To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II |
16 nov 2024 |
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Codex Vigens - Supplement
This page provides additional information (beyond that provided in Western Codex Vigens Books I-VII regarding materials considered relevant to understanding the 1983 Code.
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Great care is being applied toward accuracy in the Codex Vigens, but no warranty of completeness or accuracy is made; moreover, characterizations and opinions are mine.
1983 Codex Iuris Canonici. Code of Canon Law in general.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), alloc. "I am happy to welcome" (24 jan 2003), =. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Notes a decline in antinomianism in the Church, that law needs to be related to ecclesial life, and that a clearer enunciation of rights and duties of faithful shows the personalist character of post-conciliar canon law. Cites: CIC 0208-0223. /// CCEO 0007-0020.
▲ Special topic. Theological considerations on canon law.
• Martín Aversano (Argentine priest, ≈), Teología de la Fe en el Código de Derecho Canónico. Análisis de 55 cánones con la perspectiva epistemológica de T.I.Jimenez Urresti, (Cath. Univ. Argentina diss. 17, 2013) 674 pp.
• Mindaugas Sabonis (Lithuanian priest, 1971-), La concezione del diritto canonico di Wilhelm Bertrams, (Santa Croce diss., 2013, ISBN 9788883333132) 295 pp.
• Frédéric Ngandu Muteba (Congolese Opus Dei, ≈), Le droit canonique dans l'ecclésiologie de Charles Journet, (Santa Croce diss., 2008) 164 pp (part).
• Mary Gerard Anna Nwagwu (Nigerian religious, ≈), Theology and Methodology of Canon Law (Lifevest, 2006) 251 pp.
• G. Borgonovo & A. Cattaneo, eds., Canon Law and Communio: Writings on the Constitutional Law of the Church (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999) 416 pp. ▪ Synopsis: Introduction to the thought of, and major writings by, Eugenio Corecco (1931-1995).
• Miron Sikiric (≈ Franciscan, 1968-), La communio quale fondamento e principio formale del diritto canonico: studio teologico-giuridico, (Antonianum diss. 122, 1999) 197 pp.
• Matteo Visioli (Italian priest, 1966-), Il Diritto della Chiesa e le sue tensioni alla luce di un'Antropologia Teologica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4642, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-828-6) 476 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
• Christoph Meyer (≈, ≈), Die Distinktionstechnik in den dogmatischen Wissenschften des 12. Jahrhunderts unter besondereer Berücksichtigung der Bologneser Kanonistik, (KU Leuven diss., 1995) 536 pp.
• Eugenio Corecco (Swiss prelate, 1931-1995), The Theology of Canon Law: a Methodological Question, (Duquesne University, 1992) 159 pp., F. Turvasi trans. of Correco's Théologie du Droit Canon (1989).
• Ladislas Örsy (Hungarian/American Jesuit, 1921-), Theology and Canon Law: new horizons for legislation and interpretation (Liturgical Press,1992) 211 pp. ▪ Review: L. McIntyre, Studia Canonica 26 (1992) 497-499.
• Myriam Wijlens (Dutch laywoman, 1962-), Theology and canon law: the theories of Klaus Mőrsdorf and Eugenio Corecco, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 327 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here. Monograph, id., Theology and Canon Law: the Theories of Klaus Mörsdorf and Eugenio Corecco, (University Press of America, 1992) xiii-229 pp. Review: L. Blyskal, The Jurist 53 (1993) 210-212.
• Joseph Marino (American priest, 1953-), Saint Paul and the law: toward a doctrine of Church law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3477, 1988) xx-411 pp. ▪ biograph.
• Herman van Golde, “Law of Grace: the theological foundations of canon law according to Hans Dumbois in his work Das Recht Der Gnade”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).
• Zenon Grocholewski, “Theological aspects of the judicial activity of the Church”, in Incapacity (1987) 3-23. ▪ An Italian version of this address, “Aspetti teologici dell’attività giudiziaria della Chiesa”, can be found in Monitor Ecclesiasticus 110 (1985) 489-504.
• John Huels, “The Role of Canon Law in light of Lumen Gentium” in Ministry of Governance (1986) 98-120.
• Remigiusz Sobański, “L’ecclesiologie du nouveau Code de droit canonique”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) I: 243-270.
• Eugenio Corecco, “Theological justifications of the codification of the Latin canon law”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) I: 69-96.
• Elizabeth McDonough (American Dominican, ≈), Canon Law in Pastoral Perspective: Principles for the Application of Law According to Antoninus of Florence, (CUA diss. 504, 1982) 272 pp. ▪ Abstract at Jurist 42 (1982) 552-553.
• Elizabeth McDonough, "The concept of Law in the Summa Theologica of Antoninus of Florence”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).
▲ Special topic.
• Carlos José Errázuriz M., Justice in the Church: a fundamental theory of canon law (Wilson & Lafleur, 2009) 332 pp., Gray & Dunnigan trans. of Errázuriz’s Il Diritto e la Giustiza nella Chiesa: per una teoria fondamentale del diritto canonico (2000). ▪ Review: P. Brown, Studia Canonica 43 (2009) 581-583.
• José Ramón Uría Rehermann (Spanish priest, 1943-), Relación entre norma jurídica y norma moral en el realismo jurídico en Giuseppe Graneris y Javier Hervada, (Salesianum diss. 636, 2007) iii-188 pp (part).
• Hrvoje Škrlec (Croatian priest, 1975-), Il concetto di legge in san Tommaso d'Aquino: un'interpretazione alla luce dell'insegnamento di Giovanni Paolo II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5376, 2005) 243 pp. ▪ Biograph.
• James McGrory (Irish priest, ≈), Philosophical Theories, Methodological Approaches and Hermeneutics of Understanding: a study for canonical meaning and its interpretation, (KU Leuven diss., 1999) 323 pp.
• Piotr Sadowski (≈, ≈), Il principio di legalità nel diritto penale canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4582, 1999) 291 pp.
• Bert van Megen (Dutch priest, 1961-), The concept of perfect society from Pius IX to the Second Vatican Council, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4223, 1996) iv-168 pp. ▪ Biograph.
• Modesto Lewis Pérez (American priest, ≈), The "common good" as fundamental principle of the law according to Suárez, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4007, 1994) xvii-253 pp.
• Carlo Redaelli (Italian priest, 1956-), Il concetto di diritto della Chiesa nella riflessione canonista tra Concilio e codice, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3774, 1991) 325 pp. ▪ Biograph.
• Bernd-Rolf Wichert (≈ priest, ≈), Die Epikie bei Platon und Aristoteles, die äquitas im römischen Recht und die christliche Misericordia - zu den grundlagen der ‘Aequitas canonica’ des Decreta Gratiani: eine rechtsphilosophisch-historische Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3740, 1991) 137 pp.
• Kanu Augustine Ndimele (Nigerian ≈, ≈), Bonum legis in the church and in the State of Nigeria: a juridical survey of the necessity, importance, and good of law in the church and in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, (Urbanianum diss. 52, 1987) 124 pp.
▲ Special topic. Comparative law.
• John Coughlin (American Franciscan, 1954-), Canon Law a Comparative Study with Anglo-American Legal Theory (Oxford, 2011) 226 pp. ▪ Review: J. Abbass, Studia Canonica 45 (2011) 564-565.
• Joseph Melito, “Talmudic law of procedures: canonical implications”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).
▲ Special topic. Subsidiarity.
• Mauricio A. Landra (≈ priest, ≈), La aplicación del Principio de subsidiariedad como un criterio de buen gobierno del Obispo diocesano, (Cath. Univ. Argentina diss. 9, 2007) 299 pp. ▪ Review: P. Brown, Jurist 70 (2010) 505-506.
• Gérard Debras, “Le Principe de Subsidiarité dans les Instituts Religieux”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 1997).
• Rachel Harrington (British religious, =), The applicability of the principle of subsidiarity according to the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1997) 322 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
• Martin Krebs (German priest, 1956-), Subsidiarität und kirchliches Leben: das Subsidiaritätsprinzip in Anwendun auf die Kirche nach Pius XII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3852, 1992) xx-91 pp (part). ▪ Biograph.
▲ Special topic. Legislative history of the 1983 Code.
• Andreas Kowatsch (≈, 1978-), Willibald M. Plöchl und das "Österreichische Archiv für Kirchenrecht": Beobachtungen zur Reform des kanonischen Rechts, (LMU diss. 71, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8306-7810-6) 226 pp.
• Cristián Sahli Lecaros (Chilean Opus Dei, ≈), La revisión de las leyes de la Iglesia: contexto doctrinal y primeros pasos del proyecto de una ley fundamental, (Santa Croce diss., 2011, ISBN 9788883332579) 579 pp.
• Paolo Il cardinale Pericle Felici ed il suo contributo alla giurisprudenza rotale e alla redazione del Codex Iuris Canonici del 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3873, 2006) 105 pp (part).
• Edward Peters (American layman, 1957-), Incrementa in Progressu 1983 Codicis Iuris Canonici: a Legislative History of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, Series Gratianus (Wilson & Lafleur, 2005, ISBN: 2-89127-663-9) xci +1549 pp. ▪ Reviews: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 40 (2006) 261-262, T. Green, The Jurist 67 (2007) 265-267. Note: See also, Legislative History of the 1983 Code, here.
• Edward Peters (American layman, 1957-), Tabulae congruentiae inter Codicem iuris canonici et versiones anteriores canonum, with a multilingual introduction (Wilson & Lafleur, 2000) 198 pp. ▪ Reviews: G. Stuart, The Jurist 62 (2002) 212-214; P. Barber, Ecclesiastical Law Journal 7 (July 2004) 489. Note: This work has been superseded by the Incrementa, above.
• Francesco d’Ostilio (Italian Conventual, 1914-2007), La Storia del nuovo Codice di diritto canonico: Revisione, promulgazione, presentazione (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1983) 139 pp. ▪ Review: Z. Grocholewski, Apollinaris 56 (1983) 718-719.
▲ Special topic. Scandal.
Comment: The notion of scandal is treated in CCC 2284-2287.
• Alberto Albertin (≈, ≈), La nozione di scandalo nel codice di diritto canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5660, 2007) 92 pp (part).
CIC 0001; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0002; liturgy, as follows:
• John XXIII (reg. 1958-1963), m.p. Rubricarum instructum (25 iul 1960), AAS 52 (1960) 593-595.
• Sacra Congregation Rituum (=), decr. gen. quo novus rubricarum Breviarii act Missalis Romani Codex promulgatur (26 iul 1960), AAS 52 (1960) 596-740.
• F. McManus, ed., Thirty Years of Liturgical Renewal: Statements of the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy (NCCB, 1987) 279 pp.
• International Commission on English in the Liturgy, Documents on the Liturgy, 1969-1979: Conciliar, Papal, and Curial Texts (Liturgical Press, 1982) 1496 pp. ▪ Abbreviated herein "DOL".
• Thomas Richstatter (American Franciscan, 1939-), Liturgical Law (Franciscan Herald, 1977) 234 pp.
• Joseph Ratzinger (German prelate, 1927-), The Spirit of the Liturgy (Ignatius, 2000) 232 pp.
• Annibale Bugnini (Italian Cong. Mission, 1912-1982), The Reform of the Liturgy 1948-1975, (Liturgical Press, 1990) 974 pp., O’Connell trans. of Bugnini's La riforma liturgica 1948-1975 (1983).
Free Notes:
• Although some important liturgical provisions appear in Book IV, liturgical issues are generally not treated in the Johanno-Pauline Code; worse for ministerial and scholarly needs, liturgical law has not been codified. See Edward Peters, "Liturgical Law: the Last Labyrinth", Adoremus Bulletin (Sep 1996) 3, on-line here. The primary fontes cognoscendi of liturgical law concern: the Mass, the Pontifical, the Ritual, the Liturgy of the Hours, Chants, and some other works. See gen. Huels, Liturgy and Law (2006) 219-222.
• The major instructions issued for the implementation of Sacrosanctum Concilium (1963) are: first, Sacred Cong. for Rites (Lercaro / Larraona), instr. Inter Oecumenici (26 sep 1964), AAS 56 (1964) 877-900. ▪ Eng. on-line here; second, Sacred Cong. for Rites (Lercaro / Larraona), instr. Tres abhinc annos (04 mai 1967), AAS 59 (1967) 442-448. ▪ Eng. on-line here; third, Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Gut), instr. Liturgicae instaurationes (05 sep 1970), AAS 62 (1970) 692-704. ▪ Eng. on-line here; fourth, Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (Ortas), instr. Varietates legitimae (24 jan1994), AAS 87 (1995) 288-314. ▪ Eng. on-line here; and fifth, Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (Medina Estévez), instr. Liturgiam authenticam (28 mar 1991), AAS 93 (2001) 685-726. ▪ Eng. on-line here.
Source texts (Mass):
• Lectionarium Missalis Romani, editio typica (30 sep 1970), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1970 [various English versions of the Lectionary approved by conferences of bishops].
• Collectio Missarum de beata Maria Virgine, Lectionarium pro Missis de beata Maria Virgine, editio typica, (15 aug 1986), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1986; Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary, vol 1: Sacramentary, vol. 2: Lectionary, Washington: International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1987, 1989.
Source texts (Pontifical):
• Ordo coronandi imaginem beatae Maria Virginis, editio typica (25 mar 1981), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1981, Eng. trans., Order of Crowning an Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1986 Note: This is not part of the Pontifical, but its celebration is normally the competence of the bishop.
Source texts (Ritual):
• De sacra Communione et de cultu mysterii eucharistici extra Missam, editio typica, (21 jun 1973), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1973; Eng. trans., Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1974.
• De benedictionibus, editio typica (31 mai 1984), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1984; adapted English version Book of Blessings, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1987.
Source texts (Liturgy of the Hours):
• Liturgia Horarum iuxta ritum romanum, editio typica altera, in 4 vols. (07 apr 1985), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1985 [1-11-70]; Eng. trans., Liturgy of the Hours, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 2000.
Source texts (Chants):
• Graduale simplex in usum minorum ecclesiarum, editio typica altera (22 nov 1974), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1975 [3-9-67]; Eng. trans., Simple Gradual, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1968.
• Ordo cantus Missae, editio typica altera (22 nov 1986), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1986 [24-6-72].
• Graduale triplex, seu, Graduale romanum Paulj PP. VI cura recognitum & rythmicis signis a Solesmensibus Monachis ornatum neumis Laudunensibus (Cod. 239) et Sangalensibus (Codicum San Gallensis 359 et Einsidlensis 121) nunc auctum, Solesmes: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes], 1979. [This is not an editio typica but is a currently available version of the Graduale romanum.]
• lubilate Deo. Cantus gregoriani faciliores quos fideles discant oportet ad mentem Constitutionis Concilii Vaticani II de sacra Liturgia, editio typica altera, (22 nov 1986), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1986 [14-4-74].
• Ordo cantus Officii, editio typica (25 mar 1983), Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1983.
• Passio Domini nostri lesu Christi, editio typica (08 feb 1989), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1989.
Resources: (Other books reckoned liturgical):
• Calendarium romanum, editio typica, 21 mar 1969, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1969; Roman Calendar, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1970.
• Ordo lectionum Missae, editio typica altera, 21 jan 1981, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1981 [25-5-1969]; Lectionary for Mass, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1981, 1992.
• Ceremoniale Episcoporum, editio typica, 14 sep 1984, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1984; Ceremonial of Bishops, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1989.
• Martyrologium romanum, editio typica altera, 29 jun 2004, Typis Vaticanis, 2004 [2-10-2001].
CIC 0003; concordats and treaties, as follows:
Scholarly (Israel and the Holy Land):
• Henry Bocala (Filipino Opus Dei, 1968-), Diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the State of Israel: Policy Basis in the Pontifical Documents (1948-1997), (Santa Croce diss., 2003, ISBN 8883330706) v-460 pp. ▪ Biograph.
• Laurence Spiteri, “Concordat provisions for the selection of bishops in Portugal and Austria in light of the 1917 and the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).
