To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II |
7 dec 2021 |
Research links
Societas Sancti Raymundi / Society of St. Raymond, here. |
Introductions to and Overviews of Canon Law
The works listed below are good, general introductions to canon law as the legal system in service to the Catholic Church.
Background |
Canon law, like all legal systems, impacts far more people than simply those who study it. Among those many impacted by canon law, some desire to understand more about it without, of course, committing to extensive studies of the field. Basic introductions to canon law, written by professionals but aimed at a popular audience, serve this need. The monographic works below are grouped by language and presented in reverse chronological order.
Complete beginners in canon law might wish to start, however, with one or more of my very short essays:
• A Catechist's Introduction to Canon Law, here. • A Simple Overview of Canon Law, here. • What Canon Lawyers Are and Aren't, here.
Also, the general introductions found at the beginning of many Pan-Textual Commentaries on the 1983 Code, as discussed here, are good places to start one's exploration of canonistics.
Note, finally, that the line between general introductions to canon law and one-volume, pan-textual, commentaries thereon is not always bright; readers must decide for themselves whether the text before them suits their purposes.
1983 Code
• Lawrence Spiteri (Maltese/American priest, =), Canon Law Explained: A Handbook for Laymen, (Sophia Institute, 2013) vii-292 pp. ▪ Review: J. Fleming, Jurist 75 (2015) 673-674.
• Libero Gerosa (Swiss priest, 1949-), Canon Law, (Continuum, 2002) 274 pp., orig. Das Recht der Kirke (1996). ▪ Review: =.
• James Coriden (American priest, 1932-), Canon Law as Ministry: Freedom and Good Order for the Church, (Paulist, 2000) 205 pp. ▪ Review: P. Golden, Jurist 62 (2002) 214-215.
• Kevin McKenna (American priest, 1950-), A Concise Guide to Canon Law, (Ave Maria, 2000) 127 pp. ▪ Review: G. Sherba, Studia Canonica 35 (2001) 277-278.
• James Coriden (American priest, 1932-), An Introduction to Canon Law, (Paulist, 1991) 232 pp. ▪ Reviews: P. Cogan, Studia Canonica 26 (1992) 265; R. Cunningham, Jurist 51 (1991) 232-233.
• Jordan Hite (American Franciscan, 1938-) and Daniel Ward (American Benedictine, 1944-), Readings, Cases, Materials in Canon Law: a Textbook for Ministerial Students [1980], (Liturgical Press, rev. ed., 1990) 493 pp. ▪ Reviews: J. Huels, Jurist 50 (1990) 656-657; R. Cunningham, Jurist 50 (1990) 657-659. Note: The changes from the first to the second editions are significant.
• Andrew Cuschieri (Maltese/Canadian priest, 1935-2004), Introductory Readings in Canon Law, (Edwin Mellen, 1988) 442 pp. ▪ Review: J. Coriden, Jurist 50 (1990) 659-660.
• E. Rinere, ed., New Law New Life: 60 practical questions and answers on the new Code of Canon Law, (CLSA, 1985) 103 pp. ▪ Review: O. Bucci, Apollinaris 60 (1987) 339-341.
• John Huels (American layman, 1950-), The Faithful of Christ: the New Canon Law for the Laity, (Franciscan Herald, 1983) 118 pp. ▪ Review: =.
• J. Provost, ed., Code, Community, Ministry: Selected studies for the parish minister introducing the revised Code of Canon Law, (CLSA, 1983) 116 pp. ▪ Review: W. Dalton, Irish Theological Quarterly 52 (1986) 156-157.
• Javier Hervada [Exiberto] (Spanish layman, 1934-), Introducción al estudio del derecho canónico, (Universidad de Navarra, 2007) 128 pp. ▪ Review: L. Silva, Studia Canonica 42 (2008) 564-565. Notes: A second edition appeared in 2010. ≡ Hervada [Exiberto] biograph.
• Daniel Cenlamor [Palanco] (≈, ≈) & Jorge Miras (Spanish priest, 1959-), El Derecho de la Iglesia: Curso Básico de Derecho Canónico [2004), (Eunsa, 2° ed., 2005) 573 pp. = from Cenlamor-Miras, Il Diritto della Chiesa, Corso di Diritto Canonico (2005) ▪ Review: E. Peters, Studia Canonica 40 (2006) 540-542.
