327, 1341.

CCEO 1327
; time limits for seeking judicial set-aside and before whom it must be sought. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1646 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1646 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1646 § 3.

CCEO 1328
; possible effects of seeking judicial set-aside. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1647 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1647 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1647 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1328 is referenced in Canon 1337.

CCEO 1329
; judge must pronounce on merits in case of judicial set-aside. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1648.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 10, no. 3. Opposition of a third party, cc. 1330-1333.


 Western note. CCEO 1330-1333 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1330
; ability of third parties to impugn sentence. Latine.

CCEO 1331
; impugnment can be placed in first or second instance. Latine.

CCEO 1332
; the burden is on the complainer to show harm from sentence. Latine.

CCEO 1333
; if impugnment succeeds sentence must be modified. Latine.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 11, Court expenses and gratuitous legal assistance, cc. 1334-1336.


 Western note. CCEO 1334 is unique to Eastern law; CCEO 1335-1336 are virtually identical to CIC 1649.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:




  Supreme Tribunal Apostolic Signatura (Mamberti), circ. let. Inter munera quae (30 jul 2016), 108 AAS (2016) 948-953. Summary: Norms for local tribunal reports to Signatura. Cites: CIC 1362, 1445, 1649, 1676. / CCEO 1334, 1335, 1336. bis.=


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1334
; declaration of the right of the poor to free or low-cost legal service. Latine.

CCEO 1335
basic norms on judicial financial matters. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1649 § 1.

CCEO 1336
no separate appeal on financial matter rulings. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1649 § 2.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 1 Art. 12, execution of sentence, cc. 1337-1342.


 Western note. CCEO 1337-1342 are virtually identical to CIC 1650-1655.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1337
; direct, qualified, or suspended execution of a settled sentence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1650 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1650 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1650 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1337 is referenced in Canon 1325.

CCEO 1338
; execution can happen only upon decree, not simple judgment. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1651.

CCEO 1339
; deciding judge can order accounting prior to decreeing execution. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1652.

CCEO 1340
; officers who can order execution of sentence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1653 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1653 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1653 § 3.

CCEO 1341
; responsibilities of executor of sentence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1654 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1654 § 2.

CCEO 1342
; execution of sentences concerning various goods. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1655 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1655 § 2.



 ! Title XXV, Chap. 2, Summary contentious process, 1343-1356.


 Western note. CCEO 1343-1356 are virtually identical to CIC 1656-1670.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1343
; options for oral contentious process. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1656 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1656 § 2.

CCEO 1344
; requirements for libellus and supporting documents. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1658 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1658 § 2.

CCEO 1345
; speedy notification of respondent. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1659 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1659 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1345 is referenced in Canon 1347.

CCEO 1346
; possible response by petitioner to respondent's reply. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1660.


 Note(s). Canon 1346 is referenced in Canon 1347.

CCEO 1347
; formulation of doubt and citation of necessary participants to hearing. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1661 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1661 § 2.

CCEO 1348
; preliminary issues in the hearing. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1662.

CCEO 1349
; gathering of evidence at the hearing. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1663 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1663 § 2.

CCEO 1350
; recordation of acts by notary. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1664.

CCEO 1351
; options for gathering new evidence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1665.

CCEO 1352
; option for second hearing. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1666.

CCEO 1353
; immediate oral discussion of evidence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1667.

CCEO 1354
; speedy decision and limited communication of sentence. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1668 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1668 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1668 § 3.

CCEO 1355
; second instance declaration of nullity if process was illegal. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1669.

CCEO 1356
; general applicability of norms on trials and possible modifications thereof. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1670.



 ! Title XXVI, Certain special procedures, Mitis et misericors 1357 to CCEO 1400.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXVI, Chap. 1, Matrimonial procedures, Mitis et misericors 1357 to CCEO 1384.


 ► Topic in general, as follows.


 // Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art 1. Cases declaring the nullity of marriage, Mitis et misericors 1357-1377.


The Johanno-Pauline canons governing Eastern marriage nullity procedures since 1991, namely, CCEO 1357-1377, were abrogated by Francis' motu proprio Mitis et Miscericors (2015), a document that greatly modified the Eastern Church's approach to marriage nullity cases. This new law goes far beyond the scope of typical canonical reform: it has eliminated several procedural provisions in place for hundreds of years, it introduces an effectively administrative process for a quick episcopal declaration of matrimonial nullity, it expressly allows for the consideration of personal factors as indicative of nullity, and it inserts matters into canonistics using genres unknown to the discipline.


 Western note. CCEO 1357-1377 were virtually identical to CIC 1671-1691. Mitis et misericors 1357-1377 are virtually identical to Mitis Iudex 1671-1691.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:




 Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. Mitis et misericors (15 aug 2015), AAS 107 (2015) 946-954. Latin a/o English, here; Summary: Abrogates CCEO 1357 to 1377 on the adjudication of marriage nullity petitions and replaces them with radically different provisions. Cites: CCEO 1071, CCEO 1357 to 1377. Text comparison: PDF here.


 Papal. Francis, Mitis, Ratio (see above), artt. 1-6, Latine & English here.



 // Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 1. The competent forum and tribunals, Mitis et misericors 1357-1359.


► Topic in general, as follows:


 Papal. Francis, Mitis et misericors, Ratio (see above), artt. 7-8, Latine & English here.


 ► Topics by canons, as follows:

Mitis et misericors 1357
; jurisdiction over marriages cases of the baptized & civil cognizance. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1371 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1371 § 2.


  Olim. CCEO1357; jurisdiction over marriages cases of the baptized. Latine.
 ― Parallel(s). CIC 1671.


 - and -


  Olim CCEO1358; cases concerning civil effects of marriage. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC1672.


Mitis et misericors 1358; tribunal competence over marriage nullity cases. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1372.


  Olim. CCEO1359; tribunal competence based on territory. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC1673. For 1°: CIC1673 n. 1. For 2°: CIC1673 n. 2. For 3°: CIC1673 n. 3. For 4°: CIC1673 n. 3.


  Note(s). Canon 1359 was referenced in Canon 1380.

Mitis et misericors 1359
; episcopal constitution and make-up of tribunal for marriage nullity. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1373 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1373 § 2. For § 3: Mitis Iudex 1373 § 3. For § 4: Mitis Iudex 1373 § 4. For § 5: Mitis Iudex 1373 § 5. For § 6: Mitis Iudex 1373 § 6.



 // Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 2. Right to challenge a marriage, Mitis et misericors 1360.


► Topic in general, as follows:


 Papal. Francis, Mitis et misericors, Ratio (see above), art. 9, Latine & English here.


 ► Topics by canons, as follows:

Mitis et misericors 1360
; those qualified to challenge a marriage. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1374 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1374 § 2. For § 3: Mitis Iudex 1374 § 3.


  Olim CCEO 1360; right of spouses or promoter to challenge a marriage. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC1674. For 1°: CIC1674 n. 1. For 2°: n. 2.




  Olim. CCEO 1361; possible challenge against marriage after death of a party. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC1675. For § 1: CIC1675 § 1. For § 2: § 2.



 // Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 3. Introduction of a case and its instruction, Mitis et misericors 1361-1364.


► Topic in general, as follows:


 Papal. Francis, Mitis et misericors, Ratio (see above), artt. 10-11, Latine & English here.


 ► Topics by canons, as follows:

Mitis et misericors 1361
; judge to verify marriage irretrievably failed before accepting case. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1375.


  Olim. Sacri 1362; when judge should encourage convalidation. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC1676.


 ― Dissertation. Vincent Cheruvathoor (Indian priest, ≈), Reconciliation and choice of grounds in the introduction of cases of nullity of marriage in the context of Syro-Malabar Church: an analysis of CCEO cc 1362 and. CIC c. 1676, (Urbanianum diss., 2007) v-175 pp (part). Cheruvathoor biograph. bis.

Mitis et misericors 1362
; acceptance of case by judicial vicar. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1676 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1676 § 2. For § 3: Mitis Iudex 1676 § 3. For § 4: Mitis Iudex 1676 § 4. For § 5: Mitis Iudex 1676 § 5.


  Olim. Sacri 1363; process for formulation of the doubt. Latine.
  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC1677 § 1. For § 2: CIC1677 § 2. For § 3: CIC1677 § 3. For § 4: CIC1677 § 4.

Mitis et misericors 1363
; rights of defender of the bond and advocates of parties. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1677 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1677 § 2.


  Olim. Sacri 1364; presence at examinations and right to inspect acts. Latine.
 ― Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1678 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1678 § 2.

Mitis et misericors 1364
; judicial confession, witness testimony, expert opinions. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1678 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1678 § 2. For § 3: Mitis Iudex 1678 § 3. For § 4: Mitis Iudex 1678 § 4.


  Olim. Sacri 1365; judge to inquire about about parties' credibility. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1679.



  Olim. Sacri 1366; when experts should be used. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1680.



  Olim. Sacri 1367; factors suggesting a non-consummation case be undertaken. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1681.



 // Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 4. Sentence, its challenge, and its execution, Mitis et misericors 1365-1368. -


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Papal. Francis, Mitis et misericors, Ratio (see above), artt. 12-13, Latine & English here.


 ► Topics by canons, as follows:

Mitis et misericors 1365
; executive character of affirmative sentence. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1679. Sacri


  Olim. Sacri 1368; mandatory appeal. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1682. For § 1: CIC 1682 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1682 § 2.

Mitis et misericors 1366
; rights of appeal, acceptance and, higher adjudication of cases. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1680 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1680 § 2. For § 3: Mitis Iudex 1680 § 3. For § 4: Mitis Iudex 1680 § 4.


  Olim. Sacri 1369; admission of news grounds of nullity on appeal. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1683.


  Note(s). Canon 1369 was referenced in Canon 1320.

Mitis et misericors 1367
; limited rights of appeal to third instance. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1681.

Mitis et misericors 1368
; effect of execution of affirmative sentence. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1682 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1682 § 2.


  Olim. Sacri 1370; right to marry after second instance affirmative. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1684. For § 1: CIC 1684 n. 1. For § 2: CIC 1684 n. 2




  Olim. Sacri 1371; notification of results. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1685.



 // Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 5. Briefer matrimonial process before the bishop, Mitis et misericors 1369-1373.


► Topic in general, as follows:


 Papal. Francis, Mitis et misericors, Ratio (see above), artt. 14-20, Latine & English here.


 ► Topics by canons, as follows:

Mitis et misericors 1369
; eparch can hear nullity petitions personally in 'briefer' process. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For 1°: Mitis Iudex 1683 n. 1. For 2°: Mitis Iudex 1683 n. 2.

Mitis et misericors 1370
; libellus for 'briefer' process. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1684.

Mitis et misericors 1371
; citation by judicial vicar to expedited session for 'briefer'. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1685.

Mitis et misericors 1372
; assessor sets time within 15 day to submit observations and briefs. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1686.

Mitis et misericors 1373
; ruling by eparch, with advice, or referral for regular process & possible appeal. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1687 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1687 § 2. For § 3: Mitis Iudex 1687 § 3. For § 4: Mitis Iudex 1687 § 4.



 // Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 6. Documentary process, Mitis et misericors 1374-1376.


► Topic in general, as follows:


 Papal. Francis, Mitis et misericors, Ratio (see above), art. 21, Latine & English here.


 ► Topics by canons, as follows:

Mitis et misericors 1374
; documentary process for impediment a/o defect of form. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1688.


  Olim. Sacri 1372; documentary process. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1686. For § 1: CIC 1686 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1686 § 2.


  Note(s). Canon 1372 is referenced in Canon 1373. Canons 1372-1374 are referenced in Canon 1084.

Mitis et misericors 1375
; right of defender a/o parties to appeal documentary process. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1689 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1689 § 2.


  Olim. Sacri 1373; defender of the bond a/o aggrieved party may appeal documentary decisions. Latine.
 ― Parallel(s). CIC 1687. For § 1: CIC 1687 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1687 § 2.

Mitis et misericors 1376
; appeal judge to affirm sentence or return case t first instance. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Mitis Iudex 1390.


  Olim. Sacri 1374; second instance process to follow. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1688.



 // Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 1, no. 7. General provisions, Mitis et misericors 1377.

Mitis et misericors 1377
; admonition about obligations toward others & general applicability provisions on trials. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Mitis Iudex 1691 § 1. For § 2: Mitis Iudex 1691 § 2. For § 3: Mitis Iudex 1691 § 3.


  Olim. Sacri 1375; nullity cases cannot be heard in summary contentious process. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1690.




  Olim. Sacri 1376; in general, canons on trials applicable, including those on 'public good' cases. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1691.




  Olim. Sacri 1377; sentence to remind parties of remaining moral and civil obligations. Latine.
  Parallel(s). CIC 1689.



 ! Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 2, Separation of spouses, cc. 1378-1382.


 Western note. CCEO 1378-1382 are virtually identical to CIC 1692-1696.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1378
; selection of forum in separation cases. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1692 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1692 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1692 § 3.

CCEO 1379
; in general, oral contentious process is used. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1693 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1693 § 2.

CCEO 1380
; tribunal competence established in accord with Canon 1359. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1694.

CCEO 1381
; judges to encourage reconciliation. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1695.

CCEO 1382
; promoter of justice must be involved in separation cases. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1696.



 ! Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 3, Process for presumed death of spouse, c. 1383.

 Western note. CCEO 1383 is substantially similar to CIC 1707.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1383
; norms applicable to cases of alleged spousal death. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1707 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1707 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1707 § 3. For § 4: ≠.



 ! Title XXVI, Chap. 1, art. 4, Dissolution of non-consummated marriage or favor of the faith cases, c. 1384.

 Western note. CCEO 1384 is unique to Eastern law but it refers to the matters treated in CIC 1697-1706 albeit merely by directing attention to the norms of the Apostolic See.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1384
; non-consummation and papal dissolution cases must follow special law of the Apostolic See. Latine.


 ! Title XXVI, Chap. 2, Declaring the nullity of ordination, cc. 1385-1387.


 Western note. CCEO 1385-1387 treat the same topics as do CIC 1708-1710, 1712.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1385
; those who can challenge the validity of ordination. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1708.

CCEO 1386
; submission of petition to proper dicastery. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1709 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1710. For § 3: CIC 1709 § 2.

CCEO 1387
; consequences of ratification of a nullity finding. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1712.



 ! Title XXVI, Chap. 3, Removal and transfer of pastors, cc. 1388-1400.


 Western note. CCEO 1388 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1388
; introduces Canons 1389-1400 for pastor removal or transfer. Latine.


 ! Title XXVI, Chap. 3, art 1. Procedure for removing pastors, cc. 1389-1396.


 Western note. CCEO 1389-1396 are virtually identical to CIC 1740-1747.


 Note(s). CCEO 1389-1396 are referenced in Canon 1388.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1389
; eparch's authority to remove pastors. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1740.

CCEO 1390
; causes for pastor's removal. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1741.

CCEO 1391
; investigation, consultation, and attempt at persuasion regarding removal. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1742 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1742 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1391 is referenced in Canons 303, 310, 1394, 1399.

CCEO 1392
; pastor resignation options. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1743.

CCEO 1393
; repetition of invitation to resign and issuance of removal decree. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1744 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1744 § 2.

CCEO 1394
; bishop's obligation to reconsider removal if objections offered in writing. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For 1°: CIC 1745 n. 1. For 2°: CIC 1745 n. 2. For 3°: CIC 1745 n. 1.

CCEO 1395
; provision for removed pastor. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1746.

CCEO 1396
; pastor's process for vacating parish, and option for recourse. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1747 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1747 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1747 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1396 is referenced in Canon 1400.



 ! Title XXVI, Chap. 3, art. 2, Procedure for transferring pastors, cc. 1397-1400.


 Western note. CCEO 1397-1400 are substantially similar to CIC 1748-1752.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 1397-1400 are referenced in Canon 1388.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1397
; initial considerations in transfer of pastors. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1748.

CCEO 1398
; pastor's objections to be put into writing. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1749.

CCEO 1399
; episcopal consultation and issuance of episcopal decree of vacancy. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1750. For § 2: CIC 1751 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1751 § 2.

CCEO 1400
; referral to Canon 1396 and admonition about rights and equity. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1752.



 // Title XXVII, Penal sanctions in the Church, cc. 1401-1467.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


The penal law of the Eastern Churches was significantly modified (but not entirely uprooted and replaced, as happened to Western penal law) by Francis in his m. p. Vocare peccatores (20 mar 2023), AAS 115 (2023) 383-393, modifying 23 penal canons in whole or in part. Below, the current provisions of law, whether original canons promulgated by John Paul II or new provisions promulgated by Francis, are listed in the usual green highlight while, in regard to modified canons, the former law is identified in pale yellow. Short summaries of new canons and old are offered but a close reading their respective texts is usually needed to determine reliably the actual degree of correlation between the two documents.


 // Title XXVII, Chap. 1, Offenses and penalties in general, cc 1401-1435. -


 Western note. CCEO 1401-1435 treat the same materials as do CIC 1311-1363.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1401
; role of penal sanctions in the Church. Latine.


Vocare 1402
; application of penalties and exclusion of automatic sanctions. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. CCEO 1402; penalties can be imposed by formal process. Latine.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1314. For § 2: ≠. For § 3: ≠.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 1. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.


Note(s). Canon 1402 is referenced in Canons 1406, 1409, 1416.

CCEO 1403
; condition under which obligatory penalties may be withheld. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1344. For § 2: CIC 1354 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1403 is referenced in Canon 1469.

CCEO 1404
; penal law must be interpreted benignly. Latine.


CCEO 1405
; penal laws issued by legislators & restrictions on new or additional penalties. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1315. For § 2: CIC 1315. For § 3: CIC 1316.

Vocare 1406
; penalties can be threatened by precept. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. CCEO1406; penalties can be threatened by precept. Latine.




  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 2. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Olim. Note(s). Canon 1406 is referenced in Canon 1407.

Vocare 1407
; generally penalties must be preceded by warning. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. CCEO1407; generally penalties must be preceded by warning. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1347. For § 1: CIC 1347 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1347 § 2. For § 3: ≠.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 3. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1408
; penalties do not bind until imposition. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1314.

Vocare 1409
; mitigation of penalties. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. CCEO 1409; mitigation of penalties. Latine.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1344. CIC 1346. CIC 1344 n. 3. For § 2: CIC 1349.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 4. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Note(s). Canon 1409 is referenced in Canon 1481.

Vocare 1410
; penalties cannot impoverish offender. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. CCEO 1410; penalties cannot impoverish offender. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1350.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 5. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1411
; imposition of penalties precluded by prescription. Latine.




 Note(s). Canon 1411 is referenced in Canon 1469.

CCEO 1412
; reach of penalties & impact of changes in authorizing law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC ≠. For § 2: CIC 1313 § 1. For § 3: CIC 1351 § 2. For § 4: CIC 1351.

CCEO 1413
; impact of offender's age on penalties. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1323 n. 1. For § 2: CIC ≠.