• David-Maria Jaeger, (Israeli Franciscan, 1955-), Paul VI in Defence of Christian Rights in the Holy Land, (Antonianum diss. 87, 1989) xxx-56 pp (part).
CIC 0004; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0005; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0006; abrogation of certain earlier laws by the Code, as follows:
Free Notes:
• Per its Canon 6 § 1, 1°, the 1983 or Johanno-Pauline Code replaced the 1917 or Pio-Bendictine Code, that is, Codex Iuris Canonici, Pii X Pontificis Maximi iussu digestus Benedicti Papae XV auctoritate promulgatus (27 mai 1917), AAS 9/2 (1917) 3-521, Eng. trans., Edward Peters, The 1917 or Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law in English Translation with Extensive Scholarly Apparatus (Ignatius Press, 2000) 777 pp.
• Walter Peters (American priest, 1911-1967), The Life of Benedict XV (Bruce, 1959), 321 pp., esp. 202-212.
CIC 0007; establishment of law by promulgation, as follows:
Free Notes:
• Promulgation is a constitutive element of law. See Thomas Aquinas (Italian Dominican, 1225-1274), Summa Theologica I°-II°, Q 90, art 4.
CIC 0008; promulgation of universal and particular laws, as follows:
Free Notes:
• For examples of law being promulgated other than by publication in the AAS, see, e.g., Johannes Paulus II, m.p. Recognito Iuris Canonici Codice (02 jan 1984), AAS 76 (1984) 433-434 or Communicationes 16 (1984) 3-4 and Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, decr. gen. "De delicto attentatae sacrae ordinationis mulieris" (30 mai 2008), Communicationes 40 (2008) 87-88 (both promulgated by publication in L'Osservatore Romano). A more controversial example of promulgation without resort to AAS would be the 2005 instruction Dignitas connubii on marriage nullity procedures which, despite the failure to make provision for promulgation outside of the Acta as required by Canon 8, appeared first in Apollinaris 78 (2005) 65-136 and later in Communicationes 37 (2005) 11-92.
CIC 0009; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0010; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0011; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0012; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0013; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0014; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0015; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0016; authentic interpretation of law, as follows:
• Pont. Council for Legislative Texts I, here.
• Pont. Council for Legislative Texts II, here.
• The original list of members, staff, and consulters of the Code Commission is given at Communicationes 16 (1984) 5-10. Current lists of those serving the Code Commission are available in the Annuario Ponitifico. The name of the Code Commission has changed frequently since its establishment; since 1999 it has been known as the "Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts", website here.
CIC 0017; understanding of law, as follows:
In the course of discussing several topics, the first Synod of Bishops (October 1967) developed ten “Guiding Principles” intended to inform the work of the various coetus charged with drafting the revised Code of Canon Law. See Pontificia Commissio Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo, “Principia quae Codicis iuris canonici recognitionem dirigant” Communicationes 1 (1969) 77-85, English trans., Canon Law Society of America, Code of Canon Law, Latin-English Edition, New English Translation, (Canon Law Society of America, 1999) xxxvi-xxxvii. See also “Relatio circa ‘Principia quae Codicis iuris canonici recognitionem dirigant’”, Communicationes 1 (1969) 86-91; “Responsiones ad animadversiones circa ‘Principia quae Codicis iuris canonici recognitionem dirigant’”, Communicationes 1 (1969) 92-98; and “Manifestatio sententiae”, Communicationes 1(1969) 99-100 (indicating strong support for the ten principles). Among important scholarly studies of the guiding principles, see Richard Cunningham, “The principles guiding the revision of the Code of canon law,” The Jurist 30 (1970) 447-455 (essentially a paraphrase of the ten principles) and John Alesandro, “Law and renewal: a canon lawyer’s analysis of the revised Code”, Canon Law Society of America Proceedings 44 (1982) 001-040.
Resources: • Hartmut Zapp (German layman, 1938-), Codex iuris canonici Lemmata, Stichwortverzeichnis (Rombach, 1986) 677 pp. • Xaverius Ochoa [Sanz] (Spanish Claretian, 1924-1989), Index verborum ac locutionum Codicis iuris canonici [1983], (2° ed., Commentarium pro Religiosis, 1985) 471 pp.
Scholarly: • Jean Werckmeister, Petit Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique [1993] (Cerf, 2010) 235 pp. ▪ Review: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 28 (1994) 534-535. • S. Haering and H. Schmitz, Lexikon des Kirchenrechts (Herder, 2004) 1229 pp. ▪ Review: T. Green, The Jurist 67 (2007) 539-540. • C. Corral Salvador, et al., eds., Diccionario de Derecho Canonico (Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 1989) 693 pp. ▪ Reviews: L. Örsy, The Jurist 49 (1989) 723-725; D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 24 (1990) 252-254. • Norman Bolduc, “The interpretation of law: a study in the thought of Emilio Betti”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).
CIC 0018; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0019; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0020; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0021; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0022; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0023; limited recognition of custom, as follows:
• John McIntyre (American Jesuit, 1930-2014), Customary Law in the Corpus Juris Canonici, (CUA diss. 527, 1989) 221 pp. ▪ Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 717-718. Monograph id., Customary Law in the Corpus Iuris Canonici (Mellen Research University, 1990) 230 pp. Review: A. Gauthier, Studia Canonica 27 (1993) 261-262.
• John McIntyre, “The use of custom in Gratian”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).
CIC 0024; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0025; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0026; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0027; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0028; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0029; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0030; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0031; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0032; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0033; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0034; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0035; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0036; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0037; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0038; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0039; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0040; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0041; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0042; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0043; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0044; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0045; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0046; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0047; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0048; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0049; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0050; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0051; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0052; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0053; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0054; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0055; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0056; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0057; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0058; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0059; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0060; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0061; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0062; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0063; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0064; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0065; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0066; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0067; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0068; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0069; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0070; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0071; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0072; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0073; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0074; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0075; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0076; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0077; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0078; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0079; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0080; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0081; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0082; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0083; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0084; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0085; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0086; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0087; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0088; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0089; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0090; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0091; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0092; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0093; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0094; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0095; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0096; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0097; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0098; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0099; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0100; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0101; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0102; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0103; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0104; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0105; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0106; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0107; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0108; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0109; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0110; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0111; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0112; changes of ecclesiastical enrollment, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• Romans VII: 2. Thus a married woman is bound by law to her husband as long as he lives; but if her husband dies she is discharged from the law concerning her husband.
▲ Special topic. Civil incorporation of canonical entities.
• Claudia Peters, Kerkelijke rechtspersonen volgens de Codex Iuris Canonici en hun erkenning als zelfstandig onderdeel van het Rooms-Katholieke Kerkgenootschap in Nederland op basis van artikel 2, boek 2 Burgerlijk Wetboek, (KU Leuven MA theses, 2013) xi-61 pp.
• Jerald Doyle (American priest, ≈), Civil incorporation of ecclesiastical institutions: a canonical perspective, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1989) 255 mf.
▲ Special topic. Sponsorship of civil institutions by canonical entities.
≈Canonical and civil legal issues surrounding the alienation of Catholic health care facilities in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3805, 2000) 254 pp.
≈The canonization of civil law concerning the duties of Catholic healthcare trustees in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3800, 1999) 308 pp.
• Kumbozingi Gungu Tumata (≈, ≈), La problematique du parrainage ecclesiastique dans l'église d'aujourd'hui: approche juridico-pastorale, (Urbanianum diss. 64, 1988) 151 pp (part).
• Waldia Warden, “The concept of sponsorship: the relationship between the founding/sponsoring body and the institution”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).
CIC 0113; Catholic Church and Apostolic See as juridic persons by divine law, as follows:
• Bruce Miller, “The concept of juridic personality antecedent to the 1917 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).
CIC 0114; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0115; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0116; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0117; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0118; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0119; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0120; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0121; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0122; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0123; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0124; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0125; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0126; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0127; consultation and consent, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• Proverbs XI: 14. Where there is no guidance a people falls; but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
• Gerard McKay (Scottish priest, 1949-), Counsel and consent: The governance of the diocesan Church according to the Commentaria in quinque libros Decretalium of Sinibaldo de' Fieschi (Pope Innocent IV), (Gregorian diss. 3091, 1982) 48 pp (part). ▪ Note: McKay is an auditor of the Roman Rota.
CIC 0128; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0129; ordained and lay participation in power of governance, as follows:
• Thomas Curry, “The emergence and development of a style of American diocesan governance in response to external factors”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 1-20.
• Gerald Fogarty, “Diocesan structure and governance in the United States”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 21-55.
• John Lynch, “Church government: the Protestant experience”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 56-79
• Agnes Cunningham, “Power and authority in the Church”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 80-97.
• Michael Fahey, “Diocesan governance in modern Catholic theology and in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 121-139.
• Eugene Hemrick, “The evolving Church and Church governance”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 140-159.
• Robert Willis, “Ministry, governance, and relational growth”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 160-192.
• Roland-Bernhard Trauffer, “Diocesan governance in European dioceses following the 1983 Code: an initial inquiry”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 193-208.
• James Provost, “Canonical reflections on selected issues in diocesan governance”, in Ministry of Governance (1986) 209-251.
CIC 0130; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0131; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0132; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0133; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0134; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0135; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0136; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0137; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0138; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0139; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0140; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0141; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0142; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0143; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0144; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0145; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0146; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0147; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0148; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0149; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0150; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0151; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0152; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0153; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0154; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0155; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0156; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0157; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0158; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0159; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0160; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0161; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0162; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0163; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0164; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0165; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0166; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0167; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0168; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0169; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0170; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0171; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0172; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0173; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0174; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0175; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0176; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0177; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0178; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0179; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0180; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0181; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0182; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0183; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0184; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0185; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0186; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0187; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0188; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0189; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0190; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0191; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0192; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0193; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0194; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0195; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0196; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0197; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0198; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0199; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0200; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0201; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0202; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0203; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0204; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0205; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0206; catechumens, as follows:
• Michael Balhoff, "The catechumenal examinations before 313 AD", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).
CIC 0207; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0208; fundamental equality; as follows:
• Russell Shaw (American layman, 1935-), Understanding Your Rights your rights and responsibilities in the Catholic Church (Servant, 1994) 226 pp. ▪ Review: E. Peters, Southern Cross (06 oct 1994) 39, on-line here.
CIC 0209; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0210; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0211; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0212; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0213; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0214; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0215; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0216; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0217; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0218; right to academic freedom, as follows:
• International Theological Commission, "Theses on the Relationship between the Ecclesiastical Magisterium and Theology" (06 jun 1976), ITC Texts and Documents I: 129-136. ▪ Summary: As titled, in 12 theses. Cites: (0218), (0747), (0749), (0750), (0751), 90752), (0753). Note: Comments by Otto Semmelroth and Karl Lehmann on the 12 theses follow at ibid., pp. 136-143.
• Larry Witham (American layman, 1952-), Curran vs. Catholic University: a study of authority and freedom in conflict (Edington-Rand, 1991) 333 pp. ▪ Biograph.
• William Millea (American priest, ≈), The doctrinal authority of theologians in late medieval controversy, (Gregorian diss. 3598, 1989) xii-243 pp (part).
• W. May, ed., Vatican Authority and American Catholic Dissent: the Curran case and its consequences (Crossroad, 1987) 205 pp. ▪ Synopsis: As titled, with contributions by Mahony, Curran, McCormick, Hitchcock, Marty, Novak, May, Komonchak, Rausch, Patrick, Van Allen, O’Hare, Farley, Cahill.
• Christopher Derrick (English layman, 1921-2007), Church Authority and Intellectual Freedom (Ignatius, 1981) 113 pp.
CIC 0219; filling gaps in the law, as follows:
• Richard Cunningham (American priest, 1930-2009), An Annotated Bibliography of the Work of the Canon Law Society of America 1965-1980, (CLSA, 1982) 121 pp.
CIC 0220; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0221; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0222; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0223; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0224; introduction to norms on lay right and obligations, as follows:
• Paolo Rizzi (Italian priest, ≈), Il ruolo dei fedeli laici nella Chiesa: significativa applicazione nel ministero parrocchiale di mons. Luigi Dughera negli anni 1919-1955, (Urbanianum diss., 2008) 148 pp (part).
• Yves Congar (French Dominican, 1904-1995), Lay People in the Church, rev. ed., (Newman, 1967) 498 pp., Attwater trans. of Congar’s Jalons pour une théologie du laïcat (1957).
CIC 0225; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0226; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0227; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0228; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0229; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0230; lay liturgical ministers and formal installation, as follows:
• Ritus ad deputandum ministrum extraordinarium sacrae Communionis distribuenda. Ritus ad deputandum ministrum sacrae Communionis ad actum distribuendae, editio typica (29 jan 1973), Notitae 9 (1973) 165-167; =
Eng. trans., = Order for the Commissioning of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Book of Blessings, chapter 63.
• Paul VI (reg. 1963-178), m.p. Ministeria quaedam (15 aug 1972), AAS 64 (1972) 529-534. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Reorganization of minor orders. Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Tabera), decr. Ministeriorum disciplina (03 dec 1972), AAS 65 (1973) 274-275. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 911-912. Summary: Promulgation of rites for institution of readers and acolytes, admission to candidacy, and commitment to celibacy (1972). Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, De institutione Lectorum et Acolytorum, de admissione inter candidatos ad Diaconatum et Presbyteratum, de sacro caelibatu amplectendo (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1972) 37 pp.
• James Ryan, “The order of acolyte in Corpus Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).
CIC 0231; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0232; declaration of Church's exclusive right to form clerics; ─
• Joseph White (American layman, ≈), The Diocesan Seminary in the United States: A History from the 1780s to the Present (Notre Dame Press, 1989) 489 pp.▪ Biograph.
CIC 0233; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0234; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0235; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0236; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0237; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0238; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0239; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0240; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0241; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0242; programs for priestly formation, as follows
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Garrone), Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis (06 jan 1970), AAS 62 (1970) 321-384. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Synopsis: =. Cites: ≠.
Official (Particular):
• NCCB, Program of Priestly Formation: Second Edition (1976), (NCCB, 1976) 187 pp. ▪ Summary: As titled, replaces first edition of 1971. Cites: ≠.
• NCCB, Program of Priestly Formation: First Edition (1971), (NCCB, 1971) 120 pp. Summary: As titled. Cites: ≠.
CIC 0243; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0244; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0245; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0246; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0247; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0248; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0249; language study in seminaries, as follows:
Note: See also Canon 928.
• Paul Auvray, et al., Sacred Languages (Hawthorn Books, 1960) 173 pp., Tester trans. of Avrey et al., Les Langues Sacrées (1957).
• David Crystal, Linguistics, Language, and Religion (Hawthorn, 1965), 189 pp.
• Cyril Korolevsky [Francois Charon], (Byzantine priest, 1878-1959), Living Languages in Catholic Worship, (Newman, 1957) 195 pp., Attwater trans. of Korolevsky, Liturgie en Langue Vivante (1955).
• Christine Mohrmann (1903-1988), Liturgical Latin: its Origins and Character (Catholic University of America, 1957) 95 pp.
CIC 0250; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0251; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0252; theological studies in seminary, as follows
• Beryl Smalley (English laywoman, 1905–1984), The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages [1940], (University of Notre Dame, 1964) 406 pp.
CIC 0253; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0254; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0255; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0256; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0257; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0258; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0259; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0260; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0261; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0262; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0263; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0264; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0265; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0266; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0267; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0268; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0269; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0270; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0271; secular priests in missionary areas, as follows:
• Pius XII (reg. 1939-1958), enc. Fidei donum (21 apr 1957), AAS 49 (1957) 225-248. ▪ Eng. on-line here.
• Some organizations (e.g., Missionary Society of St. James) facilitate the temporary assignment of priests into mission territories.
CIC 0272; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0273; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0274; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0275; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0276; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0277; clerical continence and celibacy, as follows:
•, The obligation of perfect and perpetual continence binds all Western clerics, here.
• P. Stravinskas, ed., Priestly Celibacy its Scriptural, historical, spiritual, and psychological roots (Newman House, 2001) 171 pp.