• Antonio Martínez Blanco (Spanish layman, 1928-2008), Introducción al derecho canónico, (Promociones y publicaciones universitarias, 1990) 485 pp. ▪ Review: F. Morrisey, Studia Canonica 26 (1992) 263-264.
• aa.vv., Manual de Derecho Canónico, (EUNSA, 1988) 803 pp. ▪ Review: I. Gramunt, Jurist 49 (1989) 322-323.
• Anne Bamberg (Luxembourgian laywoman, 1955-), Introduction au droit canonique: Principes généraux et méthodes de travail, (Ellipses Éditions, 2013) 132 pp. ▪ Review: S. Sheridan, Jurist 76 (2016) 296-297.
• Dominique Le Tourneau (French Opus Dei, =), Manuel de Droit Canonique, (Wilson & Lafleur, 2010) 636 pp. qqq Reviews: A. Asselin, Jurist 72 (2012) = 300-311; J. Renken, Studia Canonica 46 (2012) 264-265.
• Jacques Vernay (French priest, 1923-2014), Le droit de l'Église catholique: initiation au droit canonique, (Descleé de Brouwer, 1995) 224 pp. ▪ Review: B. Malvaux, Studia Canonica 31 (1997) 259-261.
• Michel Bonnet (≈, ≈) & Bernard David (French priest, 1943-), Introduction au droit ecclésial et au nouveau Code, (Les Cahiers du droit ecclésial, 1985) 168 pp. ▪ Review: J. Thorn, Studia Canonica 19 (1985) 220-221.
• Institut Catholique de Paris, "Initiation au droit canonique", (YouTube, 2016) 4 min., ici.
• KTOTV, "Les Enjeux du Droit canonique", (YouTube, 2016) 54 min., ici.
• KTOTV, "Droit canonique", (YouTube, 2008) 52 min, ici.
• Daniel Cenlamor & Jorge Miras (Spanish priest, 1959-), Il Diritto della Chiesa, Corso di Diritto Canonico, (Università della Santa Croce, 2005) 528 pp. ▪ Review: =.
• Libero Gerosa (Swiss priest, 1949-), Das Recht der Kirke, (Bonifacius, 1996), 2002) = pp. ▪ Review: =.
• Hugo Schwendenswein (Austrian priest, 1926-), Das Neue Kirchenrecht: Gesamtdarstellung, (Verla Styria, 1983) 636 pp. ▪ Review: R. Flinn, Jurist 21 (1961) 347-348. ≡ Schwendenswein biograph.
1917 Code |
• Emile Jombart (French Jesuit, 1881-1964), Summary of Canon Law, (Benziger, 1960) 232 pp., R. Bégin trans. of Jombart's Memento de Droit Canon (1958). ▪ Review: F. McManus, Jurist 21 (1961) 283.
• René Metz (French priest, 1910-2007), What is Canon Law?, (Hawthorn, 1960) 157 pp., M. Derrick trans of Metz's L'Église a ses lois (1959). ▪ Review: B. Deutsch, Jurist 20 (1960) 359-360. ≡ Metz biograph.
• Germain Lesage (Canadian Oblate, 1915-1992), La Nature de Droit Canonique, (Université d'Ottawa, 1960) 224 pp. ▪ Review: R. Bégin, Jurist 18 (1958) 470-472.
User notes |
There might be editions of works that pre-date or post-date those cited herein. Reviews and Notes are grey-highlighted, on-line biographical information is underlined blue-linked, and matters in green highlights are of special interest. Yellow highlights are cautions for users while the markers "=", "≠", and "≈" are placeholders for use by webmaster. |
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Materials on this website represent the opinions of Dr. Edward Peters and are offered in accord with Canon 212 § 3. This website undergoes continual refinement and development. No warranty of completeness or correctness is made. Dr. Peters' views are not necessarily shared by others in the field nor are they intended as canonical or civil advice. Homepage & Site Directory / Help support / Original Materials © Edward N. Peters |