Vocare 1414
; guilt is required before penalties are imposed Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. CCEO 1414; guilt is required before penalties are imposed. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1321. For § 1: CIC 1321 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1321 § 3.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 6. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1415
; extenuating circumstances must be considered by judge. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1344.


 Note(s). Canon 1415 is referenced in Canon 1481.

Vocare 1416
; aggravating circumstances can augment penalties. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. CCEO 1416; aggravating circumstances can augment penalties. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1326.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 7. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1417
; liability of accomplices to penalties. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1329.

CCEO 1418
; criminalizes attempts at offenses. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1328 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1328 § 2.

CCEO 1419
; remission of penalties can be offered by legislator or delegates. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1354 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1354 § 2.

CCEO 1420
; remission of penalties issued under common law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). Broadly, CIC 1355.

CCEO 1421
; remission of penalties by one under duress, etc, is null. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1360.

CCEO 1422
; process for and limitations on remission of penalties. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1361 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1361 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1361 § 3.

CCEO 1423
; reservation of penalties, and strict interpretation to be accorded same. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC ≠. For § 2: CIC 1354 § 3.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), gen. decr. "De delicto attentatae sacrae ordinationis mulieris" (19 dec 2007), L'Osservatore Romano (30 mai 2008) at 1, also AAS 100 (2008) 403. English, here. Summary: Establishes automatic excommunication for those attempting ordination of women and promulgates norm through L'Osservatore Romano. Cites: CIC 0030, (1024), 1378. / CCEO 1423, 1443.

Vocare 1424
; remission of penalty contingent, but warranted, upon repentance. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Olim. CCEO 1424; remission of penalty contingent, but warranted, upon repentance. Latine.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1358 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1358 § 1.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 8. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1425
; general and particular remission. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1359.

CCEO 1426
; penalties involving works of religion are permitted. Latine.


 Parallel(s). ≠


 Note(s). Canon 1426 is referenced in Canons 450, 1486.

CCEO 1427
; administration of public reprimand. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1339 § 3. For § 2: ≠.

CCEO 1428
; option for penal vigilance. Latine.


Vocare 1429
; penalties prohibiting or requiring residence, and fines. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


 Olim. CCEO 1429; penalties prohibiting or requiring residence. Latine.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1337 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1337 § 2.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 9. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

Vocare 1430
; scope of penal deprivation. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1430; scope of penal deprivation. Latine.


 ― Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1338 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1338 § 2.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 10. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1431
; notion of minor excommunication as a penalty. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC ≠. For § 2: CIC 1334 § 1.


 Note(s). Canon 1431 is referenced in Canon 1434.

CCEO 1432
; notion of suspension as a penalty. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1331 § 1. CIC 1334 § 2. For § 2: CIC 1333 §§ 2, 3, 4. For § 3: CIC 1333 §§ 2, 3, 4.

CCEO 1433
; demotion and deposition of clerics. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC ≠. For § 2: CIC 0292.


 Note(s). Canon 1433 is referenced in Canons 102, 164.

CCEO 1434
; notion and scope of major excommunication as penalty. Latine.


 Parallel(s). Broadly, CIC 1331.


 Note(s). Canon 1434 is referenced in Canon 164.

CCEO 1435
; priority of pastoral need for sacrament over observance of prohibitory penalty. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1335. For § 2: CIC 1335.



 // Title XXVII, Chap. 2, penalties for individual delicts, cc. 1436-1467.


 Western note. CCEO 1436-1467


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


One must bear with the unusual formatting of Vocare 1436 as it is the only Eastern law provision (to date) to have undergone two post-promulgation revisions and its various parallel canons were each revised once.


Vocare1436; heresy a/o apostasy, denial of infallible assertions, recourse against supreme, authority. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: Pascite1335. For § 2: Pascite1335. Pascite1371.


  Olim. Ad tuendam 1436; heresy a/o apostasy or denial of infallible assertions. Latine.


  Parallel(s). Ad tuendam 1371; criminalizes teaching against or rejecting certain doctrines. Latine.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 11. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.


 ― ― Antehac. Sacri 1436; criminalizes heresy a/o apostasy. Latine.


 ― ― Parallel(s). For § 1: Sacrae 1364 § 1. For § 2: Sacrae 1364 n. 1.


 ― ― Papal (abbr). John Paul II, m. p. Ad tuendam (1998), info here. Summary: Identifying and protecting secondary objects of infallibility. Text comparison: PDF here.


 ― ― Dicasterial. Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), "Nota doctrinalis professionis fidei formulam extremam enucleans" (29 jun 1998), AAS 90 (1988) 544-551. Latin here; English, here. Summary: Outlines levels of truth and offers markers for helping to determine what theological note, or degree of certitude, is to be associated with various doctrinal or moral assertions. Cites: CIC 0750, 0751, 0752, 1364, 1371. / CCEO 0598, 0599, 1436.

CCEO 1437
; criminalizes schism. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1364.

CCEO 1438
; criminalizes omission of patriarch's name from divine Liturgy. Latine.



CCEO 1439
; criminalizes non-Catholic baptism or upbringing of children. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1366.

CCEO 1440
; criminalizes violation of norms on sharing in things divine. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1365.

CCEO 1441
; criminalizes misuse of sacred objects. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1376.

Vocare 1442
; criminalizes throwing away, illicitly retaining, or consecrating Divine Eucharist. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1442; criminalizes throwing away or illicitly retaining Divine Eucharist. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1367.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 12. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.




  PCLT (Herranz), resp. re Can. 1442] (03 jul 1999), AAS 91 (1999) 918. Summary: The notion of "throwing away" includes any willed, contemptuous act toward the Sacred Species. Cites: CIC 1367. / CCEO 1442.


  Julián Herranz (PCLT), doc. "Tutela della Santissima Eucaristia" (no date), Communicationes 31 (1999) 38-41, English, version Communicationes 31 (1999) 42-45. Summary: Commentary on authentic interpretation of CIC 1367. / CCEO 1442, recalling that not all sins against the Eucharist are canonically crimes. Cites: CIC 0016, 0897, 0898, (1314), 1367.

Vocare 1443
; criminalizes simulating Divine Eucharist or other sacraments or illicit administration. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1443; criminalizes simulating Divine Eucharist or other sacraments. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1378 § 2. CIC 1379.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 13. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Dicasterial. Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), gen. decr. "De delicto attentatae sacrae ordinationis mulieris" (19 dec 2007), L'Osservatore Romano (30 mai 2008) at 1, also AAS 100 (2008) 403. English, here. Cites: CIC 0030, (1024), 1378. / CCEO 1423. Summary: Establishes automatic excommunication for those attempting ordination of women and promulgates norm through L'Osservatore Romano.