• Stefan Heid (German priest, 1961-), Celibacy in the Early Church the beginnings of a discipline of obligatory continence for clerics in East and West, (Ignatius Press, 2000) 376 pp. Miller trans. of Heid's Zölibat in der frühen Kirche Die Anfänge einer Enthaltsamkeitsplicht für Kleriker in Ost und West (1997).
• Dariusz Stanislaw Niemiec (≈, ≈), La legislazione celibataria del codice del 1917 nei documenti del magistero, (Antonianum diss. 120, 1999) xxviii-98 pp (part).
• Roman Cholij (priest, 1956-), Married clergy and ecclesiastical continence in light of the Council in Trullo (691), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3606, 1989) xi-226 pp. ▪ Monograph: Clerical Celibacy in East and West (Fowler, 1988) xiv-226. Review: J. Coriden, Jurist 52 (1992) 757-759.
• Christian Cochini (French Jesuit, 1929-), The Apostolic Origins of Priestly Celibacy, (Ignatius Press, 1990) 469 pp. Marans trans. of Cochini's Origens apostoliques du célibat sacerdotal (1981).
• J. Coppens, ed., Sacerdoce et Célibat: Études Historiques et Théologiques (Gembloux/Peeters, 1971) 752 pp., English edition, Priesthood and Celibacy (Ancora, 1972) 1023 pp. ▪ Synopsis: As titled, with contributions by A.-M. Charue, P. Chauchard, J. Coppens, H. Crouzel, G. Cruchon, A. de Bovis, J. Folliet, J. Guitton, P. Hacker, L. Hödl, J. Höffer, H. Jedin, J. Kosnetter, L. Legrand, L. Leloir, M. Marini, J.-P. Massault, M. Nédoncelle, “C. R.”, G. Rambaldi, A. Stickler, and F. Van Steenbergen.
CIC 0278; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0279; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0280; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0281; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0282; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0283; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0284; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0285; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0286; clergy in trade or business, as follows:
• Gabriel Hevenesi (Hungarian Jesuit, 1656-1715), Scintillae Ignatianae (Antverpiae: Janssens) 324 pp., XXVII Septembris (239).
Rarum est bonorum Operariorum genus, qui quaerant, non quae sua sunt, sed quae Jesu Christi. S. Ignat. [in Epist. as Hispan.]
Nulla fiunt animarum lucra, dum ad propria vacatur assidue. Dei obsequium negligitur, dum domestica commoda quaeruntur. Negotiator, et pastor; propola, et ovium custos, male cohaerent. Animas quaerere plenum arduitatis est opus. Totum hominem requirit, qui, si dividatur in temporalia, et his male, et illis pessime consuletur. Unus homo, unius sit negotii. Miracula facerent animarum curatores, mundum in maligno positum everterent, si cum Archimede pedem extra mundum scirent figere. Sic oves, non se, pascerent, illas non lac, et lanam appeterent. Si animas Deus repetat e manibus Curionum, heu! quam durum his judicium fiet: quaelibet plus appendit, quam thesaurus totius mundi; quaelibet pretium est sanguinis Christi.
CIC 0287; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0288; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0289; clerics and candidates limitations regarding military service and civil functions, as follows:
• Warren Soule, “Clerical immunity and the Becket dispute: two decretists traditions”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).
• Charles Reid, "Clerical participation in warfare: a canonical survey from Pseudo-Isidore to Joannes Teutonicus", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).
• John Viglianti, "The prohibition against the bearing of arms by clerics: an historical-canonical survey of the tradition of the Church up to the Decretum of Gratian", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).
CIC 0290;
No supplemental entries.
• George Kelly (American priest, 1916-2004), The Crisis of Authority John Paul II and the American bishops (Regnery, 1982) 115 pp.
CIC 0331; description of papal supremacy, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• Matthew XVI: 18-19. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Note: see also Matt. XVIII: 18.
• Angelo Leonzi (≈, ≈), La dottrina e l'esercizio del primato romano in San Simplicio papa, (Salesianum diss. 424, 2000) 150 pp (part).
• Markus Graulich (German Salesian, 1964-), La potestà del papa secondo il pensiero di Adriano VI, (Salesianum diss. 433, 1999) 154 pp (part).
• Blogpost, 28 sep 2017.
▲ Special topic.
• Herranz, nota [La 'recognitio' nei documenti della Santa Sede] (28 apr 2006), Communicationes 38 (2006) 10-17. ▪ Eng. trans. (by V. D’Souza) in Studies in Church Law 4 (2008) 27-41. Summary: Explanation of the senses in which the terms 'recognitio' (review), 'approbatio' (approval), and 'confirmatio' (confirmation) are supposedly used ecclesiastical discourse. Cites: 0333, 0446, 0451, 0455, 0456, 0753, 0838, 1120, Legislative history.
• John Foster (American priest, ≈), The Nature and Use of the 'Recognitio' of the Apostolic See with a Consideration of Select Normative Decisions of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, (CUA diss. 565, 2007) 484 pp. ▪ Abstract at Jurist 68 (2008) 561.
CIC 0332; No supplemental entries.
• Bill Pruett, “Conciliarism in Nicholas of Cusa”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).
CIC 0337;
No supplemental entries.
• Henry Schroeder (American Dominican, 1875-1942), Disciplinary Decrees of the General Councils [Nicaea through Fifth Lateran]: [Latin] text, translation, and commentary (Herder, 1937) 669 pp.
• Henry Schroeder (American Dominican, 1875-1942), The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent: English Translation [1941], (Tan, 1978) Eng. text only, 293 pp.
Bk II, Part 2, Section 1, Chapter 2 - Synod of Bishops, cc. 342-348.
► Special topics (individual synods):
2001 Ordinary Synod on Bishops.
• Russel Raj Bekthinathan (≈, ≈), The Directory ‘Apostolicum Successores’: a critical study of its Genesis with Particular Attention to the Tenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, (KU Leuven diss., 2006) 279 pp.
1995 Special Synod on Lebanon.
• Le rapport entre le Saint-Siège et le Liban durant les années de guerre (1975-1990), et leur incidences sur l'Assemblée spéciale pour le Liban du synode des évêques (1995), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3922, 2010) pp.
1994 Ordinary Synod on Consecrated Life.
• Yuji Sugawara (Japanese Jesuit, 1957-), Religious Poverty: From Vatican Council II to the 1994 Synod of Bishops, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-698-5) 408 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
1994 Ordinary Synod on Africa.
• Joseph Wamala (Ugandan priest, 1964-), The assessment and perspectives of the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 240 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
1987 Ordinary Synod on Laity.
• Elfriede Glaubitz (German ≈, 1959-), Der christliche Laie vom Konzil zur Bischofssynode 1987: Vergleich und Entwicklung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3862, 1992) 136 pp (part).
1985 Extraordinary Synod on the Second Vatican Council.
• Peter Hebblethwaite (British layman, 1930-1994), Synod Extraordinary: the inside story of the Rome Synod November/December 1985 (Doubleday, 1986) 146 pp.
1974 Ordinary Synod on Evangelization.
• Mariasusai Dhavamony, “Evangelization and dialogue in Vatican II and the 1974 Synod”, in Assessment and Perspectives (1988-1989) III: 264-281.
CIC 0342; definition and role of Synod of Bishops, as follows:
• The most convenient fons cognoscendi for the Synod of Bishops is: Segreteria Generale del Sinodo dei Vescovi, Enchiridion del Sinodo dei Vescovi, in 3 vols., (Dehoniane, 2005-2008).
•, Resources on the Synod of Bishops, here.
• Daniel Foley (American priest, 1935-), The Synod of Bishops: Its Canonical Structure and Procedures, (CUA diss. 481, 1973) 292 pp.
• René Laurentin, Le Synode Permanent: Naissance et Avenir, (Éditions du Seuil, 1970) 255 pp. CIC 0343;
No supplemental entries.
Free Notes:
• Paul VI expressed openness to expanding the pool of papal electors from the present College of Cardinals under age 80 to include the five great Eastern patriarchs and the dozen or so bishops serving three-year terms on Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops (now per c. 348). See Paul VI, alloc. Gaudemus sane (24 mar 1973), AAS 65 (1973) 247-249, Eng. trans. The Pope Speaks 18 (1973-1974) 67-69, recalling similar remarks he made a few weeks earlier in Paul VI, alloc. Venerabiles Fratres (05 mar 1973), AAS 65 (1973) 161-165, Eng. trans. in The Pope Speaks 18 (1973-1974) 58-59.
CIC 0350;
No supplemental entries. ▲ Special topic. Vatican City State.
• Francis (reg. 2013-), m.p. Ai nostri tempi (11 jul 2013), AAS 105 (2013) 651-653. ▪ Summary: Reorganizes penal jurisdiction of Vatican City State tribunals. Cites: ≠.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), "Lex de gubernatione Civitatis Vaticanae" (16 jul 2002), Communicationes 34 (2002) 151-166 (Italian). ▪ Summary: Basic governing offices and responsibilities of the Vatican City State. Cites: ≠
• "Nova lex fundamentalis Civitatis Vaticanae" (20 nov 2000), Communicationes 33 (2001) 3-8. ▪ Summary: Fundamental, quasi-constitutional, law of the Vatican City State. Cites: ≠.
• D. Mamberti, art. expl. [m.p. Ai nostri tempi] [12 jul 2013], Communicationes 45 (2013) 324-328. ▪ Summary: Overview of Ai nostri, recalls the principle of legality in penal law, i.e., no punishment without a prior law in place. Cites: ≠.
• Asonganyi Fuameni, “The Relationship between the State and Religious Groups in Sub-Sahara Africa: the Case of the Republic of Cameroon”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 2011).
• Jaclyn O’Brien McEachern (American laywoman, ≈), Diplomatic Activity in Service of Papal Teaching: the Promotion of Religious Freedom in Relations with Islamic States during the Pontificate of John Paul II, (CUA diss. 575, 2010) 409 pp. ▪ Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 70 (2010) 523-524 and at Jurist 71 (2011) 478-479.
• Juan Roger Rodríguez Ruíz (≈, ≈), La relevancia jurídica del acuerdo entre la Santa Sede y el Perú: la personalidad jurídica de la Iglesia en el Perú y sus implicancias en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5343, 2005) 124 pp (part).
• Cornel Damian (≈ priest, 1960-), Il Concordato tra Santa Sede e Romania: studio storico-giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5937, 2010) 161 pp.
• Francisco Román Castro (≈ priest, 1967-), Incidencia del Estado autonómico en las relaciones Iglesia-Estado: los acuerdos de los obispos del sur de España con la junta de Andalucía, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5819, 2009) 137 pp (part).
• Eulogi Broto, “Church and State Relations in the Republic of Malta: the influence of the Catholic Church and of Canon Law in the Maltese history and its current legislation”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 2003).
• Dagoberto Campos Salas (Mexican priest, ≈), Relaciones Iglesia-Estado en Costa Rica: estudio histórico-jurídico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4767, 2000) xix-251 pp.
• Pawel Malecha (Polish priest, 1964-), Edifici di culto nella legislazione canonica e concordataria in Polonia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4818, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-874-3) 324 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
• Jorge Luis Roque Perez (≈ priest, ≈), Relaciones iglesia y estado en Mexico: un analisis histórico jurídico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4551, 1997) 272 pp.
• Paul Nyaga (Cameroon priest, ≈), La paix comme droit humain fondamental: réflexions sur les problèmes de la paix et de la guerre à la lumière du Magistère (1878-1992) et de la diplomatie ecclésiastique pour une éthique politique des relations internationales, (Urbanianum diss. 116, 1994) xi-304 pp.
• Excel Jaén (Filipino priest, ≈), The historical and juridical aspects of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the people's Republic of China, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3794, 1992) xv-233 pp (part).
• Massimo Boarotto (Italian priest, ≈), La parrocchia fra pastorale e diritto in Italia: sua identità e cammino alla luce delle norme canoniche e concordatarie, (Urbanianum diss. 92, 1991) 199 pp.
• Louis-Gabriel Blot (Haitian priest, ≈), L’Église et le systèm concordataire en Haïti: étude du Concordat de 1860 signé entre le Saint-Siège et la République d’Haïti, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 368 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
• Andrea Drigani (≈, 1952-), Analisi e commento dell'art. 11 dell'accordo dl revisione del Concordato Lateranense: l'assistenza spirituale in riferimento agli ospedali, case di cura o di assistenza pubblica e negli istituti di prevenzione e pena, (Salesianum diss. 238, 1988) 119 pp.
• Simeon Onyewueke Eboh (Nigerian priest, ≈), Church-State relations in Nigeria: a juridical survey of the Church-State relationship from 1960-1983, (Urbanianum diss. 40, 1984) xxvi-256 pp.
• Giovanni Carzaniga (Italian priest, ≈), La discussione sul Concordato in Italia dall'Assemblea Costituente ai nostri giorni attraverso i dibattiti parlamentari, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3124, 1983) xii-164 pp (part).
• Pio Ciprotti, “Qualche particolare aspetto dell’attivita giudiziaria nello Stato della Città del Vaticano”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 591-603.
Special topic.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), m.p. Tredecim anni (06 aug 1982), AAS 71 (1982) 1201-1205. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Statutes for the International Theological Commission.
• Sharkey, et al., eds., International Theological Commission texts and documents 1969-1985, Vol. II, 1986-2007 (Ignatius, 2009) 480 pp.
• M. Sharkey, ed., International Theological Commission texts and documents 1969-1985, [Vol. I], (Ignatius, 1989) 365 pp.
Special topic.
Comment: The following matters are among those subject to pontifical secret: =.
CIC 0360; description of Roman Curia, as follows:
• Michael Martin (American Jesuit, 1846-1915), The Roman Curia as It Now Exists (Benziger, 1913) 423 pp.
CIC 0361; No supplemental entries.
▲ Special topic.
• Marco Kalbusch, “Rechtlichen Beziehungen Zwischen der Katholischen Kirche und der Europäischen Union”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 1999).
CIC 0362;
No supplemental entries.
CIC 0370; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0371; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0372; preference for territorial arch/diocesan organization with options for personal, as follows:
Dicasterial: Anglican ordinariates.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ladaria), Complementary norms, = (4 apr 2019) here. Explan. note, here.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), decr. erectionis Ordinariatus Personalis qui appellatur 'Our Lady of the Southern Cross' (15 jun 2012), AAS 104 (2012) 599-603 (Latin and English). ▪ Synopsis: As titled, established in Australia and appointment of Fr. Harry Entwistle as first personal ordinary. Cites: 0013, 0267, 0372, 1110, 1111, 1408-1414, 1673.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), decr. erectionis Ordinariatus Personalis Cathedrae Sancti Petri (01 jan 2012), Communicationes 42 (2012) 113-115 (Italiano). ▪ Synopsis: As titled, =. Cites: =.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), Decree of Erection of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham (15 jan 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 129-132. ▪ Synopsis: As titled, established in England and Wales. Cites: 0013, 0267, 0372, 1110, 1111, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1673.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), decr. Cum Ordinariatum Personalem (15 jan 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 133. ▪
Synopsis: Appointment of Fr. Keith Newton as first personal ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
CIC 0373; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0374;
► Special topics.
Anglican-use ordinariates.
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), ap. con. Anglicanorum coetibus (04 nov 2009), AAS 101 (2009) 985-990. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Establishment and basic structures for personal ordinariates for Anglicans coming into full communion. Cites: 0205, 0277, 0492, 0493, 0494, 0495, 0496, 0497, 0498, 0499, 0500, 0501, 0502, 0511, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049. Lumen gentium (1964, Unitatis redintegratio (1964).
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), let. Ecclesiae unitas (25 dec 2001), ≠. ▪ Latin on-line here. Summary: Reconciling schismatic group in Brazil. Cites: (0371), 1382, 1752.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), doc. "Normae complementares quoad Constitutionem Apostolicam Anglicanorum coetibus" (04 nov 2009), Communicationes 41 (2009) 301-306 (Italian) and English (307-312). ▪ Summary: As titled, further structural specifications for Anglican personal ordinariates. Cites: 0242, 0286, 0383, 0384, 0385, 0386, 0387, 0388, 0392, 0393, 0394, 0396, 0397, 0398, 0498, 0512, 0516.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (≠), not. Con la preparazione (21 oct 2009), Communicationes 41 (2009) 330-333.