CCEO 1444
; criminalizes perjury or lies before ecclesiastical officials. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1368.

CCEO 1445
; criminalizes violence against bishops or clergy. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1370 § 2. For § 2: CIC 1370 § 3.

Vocare 1446
; criminalizes disobedience against a hierarch. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1446; criminalizes disobedience against a hierarch. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1371 n. 2.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 14. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1447
; criminalizes incitement against hierarch a/o obstruction of ecclesiastical officials or goods. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1373. For § 2: CIC 1375.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), doc. "De condicione canonica eorum, qui se dicunt episcopos Graeco-Catholicos Ucrainae urbis 'Pidhirci'", (22 feb 2012), AAS 104 (2012) 377-379 (Italian). Summary: Canonical status of schismatic group. Cites: CCEO 0019, 1447, 1452, 1459, 1462.

CCEO 1448
; criminalizes misuse of social communications. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1369. For § 2: CIC 1374.

Vocare 1449
; criminalizes illicit alienation of ecclesiastical property or financial offenses. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1449; criminalizes illicit alienation of ecclesiastical property. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1377.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 15. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1450
; criminalizes murder or abortion. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1397. For § 2: CIC 1398.


 Note(s). Canon 1450 is referenced in Canon 1152.

CCEO 1451
; criminalizes assault. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1397.

CCEO 1452
; criminalizes calumny. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1390.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), doc. "De condicione canonica eorum, qui se dicunt episcopos Graeco-Catholicos Ucrainae urbis 'Pidhirci'", (22 feb 2012), AAS 104 (2012) 377-379 (Italian). Summary: Canonical status of schismatic group. Cites: CCEO 0019, 1447, 1452, 1459, 1462.

Vocare 1453
; criminalizes concubinage a/o illicit attempt at marriage and other sexual offenses. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1453; criminalizes concubinage a/o illicit attempt at marriage. Latine.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1395. For § 2: CIC 1394. For § 3: CIC 1394.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 16. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.


  Olim. Note(s). Canon 1453 was referenced in Canon 1152.

CCEO 1454
; criminalizes false accusation of a confessor. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1390.

CCEO 1455
; criminalizes falsification or use of falsified documents. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1391.

Vocare 1456
; criminalizes violation of seal or acquisition of confessional knowledge. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1456; criminalizes violation of seal or acquisition of confessional knowledge. Latine.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1388 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1388 § 2..


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 17. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1457
; criminalizes absolution of an accomplice. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1378 § 1.

CCEO 1458
; criminalizes solicitation in confession. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1387.

Vocare 1459
; criminalizes illicit a/o invalid ordinations. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Sacri 1459; criminalizes illicit ordinations. Latine.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1382. For § 2: CIC 1383.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 18. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.


 ― Dicasterial.


  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), doc. "De condicione canonica eorum, qui se dicunt episcopos Graeco-Catholicos Ucrainae urbis 'Pidhirci'", (22 feb 2012), AAS 104 (2012) 377-379 (Italian). Summary: Canonical status of schismatic group. Cites: CCEO 0019, 1447, 1452, 1459, 1462.

CCEO 1460
; criminalizes invocation civil authority to intervene in Church matters. Latine.


CCEO 1461
; criminalizes simony in sacraments. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1380.

CCEO 1462
; criminalizes simony in other ecclesiastical activities. Latine.


 Parallel(s). CIC 1381.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), doc. "De condicione canonica eorum, qui se dicunt episcopos Graeco-Catholicos Ucrainae urbis 'Pidhirci'", (22 feb 2012), AAS 104 (2012) 377-379 (Italian). Summary: Canonical status of schismatic group. Cites: 0019, 1447, 1452, 1459, 1462.

Vocare 1463
; criminalizes bribery. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1463; criminalizes bribery. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1386.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 19. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

Vocare 1464
; criminalizes misuse of or negligence in ecclesiastical power, office, etc. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1464; criminalizes misuse of or negligence in ecclesiastical power, office, etc. Latine.


  Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1389 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1389 § 2.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 20. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

CCEO 1465
; criminalizes inducement to change Churches within Catholic communion. Latine.


Vocare 1466
; criminalizes illicit conduct of trade or business by clergy a/o religious. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1466; criminalizes illicit conduct of trade or business by clergy a/o religious. Latine.


  Parallel(s). CIC 1392.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 21. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.

Vocare 1467
; criminalizes disregard of earlier penalties. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1°: = For 2°: = For 3°: = For 4°: =


  Olim. Sacri 1467; criminalizes disregard of earlier penalties. Latine.


 ― Parallel(s). CIC 1393.


  Papal (abbr). Francis, m. p. Vocare (2023), info here, art. 22. Summary: Modification of various canons on penal law. Text comparison: PDF here.



 ! Title XXVIII, Procedure for imposing penalties, cc. 1468-1487.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXVIII, Chap. 1, Penal trial, cc. 1468-1485.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXVIII, Chap. 1, art 1. Prior investigation, cc. 1468-1470.


 Western note. CCEO 1468-1470 are substantially similar to CIC 1717-1720.

 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 1468-1470 are referenced in Canon 1402.

CCEO 1468
; initiation and conduct of preliminary penal investigation. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1717 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1717 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1717 § 3.




  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), circ. let. Tra le importanti (3 mai 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 406-412. Italian here. Summary: Suggestions for episcopal conferences developing guidelines for response to cases of sexual abuse of children by clerics. Cites: CCEO 1468, 1473.

CCEO 1469
; responses to preliminary penal investigation. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1718 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1718 § 2. For § 3: CIC 1718 §§ 3, 4.

CCEO 1470
; preservation of acts of the preliminary penal investigation. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 1719.



 ! Title XXVIII, Chap. 1, art 1. Development of penal trial, cc. 1471-1482.


 Western note. CCEO 1471-1475 are virtually identical to the Western canons cited below; CCEO 1476 and 1477 are unique to Eastern law; CCEO 1478 thru 1480 are substantially similar to the Western canons cited below.

 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 Note(s). Canons 1471-1482 are referenced in Canon 1402.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1471
; general applicability of norms for trials and immunity of accused from oaths. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1728 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1728 § 2.