Summary: Background information on and overview of legislation for Anglican ordinariates. Cites: ≠.
• Cong. for Bishops (Re), decr. Animarum bonum (18 jan 2002), AAS 94 (2002) 305-308. ▪ Summary: Establishing the personal apostolic administration "St. John Marie Vianney" in Brazil, website. Cites: (0371), (1752).
• James Bradley (English priest, ≈), The Provenance and Purpose of Personal Ordinariates Erected under the Auspices of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, (CUA diss. 583, 2017) 505 pp. ▪ Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =
• Ivan Dominic Aquilina, 'Anglicanorum Coetibus' as an Expression of Canonical Inculturation, (KU Leuven MA theses, 2013) xii-51 pp.
CIC 0375;
CIC 0376; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0377; selection of bishops, as follows:
• USCCB, "How Bishops are Appointed". ▪ Eng. on-line here.
• W. Bassett, ed., The Choosing of Bishops: Historical and Theological Studies (CLSA, 1971) 111 pp. ▪ Synopsis: As titled, with contributions by J. Finnegan, R. Goedert, R. McBrien, T. O'Meara, R. Trisco, and M. Wojnar.
• Blogpost, 19 feb 2017.
CIC 0378; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0379; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0380; profession of faith, oath of fidelity by one becoming bishop, as follows:
Ego _____ ad sedem _____ promotus, catholicae Ecclesiae atque romano Pontifici, eius supremo pastori, Christi vicario beati Petri apostoli in primatu successori et collegii Episcoporum capiti, semper fidelis ero.
Libero exercitio primatialis summi Pontificis potestatis in universa Ecclesia obsequar, Ipsiusque iura et auctoritatem mihi curae erit provehere ac defendere. Praerogativas quoque atque munera romani Pontificis Legatorum, quippe qui personam gerant supremi pastoris, agnoscam atque observabo.
Apostolica munera Episcopis commissa, nempe populum Dei docendi, sanctificandi et regendi, in hierarchica communione cum collegii episcopalis capite atque membris, summa diligentia exsequenda curabo.
Universae Ecclesiae unitatem tuebor, ideoque studiose incumbam, ut depositum fidei inde ab Apostolis traditum purum et integrum servetur ac veritates tenendae et moribus applicandae, prouti ab Ecclesiae magisterio proponuntur, omnibus tradantur et illustrentur. Errantibus vero in fide paternum animum pandam atque omni ope adnitar, ut ad plenitudinem catholicae veritatis perveniant.
Ad imaginem Christi, summi et aeterni sacerdotis, respiciens, pie sancteque agam ac ministerium mihi commissum ita adimplebo, ut, forma factus gregis ex animo, fideles in christiana perfectione adipiscenda confirmare valeam.
Disciplinam cunctae Ecclesiae communem fovebo et observantiam omnium legum ecclesiasticarum, earum imprimis quae in Codice Iuris Canonici continentur, sollerter insistam, semper advigilans, ne mali usus irrepant praecipue circa ministerium verbi et sacramentorum celebrationem.
Diligentem curam in temporalibus Ecclesiae bonis administrandis ponam, iis potissimum quae ad divini cultus exercitium, ad cleri aliorumque ministrorum honestam sustentationem, necnon ad sacri apostolatus et caritatis opera collata sunt.
In explendo mandato mihi commisso omnes Presbyteros et Diaconos, ordinis episcopalis providos cooperatores, necnon Religiosos et Religiosas unius eiusdemque operis participes, peculiari dilectione prosequar. Itemque de sacris vocationibus provehendis maximam curam habebo, ut spiritualibus necessitatibus in tota Ecclesia convenienter consulatur.
Laicorum dignitatem propriamque ipsorum in Ecclesiae missione partem agnoscam et proveham. Opera vero missionalia ad gentium evangelizationem fovendam peculiari sollicitudine curabo.
Ad Concilia ceterasque legitimas actiones collegiales vocatus, nisi impediar, ipse adero vel opportune respondebo.
Statutis temporibus vel occasione data Apostolicae Sedi rationem de pastorali meo officio reddam, eiusdemque mandata atque consilia simul obsequenter accipiam ac maximo studio perficiam.
Sic me Deus adiuvet et haec santa Dei evangelia, quae manibus meis tango.
Summary: The 1987 version of the episcopal oath now in force. Cites: (0225), (0330), (0331), (0333), (0339), (0362), (0384), (0375), (0392), (0678), (0750), (1279).
Comment: See Kirchenrecht on-line, here.
CIC 0381; basic description of bishop's governing power, as follows:
• Lawrence McInerny, "Bishop John England's constitution for the diocese of Charleston", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).
CIC 0382; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0383; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0384; bishop's solicitude toward priests, as follows:
• Johanna B. Will (≈, ≈), Die Rechtsverhältnisse zwischen Bischof und Klerus im Dekret des Bischofs Burchard von Worms, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3840, 1992) viii-208 pp.
CIC 0385; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0386; bishop as preacher and teacher, as follows:
• Richard Burke, "The bishop's role in the preaching ministry according to Gratian's Decretum', (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).
CIC 0387; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0388; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0389; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0390; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0391; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0392; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0393; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0394; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0395; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0396; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0397; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0398; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0399; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0400; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0401; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0402; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0403; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0404; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0405; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0406; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0407; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0408; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0409; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0410; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0411; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0412; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0413; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0414; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0415; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0416; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0417; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0418; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0419; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0420; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0421; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0422; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0423; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0424; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0425; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0426; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0427; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0428; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0429; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0430; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0431; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0432; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0433; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0434; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0435; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0436; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0437; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0438; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0439; definition of plenary council, as follows:
• Edward Rogan (Irish priest, ≈), Irish catechesis: a juridico-historical study of the five plenary synods, 1850-1956, (Gregorian diss. 3448, 1987) xx-494 pp.
CIC 0440; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0441; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0442; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0443; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0444; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0445; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0446; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0447; definition and description of episcopal conference, as follows:
▲ Special topic.
• Chantal Labrèche (Canadian laywoman, 1971-), Le développement du droit particulier de l’Église catholique au Canada depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2015) 276 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
• Chinenye Anyanwu (Nigerian priest, 1948-), The Relationship Between Universal Law and Particular Law: An Analysis of the Particular Complementary Norms of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2007) 377. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
• Robert Mwaungulu (Malawi priest, 1960-2013), The particular legislation of the Catholic Church in Malawi, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1991) 272 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
• Benedict Eluemie Etafo (Nigerian priest, ≈), National episcopal conference of Nigeria: its legal functionality, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 38, 1983) xiv-228 pp.
▲ Special
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), doc. "With its instruction" (25 nov 1990), = ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Practical suggestions for establishment of and service by doctrinal commission under episcopal conferences with encouragement of greater cooperation between such commissions and Roman authorities. Cites: 0822-0832.
CIC 0448; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0449; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0450; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0451; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0452; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0453; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0454; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0455; authority of episcopal conferences, as follows:
• USCCB Complementary Norms, on-line here.
• CCCB/CECC Complementary Norms, on-line here.
CIC 0456; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0457; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0458; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0459; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0460; introduction to and definition of diocesan synod, as follows:
• Pietro De Felice (Italian priest, 1956-), Il primo sinodo diocesano di Caserta dopo il codice del 1917, (Salesianum diss. 417, 1999) 90 pp (part). ▪ Biograph.
CIC 0461; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0462; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0463; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0464; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0465; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0466; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0467; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0468; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0469; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0470; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0471; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0472; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0473; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0474; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0475; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0476; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0477; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0478; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0479; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0480; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0481; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0482; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0483; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0484; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0485; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0486; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0487; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0488; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0489; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0490; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0491; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0492; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0493; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0494; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0495; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0496; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0497; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0498; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0499; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0500; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0501; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0502; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0503; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0504; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0505; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0506; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0507; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0508; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0509; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0510; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0511; encouragement of and outline of role for diocesan pastoral council, as follows:
• Roch Pagé (Canadian priest, 1939-), The Diocesan Pastoral Council, (Newman 1970) 170 pp., B. Prince trans. of Pagé's Conseil diocesain de pastorale (1969). ▪ Review: J. Hayden, The Jurist 32 (1972) 148-150. Note: On the place of Pagé in canonistics, see Anon., Studia Canonica 41 (2007) 10-15.
CIC 0512; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0513; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0514; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0515; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0516; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0517; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0518; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0519; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0520; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0521; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0522; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0523; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0524; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0525; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0526; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0527; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0528; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0529; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0530; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0531; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0532; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0533; description and appointment vicar forane, as follows:
• Edward Kurtyka, "The predecessor of the vicar forane", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).
CIC 0534; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0535; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0536; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0537; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0538; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0539; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0540; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0541; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0542; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0543; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0544; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0545; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0546; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0547; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0548; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0549; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0550; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0551; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0552; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0553; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0554; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0555; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0556; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0557; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0558; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0559; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0560; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0561; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0562; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0563; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0564; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0565; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0566; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0567; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0568; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0569; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0570; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0571; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0572; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0573; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0574; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0575; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0576; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0577; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0578; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0579; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0580; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0581; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0582; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0583; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0584; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0585; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0586; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0587; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0588; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0589; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0590; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0591; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0592; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0593; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0594; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0595; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0596; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0597; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0598; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0599; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0600; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0601; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0602; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0603; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0604; consecrated virginity, as follows:
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Gut), decr. Consecrationis virginum (31 mai 1970), AAS 62 (1970) 650. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 1024-1025. Summary: Promulgating rite of consecration. Cites: ≠
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, Ordo consecrationis virginum (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1970) 64 pp.
• René Metz, La Consécration des Vierges dans L’Église Romaine (Presses Universitaires de France, 1954) 501 pp. ▪ Review: E. Roelker, The Jurist 15 (1955) 218-219.
CIC 0605; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0606; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0607; description of religious life, definition of religious institute, as follows:
►Special topic: Fourth vows.
• Michael Doiron (Canadian Jesuit, 1953-), An historico-juridical consideration of the Jesuit fourth vow: special obedience to the pope with regard to missions, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1995) 364 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
• Giuseppina Romano (≈, ≈), Il quarto voto dell'Istituto delle suore degli Angeli: aspetti storico-giuridici, (Salesianum diss. 280, 1991) 65 pp (part)
►Topic by canon.
• John Martin (American Jesuit, 1942-), The religious state according to Suárez, (SPU/USP diss., D-073, 1984) 229 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
CIC 0608; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0609; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0610; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0611; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0612; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0613; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0614; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0615; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0616; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0617; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0618; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0619; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0620; definition of major superior; as follows:
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Gut), Abbatem et Abbatissam (09 nov 1970), AAS 63 (1971) 710-711. Summary: Promulgating the rite of blessing of an abbot or abbess. Cites: ≠
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, Ordo benedictionis Abbatis et Abbatissae, (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1970). ▪ Eng. trans. =.
CIC 0621; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0622; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0623; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0624; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0625; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0626; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0627; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0628; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0629; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0630; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0631; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0632; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0633; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0634; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0635; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0636; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0637; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0638; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0639; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0640; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0641; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0642; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0643; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0644; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0645; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0646; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0647; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0648; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0649; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0650; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0651; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0652; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0653; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0654; three main effects of profession, as follows:
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Gut), decr. Professionis ritus (02 feb 1970), AAS 62 (1970) 553. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 1018-1019.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, Ordo professionis religiosae (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1970) 126 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. =.
CIC 0655; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0656; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0657; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0658; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0659; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0660; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0661; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0662; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0663; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0664; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0665; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0666; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0667; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0668; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0669; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0670; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0671; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0672; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0673; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0674; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0675; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0676; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0677; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0678; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0679; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0680; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0681; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0682; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0683; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0684; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0685; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0686; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0687; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0688; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0689; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0690; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0691; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0692; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0693; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0694; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0695; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0696; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0697; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0698; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0699; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0700; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0701; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0702; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0703; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0704; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0705; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0706; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0707; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0708; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0709; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0710; definition of secular institute, as follows:
• Gabriel Reidy (Irish Franciscan, 1924-≈), Secular Institutes (Hawthorn Books, 1962) 124 pp.
CIC 0711; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0712; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0713; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0714; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0715; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0716; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0717; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0718; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0719; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0720; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0721; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0722; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0723; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0724; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0725; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0726; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0727; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0728; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0729; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0730; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0731; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0732; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0733; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0734; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0735; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0736; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0737; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0738; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0739; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0740; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0741; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0742; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0743; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0744; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0745; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0746; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0747; right of the Church to proclaim the Gospel and moral and social principles, as follows:
• James Riley, “Gratian on the magisterium”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).
• Rodger Charles (English Jesuit, 1929-), The Social Teaching of Vatican II Its Origin and Development (Ignatius, 1982) 569 pp.
▲ Special topic.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. let. Laetamur magnopere (15 aug 1997), AAS 89 (1997) 819-821. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Promulgating second edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, i.e., its Latin text, as follows: Catechismus Ecclesiae Catholicae [1992], (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, rev. ed., 1997) 949 pp., Eng. trans., Catechism of the Catholic Church (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2nd ed., 2000) 904 pp. Cites: ≠.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. con. Fidei depositum (11 oct 1992), AAS 86 (1994) 113-118. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Promulgating first edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, i.e., its French text. Cites: (0752).
• Rita Ferko Joyce, “The meaning of Canon Law in the Catechism of the Catholic Church”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 1995).
CIC 0748; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0749; papal and collegial infallibility, as follows:
• Although delivered at Vatican I as the private opinion of a leading prelate, today Gasser's Relatio (Report) enjoys quasi-official character, being cited in, for example, Lumen gentium 25. See generally Vincenz Gasser (Austrian prelate, 1809-1879), Magno cum moerore (11 jul 1870), in J. Mansi, ed., Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, (Akademische Druck U. Verlagsanstalt, 1961) 52 1204-1232, Eng. trans., in J. O’Connor, ed., The Gift of Infallibility (Ignatius, 2008) 21-89.
CIC 0750; primary and secondary objects of infallibility, as follows:
• A reliable compendium of doctrinal assertions, with assessments of their theological weight, is available in Ludwig Ott (German priest, 1906-1985), Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma [1952], ed. by J. Bastible, (Herder, 1957) 523 pp., Lynch trans. of Ott's Grundriß der Katholischen Dogmatik (1952).
• Margaret O'Gara (Canadian laywoman, 1947-2012), Triumph in Defeat: Infallibility, Vatican I, and the French minority bishops (1988) 296 pp.
• John Ford & Germain Grisez, “Contraception and the infallibility of the ordinary magisterium”, Theological Studies 39 (1978) 258-312. ▪ A persuasive argument that the immorality of conjugal contraception is proclaimed infallibly by the Church by the ordinary magisterium.
CIC 0751; definitions of heresy, apostasy, and schism, as follows:
• Leonard Pivonka, “The problem of schismatics and membership in the Church in the Decretum of Gratian”, (CUA thesis, 1980-1981).
CIC 0752; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0753; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0754; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0755; Ecumenism
• When the 1983 Code went into force the 'Ecumenical Directory', published in two part in 1967 and 1970, was in force. See Secretariat for Christian Unity (Bea), doc. Ad totam Ecclesiam (14 may 1967) AAS 59 (1967) 574-592, Eng. trans. CLD VI: 716-734; and, Secretariat for Christian Unity (Willibrands), doc. Spiritus Domini (16 apr 1970), AAS 62 (1970) 705-724, Eng. trans. CLD VII: 801-819.
CIC 0756; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0757; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0758; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0759; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0760; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0761; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0762; sacred ministers to esteem preaching, as follows:
• Peter Cameron (American Dominican, ≈), Why Preach: encountering Christ in God’s world (Ignatius, 2009) 206 pp.