CCEO 1472
; authorization of promoter of justice for a judicial penal process. Latine.
 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1721 § 1. For § 2: § 2.

CCEO 1473
; restrictions on the accused during the penal process. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1722.




 Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), circ. let. Tra le importanti (3 mai 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 406-412. Italian here. Summary: Suggestions for episcopal conferences developing guidelines for response to cases of sexual abuse of children by clerics. Cites: CCEO 1468, 1473.

CCEO 1474
; appointment of an advocate during penal process. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1723.

CCEO 1475
; renunciation of appeal process by the promoter of justice. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1724 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1724 § 2.

CCEO 1476
; requirement of oral discussion of case beyond consideration of written materials. Latine.


CCEO 1477
; parties required to participate, or eligible to participate, in penal trial. Latine.


CCEO 1478
; right of the accused to speak last. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1725.

CCEO 1479
; case to be resolved or additional evidence to be collected. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1668 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1666.

CCEO 1480; speedy decision and limited communication of sentence. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1668 § 1.

CCEO 1481
; rights of appeal. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1727 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1727 § 2.

CCEO 1482
; possible declaration of innocence during the process. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1726.



 ! Title XXVIII, Chap. 1, art. 3, Action for reparation of damages, cc. 1483-1485.


 Western note. CCEO 1483-1485 are virtually identical to CIC 1729-1731.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1483
; contentious action for damages during penal trial. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1729 § 1. For § 2: § 2. For § 3: CIC 1729 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1483 is referenced in Canon 1477.

CCEO 1484
; avoiding delays in penal trials with contentious actions. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1730 § 1. For § 2: CIC 1730 § 2.


 Note(s). Canon 1484 is referenced in Canon 1483.

CCEO 1485
; limitations on contentious consequences arising from penal trials. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 1731.



 ! Title XXVIII, Chap. 2, Imposition of penalties by extra-judicial decree, cc. 1486-1487.


 Western note. CCEO 1486-1487 treats the same topics as do CIC 1353, 1720, and 1734, but CCEO 1487 § 3 is unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1486
initiation and conduct of administrative penal process. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1720. For § 2: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 1486 is referenced in Canon 1402.

CCEO 1487
; recourse against penal decree. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 1734 § 2. For § 2: CIC 1353. For § 3: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 1487 is referenced in Canon 1402.



 ! Title XXIX, Law, custom, administrative acts, cc. 1488-1539.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Title XXIX, Chap. 1. Ecclesiastical laws, cc. 1488-1505.


 Western note: CCEO 1488-1504 are virtually identical to the Western canons cited immediately below except that CCEO 1492, 1493, and 1505 are unique to Eastern law.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1488
; establishment of law by promulgation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0007.

CCEO 1489
; universal and particular laws. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0008 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0008 § 2.

CCEO 1490
; merely ecclesiastical law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0011.

CCEO 1491
; general subjects of laws based on territory. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0012 §§ 1, 3. For § 2: CIC 0012 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0013 § 2. For § 4: CIC 0013 § 3.


 Note(s). Canon 1491 is referenced in Canon 986.

CCEO 1492
; scope of passive law in Eastern Churches. Latine.


CCEO 1493
; scope of common law in Eastern Churches. Latine.


 Doctoral dissertation.


 • Charbel Bousamra (Canadian Maronite priest, 1979-), The particular law of the Maronite Church: analysis and perspective, (Santa Croce diss. 27, 2010, ISBN 9788883332517) 446 pp. Review: D. Motiuk, Studia Canonica 46 (2012) 261-264.

CCEO 1494
; proactivity of law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0009.

CCEO 1495
; invalidating and incapacitating laws. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0010.

CCEO 1496
; binding force of law in cases of doubt of law or fact. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0014.

CCEO 1497
; effect of ignorance or error concerning law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0015 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0015 § 2.

CCEO 1498
; authentic interpretation of law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0016 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0016 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0016 § 3.

CCEO 1499
; understanding of law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0017.


 Monographs. Emmanuel Nwabude, (Nigerian priest, ≈), An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Canon Law of the Western Church (CIC 1983) and Eastern (CCEO 1990) Churches, (Africana First, 2008) 533 pp. Ivan Žužek (Slovenian Jesuit, 1924-2004), Index Analyticus Codicis Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium (Pontificium Institutum Orientalium, 1992) 375 pp. Review(s): V. Pospishil, Jurist 54 (1994) 755-756; D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 28 (1994) 273-274. Notes: See also Ivan Žužek, "Updated edition of the Index Analyticus Codicis Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium", Jurist 65 (2005) 205-214.

CCEO 1500
; laws subject to strict interpretation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0018.

CCEO 1501
; filling gaps in the law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0019.

CCEO 1502
; priority given to later law and particular law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0020. For § 2: CIC 0020.


 Note(s). Canon 1502 is referenced in Canon 1509.

CCEO 1503
; presumption of stability in law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0021.

CCEO 1504
; Canon and civil law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0022.

CCEO 1505
; generally use of masculine gender embraces the feminine as well. Latine.



 ! Title XXIX, Chap. 2. Custom, cc. 1506-1509.

Western note.
CCEO 1506-1509 are substantially similar to CIC 23-28.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1506
; custom can have force of law but not against divine law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0023. For § 2: CIC 0024 § 1.

CCEO 1507
; conditions for custom to have force of law. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0025. For § 2: CIC 0024 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0026. For § 4: ≠.

CCEO 1508
; "Custom is the best interpreter of law." Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0027.

CCEO 1509
; revocation of custom. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0028.



 ! Title XXIX, Chap. 3. Administrative acts, 1510-1539.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, CCEO 1510-1516. ]


 Western note: CCEO 1510-1513 are substantially similar to several Western provisions as indicated below; CCEO 1514-1516 are virtually identical to CIC 37-39.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1510
; authority to issue, nature of, and scope of administrative acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0035. For § 2: CIC 0035. CIC0048. CIC0049.

CCEO 1511
; effectiveness of administrative act. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0054 § 1. CIC 0062.

CCEO 1512
; interpretation of administrative act. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0036 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0036 § 1. For § 3: CIC 0077. For § 4: CIC 0092.

CCEO 1513
; perduration of administrative act. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0073. For § 2: CIC 0046. For § 3: CIC 0047. For § 4: CIC 0093. For § 5: CIC 0058.

CCEO 1514
; administrative act in external form to be put into writing. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0037.

CCEO 1515
; limitations on administrative act. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0038.