CIC 0763; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0764; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0765; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0766; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0767; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0768; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0769; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0770; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0771; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0772; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0773; pastors of souls have special duty to catechize people, as follows:
• R. Lawler, et al., eds., The Teaching of Christ: a Catholic Catechism for Adults (Our Sunday Visitor, 1976) 640 pp.
• John Hardon (American Jesuit, 1914-2000), The Catholic Catechism (Doubleday, 1975) 623 pp.
• G. Smith, ed., The Teaching of the Catholic Church, in 2 vols., (Macmillan, 1955).
• Pietro Gasparri (Italian prelate, 1852-1934), Catechismus Catholicus, 6th ed., (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1931) 486 pp.
Note: For background on Gasparri's Catechism, see Petrus Palazzini, “Il Catechismus Catholicus del Cardinale Pietro Gasparri, in L. Fiorelli, ed., Il Cardinale Pietro Gasparri (Pont. Univ. Lateranense, 1960) 121-126.
• The Catechism of the Council of Trent, Donovan trans., (Baltimore Fielding Lucas, 1829) 413 pp.
CIC 0774; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0775; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0776; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0777; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0778; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0779; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0780; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0781; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0782; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0783; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0784; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0785; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0786; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0787; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0788; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0789; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0790; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0791; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0792; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0793; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0794; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0795; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0796; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0797; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0798; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0799; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0800; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0801;
No supplemental entries.
• Avery Dulles, “Vatican II and communications”, in Assessment and Perspectives (1988-1989) III: 528-547.
• André Ruszkowski, “The decree on the means of social communications success or failure of the Council?”, in Assessment and Perspectives (1988-1989) III: 548-579.
CIC 0822; No supplemental entries.
Free Notes:
• The major stages in the abolition of the “Index of Forbidden Books” can be traced in the following documents: Paul VI, m.p. Integrae servandae (7 dec1965), AAS 57 (1965) 952-955, Eng. trans., (dispositive parts only) CLD VI: 358-359, renaming and redefining the competence of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, notif. Post litteras apostolicas (14 jun 1966), AAS 58 (1966) 455, Eng. trans., CLD VI: 814-815, confirming the revocation of the “Index of Forbidden Books”; and Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, decr. Post editam (15 nov 1966), AAS 58 (1966) 1186, Eng. trans., CLD VI: 817-818, abrogating 1917 CIC 1399 and 2318.
CIC 0824;
No supplemental entries.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, Formula deinceps (no date), AAS 59 (1967) 1058. ▪ Synopsis: Sets out as a profession of faith, the Niceo-Constantinopolitan creed followed by: Firmiter quoque amplector et retineo omnia et singula quae circa doctrinam de fide et moribus ab Ecclesia, sive solemni iudicio definita sive ordinario magisterio adserta et declarata sunt, prout ab ipsa proponuntur, praesertim ea quae respiciunt mysterium sanctae Ecclesiae Christi, eiusque Sacramenta et Missae Sacrificium atque Primatum Romani Pontificis.
Free Notes:
• Both Gregory IX's Quinque Libri Decretalium (1234) and the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law (1917) began not with legal texts, but with creedal assertions. The Johanno-Pauline Code (1983) does not begin with, or even include, a statement of belief, but it would not be out of place to suggest one, namely, Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978), doc. Sollemni hac liturgia ["Credo of the People of God"] (30 jun 1968), AAS 60 (1968) 433-446, on-line here.
CIC 0834;
No supplemental entries.
The Mass.
• Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978), ap. con. Missale Romanum (03 apr 1969), AAS 61 (1969) 217-222. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Papal approval of the the post-conciliar Roman Missal. Cites: ≠.
• scdw (=), decr. Cum Missale Romanum (27 mar 1975), Notitiae 11 (1975) 297. ▪ Summary: Promulgating the second 'editio typica' of the post-conciliar Roman Missal. Cites: ≠.
• =, decr. Ordine Missae ( 6 apr 1969), Notitiae 5 (1969) 147. ▪ Summary: Promulgating the first 'editio typica' of the post-conciliar Roman Missal and issuing first General Instruction on the Roman Missal. Cites: ≠.
• =, Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1969) 171 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. =.
CIC 0839; No supplemental entries.
• Nicholas Halligan (American Dominican, 1917-1997), The Sacraments and their Celebration (Alba House, 1986) 284 pp. Review: S. Holland, Jurist 47 (1987) 603-605.
• Bernard Leeming (English Jesuit,1893-1971), Principles of Sacramental Theology [1956], (Newman, 2d ed., 1963) 720 pp.
CIC 0841;
No supplemental entries.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Gut), decr. Ritibus Hebdomadae (03 dec 1970), AAS 63 (1971) 711. ▪ Eng. trans. DOL 1190. Summary: Promulgating rites for blessing oil of catechumens and oil of the sick, and consecration of chrism. Cites: ≠.
• =, Ordo benedicendi oleum catechumenorum et infirmorum et conficiendi chrisma (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1971) 16 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. =.
CIC 0848;
No supplemental entries.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), notif., De invaliditate baptismatis 'Christian Community' [Die Christengemeinschaft] domini Rodulfi Steiner (09 mar 1991), AAS 83 (1991) 422. ▪ Latin on-line here.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), notif. [De invaliditate baptismatis 'The New Church' seu 'Swendenborg'] (20 nov 1992), AAS 85 (1993) 179. ▪ Latin on-line here.
• International Theological Commission, "The hope of salvation for infants who die without being baptized" (Doc. 23, 2007), ITC Texts and Documents II: 353-400.
• Diana Kudrjavceva, “The Interrelatedness of Theology and Canon Law on Baptism in the Pre-Gratian Era”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2003).
CIC 0850; generally, baptism to be administered in accord with liturgical books, as follows:
Dicasterial: =
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (=), decl. Cum necesse sit (29 aug 1973), Notitiae 9 (1973) 268. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 719. Summary: Promulgating second edition of the post-conciliar rite of baptism of children. Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Tabera), decr. Ordinis Baptismi adultorum (06 jan 1972), AAS 64 (1972) 252. ▪ Summary: Promulgating post-conciliar rite of baptism of adults. Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Gut), decr. Ordinem Baptismi parvulorum (15 mai 1969), AAS 61 (1969) 548. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 718. Summary: Promulgating first edition of the post-conciliar rite of baptism of children. Cites: ≠.
Liturgical: =
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, Ordo Initiationis christianae adultorum, (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1972) =. ▪ Eng. trans. =
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, Ordo Baptismi parvulorum (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1973) 91 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. =. CIC
0851; No supplemental entries.
• Blogpost, 23 sep 2016. CIC 0869;
No supplemental entries.
• Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978), ap. con. Divinae consortium (15 aug 1971), AAS 63 (1971) 657-664. ▪ Latin on-line here. Eng. trans in DOL 766-771. Summary: Papal approval of post-conciliar rite of Confirmation. Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Tabera), decr. Peculiare Spiritus Sancti (22 aug 1971), AAS 64 (1972) 77. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 771. Summary: Promulgation of post-conciliar rite of Confirmation. Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, Ordo Confirmationis (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1973) 51 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. in =.
CIC 0881;
No supplemental entries.
• Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978), ap. con. Pontificalis Romani (18 jun 1968), AAS 60 (1968) 369-373. ▪ Eng. trans. DOL 816-819. Summary: Papal approval of first post-conciliar rites for ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops. Cites: ≠.
• Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (Martínez), decr. Ritus Ordinationum (29 jun 1989), AAS 82 (1990) 826-827. Summary: Promulgating second post-conciliar rites for ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops. Cites: 1037.
• =, decr. Per Constitutionem (15 aug 1968), = . ▪ Eng. trans. DOL 819-820. Summary: Promulgating first post-conciliar rites for ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops. Cites: ≠.
CIC 0900; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0901; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0902; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0903; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0904; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0905; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0906; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0907; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0908; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0909; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0910; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0911; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0912; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0913; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0914; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0915; restrictions on ministration of holy Communion, as follows:
• Rene Gracida, "A twelve step program for bishops" (=), here.
• Velasio de Paolis, “The divorced and civilly remarried and the sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance”, in Remaining in the Truth (2014) 181-209.
• Gerhard Müller, “Testimony to the power of grace: on the indissolubility of marriage and the debate concerning the civilly remarried and the sacraments”, in Remaining in the Truth (2014) 148-165.
CIC 0916; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0917; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0918; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0919; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0920; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0921; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0922; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0923; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0924; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0925; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0926; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0927; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0928; Eucharist to be celebrated in Latin or approved language, as follows:
Note: See also Canon 249.
• Paul Auvray, et al., Sacred Languages (Hawthorn Books, 1960) 173 pp., Tester trans. of Avrey et al., Les Langues Sacrées (1957).
• David Crystal, Linguistics, Language, and Religion (Hawthorn, 1965), 189 pp.
• Cyril Korolevsky [Francois Charon], (Byzantine priest, 1878-1959), Living Languages in Catholic Worship, (Newman, 1957) 195 pp., Attwater trans. of Korolevsky, Liturgie en Langue Vivante (1955).
• Christine Mohrmann (1903-1988), Liturgical Latin: its Origins and Character (Catholic University of America, 1957) 95 pp.
CIC 0929; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0930; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0931; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0932; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0933; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0934; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0935; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0936; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0937; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0938; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0939; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0940; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0941; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0942; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0943; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0944; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0945; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0946; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0947; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0948; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0949; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0950; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0951; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0952; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0953; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0954; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0955; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0956; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0957; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0958; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0959; description of Confession, as follows:
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Villot), decr. Reconciliationem inter Deum (02 dec 1973), AAS 66 (1974) 172-173. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 955-956. Summary: Promulgation of rite of penance. Cites: ≠.
• Robert Fastiggi (American layman, 1953-), The Sacrament of reconciliation: an Anthropological and Scriptural Understanding (Hillenbrand, 2017) 155 pp.
CIC 0960; general absolution, as follows:
• Then to their side comes the Archbishop Turpin, Riding his horse and up the hillside spurring. He calls to the French and preaches them a sermon: “Barons, my lords, Charles picked us for this purpose; We must be ready to die in our King’s service! Christendom needs you, so help us preserve it. Battle you’ll have, of that you may be certain. Here come the Paynims — your own eyes have seen them. Now beat your breasts and ask God for His mercy: I will absolve you and set your souls in surety. If you should die, blest martyrdom’s your guerdon; You’ll sit on high in Paradise eternal.” The French all alight and kneel down in worship; God’s shrift and blessing the Archbishop conferreth, And for their penance he bids them all strike firmly. Song of Roland 89 (after Sayer).
CIC 0961; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0962; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0963; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0964; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0965; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0966; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0967; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0968; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0969; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0970; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0971; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0972; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0973; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0974; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0975; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0976; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0977; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0978; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0979; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0980; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0981; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0982; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0983; seal of Confession, as follows:
• Michael Fitzgerald, “The sacramental seal of confession in the Corpus Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).
CIC 0984; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0985; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0986; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0987; necessary disposition of the penitent, as follows:
CIC 0988; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0989; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0990; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0991; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0992; definition of indulgence, as follows:
• Paul VI (reg. 1962-1978), ap. con. Indulgentiarum doctrina (01 jan 1967), AAS 59 (1967) 5-24, Eng. on-line here. ▪ Summary: Papal reform of the system of indulgences, abrogating earlier calculation of indulgences by periods of time and establishing merit as the criterion by which the Church adds the value of an indulgence. Cites: ≠.
CIC 0993; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0994; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0995; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0996; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0997; No supplemental entries.
CIC 0998; introduction to norms on Anointing, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• James V: 14-15. Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
• Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978), ap. con. Sacram unctionem (30 nov 1972), AAS 65 (1973) 5-9. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Papal approval of post-conciliar rite of anointing of the sick (1972). Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (Tabera), decr. Infirmis cum Ecclesia (07 dec 1972), AAS 65 (1973) 275-276. ▪ Eng trans. DOL 1053-1054. Summary: Promulgating post-conciliar rite of anointing of the sick (1972). Cites: ≠.
CIC 0999; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1000; preferred ritual for celebration and minimal requisites for anointing, as follows:
CIC 1001; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1002; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1003; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1004; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1005; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1006; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1007; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1008; introduction to holy orders; as follows:
▲ Special topic.
Comment: The term "permanent diaconate" has never been a satisfactory one, but it is so widely used that it is used here as well.
Note: There are numerous references to the 'permanent diaconate' in the Codex Vigens, of course.
• International Theological Commission, "From the Diakonia of Christ to the Diakonia of the Apostles" (2003), ITC Texts and Documents II: 229-317. Summary: Systematic treatment of the doctrine and structure of the diaconate throughout the history of the Church. Cites: 0089, 0129, 0266, 0273, 0274, 0275, 0276, 0277, 0278, 0279, 0280, 0281, 0283, 0284, 0285, 0286, 0287, 0288, 0289, 0475, 0495, 0517, 0519, 0757, 0764, 0766, 0767, 0835, 0861, 0882, 0900, 0910, 0911, 0943, 0966, 1003, 1009, 1012, 1079, 1081, 1108, 1111, 1168, 1421, 1425, 1428, 1435.
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Laghi) & Cong. for the Clergy (Castrillón Hoyos), decl. coniuncta Diaconatus permanens (22 feb 1998), AAS 90 (1998) 835-842. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Introduces two documents on the so-called 'permanent diaconate' issued simultaneously with it, the Ratio fundamentalis (1998) from the Cong. for Catholic Education and the Directorium (1998) from the Cong. for the Clergy. Cites: 0032, 0226, 0236, 0276, 0281, 0288, 0373, 1031, 1035, 1037, 1042, 1050.
• Cong. for Catholic Education (Laghi), Ratio fundamentalis institutionis diaconorum permanentium (22 feb 1998), AAS 90 (1998) 843-879. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: As titled, program for the education and formation of so-called 'permanent deacons'. Cites: 0236, 0266, 0273, 2074, 0275, 0276, 0277, 0278, 0279, 0280, 0281, 0282, 0283, 0284, 0285, 0286, 0287, 0288, 0289, 0295, 0368, 0381, 0833, 1010, 1011, 1015, 1016, 1019, 1025, 1026, 1028, 1029, 1031, 1034, 1035, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1050, 1051, 1087.
• Cong. for the Clergy (Castrillón Hoyos), Directorium pro ministerio et vita diaconorum permanentium (22 feb 1998), AAS 90 (1998) 879-927. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Provisions for the ministry and life of of so-called 'permanent deacons'. Cites: 0129, 0137, 0157, 0215, 0222, 0225, 0236, 0265, 0266, 0267, 0268, 0271, 0273, 0274, 0275, 0276, 0277, 0278, 0279, 0281, 0282, 0283, 0284, 0285, 0286, 0287, 0288, 0290, 0291, 2092, 0293, 0295, 0299, 0304, 0305, 0369, 0463, 0482, 0483, 0493, 0494, 0495, 0512, 0517, 0519, 0530, 0536, 0553, 0672, 0678, 0669, 0715, 0738, 0753, 0757, 0760, 0761, 0764, 0767, 0769, 0779, 0784, 0786, 0804, 0805, 0810, 0822, 0823, 0831, 0833, 0835, 0840, 0841, 0846, 0861, 0862, 0929, 0930, 0907, 0910, 0911, 0943, 1016, 1019, 1027, 1029, 1031, 1032, 1034, 1037, 1063, 1087, 1108, 1111, 1166, 1168, 1169, 1248, 1274, 1374, 1420, 1421, 1424, 1428, 1435.
• Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, De ordinatione Episcopi, presbyterorum et diaconorum (Typis Polyglotis Vaticanis, 1990) xii-242 pp.
• =, De ordinatione diaconi, presbyteri et Episcopi (Typis Polyglotis Vaticanis, 1968) 133 pp. ▪ Eng. trans.=.
• USCCB, Compl. norm re Canon 1031 § 3 (2009), here. See National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States, (USCCB, 2009) art. 87. ▪ Summary: The minimum age for all 'permanent deacons', married or celibate, is thirty-five. Cites: 1031.
• USCCB (George), National Directory for the Formation, Life, and Ministry of Permanent Deacons in the United States (26 dec 2009), (USCCB, 2005) 219 pp. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: As titled, comprehensive provisions on the so-called 'permanent diaconate" for the Church in the United States. Cites: =.
• Douglas Leclair (Canadian Ukrainian priest, 1955-), The Deacon’s Participation in the tria munera in the Latin and Ukranian Catholic Churches: A Historical-Canonical Analysis, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2008) 273 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
≈ ≈The Diakonia of charity in the permanent diaconate: its application to certain clerical offices as addressed in the Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3808, 2000) v-204 pp.
• Jacques Kabasu Bamba (≈, ≈), Diacres permanents ou catéchistes au Congo-Kinshasa?, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999). ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
• Richard Dwyer, “The Diaconate: an Order in Evolution or Going Nowhere: linking past and present teaching and practice with the permanent deacons' hopes for anointing the sick”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 1999).
• Gilbert Sanchez (≈, ≈), Nature et mission du diaconat permanent: positions conciliaires et déterminations canoniques, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4560, 1998) 170 pp (part).
• Gary Janak, “The formation of the permanent deacon: a historical-canonical analysis and its application in the Diocese of Victoria, Texas”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).
• Louis Bala Yaya (≈, ≈), Permanent diaconate in the 1983 code: particular reference to the diocese of Jos (Nigeria), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 72, 1989) 85 pp (part).
• David Perkin, “A comparative analysis of the 1971 and 1984 editions of permanent deacons in the U.S.: guidelines of their formation and ministry”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).
• James Gurzynski, “Canon 281 § 3: a study concerning the ‘sustentatio’ and ‘remuneratio’ of permanent deacons in the 1983 Codex Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).
• Richard Lyons, "The permanent diaconate: a commentary on its development from the end of the Second Vatican Council to the 1983 Codex Iuris Canonici", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).
• Hans-Eckhard Lauenroth (≈, ≈), Der Ständige Diakonat: Seine ekklesiologische Idee und kanonistische Verwirklichung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3136, 1983) v-200 pp (part).
CIC 1009; ranks of orders and referral to liturgical books; as follows:
CIC 1010; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1011; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1012; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1013; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1014; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1015; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1016; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1017; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1018; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1019; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1020; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1021; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1022; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1023; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1024; requisites for valid ordination, as follows:
• Gerhard Müller (German prelate, 1947-), Priesthood and Diaconate (Ignatius, 2002) 246 pp. Miller trans. of Müller’s Der Empfänger des Weilhesakramentes in schöpfungstheologischer und christlogischer Perspective (2000).
• Manfred Hauke (German priest, 1956-), Women in the Priesthood?, (Ignatius, 1988) 497 pp. Kipp trans. of Hauke’s Die Problematik um das Frauenpriestertum vor dem Hintergrund der Schöpfungs- und Erlösungordnung (1986).
• Aimé Georges Martimort (French priest, 1911-2000), Deaconesses: an historical study, (Ignatius, 1986) 268 pp. Whitehead trans. of Les Diaconesses Essai historique (1982). ▪ Review: F. McManus, The Jurist 47 (1987) 596-598.
• Jean Galot (Belgian Jesuit, 1919-2008), Theology of the Priesthood (Ignatius, 1985), Balducelli trans. of Galot’s Teologia del sacerdozio (1981) 274 pp.
CIC 1025; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1026; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1027; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1028; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1029; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1030; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1031; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1032; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1033; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1034; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1035; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1036; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1037; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1038; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1039; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1040; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1041; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1042; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1043; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1044; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1045; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1046; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1047; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1048; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1049; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1050; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1051; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1052; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1053; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1054; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1055; definition of marriage, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• Genesis II: 21-24. So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.
• Leo XIII (reg. 1878-1903), enc. Arcanum divinae sapientiae (10 feb 1880), Acta Sanctae Sedis 12 (1880) 385-402. ▪ Eng. trans. in C. Carlen ed., The Papal Encyclicals, in 5 vols. (Pierian Press, 1990) II: 29-40, or on-line here.
• Pius XI (reg. 1922-1939), enc. Casti connubii (31 dec 1930), Acta Apostolicae Sedis 22 (1930) 539-592, et Acta Apostolicae Sedis 22 (1930) 604. ▪ Eng. trans. in C. Carlen ed., The Papal Encyclicals, in 5 vols. (Pierian Press, 1990) III: 391-414, or on-line here.
• Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978), enc. Humanae vitae (25 jul 1968), Acta Apostolicae Sedis 60 (1968) 481-503. ▪ Eng. trans. in C. Carlen ed., The Papal Encyclicals, in 5 vols. (Pierian Press, 1990) IV: 223-233, or on-line here.
• International Theological Commission, "Propositions on the Doctrine of Christian Marriage" (1977), ITC Texts and Documents I: 163-185. Summary: Overview of Church teaching on marriage. Cites: ≠.
• Kevin Schembri (Maltese priest, 1981-), The permanence of the matrimonial bond in the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6572, 2017) 145 pp (part). ▪ Monograph: id., Oikonomia, Divorce and Remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition (Edizione Orientalia Christiana 2017) 327 pp. Schembri Biograph.
• Robert Fastiggi, "The ends of marriage according to the 1917 and the 1983 Codes of Canon Law in light of Vatican II", Antiphon 18 (2014) 32-47. ▪ Defends continuity of Church teaching on the ends of marriage by arguing that 'procreation and education of children' is the the end of marriage qua natural institution while 'good of the spouses' (sanctification) is end of marriage qua sacrament.
• Pierluigi Paoletti (≈, ≈), Il sacramento del matrimonio secondo l'insegnamento di Adriano VI, (Salesianum diss. 458, 2009) 304 pp.
• Brian Cormier, "[1917 CIC] Canon 1012 § 2: a reformable canonico-dogmatic proposition", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).
• Urbano Navarrete [Cortés] (Italian Jesuit, 1920-2010), Structura iuridica matrimonii secundum Concilium Vaticanum II: momentum iuridicum amoris conjugalis (Gregoriana, no date) 155 pp., reprinted from Periodica 56 (1967) 357-383, 554-578, and 57 (1968) 131-167, 169-216.
• Edward Schillebeeckx (Belgian Dominican, 1914-2009), Marriage: Human Reality and Saving Mystery, in 2 vols., (Sheed & Ward, 1965), Smith trans. of Schillebeeckx's Het Huwelijk: aardse werkelijkheid en heilsmysterie (1963).
• George Joyce (English Jesuit, 1864-1943), Christian Marriage: an historical and doctrinal study (Sheed & Ward, 1933) 632 pp.
• Pietro Gasparri (Roman prelate, 1852-1934), Tractatus Canonicus de Matrimonio, in 2 vols., [1892], 9th ed., (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1932).
• Adhémar Esmein (French layman, 1848-1913), Le Mariage en Droit Canonique, in 2 vols., [1891], 2nd ed. rev. by R. Génestal, (Recueil Sirey, 1929).
• Tomás Sánchez (Spanish Jesuit, 1550-1610), Disputationum de S[ancto] Matrimonii Sacramento, [c. 1605] in 2 vols., (Venetiis: Apud Ioannem Guerilium, 1613).
▲ Special topic.
• Perry Cahall, The Mystery of Marriage a theology of the body and the sacrament (Hillenbrand Books, 2016) 490 pp.
• R. Dodaro, ed., Remaining in the Truth of Christ Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church (Ignatius, 2014) 324 pp.
• Ramón García de Haro (Spanish priest, 1931-1996), Marriage in the Documents of the Magisterium a course in the theology of marriage (Ignatius, 1993) 435 pp. W. May trans. of Haro’s Matrimonio & Famiglia nei Documenti del Magisterio corso di teologia matrimoniale (1989).
• Cormac Burke (Irish prelate, 1927-), The Theology of Marriage Personalism, Doctrine, and Canon Law, (2015) 254 pp.
▲ Special topic.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), let. Gratissimam sane (02 feb 1994), AAS 86 (1994) 868-925. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Pastoral letter to families. Cites: ≠.
• John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. exh. Familiaris consortio (22 nov 1981), AAS 74 (1982) 81-191. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Examination of the marriage and family in the life and mission of the Church. Cites: (1065), (1063), (1108).
• Pont. Council for the Family (Trujillo), doc. Uno dei fenomeni (26 jul 2000), EV 19 (2000) 604-651. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Discussion of pastoral issues related to marriage, family, and 'de facto' unions. Cites: 1055.
• Pont. Council for the Family (Trujillo), decl. I mezzi (17 mar 2000). ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Condemnation of a resolution of the European Parliament making 'de facto' unions, including same-sex unions, equal to the family (though without text of the resolution itself it is difficult to say what exactly was at issue therein). Cites: ≠.
• Miguel Ángel Escribano Arráez (≈ Franciscan, 1967-), La Iglesia frente al desarrollo del derecho de familia en España, (Antonianum diss. 148, 2009) lvi-108 pp.
• John McAreavey (Irish prelate, 1949-), The Canon Law of Marriage and the Family (Four Courts, 1997). ▪ Reviews: J. Beal, The Jurist 57 (1997) 606-607; L. Robitaille, Studia Canonica 32 (1998) 557-559.
▲ Special
• The concept of marriage in Maltese civil law and in canon law, (Malta MA thesis, 2013). ▪ Abstract and/or thesis here.
• Joseph Xiaobing Chen, “A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Marriage in the Chinese Culture and in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (KU Leuven licentiate thesis, 2001).
• Tadeusz Oblak (Polish Jesuit, 1922-2006), Marriage law in Japan and its relation to natural law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3970, 1993) xii-155 pp (part). ▪ Biograph.
• Marc De Mûelenaere (Belgian / South African priest, 1943), The canonical significance of marital fidelity among the Bantu of South Africa, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1985) 277 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here. Review: J. Huels, The Jurist 47 (1987) 611-612.
▲ Special
• Benon Farcas (Romanian priest, ≈), The Canonical Form of Marriage in Latin Law and in Oriental Law: a Comparative Study with References to the Application of Catholic-Byzantine Law to Selected Pastoral Concerns in Eastern Europe, (CUA diss. 576, 2010) 332 pp. ▪ Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 70 (2010) 521-522 and at Jurist 71 (2011) 477-478.
• Berchmans Kodackal (Indian Syro-Malabar priest, 1951-), The validity of inter-Church marriages in India - a comparative study of the Latin and the Oriental legislation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2000) 246 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
• Grzegorz Kadzioch (Polish priest, 1962-), Il ministro del sacramento del matrimonio nella tradizione e nel diritto canonico latino e orientale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 22, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-769-2) 276 pp. ▪ PUG summary here.
• Patrick Connolly (Irish priest, 1962-), The nature of marriage as proposed in the Codex iuris canonici and in the Codex canonum Ecclesiarum orientalum, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1995) 299 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here.
CIC 1056; unity and indissolubility of marriage, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• Matthew V: 31-32. It was also said ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I say to you that every one who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, makes her an adulteress; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
• Matthew XIX: 3-9. And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, ‘Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?’ He answered, ‘Have you not read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one [flesh]? So they are no longer two but one [flesh]? What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.’ They said to him, ‘Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?’ He said to them, ‘For your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for unchastity, and marries another, commits adultery.’
• Mark X: 2-12. And Pharisees came up and in order to test him asked, ‘Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?’ He answered them, ‘What did Moses command you?’ They said, ‘Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to put her away.’ But Jesus said to them, ‘For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one [flesh]. So they are no longer two but one [flesh]. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.’ And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter. And he said to them, ‘Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.’
• Luke XVI: 18. Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
• Christian Brugger (American layman, 1964-), The Indissolubility of Marriage and the Council of Trent (CUA, 2017) 295 pp.
• Carlo Caffarra, “Sacramental ontology and the indissolubility of marriage”, in Remaining in the Truth (2014) 166-180.
• Walter Brandmüller, “Unity and indissolubility of marriage: from the middle ages to the Council of Trent”, in Remaining in the Truth (2014) 129-147.
CIC 1057; juridic character of consent that makes marriage, as follows:
• Giordano Caberletti (Italian priest, ≈), L'oggetto essenziale del consenso coniugale nel matrimonio canonico: Studio storico-giuridico sul pensiero di Tomas Sanchez, (Gregorian diss. 3310, 1985) 199 pp. Note: Caberletti is an auditor, Roman Rota, since 1996, here.
• John Ford (American Jesuit, 1902-1989), The Validity of Virginal Marriage, (Gregorian theology diss. 149, 1938) ix-139 pp. ▪ Review: S. Alvarez-Menendez, Ius Pontificium 20 (1940) 61. Note: On the place of Ford in moral theology, see Eric Genilo, John Cuthbert Ford, SJ: Moral Theologian at the End of the Manualist Era (Georgetown, 2007) xv-217 pp.
CIC 1058; all not prohibited by law can contract marriage, as follows:
• George May, "The presumption of fitness to marry: from Roman law to the 1917 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).
CIC 1059; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1060; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1061; consummation of marriage, as follows:
• Donald Asci (American layman, ≈), The Conjugal Act as a Personal Act (Ignatius, 2002) 364 pp.
• Adolfo Dacanáy (Filipino Jesuit, ≈), The meaning of 'matrimonium ratum': a study of the concept in the Corpus Juris Canonici, among some decretists and decretalists (1140-1340) and five medieval theologians, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3831, 1988) xi-220 pp.
• Manuel Avila Castañeda (≈ Redemptorist, ≈), La consumación conyugal indisoluble: Según s. Buenaventura, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2912, 1979) 79 pp (part).
• John Ford (American Jesuit, 1902-1989), The Validity of Virginal Marriage, (Gregorian theology diss. 149, 1938) ix-139 pp. ▪ Review: S. Alvarez-Menendez, Ius Pontificium 20 (1940) 61. Note: On the place of Ford in moral theology, see Eric Genilo, John Cuthbert Ford, SJ: Moral Theologian at the End of the Manualist Era (Georgetown, 2007) xv-217 pp.
CIC 1062; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1063; general pastoral preparation for wedding and marriage, as follows:
• Sacred Cong. for Rites (Gut), decr. Ordo celebrandi Matrimonium (19 mar 1969), Notitiae 5 (1969) 203. ▪ Eng. trans. = Summary: Promulgation of first post-conciliar rite of marriage. Cites: ≠.
Liturgical: =
• Sacred Cong. for Rites, Ordo celebrandi Matrimonium, (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1969) 39 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. =.
editio typica altera (19 mar 1990),, 1991 =
Eng. trans., Rite of Marriage, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1969.
CIC 1064; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1065; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1066; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1067; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1068; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1069; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1070; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1071; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1072; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1073; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1074; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1075; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1076; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1077; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1078; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1079; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1080; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1081; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1082; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1083; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1084; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1085; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1086; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1087; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1088; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1089; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1090; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1091; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1092; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1093; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1094; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1095; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1096; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1097; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1098; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1099; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1100; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1101; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1102; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1103; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1104; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1105; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1106; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1107; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1108; definition of canonical form for marriage, as follows:
• Emílio Sumbelelo (Angloan priest, 1964-), A relevância jurídica das testemunhas comuns na forma de celebreção do matrimónio até ao decreto"Tametsi": estudo histórico-juridíco, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 245 pp. ▪ Biograph.
• Richard Ryan, “Criteria for judging the validity of clandestine marriages in the Corpus Iuris Canonici: the distinction between marriage and concubinage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).
• Giuseppe Di Mattia, La forma canonica del matrimonio: revisione radicale (Edizione Paoline, 1972) 155 pp.
CIC 1109; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1110; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1111; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1112; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1113; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1114; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1115; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1116; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1117; obligation of canonical form for marriage, as follows:
► Special topics. Civil marriage.
• PCLT (≠), adnot. Circa validitatem matrimoniorum civilium [in Cazastania] (13 mai 2003), Communicationes 35 (2003) 197-210 (Italian). ▪ Summary: As titled, recognition of civil marriages between various persons, including Catholcw and Orthodox, must be examined on a case-by-case basis. Cites: 0019, 1055, 1057, 1060, 1100, (1108), 1116, 1673. ≡ CCEO 0781, 0823, 0832, 1359.