CCEO 1516
; when conditions on administrative act impact validity. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0039.



 ! Title XXIX, Chap. 3, art. 1. Procedure for extra-judicial decrees, cc. 1517-1520.

 Western note. CCEO 1517-1520 are best assessed individually for possible correspondence to Western canons.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1517
; prerequisite inquires and disclosures for singular decree. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0050. For § 2: ≠.


 Note(s). Canon 1517 is referenced in Canon 1003.

CCEO 1518
; two months for action on requested decrees, and presumed negative response. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0057 §§ 1, 2.

CCEO 1519
; singular decree to be put into writing with summary of reasons behind it. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 0051.

CCEO 1520
; option for oral presentation of singular decree and consequences of refusal to acknowledge. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: ≠. For § 2: CIC 0055. For § 3: CIC 0056.


 Note(s). Canon 1520 is referenced in Canon 1514.



 ! Title XXIX, Chap. 3, art. 2. Execution of administrative acts, cc. 1521-1526.


 Western note. CCEO 1521-1526 are virtually identical to CIC 40-45 and 70.

 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1521
; when executor of administrative acts may act validly. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0040.

CCEO 1522
; discretion allowed executor of administrative acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0041. For § 2: CIC 0070.

CCEO 1523
; manner of executing administrative acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0042.

CCEO 1524
; possible substitution of executors of administrative acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0043.

CCEO 1525
; successor of executors can execute administrative acts. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0044.

CCEO 1526
; authority of executor to repair mistakes. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0045.



 ! Title XXIX, Chap. 3, art. 3, Rescripts, cc. 1527-1530.


 Western note. CCEO 1527-1530 are substantially similar to CIC 59-75.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1527
; definition of rescript, provisions generally apply to oral grants. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0059 § 2. For § 2: CIC 0074.


 Note(s). Canon 1527 is referenced in Canon 1514.

CCEO 1528
; rescript can be sought by third parties. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0061.

CCEO 1529
; factors impacting validity of rescript. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0063 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0063 § 2.

CCEO 1530
; norms for seeking rescripts after denial by one authority. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0065. For § 1: CIC 0065 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0065 § 2.



 ! Title XXIX, Chap. 3, art. 3, no. 1. Privileges, cc. 1531-1535.


 Western note. CCEO 1531-1535 are substantially similar to CIC 76-84.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1531
; definition and sources of privilege. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0076 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0076 § 2.

CCEO 1532
; cessation of privilege. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0078 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0078 §§ 2, 3. CIC 0083. For § 3: CIC 0078 § 3.

CCEO 1533
; possible renunciation of privilege. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0080 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0080 § 2. For § 3: CIC 0080 § 3.

CCEO 1534
; possible prescription against privilege. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0082.

CCEO 1535
; possible loss of privilege by abuse. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0084.



 ! Title XXIX, Chap. 3, art. 3, no. 2. Dispensations, cc. 1536-1539.


 Western note. CCEO 1536-1539 are substantially similar to CIC 85-91.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1536
; definition of and general conditions for dispensation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0085. CIC 0090 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0087 § 1. For § 3: CIC 0090 § 2.

CCEO 1537
; constitutive laws not subject to dispensation. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0086. CIC 0087 § 1.

CCEO 1538
; authorization of and restrictions on power of local authority to dispense. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0087.

CCEO 1539
; territorial factors in dispensation. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0091.



 ! Title XXX. Prescription and the computation of time, cc 1540-1546.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ! Title XXX, Chap. 1. Prescription, cc. 1540-1542.


 Western note. CCEO 1540-1542 are virtually identical to CIC 197-199.


 ► Topic in general, as follows.


 Note(s). CCEO 1540-1542 are referenced in CCEO 1017.

 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1540
; Church generally recognizes civil norms on prescription. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0197.

CCEO 1541
; prescription must be grounded in good faith. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0198.

CCEO 1542
; matters excluded from prescription. Latine.
 Parallel(s). CIC 0199 nn. 1-7.



 ! Title XXX, Chap. 2. Computation of time, cc. 1543-1546.


 Western note. CCEO 1543-1546 are virtually identical to CIC 200-203.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

CCEO 1543
; basic norms on computation of time. Latine.

 Parallel(s). CIC 0200.

CCEO 1544
; description of 'continuous' and 'available' time. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0201 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0201 § 2.

CCEO 1545
; definitions of day, week, month, and year. Latine.

 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0202 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0202 § 2.

CCEO 1546
; basic computation of days. Latine.


 Parallel(s). For § 1: CIC 0203 § 1. For § 2: CIC 0203 § 2.


 [ A. M. D. G. ]


Some of the

abbreviations on this page might






Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1909 et seq. )

Canon Law Digest (beginning 1933)

Commentary ( ≠. Communicationes!)

Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique (1935-1965)





Dictionarium Morale et Canonicum (1962-1968)

New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967)

New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2° ed. (2003)

Materials on this website represent the opinions of Dr. Edward Peters and are offered in accord with Canon 212 § 3.

This website undergoes continual refinement and development. No warranty of completeness or correctness is made.

Dr. Peters' views are not necessarily shared by others in the field nor are they intended as canonical or civil advice.


CanonLaw. info Homepage & Site Directory / Help support CanonLaw. info / Original Materials © Edward N. Peters






In addition to possible Parallel(s). in the proto-codifications of Eastern Canon law (info here), general discussions in pan-textual commentaries on Eastern law (info here), and possible materials identified in Canon Law Abstracts (info here), the following items should be noted by those researching this area of law:




 ▪ Francis (reg. 2013-), m. p. De concordia inter Codices (31 mai 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 602-606. Latin here. English, here. Summary: Makes several textual changes to western Canon law so as to bring about uniformity in matters involving Eastern Catholics. Cites: CIC 383, 111, 112, 535, 868, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1116, 1127. / CCEO
39, 0040, 0193.




 ▪ Secretariat of State (Parolin), rescr. Il grave peso (03 nov 2014), AAS 106 (2014) 882-884. Summary: Provisions guiding the resignation of bishops from office. Cites: CIC 0354, 0381, 0401, 0402, 0411. / CCEO
210, 0211, 0218, 0313.


 ▪ PCLT ( ≠. ), adnot. Circa validitatem matrimoniorum civilium in Cazastania] (13 mai 2003), Communicationes 35 (2003) 197-210 (Italian). Summary: As titled, recognition of civil marriages between various persons, including Catholcw and Orthodox, must be examined on a case-by-case basis. Cites: 0019, 1055, 1057, 1060, 1100, (1108), 1116, 1673. / CCEO 0781, 0823, 0832, 1359.