• Richard Ryan (≈, ≈), The Canonical Status of Marriages Attempted Before Civil Authorities: A Historical Analysis from the Council of Trent to the 1983 Code, (CUA diss. 529, 1989) 305 pp. ▪ Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 719-720.
• Antonio Arza Arteaga, “Bautizados en la Iglesia católica no obligados a la forma canónica del matrimonio problemas que presenta”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) II: 897-930.
• José Castano, "Il Consenso e la Forma canonica", in Nuovo Codice (1983) 362-374.
• Samuel Rodrigues (≈, ≈), A polémica sobre o casamento civil em Portugal: Estudo histórico-jurídico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3001, 1981) 67 pp (part).
CIC 1118; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1119; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1120; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1121; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1122; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1123; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1124; permission for mixed marriage, as follows:
• Mark Campbell, “Pastoral care for mixed marriages: canonical prescriptions and practice from the 1917 code through Matrimonia mixta”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).
CIC 1125; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1126; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1127; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1128; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1129; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1130; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1131; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1132; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1133; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1134; the conjugal bond, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• Ephesians V: 21-33. Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savoir. As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. Even so husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." This is a great mystery, and I mean in reference to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
CIC 1135; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1136; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1137; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1138; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1139; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1140; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1141; ratified and consummated marriage is dissolved only by death, as follows:
• Christian Brugger (American layman, 1964-), The Indissolubility of Marriage and the Council of Trent (CUA, 2017) 295 pp.
CIC 1142; dissolution of non-sacramental and ratified-non-consummated marriages by Roman Pontiff, as follows:
Comments: I distinguish between “Petrines” in cases of non-sacramental marriages and “papal dissolutions” in regard to non-consummated marriages but most canonists do not make that distinction and Canons 1142 and 1150 seem unconcerned about it as well, doubtless because the authority acting in both cases is the Roman Pontiff. ≡ Dissolution of non-consummated Christian marriage consequent to religious profession (see 1917 CIC 1119) did not survive into the 1983 Code.
CIC 1143; introductory norms on Pauline Privilege, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• I Corinthians VII: 12-15. To the rest I say, not the Lord, that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is consecrated through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is consecrated through her husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner desires to separate, let it be so; in such a case the brother or sister is not bound. For God has called us to peace.
CIC 1144; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1145; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1146; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1147; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1148; retention of only one spouse upon baptism, as follows:
• Joseph Koury, "The constitution of Canon 1125: historical study", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982). CIC 1149; possible second marriage after baptism in wake of captivity or persecution, as follows:
• Joseph Koury, "The constitution of Canon 1125: historical study", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982). CIC 1150; "In a doubtful matter the privilege of the faith possess the favor of law.", as follows:
Comment: I distinguish between “Petrines” in cases of non-sacramental marriages and “papal dissolutions” in regard to sacramental marriages but most canonists do not make that distinction and Canons 1142 and 1150 seem unconcerned about it as well, doubtless because the authority acting in both cases is the Roman Pontiff.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Šeper), instr. Ut notum est (06 dec 1973), Enchiridion Vaticanum 4: 1786-1799. ▪ Eng. trans. =. Summary: Procedures for applying for dissolution of certain kinds of marriages, replaced norms from =. Cites: ≠.
• Stephen Roszel, “The dissolution of marriage in favor of the faith according to the 1973 norms Ut notum est”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).
CIC 1151; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1152; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1153; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1154; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1155; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1156; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1157; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1158; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1159; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1160; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1161; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1162; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1163; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1164; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1165; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1166; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1167; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1168; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1169; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1170; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1171; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1172; exorcism, as follows:
• Cong. for Divine Worship (=), De exorcismis et supplicationibus quibusdam (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1999) 84 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. =.
CIC 1173; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1174; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1175; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1176; duty to provide ecclesiastical funerals and description of same, as follows:
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, decr. Ritibus exsequiarum (15 aug 1969), Notitiae 5 (1969) 423-424. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 1067-1068. Summary: Promulgation of rite of rite of funerals. Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, Ordo exsequiarum, (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1969) 89 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. =.
CIC 1177; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1178; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1179; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1180; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1181; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1182; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1183; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1184; privation of funerals, as follows:
•, Factors in granting or withholding ecclesiastical funeral rites, here.
CIC 1185; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1186; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1187; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1188; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1189; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1190; respect for relics and images, as follows:
▲ Special topic.
• Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Levada), doc. Normae quoad proceduram in discernendis opinabilibus apparitionibus necnon revelantionibus datae (14 dec 2011), AAS 104 (2012) 497-504 (Italian). ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Republication of CDF 1978 norms on apparitions. Cites: ≠.
• Andrew Kingham (≈, ≈), The Norms for Judging Alleged Apparitions and Private Revelations, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2007) v-250 pp. ▪ Abstract here.
CIC 1191; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1192; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1193; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1194; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1195; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1196; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1197; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1198; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1199; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1200; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1201; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1202; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1203; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1204; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1205; definition of sacred place, as follows:
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship (=), decr. Dedicationis ecclesiae (29 mai 1977), Notitiae 13 (1977) 364-365. ▪ Eng. trans. in DOL 1368. Summary: Promulgating the rites for dedication of churches and altars. Cites: ≠.
• Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship, Ordo dedicationis ecclesia et altaris (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1977) 159 pp. ▪ Eng. trans. =
CIC 1206; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1207; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1208; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1209; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1210; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1211; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1212; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1213; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1214; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1215; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1216; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1217; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1218; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1219; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1220; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1221; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1222; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1223; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1224; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1225; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1226; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1227; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1228; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1229; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1230; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1231; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1232; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1233; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1234; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1235; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1236; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1237; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1238; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1239; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1240; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1241; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1242; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1243; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1244; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1245; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1246; Sundays and holy days of obligation, as follows:
Scholarly: • William Kulas, "Historical summary of legislation on holydays for the Latin Church up to the Pio-Benedictine Code", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984). • Adolf Adam (German =, 1912-2005), The Liturgical Year: its history and its meaning after the reform of the liturgy (Pueblo, 1981) 308 pp., M. O’Connell trans. of Adam’s Das Kirchenjahr mitfeiern: siene Geschichte und seine Bedeutung nach der Liturgieeneurung (1979).
CIC 1247; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1248; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1249; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1250; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1251; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1252; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1253; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1254; No supplemental entries.
▲ Special topic.
• Nichols Cafardi, “The higher educational apostolate in the United States: canonical and civil law aspects”, in Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (1998) 19-40.
• Michael Carrager, “Some concerns of Book V apropos charitable endeavor”, in Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (1998) 41-63.
• Mark Chopko, “Control of and administration for separately-incorporated works of the diocesan church: a constitutional, statutory, and juridical evaluation of the experiences of U.S. dioceses”, in Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (1998) 65-95.
• Joy Flowers Conti, “Liability issues for related Church entities”, in Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (1998) 97-179.
• Melanie di Pietro, “The interfacing of canonical principles and american law in the negotiation of joint ventures between Church-related and non-Church-related corporations”, in Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (1998) 181-229.
• Sharon Holland, “Canonical reflections on civilly incorporated apostolates”, in Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (1998) 325-341.
CIC 1255; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1256; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1257; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1258; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1259; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1260; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1261; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1262; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1263; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1264; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1265; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1266; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1267; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1268; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1269; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1270; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1271; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1272; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1273; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1274; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1275; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1276; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1277; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1278; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1279; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1280; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1281; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1282; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1283; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1284; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1285; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1286; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1287; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1288; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1289; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1290; domain of canon and civil law regarding contracts and alienation of property, as follows:
• John Weber, "'Impossibility' in Roman law as it affects contracts", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).
CIC 1291; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1292; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1293; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1294; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1295; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1296; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1297; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1298; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1299; right of persons to make bequests to pious causes; ─
• Brian Edwin Ferme (English priest, ≈), Canon law in late medieval England: a study of William Lyndwood's Provinciale with particular reference to testamentary law, (Salesianum diss. 359, 1996) x-164 pp.
CIC 1300; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1301; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1302; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1303; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1304; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1305; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1306; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1307; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1308; reduction of Mass obligations, as follows:
• John Lahey, “Canon 1517 [of the 1917 Code]: an historical commentary”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).
CIC 1309; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1310; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1311; Church's innate right to coerce offending members of the Christian faithful.
▲ Special topic. Proposal to reorganize Book VI of the Code.
• PCLT, doc. Praenotanda [for a proposed revision of the whole of Book VI] (no date), Communicationes 43 (2011) 317-320. ▪ Available in monograph form as Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus, Schema recognitionis Libri VI Codicis Iuris Canonici (Reservatum), (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 2011) 40 pp. Summary: As titled, a proposed new Book VI of the Code. Cites: 695, 1336, 1364-1389, 1717, 1718, 1720.
• J. Arrieta (PCLT), art. expl. "Influxum Cardinalis Ratzinger in recognoscendum systema poenale canonicum" [02 dec 2010], Communicationes 42 (2010) 367-375 (Italian). ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: As titled, narration of the efforts by then-Cdl. Ratzinger to modify penal procedures so as to achieve more timely resolution of penal cases at the local level and to reduce the incentive many bishops felt to treat cases warranting penal dismissal from the clerical state as instead petitions for voluntary laicization. Cites: 0006, 0381, 1342, 1362, 1364, 1367, 1370, 1387, 1389,1394, 1395, 1720. ≡ Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela (2001).
• Kathryn Cone, Proposal for Revision: Canons 1311 to 1399 Codex Iuris Canonici 1983, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2008). Note: MA in ‘Society, Law, and Religion’.
CIC 1312; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1313; more favorable law to be applied to offender, as follows:
Free Notes:
• For examples of penalties being remitted upon the change of the substantival law underlying the penalties see, e.g., Cong. for Bishops, private reply to NCCB petition of 4 May 1977 (22 oct 1977), Canon Law Digest VIII: 1213-1214 or Origins 6/48 (19 mai 1977) 765-766, Origins 7/4 (16 jun 1977) 56, and Origins 7/23 (24 nov1977) 354, lifting the excommunication of those who, contrary to legislation of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore (1884), attempted civil marriage after divorce, and Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, decr. Post editam (15 nov 1966), AAS 58 (1966) 1186, Eng. trans., Canon Law Digest VI 817-818, abrogating Canons 1399 and 2318 of the Pio-Benedictine Code (basically, the “Index of Forbidden Books”) and immediately absolving those who might have incurred censures thereunder.
CIC 1314; deliberative and automatic sanctions, as follows:
Free Notes:
• Bl. Pope Pius IX effected a major reorganization of latae sententiae penalties in 1869. See Pius IX (reg. 1846-1878), con. Apostolica Sedis moderationi (12 oct 1869), Acta Sanctae Sedis 5 (1869) 287-312, also in P. Gasparri & J. Serédi, Codicis Iuris Canonici Fontes, in 9 vols., (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1923-1949) III: 24-31.
CIC 1315; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1316; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1317; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1318; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1319; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1320; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1321; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1322; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1323; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1324; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1325; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1326; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1327; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1328; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1329; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1330; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1331; excommunication, as follows:
• Joâo Corso (= Salesian, =), De obligatorietate sententiae excommunicationis vitiatae apud canonistas a medio saeculo XIV usque ad codicem iuris canonici (1350-1917), (Salesianum diss. 187, 1981) 77 pp (part).
CIC 1332; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1333; suspension; ─
Comment: Under Canon 1333 suspension affects only clerics in regard to their office, yet, many ecclesiastical offices can now be held by lay persons. Should not suspension from office be a penal option in regard to lay misconduct in office as well as to clerical, or, should dismissal from office be the only penal consequence applied against lay persons?
CIC 1334; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1335; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1336; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1337; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1338; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1339; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1340; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1341; penalties as a last resort, as follows:
Sources (Scriptural, RSV):
• Matthew XVIII: 15-17. If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.
CIC 1342; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1343; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1344; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1345; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1346; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1347; necessity of warning of penalties and repentance as withdrawing from contumacy, as follows:
• For an example of an excommunicate's withdrawing from contumacy, see Tissa Balasuriya, omi, "Statement of Reconciliation" (15 jan 1998), L'Osservatore Romano (Eng. ed., 21 jan 1998) =, Eng. on-line here.
CIC 1348; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1349; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1350; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1351; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1352; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1353; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1354; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1355; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1356; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1357; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1358; withdrawal from contumacy as necessary and sufficient condition for remission of penalty, as follows:
• For an example of remitting a censure, see +Nicholas Marcus Fernando (Colombo), "Decree of Reconciliation" (15 jan 1998) in L'Osservatore Romano (Eng. ed., 21 jan 1998) =, Eng. on-line here.
Free Notes:
• The remission of excommunications exchanged between Pope Paul VI and Athenagoras I in 1965 might be offered as an example of censures being vacated without their goals having been achieved. See Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978), ap. lit. Caritatis officia erga Ecclesiam Constantinopolitanam (07 dec 1965), AAS 58 (1966) 40-41. The sui generis character of Catholic-Orthodox relations, however, makes attempting to draw any canonical lessons from this incident very difficult. A better example of the gratuitous remission of censures is probably the decision made in 2009 by Benedict XVI to remit the censures of the bishops illicitly ordained by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre in 1988. See generally Edward Peters, "Benedict XVI's remission of the Lefebvrite excommunications: an analysis and alternative explanation", Studia Canonica 45 (2011) 165-189, reprinted in Canon Law Society of Great Britain & Ireland Newsletter, 172 (Dec 2012) 1, 8-29.
CIC 1359; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1360; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1361; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1362; prescription of criminal actions and reservation of certain offenses, as follows:
• Supreme Sacred Cong. of the Holy Office, instr. Crimen sollicitationis (16 mar 1962), (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1962) 61 pp. ▪ Eng. on-line here.
CIC 1363; prescriptions of execution of penalty; ─
CIC 1364; penalties for apostasy, heresy, and schism, as follows:
• [PCLT] (≠), Nota sulla scomunica per scisma in cui incorrono gli aderenti al movimento del Vescovo Marcel Lefebvre (24 aug 1996), Communicationes 29 (1997) 241-243, under a same-day cover letter at Communicationes 29 (1997) 239-240. ▪ Italian on-line here. Summary: Occasional participation in Lefebvrite liturgies, whatever the moral evaluation of such acts, do not constitute the crime of schism. Cites: 1323, 1324, 1364, 1382.
CIC 1365; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1366; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1367; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1368; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1369; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1370; No supplemental entries.
Pascite 1371; CIC 1371;
CIC 1372; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1373; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1374; prohibited societies.
• Pontificia Commissio Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo, Quinta Quaestio Specialis: De reassumptione can. 2335 vigentis C.I.C., Congregatio Plenaria 150-168, 308-335. Synopsis: Debate over express mention of Masons in the revised Code.
• [Sacred] Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (Šeper), decl. "De canonica disciplina quae sub poena excommunicationis vetat ne catholici nomen dant sectae Massonicae aliisque eiusdem generis associationibus" (17 feb 1981), AAS 73 (1981) 240-241. Summary: Reiteration of 1917 CIC 2335 levying automatic excommunication on Catholics who join Masonic organizations. Cites: (0915), (1374).
CIC 1375; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1376; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1377; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1378; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1379; No supplemental entries.
Pascite 1380; simony. CIC 1380; simony.
Catechism: CCC 2121. Simony is defined as the buying or selling of spiritual things. To Simon the magician, who wanted to buy the spiritual power he saw at work in the apostles, St. Peter responded: "Your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain God's gift with money!" Peter thus held to the words of Jesus: "You received without pay, give without pay. " It is impossible to appropriate to oneself spiritual goods and behave toward them as their owner or master, for they have their source in God. One can receive them only from him, without payment.
CIC 1381; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1382; illicit consecration of bishops, as follows:
▲ Special topic: The Marcel Lefebvre case.
• Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), let. La remissione (10 mar 2009), Communicationes 41 (2009) 27-31. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Benedict's explanation of his remission of Lefebvrite excommunications, apologies for how badly process was handled, and outline of current status of movement and relocation of Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" to CDF. Cites: (0331), (1383). Note: Benedict offers another version of this explanation in [Benedict XVI], Light of the World (Ignatius, 2010) 21-23, 120-123.
• [no name], art. expl. Una testimonianza [09 jul 2009], Communicationes 41 (2009) 326-327. ▪ Summary: Commentary on Ecclesiae unitatem (2009). Summary: Comment on Benedict's lifting of excommunication against four Lefebvrite bishops. Cites: ≠.
• Secretariat of State (≠), nota A seguito (04 feb 2009), AAS 101 (2009) 145-146. ▪ Ref: Lefebvre. Summary: Comment on Benedict's lifting of excommunication against four Lefebvrite bishops. Cites: ≠.
• Secretariat of State (≠), Animadversio Secretariae Status quoad remissionem poenae excommunicationis quattor Praesulum Fraternitatis sacerdotalis Sancti Pii X (04 feb 2009), Communicationes 41 (2009) 50-51 (Italian). ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: The remission of the 1988 excommunication levied against Bp. Richard Williamson in regard to his illicit episcopal ordination, does not imply ecclesiastical endorsement of his Holocaust denial views. Cites: (0331), (1347), (1358), (1383).
• [no office], [Press Release], "Misericordia e attesa" [24 jan 2009], Communicationes 41 (2009) 95-96. Summary: Announcement of remission of excommunications in Lefebvre case. Summary: Statement to the press concerning the remission of the Lefebvrite excommunications. Cites: (1382).
• Cong. for Bishops (Re), decr. Con lettera (21 jan 2009), Communicationes 41 (2009) 94-95. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Remission of excommunication levied 1 jul 1988 against Fellay, Tissier de Mallerais, Williamson, and Alfonso de Galarreta, and expression of desire that full communion be achieved promptly in the future. Cites: (1347), (1358), (1364), (1382).
• [PCLT] (Herranz), not. expl. Con lettera (24 aug 1996) Communicationes 29 (1997) 239-243. Summary: Questions posed by Bp. Norbert Brunner of Sion (Switzerland) concerning the excommunication of Abp. Lefebvre et al. do not require authentic interpretation. Cites: 1364, 1382.
• Cong. for Bishops (Gantin), decr. Dominus Marcellus Lefebvre (01 jul 1988), Communicationes 20 (1988) 166. ▪ Eng. on-line here. Summary: Lefebvre, Fellay, Tissier de Mallerais, Williamson, and Alfonso de Galarreta are declared to have incurred excommunication for their schismatic act. Cites: 1364, 1382.
• Gerard Murray, “The canonical status of the lay faithful associated with the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X: are they excommunicated as schismatics?”, (Gregorian licentiate thesis, 1995).
► Special topic: Chinese ordinations, here.
• Secretariat of State (≠), Dichiarazione della Santa Sede: ordinazione episcopale nella diocesi di Shantou, provincia di Guangdong, Cina continentale (16 jul 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 534. ▪ Summary: Outlines canonical consequences of the illicit ordination of Giueseppe Huan Bingzhang. Cites: 1382.
• Secretariat of State (≠), Statement of the Holy See: episcopal ordination in the diocese of Leshan, province of Sichuan, mainland China (04 jul 2011), AAS 103 (2011) 533. ▪ Summary: Outlines canonical consequences of the illicit ordination of Paul Lei Shiyin. Cites: 1382.
CIC 1383; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1384; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1385; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1386; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1387; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1388; violation the seal of or secrecy related to Confession, as follows:
Note: The 1988 declaration of excommunication by CDF against those who record Confessions, etc. seems to be a post-Code reiteration of a similar declaration made by CDF in 1973. See DOL 954-955. /// See also Canon 1399.
CIC 1389; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1390; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1391; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1392; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1393; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1394; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1395; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1396; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1397; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1398; abortion, as follows:
• John Sullivan, "De his qui aborsum procurant quaeritur an iudicentur homicidae vel non: the crime of abortion in the Corpus Iuris Canonici", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).
• John Connery, (American Jesuit, 1913-1987) Abortion: The Development of the Roman Catholic Perspective (Loyola, 1977) 336 pp.
CIC 1399; general penal norm, as follows:
Free Notes:
• A number of canonical crimes are found outside of codified law, including: the attempted ordination of a woman, per Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, decr. gen. "De delicto attentatae sacrae ordinationis mulieris" (30 mai 2008); violation of conclave secrecy, per John Paul II, ap. con. Universi Dominici Gregis (1996) nn. 58, 78, 80, 81; possession of child pornography, per =, recording of Confession, per =, and violation of pontifical secrecy, per =.
CIC 1400; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1401; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1402; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1403; beatification and canonization, as follows:
• Benedict XIV (reg.1740-1758), Opera Omnia in Tomos XVII Distributa, (Prati: Typographia Aldina, 1839-1845), vols. I-VII, De Servorum Dei Beatificatione et Beatorum Canonizatione [1734-1738].
• Kenneth Woodward (American layman, 1935-), Making Saints how the Catholic Church determines who becomes a saint, who doesn’t, and why (Touchstone, 1996) 461 pp.
• Philip Scarcella, “Pope Benedict XIV’s De servorum Dei beatificatione et beatorum canonizatione: a study on canonical principles and procedures”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).
• Blogpost, 11 jul 2017.
CIC 1404; "The First See is judged by no one." as follows:
• Blogpost, 19 aug 2017.
CIC 1405; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1406; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1407;
No supplemental entries.
CIC 1408; No supplemental entries.
Scholarly: • Mark Plewka, "The office of the 'officialis' in the Corpus Iuris Canonci", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).
CIC 1421; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1422; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1423; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1424; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1425; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1426; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1427; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1428; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1429; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1430; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1431; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1432; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1433; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1434; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1435; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1436; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1437; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1438; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1439; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1440; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1441; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1442; judicial supremacy of Roman Pontiff; as follows:
CIC 1443; Roman Rota fundamentals, as follows:
Scholarly: • Charles Lefebvre, “Vie et activités d’un auditeur de Rote au XV s.: Barthélemy dei Belencinis”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 155-165.
CIC 1444; Roman Rota decisions, as follows:
Resources: • Roman Rota I, here; Roman Rota II, here.
Scholarly: • Carolus Holböck (Austrian priest, 1905-1984), Tractatus de Jurisprudentia Sacrae Romanae Rotae 1909-1946 (Verlag Styria, 1957) 400 pp. ▪ Summary: Case summaries of numerous Rotal cases.
CIC 1445; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1446; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1447; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1448; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1449; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1450;
No supplemental entries. CIC 1473;
No supplemental entries. CIC 1474; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1475; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1476; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1477; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1478; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1479; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1480; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1481; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1482; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1483; No supplemental
entries. CIC 1488;
No supplemental entries.
CIC 1496; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1497; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1498; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1499; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1500; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1501; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1508; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1509; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1510; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1511; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1512; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1513; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1514; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1515; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1516; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1517; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1518; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1519; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1520; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1521; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1522; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1523; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1524; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1525; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1526; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1527; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1528; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1529; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1530; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1531; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1532; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1533; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1534; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1535; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1536; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1537; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1538; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1539; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1540; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1541; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1542; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1543; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1544; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1545; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1546; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1547; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1548; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1549; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1550; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1551; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1552; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1553; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1554; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1555; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1556; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1557; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1558; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1559; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1560; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1561; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1562; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1563; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1564; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1565; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1566; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1567; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1568; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1569; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1570; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1571; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1572; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1573; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1574; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1575; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1576; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1577; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1578; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1579; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1580; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1581; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1582; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1583; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1584; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1585; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1586; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1587; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1588; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1589; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1590; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1591; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1592; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1593; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1594; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1595; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1596; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1597; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1598; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1599; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1600; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1601; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1602; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1603; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1604; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1605; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1606; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1607; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1608; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1609; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1610; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1611; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1612; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1613; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1614; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1615; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1616; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1617; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1618; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1619; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1620; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1621; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1622; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1623; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1624; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1625; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1626; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1627; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1628; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1629; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1630; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1631; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1632; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1633; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1634; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1635; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1636; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1637; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1638; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1639; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1640; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1641; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1642; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1643; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1644; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1645; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1646; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1647; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1648; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1649; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1650; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1651; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1652; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1653; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1654; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1655; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1656; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1657; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1658; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1659; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1660; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1661; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1662; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1663; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1664; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1665; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1666; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1667; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1668; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1669; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1670; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1671; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1672; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1673; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1674; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1675; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1676; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1677; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1678; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1679; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1680; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1681; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1682; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1683; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1684; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1685; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1686; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1687; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1688; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1689; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1690; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1691; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1692; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1693; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1694; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1695; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1696; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1697; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1698; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1699; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1700; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1701; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1702; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1703; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1704; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1705; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1706; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1707; norms applicable to cases of alleged spousal death, as follows:
Official: • A translation of the Holy Office instruction Matrimonio vinculo (1868) is provided in Special Marriage Cases (2008) 235-238.
CIC 1708; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1709; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1710; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1711; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1712; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1713; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1714; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1715; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1716; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1717; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1718; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1719; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1720; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1721; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1722; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1723; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1724; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1725; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1726; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1727; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1728; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1729; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1730; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1731; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1732; No supplemental entries.
▲ Special topic: Administrative tribunals.
Scholarly: • Roger Kenyon, “The Ecclesial Rights Forum”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) I: 355-373. • Kevin Matthews (Australian priest, 1940-), The development and future of the administrative tribunal, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1984) xv-340 pp. ▪ Abstract and/or dissertation here. Appeared in Studia Canonica 18 (1984) 8-233.
CIC 1733; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1734; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1735; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1736; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1737; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1738; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1739; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1740; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1741; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1742; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1743; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1744; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1745; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1746; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1747; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1748; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1749; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1750; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1751; No supplemental entries.
CIC 1752; referral to Canon 1747, observance of canonical equity. Latine.
Schoalrly: • Philip Wilson, “The medieval antecedents of the canonical doctrine of equity in the Summa Aurea of Hostiensis”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).
[ A.M.D.G. ]
Texts |
Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (Coccopalmerio) Explanatory Note Regarding CCEO Canon 0001 (08 dec 2011)
For some years, the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, with the help of a broad group of Consultors, has steadily conducted work to harmonize the normative provisions of the CIC and the CCEO that more immediately affect ordinary pastoral activity, in keeping with what has emerged from the experience of these years. One of the arguments examined has regarded CCEO c. 1 and, concretely, the meaning that, in the above-mentioned canon and in the entire discipline of the Eastern Code, the term expresse has, a question that in a recurring way affects numerous situations of pastoral importance considered by CCEO. The working Commission of the Pontifical Council has begun an in-depth study of the theme in question, checking the contexts in which the canons of CCEO use the term expresse with regard to relations among the various Churches sui iuris and looking to verify if the Legislator intended in those situations to include also the Latin Church. Although, for other matters currently being studied, this Pontifical Council intends to present some legislative changes to the Legislator regarding the significance of the term expresse in CCEO c. 1 following the proposals of the working Commission, we have considered it sufficient to compose an Explanatory Note, which gives an official explanation of it without, on the other hand, having to make recourse to an authentic Interpretation. Regarding the theme in question, there has not been complete unanimity among scholars. As is known, in the proceedings of the Eastern codification, it was decided that the cases in which the Latin Church remains bound by the norms of CCEO are to be absolutely peremptory (Nuntia 22, p. 22; cfr. also ibid., p. 13). This imposes a strict criterion in considering if an Eastern norm expressly includes the Latin Church. In this sense, some authors have affirmed that the Latin Church is included only when it is “explicitly” named by the norms of CCEO. However, the majority of authors believe that the express mention of the Latin Church in the canons can occur both in an Aexplicit@ and an Aimplicit@ way, when that follows reasonably from the context in which the norm is placed. Indeed, the term expresse would only be opposed to tacite, while an express mention could be made both in an explicit and an implicit way. According to this distinction, which appears reasonably confirmed by the normative provisions of CCEO, besides the canons in which the Latin Church is “explicitly” named, there are also other canons of the same Code in which it is included “implicitly,” if one takes into account the text and context of the norm, as CCEO c. 1499 requires. It is therefore necessary to begin with the expressions contained in the norm to be interpreted and with the context in which it is found to determine if the Latin Church is implicitly included in it or not. This is the case, for example, of the CCEO norms that concern juridical relations with the various Churches of the one Catholic Church. Consequently, one must hold that the Latin Church is implicitly included by analogy each time that CCEO explicitly uses the term “Church sui iuris” in the context of interecclesial relations. We say “by analogy” keeping in mind that the characteristics of the Latin Church, though not coinciding completely with those of the Church sui iuris described in canons 27 and 28, §1 of CCEO, in this regard are, nevertheless, substantially similar. +Francesco Coccopalmerio SOURCE: PCLT, Explanatory Note Regarding CCEO Canon 1, December 8, 2011, Communicationes 43 (2011) 315-316. English trans. by Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv.
| CIC 1443
L. Wrenn, ed., Divorce and Remarriage in the Catholic Church (Newman, 1973) 152 pp. |
▪ ≡
Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis
Code of Canon Law
| The 1998 Professio replaces Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith (=), "Professio fidei et iusiurandum fidelitatis", AAS 81 (1989) 104-106 vel Communicationes 21 (1989) 32-34. Eng. trans. Canon Law Digest XII: 559-561, here. • Italiano.
• Thierry Blot (French priest, =), Le curé de paroisse, pasteur de la communauté locale: étude de l'institution curiale en France du Concile de Trente à la fin du XX siècle, (Gregorian diss. 4636, 1999) 94 pp (part). ▪ Biograph.
• Robert Sable (American priest, =), "Dolus" and "error conditionis servitutis": a critical historical analysis, (Gregorian diss. 3426, 1987) xvi-403 pp.
• Albin Kouhon (Ivory Coast priest, ≈), La laïcité de l'État et le droit de liberté religieuse aujourd'hui: le dimensioni logologiche ed antropologiche della cristologia di A. Rosmini, (Urbanianum diss., 2001) v-306 pp. ▪ Biograph.
Canon 1378 / It appears that Martha Heizer was 2014 here.
• Jean Marie Hervé (1881-1958), Manuale Theologiae Dogmaticae [1924], in 4 vols., 19th ed., (Newman, 1943).
as follows:
check all DOL to see if all there, or just intro.
Free Notes:
Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis
Sacred Cong. for Divine Worship
Cong. for Divine Worship
Cong. for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments
Paul VI (reg. 1963-1978)
Codex Iuris Canonici Pii X Pontificis Maximi, iussu digestus, Benedicti Papae XV, auctoritate promulgatus, as amended, Acta Apostolicae Sedis 9/2 (1917) 11-521. ▪ Original version digitized here (including footnotes and supporting documentation) and in dispositive text (canons only) here.
Numerous monographic printings of the 1917 Code by a variety of publishers appeared over the decades. All of them are textually reliable.
• Guiscardus Moschetti (Italian ≈, ≈), Bibliographia Iuris Canonici ex ephemeridibus ab a. 1918 ad an.1934 (Casa Editrice del Libro Italiano, 1942) 335 pp.
• Canon Law Abstracts, beginning in =
• Advisory Opinions and Published Consultations, information here.
User notes | There might be editions of works that pre-date or post-date those cited herein. Reviews and Notes are grey-highlighted, on-line biographical information is underlined blue-linked, and matters in green highlights are of special interest. Yellow highlights are cautions for users while the markers "=", "≠", and "≈" are placeholders for use by webmaster. |
Materials on this website represent the opinions of Dr. Edward Peters and are offered in accord with Canon 212 § 3. This website undergoes continual refinement and development. No warranty of completeness or correctness is made. Dr. Peters' views are not necessarily shared by others in the field nor are they intended as canonical or civil advice. Homepage & Site Directory / Help support / Original Materials © Edward N. Peters |
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