 ▪ Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. Agendi ratio (29 jun 1997) no. 28-29 app. in forma specifica, AAS 89 (1997) 830-835. English, here. Summary: Procedures for doctrinal examinations. Cites: CIC 0134, (0218), 0295, 0751, 0752, 0823, (1040), 1364, 1371. / CCEO 0599, 0652, 0984, 1436, 1437.



 • Michael Skrocki (American priest, 1964-), Historical Roots of the Extraordinary Form of Marriage in the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium as Found in the Imperial Legislation of Justinian, Constantine V, and Leo VI, (CUA diss. 563, 2006) 235 pp. Abstract at Jurist 66 (2006) 518-519.


 • Xavier Benedict Sathianathan (Indian priest, ≈), Governance Structures of the Diocese: a comparative study of the Codex Iuris Canonici and Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium, with particular reference to the Latin and Syro-Malabar rite dioceses in South India, (KU Leuven diss., 2006) 321 pp.


 • André Sampaio de Oliveira (Brazilian priest, ≈), L'autonomia (Status Sui Iuris) delle Chiese Orientali nella piena comunione con la Sede Apostolica secondo il Codice dei Canoni delle Chiese Orientali, (Gregorian diss. 5118, 2003) 127 pp (part).


http: Parallel(s). CIC www. vatican. va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/chrstuni/documents/rc_pc_chrstuni_doc_20011025_chiesa-caldea-assira_en. html


  • = (a place holder indicating that an expected piece of information has not yet been located)

  •  ≠. (a place holder indicating that an expected piece of information probably does not exist)

  • ≈ (approximate or estimated)

  • (authored by arch/ bishop acting officially)

  • *** (indicates material published 'semi-officially' in L'Osservatore Romano)

  • AAS - Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Wiki

  • alloc. - allocutio (speech or address)

  • ap. exh. - apostolic exhortation

  • ap. let. - apostolic letter

  • Bk - Book (of the 1983 Code)

  • a. p. r. m. - ad perpetuam rei memoriam

  • . CIC - Codex Iuris Canonici (1983 or 1917)

  • circ. let. - circular letter

  • CIV2 - Commission for the Interpretation of Vatican Two

  • CLD -

    Canon Law Digest

  • CLSA -

    Canon Law Society of America

  • Comm. - Commission

  • Compl. - Complementary (norm)

  • Cong. - Congregation

  • CUA - Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)

  • decl. - declaration (declaratio)

  • decr. - decree (decretum)

  • diss. - doctoral dissertation in

    Canon law

  • doc. - document (generic, not otherwise classified)

  • enc. - encyclical

  • gen. decr. - general decree

  • let. - letter (epistula)

  • m. p. - motu proprio (always indicated regardless of genre)

  • not. doct. - doctrinal note

  • not. expl. - explanatory note

  • notif. - notification (notificatio)

  • PCLT - Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (in brackets where the name of this dicastery was different), Wiki

  • Pont. Comm. - Pontifical Commission

  • rescr. - rescript (rescriptum)

  • USCCB - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Wiki

  • instr. - instruction (instructio)

  • m. p. - motu proprio

  • NCCB - National Conference of Catholic Bishops USA], predecessor to the USCCB.

  • resp. ad quaest. - responses to questions

  • SPU/USP - St. Paul University / Université Saint Paul (Ottawa)





CLSA Advisory Opinions, here

CLSA Advisory Opinions, Peters' Annotations, here.

Dissertations and Theses, here.








Pont. Council for Legislative Texts, I, here.

Pont. Council for Legislative Texts, II, here.

Apostolic Signatura, here.

Roman Rota, I, here.

Roman Rota, II, here.

Secretariat of State, here.

Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, here.

Cong. for Bishops, here.

Cong. for the Clergy, here.

Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, here.



 Ionuţ Paul Strejac (Hungarian priest, 1976-), I fedeli greco-cattolici nei territori della Chiesa latina: realtà storico-giuridica nell'arcidiocesi di Bucarest (1814-1926), (Urbanianum diss., 2006) 184 pp (part). Strejac biograph.


  James Arampulickal (Syro-Malabar priest, ≈), The pastoral care of the syro-malabar catholic migrants, (Urbanianum diss. 103, 1993) x-125 pp (part).


 Emilio Eid, “La celebrazione del matrimonio dei maroniti fuori del territorio del patriarcato, prima del motu proprio Crebrae allatae”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 63-75.


  Francis Puthenthayil (Indian Vincentian, ≈), Societies of Apostolic Life: a comparative study based on Latin and Oriental Codes (with a special reference to the Congregation of Mission), (Urbanianum diss. 204, 2001) viii-111 pp (part).


 Maurizio Piscolla, “The sacramental legislation in the Synod of Mount Lebanon of 1736”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).


 Benedict DeSocio, “The infra-universal legislation of churches “sui iuris” in the proposed Code of Eastern Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).


 • Robert Hospodar, "Liturgical latinization in the Ruthenian Catholic Church 1596-1702: a study of canonico-historical documents", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).



 Review: V. Pospishil, Jurist 56 (1996) 1032-1036. Biograph. rambacher. =


User notes

There might be editions of works that pre-date or post-date those cited herein. Reviews and Notes are grey-highlighted, biographical information is underlined blue-linked, and matters in green highlights are of special interest. Yellow highlights are cautions for users while the markers "=", "≈", " ≠. ", and "≈" are placeholders for use by webmaster.



Materials on this website represent the opinions of Dr. Edward Peters and are offered in accord with Canon 212 § 3.

This website undergoes continual refinement and development. No warranty of completeness or correctness is made.

Dr. Peters' views are not necessarily shared by others in the field nor are they intended as canonical or civil advice.


CanonLaw. info Homepage & Site Directory / Help support CanonLaw. info / Original Materials © Edward N. Peters

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First-time users of these pages should be familiar with matters discussed on the Master Page on Eastern Canon Law (1990), here, and in the Codex Vigens - Introduction, here.


Materials below can be searched for in several ways, including by:

 • Canon number, use four digits and semi-colon for immediate and unique results, e. g. 0001; 0002;

 • Name of author or authority publishing a document;

 • Title or official description of document (Latin title preferred);

 • Publication date (always: day-day, abbreviated month Latin], full year, e. g., "01 jan 2001")

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